fisher paykel healthcare

Electronics Device Database


Device Name Model Type Certification Date
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSABJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSABS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSABU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSABW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAEU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAFC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAFU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAGN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAHN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSASJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCGN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSCHN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAAW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPABW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAEN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAEU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAFC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAFN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAFU F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAGN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPAHN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPASJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCAW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBS F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCBW F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCEN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCFC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCFN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCGN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SSPCHN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2020-04-16
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSABA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSABB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSABC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSABE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSABK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSABN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSACE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSADE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSADK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAEN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSAFN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAJ F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBA F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBB F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCCE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCDE F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCDK F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCEN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCFC F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
F&P SleepStyle SPSCFN F&P SleepStyle CPAP Machine for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea BT 2017-08-10
Power Supply 9207017 ERAC 2000-04-03
Power Supply 9207024 ERAC 2000-04-03
Power Supply Unit 500SC504 ERAC 1999-06-29
Power Supply 9200016 ERAC 1995-02-14
Battery Powered Scooter ERAC 1993-06-21
Battery Powered Scooter SC2... Series ERAC 1993-06-21
Battery Powered Scooter SC231 ERAC 1993-06-21
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAC MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAFN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAE MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCEN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAB MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAJ MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAEN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAA MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBA MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBC MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSABN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSABA MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAA MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAK MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSABC MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAB MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCFN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAE MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSAAN MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAJ MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCAK MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCBB MFi 0000-00-00
F&P SleepStyle SPSCFC MFi 0000-00-00
F&P Bluetooth 900ICON600 MFi 0000-00-00

brands included: Fisher-paykel-healthcare, Fisher Paykel Healthcare, Medela, Fisher Paykel Healthcare Pty, Fisher Paykel, Medela Ag.

Documents - fisher-paykel-healthcare,fisher paykel healthcare,medela,fisher paykel healthcare pty,fisher paykel,medela ag – fisher paykel healthcare,Fisher Paykel Healthcare
[pdf] Instructions Guide
Evora Full Disinfection and Sterilization Guide F P Fisher Paykel Healthcare evora full disinfection sterilization guide sui 620366 resources fphcare content |||
Disinfection and Sterilization Guide This guide is intended for multi-patient use of the F P EvoraTM Full Face mask in the hospital, or other clinical settings, where proper disinfection or sterilization of the device must occur between patients. When using the mask for single-patient use in the ho...
lang:en score:146 filesize: 110.07 K page_count: 2 document date: 2022-05-02
[pdf] Guide
618855 JA F P Vitera Disinfection and Sterilisation Guide Japanese Sterilization of CPAP Masks Fisher Paykel Healthcare vitera sterilization disinfection guide ui ja resources fphcare content |||
Fisher Paykel ViteraTM 1 : Vitera F P Vitera F P Vitera EN ISO 15883-0 C- 5 C 90C 1 80C 10 75C 30 CIDEX OPA1MetriCideTM OPA Plus2Rapicide OPA/283 - - Sterrad4 - 20 20 Vitera/ Alconox 5 1 50 10 10 5 10 Alconox 1 50 10 30 30 5 30 www.fphcare.c...
lang:de score:145 filesize: 226.77 K page_count: 2 document date: 2019-11-22
[pdf] Instructions Guide
Masque nasal F P Evora Fisher Paykel Healthcare evora hld guide ui 619867 frca resources fphcare content |||
Guide de dsinfection et de strilisation Ce guide est destin l usage multi-patient du masque nasal Fisher Paykel EvoraTM dans un hpital ou dans un autre contexte clinique dans lequel une dsinfection ou une strilisation approprie du dispositif est obligatoire entre les diffrents patients. Si vous ...
