Sugarobot Eureka


9-27Nanhai Road, Dagang industrial City, Beilun

Listed Certified Devices

Brand Device Name Model Type Certification Date
HAPE INTERNATIONAL (NINGBO) LTD Sugarobot Eureka 801001TX FCC ID 2024-06-11
FCC Application Details
EquipmentSugarobot Eureka
Grantee Code2APLM
Product Code-801001TX
Business Address9-27Nanhai Road, Dagang industrial City, Beilun , Ningbo, N/A China
TCB ScopeA2: Low Power Transmitters (except Spread Spectrum) and radar detectors operating above 1 GHz
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantAnna He –
Applicant Phone
Applicant Fax0574-86889770
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test FirmSGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Sh
Test Firm ContactKeny Xu
Test Firm Phone
Test Firm Fax
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified ByKeny Xu – Manager

Further Details May Be Available From: or

Documents - 2aplm801001tx,2APLM-801001TX –
DW8 POA HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
TO: Federal Communication Commission Equipment Authorization Branch 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MID 21046 Date: 02/22/2024 Regarding: FCC ID: 2APLM-801001TX To whom it may concern: We, the undersigned, hereby authorize SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. to act on our behalf in...
lang:en score:62 filesize: 13.83 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
DW8 FCC Confidentiality Letter HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
To: Federal Communication Commission Equipment Authorization Branch 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MID 21046 Regarding: Confidentiality Request regarding application for FCC ID: 2APLM-801001TX LONG TERM CONFIDENTIALITY Pursuant to 47 CFR Section 0.459 and 0.457 of the commission s rules, the appl...
lang:en score:62 filesize: 65.2 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity Label
Item 1 Chris Bohn Applicant Declaration Letter HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
SGS North America Inc. 620 Old Peachtree Road SUITE 100 Suwanee, Georgia 30024 United States Applicant Declaration Applicant Legal Business Name Address FRN Grantee Code FCC ID Authorized Contact Name Contact Email Contact Phone HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 9-27Nanhai Road, Dagang industrial C...
lang:en score:58 filesize: 102.13 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Accessories
新的海外说明书 Manual HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
User Manual/Benutzerhandbuch/Manual de usuario/ Manuale d uso/Podrcznik uytkownika/Instructions d utilisation Component list/Liste der Komponenten/Lista de componentes/Elenco dei componenti/Lista komponentw/Liste des lments composant le produit Sugarobot Eureka x1 Console x1 Attachment card x10 Extr...
lang:it score:21 filesize: 1.51 M page_count: 3 document date: 2024-05-21
InternalPhoto HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
lang:it score:15 filesize: 443.7 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] Label
Label HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
lang:it score:15 filesize: 2.08 M page_count: 1 document date: 2024-06-05
[pdf] Product Photos
Test setup photo HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
lang:it score:15 filesize: 278.72 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] Test Report
Test Report HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
lang:it score:15 filesize: 1.55 M page_count: 41 document date: 2024-06-04
MPE Report HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
lang:it score:15 filesize: 458.61 K page_count: 10 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] Specifications
pcdalao Antenna Specification HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
Antenna specification Product Specification: Electrical Characteristics Frequency: 2400MHz -2500MHz VSWR: 3.0 Efficiency: 30 Impedance: 50Ohm Polarization: Line Gain: 0.17dBi Dimension: length 34mm Photo of Antenna A whip antenna, measuring 34mm in length, is soldered onto the PCB Printed Circui...
lang:it score:14 filesize: 242.66 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-04
[pdf] Agent Authorization
US Agent Letter HAPE INTERNATIONAL NINGBO LTD 801001TX Sugarobot Eureka 2APLM 2APLM801001TX 801001tx
lang:it score:14 filesize: 77.51 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-05-13

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