Confidentiality Request Letter
Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 To: Date: Subject: Message: grupo.ped_homologacao intelbras.com.br 2/20/2023 01:35:33 Short-Term Confidentiality Release Notification, Form 731 Confirmation Number: TC573090 FCC ID: 2A76R-TI5000 This is to notify that this application TC573090 granted on 09/05/2022 is approaching the short-term con... lang: score:59 filesize: 6.18 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-02-21 |
Confidentiality Request Letter
Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 To: Date: Subject: Message: grupo.ped_homologacao intelbras.com.br 2/20/2023 01:35:33 Short-Term Confidentiality Release Notification, Form 731 Confirmation Number: TC573090 FCC ID: 2A76R-TI5000 This is to notify that this application TC573090 granted on 09/05/2022 is approaching the short-term con... lang: score:59 filesize: 6.18 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-02-21 |
Specifications Test Report
Sam Lin CN22N92T 001 15B TI5000 Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 Prfbericht - Produkte Test Report - Products Prfbericht-Nr.: Test report no.: Kunden-Referenz-Nr.: Client reference no.: Auftraggeber: Client: Prfgegenstand: Test item: Bezeichnung / Typ-Nr.: Identification / Type no.: Auftrags-Inhalt: Order content: Prfgrundlage: Test specification: CN22N92T 001 ... lang:de score:55 filesize: 981.37 K page_count: 15 document date: 2022-09-06 |
Confidentiality Request Letter
Test 6 Effect of Variation Frequency ANSI C12 Dana Craig Confidentiality Letter TI assinado Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 Standard Form Sample Request for Confidentiality Letter The following is a sample Confidentiality Request letter, which needs to be completed on company letterhead, signed by an authorized Applicant/Agent, and submitted to TV Rheinland. Date: __2022-08-10_ Subject: Confidentiality Request for FCC... lang:en score:54 filesize: 157.89 K page_count: 1 document date: 2022-08-10 |
User Manual
User Manual TI 5000 Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 Manual do usurio User manual TI 5000 Portugus TI 5000 Terminal inteligente Parabns, voc acaba de adquirir um produto com a qualidade e segurana Intelbras. Este guia contm informaes sobre instalao, operao e funes do seu Terminal Inteligente TI . Os terminais inteligentes Intelbras garantem agilida... lang:pt score:22 filesize: 2.78 M page_count: 89 document date: 2022-08-01 |
Mahmoud Abu Alaydeh Agent TI5000 assinado Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 TCB Authority to Act as Agent Number: MS-0045317 Revision: 0 Effective date: Oct 8, 2021 The following is a sample Agency Request letter, which needs to be completed on company letterhead, signed by an authorized Applicant/Agent, and submitted to TV Rheinland. Authority to Act as Agent Date: _... lang:en score:14 filesize: 137.71 K page_count: 1 document date: 2022-08-10 |
Ritchelle de Jesus Label and label location Intelbras Industria Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 ... lang:en score:14 filesize: 475.22 K page_count: 1 document date: 2022-08-08 |
Product Photos Teardown
TI 5000 Hubel Internal Photos Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 Internal Photos Base Board ... lang:en score:14 filesize: 1.15 M page_count: 2 document date: 2022-08-09 |
Product Photos
TI 5000 Hubel External Photos Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 External Photos ... lang:en score:14 filesize: 991.16 K page_count: 4 document date: 2022-08-09 |
Test Report
CN22N92T 001 ICT Team Appendix RyanGH Yang@tuv FCC 15B A TSP Intelbras Industria de Telecomunicacao Eletronica Brasileira TI5000 2A76R 2A76RTI5000 ti5000 Prfbericht - Produkte Test Report - Products Appendix A CN22N92T 001 Page 1 of 2 Appendix A: Photographs of the Test Set-Up APPENDIX A: PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TEST SET-UP ....................................................................................................... 1 PHOTOGRAPH 1: SET-UP PHOT... lang:en score:12 filesize: 625.35 K page_count: 2 document date: 2022-08-10 |