lang:fr score:144 filesize: 145.51 K page_count: 2 document date: 2020-09-04
[pdf] Guide
622051 F P Evora Disinfection and Sterilisation Guide Spanish Sterilization of CPAP Masks Fisher Paykel Healthcare evora sterilization disinfection guide ui resources fphcare content |||
Gua de desinfeccin y esterilizacin Esta gua va dirigida al uso por parte de mltiples pacientes de una mscara nasal Fisher Paykel EvoraTM en el hospital u otro mbito clnico donde se debe lograr una desinfeccin adecuada del dispositivo entre pacientes. Si utiliza la mscara para un solo paciente dom...
lang:es score:143 filesize: 144.58 K page_count: 2 document date: 2020-11-09
Fax hopkinsp Fisher Paykel Healthcare FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE ANNOUNCES 2015 INVESTOR DAY fphcare CMSPages GetFile aspx guid 1d883c50 733e 4ec3 bac7 ebe9102ed324 |||
Stock Exchange Announcement STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE ANNOUNCES 2015 INVESTOR DAY Auckland, New Zealand, 4 September 2015 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited today announced it will hold a technical briefing day for analysts ...
lang:en score:143 filesize: 52.1 K page_count: 1 document date: 2015-09-06
Download the statement Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Fisher Paykel Healthcare fph modern slavery 2022 resources fphcare content |||
Fisher Paykel Healthcare MODERN SLAVERY STATEMENT Fisher Paykel Healthcare MODERN SLAVERY STATEMENT 2022 MODERN SLAVERY STATEMENT 2022 FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE MODERN SLAVERY STATEMENT Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited is an incorporated company listed on both the New Zealand St...
lang:en score:142 filesize: 5.17 M page_count: 18 document date: 2022-09-28
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Diagram
Provided by ManualsAndMore Download User Manual Fisher Paykel Healthcare ORACLE 452 Instructions For Use manualsandmore |||
1 2 3 4 5 6 H ORACLETM 452 ORAL MASK PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE The OracleTM Oral Mask is intended for multiple patient or single patient adult use by individuals who have been diagnosed by a physician as requiring CPAP or Bi-Level ventilator treatment. For optimal humidification it is reco...
lang:en score:142 filesize: 261.6 K page_count: 2 document date: 2019-07-24
[pdf] Instructions Specifications
Untitled 1 Download F P 810™ System User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare ui 185042576 h resources fphcare corporate media files |||
SPECIFICATIONS Size: 94 mm x 154 x 135, Weight 1.7 kg no chamber fitted , 2.0 kg chamber fitted and filled with water . Electrical ratings Supply frequency: 50 or 60 Hz, Voltage: 230 V-, Current: 0.8 A max at 230 V- Heater plate: 150 W. Heater wire: 22 V-, 1.36 A, 30 W, 50 or 60 Hz Heater plate ov...
lang:en score:141 filesize: 826.52 K page_count: 2 document date: 2017-03-21
[pdf] Instructions Specifications Accessories
UI Z85004 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 humidifier ui z85004 resources fphcare content |||
F P 950TM Respiratory Humidifier USER INSTRUCTIONS USER INSTRUCTIONS Contents Indi ... this occurs, the user may choose to press Accept to acknowledge that the sensor cartridge is not Fisher Paykel Healthcare approved. A sensor cartridge authentication failure icon will appear at the...
lang:en score:140 filesize: 2.21 M page_count: 24 document date: 2022-09-22
[pdf] Guide
618832 ESLA F P Vitera Disinfection and Sterilisation Guide Spanish Latin Sterilization of CPAP Masks Fisher Paykel Healthcare vitera sterilization disinfection guide ui esla resources fphcare content |||
Gua de desinfeccin y esterilizacin Esta gua est diseada para el uso en varios pacientes de la mscara facial de Fisher Paykel ViteraTM en el hospital o en otros entornos clnicos, en los que se debe realizar una adecuada desinfeccin/esterilizacin del dispositivo entre cada paciente. Si utiliza la m...
