Bluetooth Certification - Laica S.p.A.

SMART electronic body composition scale - PS7025

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Devices with this approval are certified to work with the Bluetooth Spec.

Bluetooth Certifications

Device Name Model(s) Company Declaration ID Certification Date
SMART electronic body composition scale
LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, PS7025~ LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, PS7025-CA~ LAICA SMART ele...

ctronic body composition scale, FI1914B~ LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, FG1914B~

Laica S.p.A.D066194 (66194)2023-11-20
SMART electronic body composition scale
LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, PS7025~ LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, PS7025-CA~ LAICA SMART ele...

ctronic body composition scale, FI1914B~ LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, FG1914B~

Laica S.p.A.D066194 (66194)2023-11-20
SMART electronic body composition scale
LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, PS7025~ LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, PS7025-CA~ LAICA SMART ele...

ctronic body composition scale, FI1914B~ LAICA SMART electronic body composition scale, FG1914B~

Laica S.p.A.D066194 (66194)2023-11-20

References To This Certification

Device Name Company Model ID QID Certification Date
SMART electronic body composition scale Laica S.p.A. PS70252283142023-11-20

SMART electronic body composition scale, Smart scale to measure weight and the body balance, it calculates the body fat %, the body water %, the skeletal musculature %, the basal metabolic rate, the body mass index and it detects the heartbeat. It automatically sends body composition data to smartphone via Bluetooth. - Listing Submitted - BQA Approved
  Hardware Version: V3.0
  Software Version: V1.0.0
  TCRL Version: TCRL 2023-1
    Released 2023-06-2, Ends

Reference Design Components
Component DescriptionQID
Device Information Service
Interoperability Test Suite
Product Type
Summary ICS

Chipsea Technologies (ShenZhen) Corp. , CST92F2x is a bluetooth module which bases on bluetooth 5.0 protocol stack.

Reference Design Components
Component DescriptionQID
Attribute Protocol
Generic Access Profile
Generic Attribute Profile
Interoperability Test Suite
Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol
Low Energy Link Layer
Low Energy RF PHY
Product Type
Security Manager Protocol
Summary ICS

Product NameCompany NameProduct TypeQID
CST92FxxChipsea Technologies (ShenZhen) Corp.Component (Tested)121514

Products Using this Certification

Model ID Device Name Company
PS7025 SMART Electronic Body Composition Scale Laica S P A
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategorySmart scale to measure weight and the body balance, it calculates the body fat %, the body water %, the skeletal musculature %, the basal metabolic rate, the body mass index and it detects the heartbeat. It automatically sends body composition data to smartphone via Bluetooth.
Company URL
PS7025 LAICA SMART Electronic Body Composition Scale Laica S P A
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryUnique Products
Company URL
PS7025-CA LAICA SMART Electronic Body Composition Scale Laica S P A
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryUnique Products
Company URL
FI1914B LAICA SMART Electronic Body Composition Scale Laica S P A
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryUnique Products
Company URL
FG1914B LAICA SMART Electronic Body Composition Scale Laica S P A
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryUnique Products
Company URL

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