Bluetooth Certification - Signify Netherlands B.V.

RSP - ESP-L-010-347

Additional breadcrumbs based on device ID

Devices with this approval are certified to work with the Bluetooth Spec.

Bluetooth Certifications

Device Name Model(s) Company Declaration ID Certification Date
RSPRSP, RSP-L-010-347 ESP-L-010-347~Signify Netherlands B.V.D068067 (68067)2024-05-15
RSPRSP, RSP-L-010-347 ESP-L-010-347~Signify Netherlands B.V.D068067 (68067)2024-05-15

References To This Certification

Device Name Company Model ID QID Certification Date
RSP Signify Netherlands B.V. RSP-L-010-347 ESP-L-010-3472385042024-05-15

RSP, Relay Switch Pack 120-347V with 0-10V and BLE Mesh connectivity - Listing Submitted - BQA Approved
  Hardware Version: 2.5
  Software Version: bt_soc_dtm_RSP
  TCRL Version: TCRL 2023-1
    Released 2023-06-2, Ends

Reference Design Components
Component DescriptionQID
4.0 Host Controller Interface
Attribute Protocol175341
Generic Access Profile175341
Generic Attribute Profile175341
Interoperability Test Suite
Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol175341
Low Energy Link Layer178212
Low Energy RF PHY156906
Product Type
Security Manager Protocol175341
Summary ICS

Products Using this Certification

Model ID Device Name Company
ESP-L-010-347 RSP Signify Netherlands B V
Certification Date2024-04-12
Product CategoryRelay Switch Pack 120-347V with 0-10V and BLE Mesh connectivity
Company URL
RSP-L-010-347 RSP Signify Netherlands B V
Certification Date2024-04-12
Product CategoryRelay Switch Pack 120-347V with 0-10V and BLE Mesh connectivity
Company URL
ESP-L-010-347 RSP Signify Netherlands B V
Certification Date2024-05-15
Product CategoryUnique Products
Company URL
RSP-L-010-347 RSP Signify Netherlands B V
Certification Date2024-05-15
Product CategoryUnique Products
Company URL

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