lang:es score:140 filesize: 110.86 K page_count: 2 document date: 2019-10-31
[pdf] Specifications
5 Fisher Paykel Healthcare lucasn UI 185048201 B fphcare CMSPages GetFile aspx guid 58b51bb7 f806 4af5 8ab2 97dee3fad5ba |||
SPECIFICATIONS Size: 140 mm x 173 mm x 135 mm, Weight 2.8 kg without chamber fitted 3.1 kg chamber fitted and filled with water ELECTRICAL RATINGS Supply Frequency: 50/60 Hz, Voltage: 115V- Power Input: 220 VA, Heater Plate: 150W Heater Wire: 225 V-, 2.73 A, 60 W, 50/60 Hz Heater Plate ov...
lang:en score:140 filesize: 788.25 K page_count: 2 document date: 2014-10-22
[pdf] User Manual Specifications Accessories
SPECIFICATIONS 9 MR810 Instruction Sheet English ROW Fisher Paykel Healthcare Natalie Lucas@fphcare co nz Lucas SharePC1 MR 810 Online Equipment User Manual Database HME Home Health and Humidifier hmebc |||
SPECIFICATIONS Size: 94 mm x 154 x 135, Weight 1.7 kg no chamber fitted , 2.0 kg chamber fitted and filled with water . Electrical ratings Supply frequency: 50 or 60 Hz, Voltage: 230 V-, Current: 0.8 A max at 230 V- Heater plate: 150 W. Heater wire: 22 V-, 1.36 A, 30 W, 50 or 60 Hz Heater plate ov...
lang:en score:140 filesize: 771.79 K page_count: 2 document date: 2016-05-09
[pdf] Specifications
37 Fisher Paykel Healthcare lucasn UI 185043654 fphcare co nz CMSPages GetFile aspx guid 3fe6c79a 7bb3 4005 8b0d 5f29cf9602a6 |||
SPECIFICATIONS Size: 140 mm x 173 mm x 135 mm, Weight 2.8 kg without chamber fitted 3.1 kg chamber fitted and filled with water ELECTRICAL RATINGS Supply Frequency: 50/60 Hz, Voltage: 230V- Supply current: 1.0 A max at 230 V- Power Input: 220 VA, Heater Plate: 150W Heater Wire: 225 V-, 2...
lang:en score:139 filesize: 764.78 K page_count: 2 document date: 2014-10-22
[pdf] Instructions
UI 902902 a 850A61J v3 1 indd User Instructions Noninvasive Ventilation F P NIV mask range Fisher Paykel Healthcare 850a61j user instructions ui resources fphcare content |||
F P 850 AirSpiralTM Adult NIV and NHF circuit kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 850A61J Kit components B Gown clip A Inspiratory tube C Circuit clips D Dryline E Chamber F Filter G Elbow H FlexiTube I DEP Disposable Exhalation Port J Pressure line Note: The Elbow G is optional and can be use...
lang:en score:139 filesize: 3.03 M page_count: 6 document date: 2022-05-01
[pdf] Instructions
Hospital Pole Stand     900PT421 Airvo™ 2 Nasal High Flow HFNC System Fisher Paykel Healthcare airvo mobile pole stand user instructions ui 185047421 resources fphcare content |||
SYM-1 REV U ENGLISH A4_condensed Mobile Pole Stand 900PT421 5 kg 11 lb 10 kg 22 lb 50 kg 110 lb Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348 Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand Tel: 64 9 574 0100 Fax: 64 9 574 0158 E...
lang:en score:138 filesize: 1.09 M page_count: 2 document date: 2021-08-01
[pdf] Instructions
UI 900832 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo sle nrtham ui resources fphcare content |||
1 SLE Ventilator Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950N82J 5 Single Use 2 3 4 6 7 8 REF 900832 REV C 2021-10 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd SLE4000 SLE5000 SLE6000 Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box...
