Wireless on-ear speakers

NTT Sonority Inc. - Original Equipment

3-20-2, Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku


Listed Certified Devices

Brand Device Name Model Type Certification Date
NTT Sonority Inc. Wireless on-ear speakers MBH001 FCC ID 2024-06-22
FCC Application Details
EquipmentWireless on-ear speakers
Grantee Code2A58O
Product Code-MBH001
Applicant BusinessNTT Sonority Inc.
Business Address3-20-2, Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, N/A Japan 163-1432
TCB ScopeA4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantAkira Nakagawa – General Maneger
Applicant Phone
Applicant Faxnothing
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test FirmBTL Inc.
Test Firm ContactJackie Chiu
Test Firm Phone 300
Test Firm Fax+886-2-2641-8698
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified ByGrace Chen – Specialist

Further Details May Be Available From: fcc.id/2A58OMBH001 or fcc.report/FCC-ID/2A58OMBH001

Documents - 2a58ombh001,2A58O-MBH001 –
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
To: Date: Subject: Message: certification telefication.com 12/10/2024 00:26:36 Short-Term Confidentiality Release Notification, Form 731 Confirmation Number: TC945947 FCC ID: 2A58O-MBH001 This is to notify that this application TC945947 granted on 06/22/2024 is approaching the short-term confidenti...
lang: score:62 filesize: 6.16 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-12-10
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
To: Date: Subject: Message: akira.nakagawa ntt.com 12/10/2024 00:26:33 Short-Term Confidentiality Release Notification, Form 731 Confirmation Number: TC945947 FCC ID: 2A58O-MBH001 This is to notify that this application TC945947 granted on 06/22/2024 is approaching the short-term confidentiality re...
lang: score:62 filesize: 6.17 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-12-10
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
To: Date: Subject: Message: akira.nakagawa ntt.com 12/10/2024 00:26:32 Short-Term Confidentiality Release Notification, Form 731 Confirmation Number: TC174822 FCC ID: 2A58O-MBH001 This is to notify that this application TC174822 granted on 06/22/2024 is approaching the short-term confidentiality re...
lang: score:62 filesize: 6.17 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-12-10
[pdf] User Manual
sleeve die cut 0401 MBH001 forPVT Baojin Chen 陈保金 Users Manual NTT Sonority Inc 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
MBH001 SLEEVE 2024/04/03 412,5 49 316,5 47 100 98 313.5 ...
lang: score:19 filesize: 5.92 M page_count: 1 document date: 2024-04-03
[pdf] Product Photos Teardown
Internal Photos NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang: score:15 filesize: 3.88 M page_count: 9 document date: 2024-05-30
[pdf] Product Photos
External Photos NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang: score:15 filesize: 1.83 M page_count: 6 document date: 2024-05-30
[pdf] Product Photos
Test Setup Photos NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang: score:14 filesize: 780.34 K page_count: 5 document date: 2024-04-18
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
Confidentiality NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang: score:14 filesize: 637.99 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-05-07
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Declaration of authorization NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
NTT Sonor ity lnc. 3-ZA-2, Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japan Declare that: Name Representative of agent: Agent Company name: Address: City: Country is authorized to apply for Certification of the following product s Product description: Wireless on-ear speakers Typedesignation: lVBH001 Tradema...
lang:en score:14 filesize: 208.88 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-04-30
Attestation Statements NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
NTT Sonority nc. To Whom lt May Concern: Statement for 47 CFR section 2.911 dX5 i NTT Sonority lnc. certifies that as of the date of the application the equipment for which authorization is sought is not covered equipmentl prohibited from receiving an equipment authorization pursuant to sectio...
lang:en score:14 filesize: 553.77 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-04-30
[pdf] Agent Authorization
US Agent Letter NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:14 filesize: 1.76 M page_count: 1 document date: 2024-06-10
[pdf] Test Report
Test Report R00 BLE NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:13 filesize: 2.27 M page_count: 69 document date: 2024-04-18
[pdf] Test Report
Test Report R00 BT NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:13 filesize: 2.66 M page_count: 79 document date: 2024-04-18
[pdf] SAR Rating
USER BTL SAR Report R00 NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:13 filesize: 1.15 M page_count: 25 document date: 2024-06-07
[pdf] SAR Rating
230307 SAR Report Appendix C Calibration Certificate 3 NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 1.46 M page_count: 5 document date: 2024-06-18
[pdf] Product Photos SAR Rating
Measurement Report 39 Kent Hewlett Packard Company Test Setup Photos SAR NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 594.07 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-07
Presentation Title Ian Wu 吳俊儀 Antenna report NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
Shrui RF DVT Antenna report 0229, 2024 Pictures of Antenna placement Chip Antenna Antenna position : place on the PCBA main board. Chip antenna dimension : 3 mm* 1.6 mm Clearance area : 7 mm * 15 mm 1052 Chip antenna 2 Measurement Photo Free space On head 3 S11 Return Loss for BT after t...
lang:en score:12 filesize: 1.38 M page_count: 10 document date: 2024-03-04
[pdf] SAR Rating
230307 SAR Report Appendix C Calibration Certificate 3 1 NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 4.91 M page_count: 13 document date: 2024-06-18
[pdf] SAR Rating
230307 SAR Report Appendix C Calibration Certificate 3 2 NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 5 M page_count: 15 document date: 2024-06-18
[pdf] SAR Rating
14 SAR Lab 02 Report ccsrf Appendix B Plots of Measurement NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 86.76 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-07
[pdf] Label
psz shuri marking v07 20231213 ol ID Label Location Info NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 873.85 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-13
[pdf] SAR Rating
7 SAR Lab 02 Report ccsrf Appendix A Plots of System Verification NTT Sonority Inc MBH001 Wireless on ear speakers 2A58O 2A58OMBH001 mbh001
lang:en score:12 filesize: 74.69 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-06-07

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