Bluetooth Certification - Panasonic Holdings Corporation

Bluetooth 4.2 - CV-RH1ES0AZ

Additional breadcrumbs based on device ID

Devices with this approval are certified to work with the Bluetooth Spec.

Bluetooth Certifications

Device Name Model(s) Company Declaration ID Certification Date
Bluetooth 4.2Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RH1ES0AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RH1ES1AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RHVFS0AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RHVFS1AZ~Panasonic Holdings CorporationD066248 (66248)2023-11-20
Bluetooth 4.2Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RH1ES0AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RH1ES1AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RHVFS0AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RHVFS1AZ~Panasonic Holdings CorporationD066248 (66248)2023-11-20
Bluetooth 4.2Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RH1ES0AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RH1ES1AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RHVFS0AZ~ Bluetooth 4.2, CV-RHVFS1AZ~Panasonic Holdings CorporationD066248 (66248)2023-11-20

References To This Certification

Device Name Company Model ID QID Certification Date
Bluetooth 4.2 Panasonic Holdings Corporation 2023-11-20

Panasonic Holdings Corporation , Bluetooth+WLAN Module

Reference Design Components
Component DescriptionQID
4.0 Host Controller Interface
Baseband Conformance81685
Host Controller Interface
Link Manager Protocol81685
Low Energy Link Layer81685
Low Energy RF PHY
Product Type
Summary ICS

iAuto (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. , Bluetec is a portable and dual-mode Bluetooth software stack that complies with the Core Specification of the Bluetooth 5.2. It can be ported to any platform and OS. It also implement various profiles with all mandatory features and some optional features.

Reference Design Components
Component DescriptionQID
4.0 Host Controller Interface
Advanced Audio Distribution Profile
Alert Notification Profile
Attribute Protocol
Audio/Video Control Transport Protocol
Audio/Video Distribution Transport Protocol
Audio/Video Remote Control Profile
Basic Imaging Profile
Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
Device Identification
Dial-up Networking Profile
Find Me Profile
Generic Access Profile
Generic Attribute Profile
Generic Audio/Video Distribution Profile
Hands-Free Profile
Host Controller Interface
Human Interface Device Profile
Interoperability Test Suite
Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol
Message Access Profile
Object Push Profile
Personal Area Network Profile
Phone Book Access Profile
Product Type
Security Manager Protocol
Serial Port Profile
Service Discovery Protocol
Summary ICS
Time Profile

Product NameCompany NameProduct TypeQID
QCA6564A-3, QCA6574A-3, QCA6574A-1, QCA6584-3, QCA6564A-1, QCA6174A Bluetooth ComponentQualcomm Technologies, Inc.Component (Tested)81685

Product NameCompany NameProduct TypeQID

Products Using this Certification

Model ID Device Name Company
CV-RH1ES0AZ Bluetooth 4.2 Panasonic Holdings Corp
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryAutomotive
Company URL
CV-RH1ES1AZ Bluetooth 4.2 Panasonic Holdings Corp
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryAutomotive
Company URL
CV-RHVFS0AZ Bluetooth 4.2 Panasonic Holdings Corp
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryAutomotive
Company URL
CV-RHVFS1AZ Bluetooth 4.2 Panasonic Holdings Corp
Certification Date2023-11-20
Product CategoryAutomotive
Company URL

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