lang:en score:138 filesize: 1.39 M page_count: 2 document date: 2022-03-09
[pdf] Instructions
Pole Stand Hook top of pole   900PT450 Airvo™ 2 Nasal High Flow HFNC System Fisher Paykel Healthcare water bag hook user instructions ui 901479 resources fphcare content |||
SYM-1 REV U ENGLISH A4_condensed 900PT450 Hook V2 for 900PT421 900PT450 900PT421 Warning: California residents please be advised of the following, pursuant to Proposition 65: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive ha...
lang:de score:137 filesize: 543.97 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-10-29
Adjustable Handle for Hospital Stand    900PT445 Airvo™ 2 Nasal High Flow HFNC System Fisher Paykel Healthcare adjustable handle hospital stand user instruction ui 901153 resources fphcare content |||
Adjustable handle for hospital SYM-1 REV U ENGLISH A4_condensed stand AirvoTM series 900PT445 Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348 Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand Tel: 64 9 574 0100 Fax: 64 9 574 0158 Email: info fphc...
lang:en score:137 filesize: 320.32 K page_count: 2 document date: 2020-10-28
[pdf] Instructions Specifications Accessories
UI 609666 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo nitric ui resources fphcare content |||
Nitric Oxide Adapter Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950X08 Single Use REF 609666 REV D 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. English en F P 950TM Nitric Oxide Adapter Kit Indications for use The adapter set is an accessory to the F P 950 Respiratory Humidifier. It is intende...
lang:en score:137 filesize: 8.01 M page_count: 25 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Guide Accessories
CPAP Devices Fisher Paykel Healthcare sleepstyle plus use and care guide ui 618676 c resources fphcare content |||
Use and Care Guide F P SleepStyle Auto F P SleepStyle CPAP English LANGUAGES LANGUAGESECTION EnglishA ENGLISH A-1 BEFORE YOU START Before the device is used for the first time, it must be set up by a healthcare provider. If your device or any accessories are not operating correctly, please con...
lang:en score:136 filesize: 3.82 M page_count: 30 document date: 2023-01-23
[pdf] Instructions Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATIONS SharePC1 Télécharger F P 810™ System User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare ui 185042792 resources fphcare corporate media international |||
CARACTERISTIQUES Dimensions : 94 x 154 x 135 mm, Poids 1,7 kg sans chambre d humidification , 2,0 kg avec chambre d humidification remplie d eau . Caractristiques lectriques Frquence d alimentation : 50 ou 60 Hz, Tension : 230 V-, Courant : 0,8 A max 230 V- Plaque chauffante : 150 W Fil chauffant...
lang:fr score:136 filesize: 487.6 K page_count: 2 document date: 2015-09-30
Fax hopkinsp Fisher Paykel Healthcare withdrawal of us itc complaint against fisher paykel healthcare resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH WITHDRAWAL OF US INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION COMPLAINT AGAINST FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE Auckland, New Zealand, 17 May 2017 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited announced today that ResMed has filed a motion w...
lang:en score:134 filesize: 35.87 K page_count: 1 document date: 2017-05-16
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
Fax 16 hopkinsp Fisher Paykel Healthcare fisher paykel healthcare supports future directors initiative resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE SUPPORTS FUTURE DIRECTORS INITIATIVE Auckland, New Zealand, 15 October 2014 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited announced today that it is supporting the Future Directors initiative, with...
lang:en score:134 filesize: 51.28 K page_count: 1 document date: 2014-11-04
Fax Rachel Reynolds Fisher Paykel Healthcare fisher paykel healthcare successful in german court proceedings resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
Stock Exchange Announcement STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH Fisher Paykel Healthcare Successful in German Court Proceedings Auckland, New Zealand, 2 December 2016 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZX:FPH, ASX:FPH , announced today that the District Cou...
