Partner Name | Fujitsu Limited |
Model Name | PRIMERGY CX2560 M6 E-Star Fam1 |
Updated On | 2024-09-12 |
Last Update | 2024-09-13 |
Form Factor | Multi-node |
Product Processor Socket Count | 2 |
Single Server | No |
Resilient System | No |
Number of Nodes for Multi-node | 4 |
Error Correcting Code | Yes |
Error Correcting Code Enabled in Hardware as Shipped | Yes |
Available Expansion Slots | 3 |
Operating Systems Supported | Windows,Linux,Other |
Operating System Used for Testing | Windows |
Power Saving Features Available | Other |
Power Saving Features Enabled | Other |
End User Required Power Saving Features | N/A |
Other Power Saving Feature 1: Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Storage Power Management Enabled in Hardware on Shipment | Yes |
Memory Power Management Enabled in Hardware on Shipment | Yes |
I/O Power Management Enabled in Hardware on Shipment | Yes |
Processor Dynamic Voltage Scaling Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Processor Dynamic Frequency Scaling Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Processor Dynamic Voltage Scaling End-User Enabling Required | No |
Processor Dynamic Frequency Scaling End-User Enabling Required | No |
Processor or Core Reduced Power States Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Processor or Core Reduced Power States Enabling Required | No |
Power Capping Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Power Capping End-User Enabling Required | No |
Variable Speed Fan Control Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Variable Speed Fan Control End-User Enabling Required | No |
Low Power Memory States Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Low Power Memory States End-User Enabling Required | No |
Low Power I/O States Enabled on Shipment | Yes |
Liquid Cooling Capability Enabled on Shipment | No |
Liquid Cooling Capability End-User Enabling Required | No |
Available DIMM Slots | 24 |
Maximum Memory Capacity (GB) | 3072 |
SERT Version | Other |
Installed Processors for Low-end Performance Configuration | 1 |
Installed Processors for Typical or Single Configuration | 1 |
Installed Processors for High-end Performance Configuration | 1 |
Cores Per Processor Low-end Performance Configuration | 8 |
Cores Per Processor Typical or Single Configuration | 12 |
Cores Per Processor High-end Performance Configuration | 24 |
Number of Threads for Low-end Performance Configuration | 16 |
Number of Threads for Typical or Single Configuration | 24 |
Number of Threads for High-end Performance Configuration | 48 |
Processor Brand Typical or Single Configuration | Intel |
Processor Model Name Typical or Single Configuration | Gold 5317 |
Processor Speed for Low-end Performance Configuration (GHz) | 2.8 |
Processor Speed for Typical or Single Configuration (GHz) | 3 |
Processor Speed for High-end Performance Configuration (GHz) | 2.1 |
Num. of DDR Channels for Low-end Performance Configuration | 8 |
Num. of DDR Channels for Typical or Single Configuration | 8 |
Num. of DDR Channels for High-end Performance Configuration | 8 |
Memory Manufacturer for Typical or Single Configuration | SAMSUNG |
Memory Manufacturer for High-end Performance Configuration | SAMSUNG |
Memory Model Number Typical or Single Configuration | M393A4K40DB3-CWEBQ |
Memory Model Number High-end Performance Configuration | M393A4K40DB3-CWEBQ |
Memory Speed Low-end Performance Configuration (GHz) | 3.2 |
Memory Speed Typical or Single Configuration (GHz) | 3.2 |
Memory Speed High-end Performance Configuration (GHz) | 3.2 |
Typical or Single Configuration Size Per DIMM (GB) | 32 |
High-end Performance Configuration Size Per DIMM (GB) | 32 |
Installed Num. DIMMs for Low-end Performance Configuration | 8 |
Installed Num. DIMMs for Typical or Single Configuration | 8 |
Installed Num. DIMMs for High-end Performance Configuration | 8 |
Installed Memory for Low-end Performance Configuration (GB) | 64 |
Installed Memory for Typical or Single Configuration (GB) | 256 |
Installed Memory for High-end Performance Configuration (GB) | 256 |
Num. Solid State Drives (SSDs) Low-end Performance Configuration | 0 |
Num. Solid State Drives (SSDs) Typical or Single Configuration | 2 |
Num. Solid State Drives (SSDs) High-end Performance Configuration | 1 |
Number Rotational Drives Low-end Performance Configuration | 6 |
Number Rotational Drives Typical or Single Configuration | 0 |
Number Rotational Drives High-end Performance Configuration | 0 |
Low-end Performance Configuration Redundant Power Supply | Yes |
Typical or Single Configuration Redundant Power Supply | Yes |
High-end Performance Configuration Redundant Power Supply | Yes |
Power Supply Type for Low-end Performance Configuration | Single-Output |
