
Broadcom Corporation

802.11 a/ax WLAN Router - Original Equipment

Production: 270 Innovation Drive San Jose United States

Contact Email: 📧 [email protected]

Certifications & Resources

Device Name Model Certification Type Certification Date
802.11 a/ax WLAN Router BRCM1097 FCC ID 2024-02-09
FCC Application Details
Equipment802.11 a/ax WLAN Router
Grantee CodeQDS
Product Code-BRCM1097
Applicant BusinessBroadcom Corporation
Business Address270 Innovation Drive , San Jose, California United States 95134
TCB ScopeA4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantAnne Liang – Manager, Compliance Engineering
Applicant Phone
Applicant Fax408-543-3377
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test FirmSporton International Inc. Hsinchu Laboratory
Test Firm ContactAlex Chen
Test Firm Phone
Test Firm Fax+886-3-327-0978
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified ByAnne Liang – Senior Manager
BCM94912REF1D WiFi QDS-BRCM1097, QDSBRCM1097, brcm1097, BCM94912REF1D WLAN WiFi, BCM94912REF1D, BCM94912REF1D WiFi, WLAN WiFi, WLAN, WiFi Instructions 2024-01-11

Documents - broadcom – brcm1097,QDS-BRCM1097,QDSBRCM1097,BRCM1097
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
Broadcom Corporation BRCM1097 QDS QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
To: Date: Subject: Message: aliang 7/11/2024 10:51:20 Short-Term Confidentiality Release Notification, Form 731 Confirmation Number: TC385824 FCC ID: QDS-BRCM1097 This is to notify that this application TC385824 granted on 02/09/2024 is approaching the short-term confidentiality releas...
lang: score:102 filesize: 6.16 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-07-11
[pdf] User Manual
Microsoft Word BCM94912REF1D professional installation manual updated on 8 30 23 1 ElsaLin QDS BRCM1097 User 0111 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:59 filesize: 96.19 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-01-11
[pdf] Test Report
FCC Test Report Bunny Sporton QDS BRCM1097 MPE 1204 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:58 filesize: 351.68 K page_count: 9 document date: 2023-12-04
Bunny Sporton QDS BRCM1097 FCC RF Test photo UNII 5 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:57 filesize: 414.53 K page_count: 3 document date: 2023-11-01
[pdf] Product Photos Teardown
Microsoft Word Photographs of EUT EP350423 ElsaLin QDS BRCM1097 Internal photo Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:57 filesize: 4.6 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-01
[pdf] Product Photos
Microsoft Word Photographs of EUT EP350423 ElsaLin QDS BRCM1097 External photo Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:57 filesize: 940.62 K page_count: 6 document date: 2023-11-01
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Microsoft Word BCM94912REF1D 6GHz UNII 5 declaration doc Anne Liang QDS BRCM1097 0111 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:54 filesize: 542.79 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-01-11
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Microsoft Word QDS BRCM1097 FCC submission letters final docx al914372 Declaration on LPI AP Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:54 filesize: 801.52 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-01
Microsoft Word Geolocation General Description FINAL 12 21 23 David Boldy QDS BRCM1097 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:54 filesize: 739.42 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-01-18
Bunny QDS BRCM1097 FCC AFC DUT Test Harness Report Broadcom Corporation 802 11 a ax WLAN Router QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:53 filesize: 3.91 M page_count: 444 document date: 2023-11-01
[pdf] Agent Authorization
Microsoft Word QDS BRCM1097 FCC submission letters final docx Anne Liang USA agent Letter 0111 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:52 filesize: 852.79 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-01-11
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
Microsoft Word QDS BRCM1097 FCC submission letters final docx Anne Liang Confidentiality Request Letter 0118 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:52 filesize: 694.69 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-01-18
Microsoft Word QDS BRCM1097 FCC submission letters final docx al914372 Attestation Statements 2 911 d 5 Broadcom Corporation QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:52 filesize: 808.17 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-01
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Microsoft Word FCC Declaration letter 1204 ElsaLin QDS BRCM1097 SECTION 5301 Broadcom Corporation 802 11 a ax WLAN Router QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:52 filesize: 134.16 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-04
[pdf] Test Report
Bunny Sporton QDS BRCM1097 FCC RF Test Report UNII 5 1204 Broadcom Corporation 802 11 a ax WLAN Router QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:52 filesize: 4.74 M page_count: 196 document date: 2023-12-04
[pdf] Label
Proposed FCC ID Label and Location Broadcom Corporation Design Review Summary for Job J89671 Ann Liang aliang@broadcom Anne QDS BRCM1097 location QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:51 filesize: 107.17 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-01
Microsoft Word ant spec 2024 01 10 ElsaLin QDS BRCM1097 Antenna 0111 Broadcom Corporation 802 11 a ax WLAN Router QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:51 filesize: 1.29 M page_count: 8 document date: 2024-01-11
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Microsoft Word QDS BRCM1097 FCC submission letters final docx al914372 Declaration on SP AP Broadcom Corporation 802 11 a ax WLAN Router QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:50 filesize: 801.39 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-01
Microsoft Word QDS BRCM1097 FCC submission letters final docx al914372 Letter of Authorization Sporton Broadcom Corporation 802 11 a ax WLAN Router QDSBRCM1097 brcm1097
lang: score:50 filesize: 682.22 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-01

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