lang:en score:134 filesize: 51.34 K page_count: 1 document date: 2016-12-01
[pdf] Guide
616159 TH  การทําลายเชื้อโรคในระดับสูงในชิ้นสวนอุปกรณ F P SleepStyle ตางๆ Disinfection and Sterilization of CPAP Masks Fisher Paykel Healthcare sleepstyle disinfection guide ui th fphcare CMSPages GetAzureFile aspx path ~ resources hash 90c52a165691814956a9a766e942d0cfc263311c31dfb2a2bf6f47ea81458a2e |||
F P SleepStyle 1. 2. 3. 4. 30 5. 6. 7. : 10.2.1 - F P SleepStyle Clinician 75 C 167 F 90 C 194 F CIDEXTM OPA AnioxydeTM 1000 gigasept FF 30 1 900SPS101 ...
lang:en score:134 filesize: 241.23 K page_count: 2 document date: 2018-08-13
[pdf] Guide
616187 KO  F P SleepStyle 부속품의 강도 높은 살균  Disinfection and Sterilization of CPAP Masks Fisher Paykel Healthcare sleepstyle disinfection guide ui ko fphcare CMSPages GetAzureFile aspx path ~ resources hash 05087d0943e3376008893a9ab01714644a99b095868b2e9c3faf2f0d14608e65 |||
F P SleepStyle . . 1. . 2. . 3. , , , . . 4. 30 . . 5. . 6. . 7. , , , . : , . . . . F P SleepStyle Clinician 10.2.1 - . . 30 75 C 1...
lang:en score:134 filesize: 451.22 K page_count: 2 document date: 2018-08-13
[pdf] Instructions
UI 606850 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo cpap ui resources fphcare content |||
1 2 3 Neonatal Noninvasive Single Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950N61 4 5 6 Single Use REF 606850 REV D 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 1...
lang:en score:134 filesize: 12.71 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Instructions
UI 608703 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo vent ui resources fphcare content |||
1 SLE Ventilator Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950N82 5 Single Use 2 3 4 6 7 8 REF 608703 REV E 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. SLE4000 SLE5000 SLE6000 Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 14.58 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Instructions
UI Z85003 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 opti ui z85003 resources fphcare content |||
1 2 3 Adult OptiflowTM Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950A40 Single Use 4 5 6 REF Z85003 REV H 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348 Panmu...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 13.09 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] User Manual Instructions
Download MR225 Manual Fill Infant Chamber Fisher Paykel Healthcare mr225 humidifcation chamber ui 185042011 resources fphcare content |||
Humidification Chamber USER INSTRUCTIONS REF MR225 Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348 Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand Tel: 64 9 574 0100 Fax: 64 9 574 0158 Email: info Web: www.fphcare.comImporter/ Dist...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 2.67 M page_count: 13 document date: 2020-01-31
Fax 2 Fisher Paykel Healthcare jonesg fisher paykel healthcare announces changes to board of directors resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE ANNOUNCES CHANGES TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS Auckland, New Zealand, 23 November 2010 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZSX:FPH, ASX:FPH advises that Tony Carter has been appointed as an i...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 26.7 K page_count: 1 document date: 2010-11-22
Fax 17 Fisher Paykel Healthcare noeld fisher paykel healthcare plans new building resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE PLANS NEW BUILDING Auckland, New Zealand, 17 December 2009 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZSX:FPH, ASX:FPH announced today that it intends to invest in a 30,000m2 third building o...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 39.33 K page_count: 1 document date: 2009-12-16
Daniel Adolph Fisher Paykel Healthcare announces 2022 Investor Day 22 04 14 fisher paykel healthcare investor day resources fphcare content |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH Fisher Paykel Healthcare announces 2022 Investor Day Auckland, New Zealand, 14 April 2022 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited today announced it will hold an Investor Day on Thursday, 26 May 2022 following its fina...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 80.13 K page_count: 1 document date: 2022-04-13
[pdf] Instructions
UI 606849 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo vent ui resources fphcare content |||
1 2 3 4 Neonatal Ventilator Dual Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950N80 950N81 5 6 7 8 Single Use REF 606849 REV E 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 201...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 14.86 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Instructions
UI 606852 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo opti ui resources fphcare content |||
1 Neonatal OptiflowTM Junior Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950N40 4 Single Use 7 2 3 5 6 REF 606852 REV D 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 34...