Power Supply Type for Typical or Single Configuration | Single-Output |
Power Supply Type for High-end Performance Configuration | Single-Output |
Power Supply Manufacturer Typical or Single Configuration | Compuware Technology Inc. |
Power Supply Model Name Low-end Performance Configuration | CDR-2621-4M3 |
Power Supply Model Name Typical or Single Configuration | CDR-2621-4M3 |
Power Supply Model Number Low-end Performance Configuration | CDR-2621-4M3 |
Power Supply Model Number Typical or Single Configuration | CDR-2621-4M3 |
Power Supply Rated Output Low-end Performance Configuration (W) | 2600 |
Power Supply Rated Output Typical or Single Configuration (W) | 2600 |
Power Supply Rated Output High-end Performance Configuration (W) | 2600 |
Num. Power Supplies for Low-end Performance Configuration | 2 |
Num. Power Supplies for Typical or Single Configuration | 2 |
Num. Power Supplies for High-end Performance Configuration | 2 |
Number of PSU for Redundancy Low-end Performance Configuration | 2 |
Number of PSU for Redundancy Typical or Single Configuration | 2 |
Number of PSU for Redundancy High-end Performance Configuration | 2 |
64-bit Architecture | 64-bit supported |
SERT Compress Eff. Score for Low-end Performance Configuration | 7.23 |
SERT Compress Eff. Score for Typical or Single Configuration | 13.74 |
SERT Compress Eff. Score for High-end Performance Configuration | 18.91 |
SERT CryptoAES Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 12.08 |
SERT CryptoAES Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 21.39 |
SERT CryptoAES Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 27.39 |
SERT LU Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 10.28 |
SERT LU Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 19.66 |
SERT LU Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 26.44 |
SERT SOR Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 11.02 |
SERT SOR Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 15.14 |
SERT SORT Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 5.16 |
SERT SORT Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 10.08 |
SERT SORT Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 13.61 |
SERT SHA256 Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 63.68 |
SERT SHA256 Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 124.53 |
SERT SHA256 Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 168.95 |
SERT Flood Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 7.92 |
SERT Flood Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 6.32 |
SERT Flood Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 6.49 |
SERT Capacity Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 7.94 |
SERT Capacity Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 12.75 |
SERT Capacity Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 17.88 |
SERT Sequential Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 46.67 |
SERT Sequential Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 48.96 |
SERT Sequential Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 48.09 |
SERT Random Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 73.13 |
SERT Random Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 824 |
SERT Random Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 759.12 |
SERT SSJ Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 5.24 |
SERT SSJ Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 10.2 |
SERT SSJ Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 15.03 |
SERT Idle Measurement (Watts) Low-end Performance Configuration | 784.00 |
SERT Active State Efficiency Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 14.00 |
SERT Total Server Normalized Performance Score Low-end Performance Configuration | 258.28 |
SERT Total Server Power Score (Watts) Low-end Performance Configuration | 10518.85 |
SERT Idle Measurement (Watts) Typical or Single Configuration | 497.30 |
SERT Active State Efficiency Score Typical or Single Configuration | 29.00 |
SERT Total Server Normalized Performance Score Typical or Single Configuration | 865.52 |
SERT Total Server Power Score (Watts) Typical or Single Configuration | 8876.76 |
SERT Idle Measurement (Watts) High-end Performance Configuration | 488.00 |
SERT Active State Efficiency Score High-end Performance Configuration | 37.40 |
SERT Total Server Normalized Performance Score High-end Performance Configuration | 950.34 |
SERT Total Server Power Score (Watts) High-end Performance Configuration | 9663.98 |
Date Available On Market | 12/10/2022 |
Date Certified | 01/18/2023 |
Markets | United States, Taiwan, Japan, Canada |
ENERGY STAR Model Identifier | ES_20230_PRIMERGY CX400 M6 with PRIMERGY CX2560 M6 E-Star Fam1_011620230943524_1258652 |