

- Level 3 - Kitchen Machine

Certifications & Resources

Device Name Model Certification Type Certification Date
CAP80 CAP80 ERAC 2024-02-08
ERAC Certification Details
DescriptionElectric Can Opener
Inputs220-240V~, 70W, 50-60Hz
Equipment ClassLevel 3 - Kitchen Machine
Expiry Date2029-02-08

Documents - delonghi australia pty,kenwood – cap80,CAP80,NSW29198
[pdf] Instructions Troubleshooting Guide Guide Diagram Label
5720800002 Iss 1 CAP80 English Arabic julielong TYPE 15 juil 2024 — Plug the can opener into power supply 2 Lift up piercing lever 3 Place rim of firmly under magnetic lid holder and CAP80000WH 290526 context bWFzdGVyfGRhbV9tYW51YWxzfDEzODI1NTd8YXBwbGljYXRpb24vcGRmfGFEbGtMMmhrTWk4Mk5UTXdPVE14TlRNd01UUXdOaTlEUV kenwoodworld medias bWFzdGVyfGRhbV9tYW51YWxzfDEzODI1NTd8YXBwbGljYXRpb24vcGRmfGFEbGtMMmhrTWk4Mk5UTXdPVE14TlRNd01UUXdOaTlEUVZBNE1EQXdNRmRJTFRJNU1EVXlOZ3xmYjhkMzUwYjNmYzQ4NjM1MDRlNDJlNTcwM2FiYTgwNTc1ZWZmZTQ1ZGQ2Nzk1ZjEwZWExNzNiYWNjODg2ODI2 |||
TYPE CAP80 instructions w English 2 - 11 - English O Safety Text 2 O Plug and Fuse Information 3 O Care and Cleaning 4 O Part List 5 O To Use Your Can Opener 6-7 O Usage Diagrams and Usage Instructions 6-7 O To Use The Bottle Opener 8 O Usage Diagrams and Usage Instructions 8 ...
lang:en score:38 filesize: 1.32 M page_count: 24 document date: 2024-02-08
[pdf] Guide
Workshop equipment guide Television 2004 03 worldradiohistory UK Practical 00s |||
1TIE1111 S Tips, guides and reports for people repairing televisions and elctronic equipment AND HO ... 5 4.7uF CAP77 . 0.35 10 6.8uF CAP180. 0.50 10 10uF CAP78 0.50 10 15uF CAP79 . 0.95 10 22uF CAP80 . 0.75 5 33uF CAP81 0.85 2 47uF CAP82 .0.95 5 56uF CAP181 1.10 2 68uF CAP83 1.30 100uF...
lang:en score:21 filesize: 6.24 M page_count: 68 document date: 2020-01-05
[pdf] Guide
TV video Spares guide 2004 Television 05 worldradiohistory UK Practical 00s |||
ITEILL Il S0 NEWS AND TECHNOLOGY INSTALLATION SERVICE DEVELOPMENT A N D CO NSU MER ELECTR O NICS M ... uF CAP195....1.00 10 22uF CAP108..2.25 5 1000uF .CAP33 ..2.10 10 1000uF .CAP60 ..4.35 10 22uF CAP80 ..0.75 10 10uF CAP147....1.40 10 33uF CAP214 .2.25 5 1200uF .CAP169....1.50 5 1500uF .CAP...
lang:en score:20 filesize: 6.27 M page_count: 68 document date: 2020-01-05
[pdf] Guide
Workshop equipment guide Television 2004 03 S OCR worldradiohistory UK Practical 00s |||
Tips, guides and reports for people repairing televisions and electronic equipment TELEVISION AND HO ... CAP79 . 10.95 5 4 7uF CAP195 .1.00 10 2.2uF .CAP108 .2.25 5 10 1000uF ..CAP60 . 14.35 10 22uF CAP80 ...10.75 10 10uF CAP147 .1.40 10 3.3uF CAP214 .2.25 5 5 1500uF CAP173 .4.00 5 33uF CAP81 ...
lang:en score:20 filesize: 4.1 M page_count: 68 document date: 2019-08-31

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