lang:en score:133 filesize: 12.85 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Instructions
UI Z85002 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 niv ui z85002 resources fphcare content |||
1 2 3 Adult Bi-Level/CPAP Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950A60 950A61 4 5 6 Single Use REF Z85002 REV H 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14...
lang:en score:132 filesize: 13.03 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
Fax Glenda Jones Fisher Paykel Healthcare fisher paykel healthcare cfo tony barclay announces intention to retire resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
Stock Exchange Announcement STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH Fisher Paykel Healthcare s CFO Tony Barclay Announces Intention to Retire Auckland, New Zealand, 21 February 2018 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited today announced that Chief Financial Officer,...
lang:en score:132 filesize: 55.32 K page_count: 1 document date: 2018-02-20
[pdf] Guide
Lady Zest For more information please contact your local Fisher Paykel Healthcare representative Manufacturer Ltd 15 Maurice Place East Tamaki View Q spec sheet cpapman manuals |||
185047371 Rev A 2012 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited For more information please contact your local Fisher Paykel Healthcare representative Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd 15 Maurice Paykel Place East Tamaki, Auckland 2013 PO Box 14 348 Panmure Auckland 1741 New Zealand Tel: 64 ...
lang:en score:132 filesize: 516.02 K page_count: 2 document date: 2018-06-29
[pdf] Instructions
UI 606851 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 neo bcpap ui resources fphcare content |||
1 2 3 4 Neonatal Bubble CPAP Dual Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950N60 950N62 5 6 7 8 Single Use 9 10 REF 606851 REV D 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auck...
lang:en score:132 filesize: 15.52 M page_count: 27 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Instructions
UI Z85001 F P 950™ User Instructions Fisher Paykel Healthcare 950 vent ui z85001 resources fphcare content |||
1 Adult Ventilator Dual Heated Circuit Kit USER INSTRUCTIONS REF 950A80 950A81 950A82 5 Single Use 2 3 4 6 7 8 REF Z85001 REV J 2021-12 2021 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited. Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Aucklan...
lang:en score:132 filesize: 14.88 M page_count: 26 document date: 2022-03-01
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Fax Rachel Reynolds Fisher Paykel Healthcare fisher paykel healthcare wins patent case against resmed in uk court resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
Stock Exchange Announcement STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH Fisher Paykel Healthcare wins patent case against ResMed in UK court Auckland, New Zealand, 13 November 2017 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited has today announced a UK Court ruling that a patent...
lang:en score:132 filesize: 54.06 K page_count: 1 document date: 2017-11-12
Airvo Nebulizer Adapter USA Fisher Paykel Healthcare 900pt563 airvo neb ui 900639 resources fphcare content |||
AIRVOTM2 Tube and Chamber Kit SYM-1 REV T ENGLISH A4_condensed with nebulizer adapter 900PT563 1 3 4 2 2 7 8 5 9 10 6 USE WITHOUT A NEBULIZER 11 12 13 14 USE WITH A NEBULIZER albuterol sulfate only OPT970 ONLY Single Use Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Payke...
lang:en score:131 filesize: 505.83 K page_count: 2 document date: 2022-01-13
English Fisher Paykel Healthcare ui 185042269 l resources fphcare corporate media files |||
RT020 Single use Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348, Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand Tel: 64 9 574 0100 Fax: 64 9 574 0158 Email: info Web: Australia Sponsor Fisher Paykel Healthca...
