Unite bodypack receivers

Televic NV - Change in Identification

Leo Bekaertlaan 1


Listed Certified Devices

Brand Device Name Model Type Certification Date
Televic NV Unite bodypack receivers UNITEP FCC ID 2024-02-08
FCC Application Details
EquipmentUnite bodypack receivers
Grantee CodeWM7
Product CodeUNITEP
Applicant BusinessTelevic NV
Business AddressLeo Bekaertlaan 1 , Izegem, N/A Belgium 8870
TCB ScopeA3: Unlicensed Personal Communication System (PCS) devices
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantBart Deschodt – General manager
Applicant Phone
Applicant Fax+32 51 31 06 70
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test Firmcetecom advanced GmbH
Test Firm ContactGerald Schmidt
Test Firm Phone
Test Firm Fax49-681-598-8775
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified ByCarl Lylon –

Further Details May Be Available From: fcc.id/WM7UNITEP or fcc.report/FCC-ID/WM7UNITEP

Documents - wm7unitep,WM7UNITEP –
[pdf] Label
Hertel Robert Stefan Label Televic NV UNITEP WM7UNITEP unitep
Televic NV Leo Bekaertlaan 1 8870 Izegem, Belgium 32 51 30 30 45 contact televic.com www.televic.com RPR Gent, Afdeling Kortrijk VAT BE 0402 757 955 Belfius 552 2975900 85 IBAN BE89 5522 9759 0085 SWIFT GKCC BE BB 2023-02-05 Product labels of Unite RP and Unite RP-T FCC ID: WM7UNITEP / IC ID: 7...
lang:en score:80 filesize: 415.48 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-02-05
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
CONFIDENTIALITY REQUEST for Certification Service in USA Federal Communication Commission Equipment Authorization Division, Application Processing Branch 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21048 2023-11-14 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pursuant to Paragraphs 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission s Rules 4...
lang:en score:79 filesize: 125.24 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-15
[pdf] Product Photos Label
Hertel Robert Stefan External photos Televic NV UNITEP WM7UNITEP unitep
Televic NV Leo Bekaertlaan 1 8870 Izegem, Belgium 32 51 30 30 45 contact televic.com www.televic.com RPR Gent, Afdeling Kortrijk VAT BE 0402 757 955 Belfius 552 2975900 85 IBAN BE89 5522 9759 0085 SWIFT GKCC BE BB 2023-02-05 Product pictures of Unite RP and Unite RP-T FCC ID: WM7UNITEP / IC ID:...
lang:nl score:79 filesize: 356.07 K page_count: 4 document date: 2024-02-05
Request for IC Certification sil Change in ID request letter Televic NV UNITEP WM7UNITEP unitep
Televic NV Leo Bekaertlaan 1 8870 Izegem, Belgium 32 51 30 30 45 contact televic.com www.televic.com RPR Gent, Afdeling Kortrijk VAT BE 0402 757 955 Belfius 552 2975900 85 IBAN BE89 5522 9759 0085 SWIFT GKCC BE BB IC Multiple Listing/FCC Change in ID Request Letter Receiver Federal Communicatio...
lang:en score:77 filesize: 85.99 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-15
COMPANY LETTER HEAD PC 8726 2 911 letter Part 1 Televic NV UNITEHBT WM7UNITEHBT unitehbt
Televic NV Leo Bekaertlaan 1 8870 Izegem, Belgium 32 51 30 30 45 contact televic.com www.televic.com RPR Gent, Afdeling Kortrijk Televic NV Leo Bekaertlaan 1 8870 Izegem Belgium Federal Communication Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA ...
lang:en score:47 filesize: 204.72 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-15
[pdf] User Manual Documentation Warranty
EM User manual Televic NV UNITEHBT WM7UNITEHBT unitehbt
UNITE SYSTEM USER MANUAL Copyright Statement No part of this publication or documentation accompanying this product may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without the prior written permission of the publisher,...
lang:en score:17 filesize: 3.06 M page_count: 221 document date: 2024-01-26

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