

- Level 3 - Kitchen Machine

Certifications & Resources

Device Name Model Certification Type Certification Date
HDP101WG HDP101WG ERAC 2017-12-07
ERAC Certification Details
Inputs220-240V, 600W, 50/60Hz
Equipment ClassLevel 3 - Kitchen Machine
Expiry Date2022-12-07

Documents - delonghi australia pty,kenwood – hdp101wg,HDP101WG,NSW27781
[pdf] Datasheet Dimension Guide
HDP101WG Hand Blender kenadmin Download Kenwood Triblade Data Sheet Shop Online Crosscraft crosscraft mt 2021 02 |||
Effortless blending everyday HDP101WG Hand Blender The patented TribladeTM technology is a combination of innovations designed to create the most effective blending system. The shape of the foot and the internal ribs disrupts the flow of ingredients pushing food onto the three angled blades. This c...
lang:en score:53 filesize: 289.47 K page_count: 2 document date: 2021-03-15
[pdf] Instructions Label
TYPE HDP10 Kenwood 2 giorni fa — Chopper attachment Meat bowl Turbo 10 15 secs 250g Herbs 5 30g Nuts HDP101WG 248229 context bWFzdGVyfGRhbV9tYW51YWxzfDg4NTU0MHxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9wZGZ8aDFlL2g5MC8yODMxODI0MTE2MTI0Ni9IRFAxMDFXRy0yNDgy kenwoodworld medias bWFzdGVyfGRhbV9tYW51YWxzfDg4NTU0MHxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9wZGZ8aDFlL2g5MC8yODMxODI0MTE2MTI0Ni9IRFAxMDFXRy0yNDgyMjl8MmUyY2Q0MGM3ODNmYTFkZDVkMDA5ODdmNzg4ODZjZDQxMGZlZWFlYTUzMjgxYTIyMmVjMTJhZWY1MmE5MTVjOQ |||
TYPE HDP10 instructions w English 2 - 7 - Kenwood Ltd New Lane Havant Hampshire PO9 2NH kenwoodworld.com Copyright 2020 Kenwood Limited. All rights reserved 136145/4 A 6 6 1 2 3 2 2 7 7 1 1 4 5 5 8 8 4 4 9 9 10 10 5 3 3 11 11 12 12 English safety l Read these...
lang:en score:24 filesize: 864.78 K page_count: 14 document date: 2020-10-17
[pdf] Safety Datasheet
Date de mise à jour 15 04 2019 DUREE DE LA GARANTIE PROCEDURE SAV 10344102 cdn s1 lyreco staticswebshop sds FRFR |||
PROCEDURE SAV Date de mise jour 15/04/2019 A NOTER: pour les produits BRAUN de la catgorie Beaut ... I HB KW VSP MMSH WH 1LT INHTDM802SI 15/02/16 HDM804SI HB KW VSP WH 1L CH FROTHDINMT804SI 26/04/17 HDP101WG HB KW 1SP PLW BK INT HDP101WG 26/04/17 HDP106WG HB KW 1SP MEW BK INT HDP106WG 26/04/17 HD...
lang:fr score:10 filesize: 1.27 M page_count: 41 document date: 2020-11-10

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