lang:en score:131 filesize: 740.87 K page_count: 2 document date: 2017-06-28
[pdf] Instructions Frequently Asked Questions Diagram
temperature and flow probe user instructions FAQs F P 850 System Fisher Paykel Healthcare ui 617135 fphcare CMSPages GetAzureFile aspx path ~ resources hash e7288f18688a0f5d6162d1675114ac83e89155e4995760ece4b2327ab8b6f10a |||
Temperature Probe USER INSTRUCTIONS B C A D REF 617135 REV E 2022-02 2022 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Limited Reprocessing Diagram 1 2 3 4 C C 5 A a1 B b1 a2 E.g. Tuffie 5 Wipes Tristel Wipes System Metrex Caviwipes 1 Metrex Caviwipes PDI Sani-Cloth AF3 PDI Super Sani-Cloth Cloro...
lang:nl score:131 filesize: 3.05 M page_count: 44 document date: 2022-02-04
[pdf] Annual Report
fisher paykel healthcare corporation limited Notice of FIShEr PAykEl hEAlThCArE CorPorATIoN lIMITED notice annual shareholders meeting SPECIAL BUSINESS 4 Fisher Paykel Healthcare 2003 Share Option Plan 2008 resources fphcare corporate media documents investor asm archive |||
fisher paykel healthcare corporation limited Notice of Annual Shareholders Meeting 2008 fisher paykel healthcare corporation limited Notice of Annual Shareholders Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Annual Shareholders Meeting will be held at the Guineas Lounge, Ellerslie Convention Cen...
lang:en score:131 filesize: 104.95 K page_count: 12 document date: 2008-06-25
Fax 11 Fisher Paykel Healthcare noeld New Building fphcare CMSPages GetFile aspx guid eb48ac86 129e 45b6 aec6 eebf13530824 |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE NEW BUILDING Auckland, New Zealand, 8 November 2010 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZSX:FPH, ASX:FPH announced today that it has awarded the main construction contract for the thir...
lang:en score:131 filesize: 39.1 K page_count: 1 document date: 2010-11-07
Daniel Adolph Fisher Paykel Healthcare to announce full year results on 25 May 2022 22 04 14 fisher paykel healthcare may resources fphcare content |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH Fisher Paykel Healthcare to announce full year results on 25 May 2022 Auckland, New Zealand, 14 April 2022 Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZX:FPH, ASX:FPH announced today that it intends to release on Wednes...
lang:en score:131 filesize: 78.42 K page_count: 1 document date: 2022-04-13
FPH opens Japan office huii Fisher Paykel Healthcare Opens Office in fphcare CMSPages GetFile aspx guid c8176a89 5fc1 4adf 8f2b dc46674bd0d7 |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE OPENS OFFICE IN JAPAN Auckland, New Zealand, 21 June 2004 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZX:FPH, ASX:FPH Fisher Paykel Healthcare announced today that it has expanded its operat...
lang:en score:130 filesize: 10.99 K page_count: 1 document date: 2004-06-20
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Microsoft Word FPH trading halt advice doc noeld Fisher Paykel Healthcare Trading Halt Advice fisher paykel healthcare resources fphcare corporate media news release |||
News Release STOCK EXCHANGE LISTINGS: NEW ZEALAND FPH , AUSTRALIA FPH FISHER PAYKEL HEALTHCARE TRADING HALT ADVICE Auckland, New Zealand, 20 February 2004 - Fisher Paykel Healthcare Corporation Limited NZX:FPH, ASX:FPH has today been advised by Fisher Paykel Appliances Holdings Limited th...
lang:en score:130 filesize: 66.53 K page_count: 1 document date: 2004-02-19
English Fisher Paykel Healthcare ui 185043412 j resources fphcare corporate media files |||
RT019 Single use Manufacturer Fisher Paykel Healthcare Ltd, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland 2013, PO Box 14 348, Panmure, Auckland 1741, New Zealand Tel: 64 9 574 0100 Fax: 64 9 574 0158 Email: info Web: Australia Sponsor Fisher Paykel Healthca...
lang:en score:130 filesize: 850.57 K page_count: 2 document date: 2017-06-06

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