
JMTek Industries( Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd

Power Polio - Original Equipment

Production: 14G, Innovation Tech Building, Quanzhi Science and Technology innovation Park, ShaJing Street, Baoan District, ShenZhen China

Contact Email: 📧 [email protected]

Certifications & Resources

Device Name Model Certification Type Certification Date
Power Polio NP100 FCC ID 2024-09-04
FCC Application Details
EquipmentPower Polio
Grantee Code2APU5
Product Code-NP100
Applicant BusinessJMTek Industries( Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd
Business Address14G, Innovation Tech Building, Quanzhi Science and Technology innovation Park,, ShaJing Street, Baoan District, ShenZhen, N/A China 518104
TCB ScopeA1: Low Power Transmitters below 1 GHz (except Spread Spectrum), Unintentional Radiators, EAS (Part 11) & Consumer ISM devices
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantCici Jiang – GM
Applicant Phone
Applicant Fax0755-86332890
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test FirmShenzhen Anbotek Compliance Laboratory Limited
Test Firm ContactJeff Zhu
Test Firm Phone
Test Firm Fax
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified ByCici Jiang – manager

Documents - jmtek industries shenzhen – np100,2APU5-NP100,2APU5NP100,NP100
Microsoft Word C5266091 X8 Letter of Authorization Agent v1 docx JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
C5266091_X8_Ed.1 Letter of Authorization JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co.,Ltd Company: JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co.,Ltd Address: 14G, Innovation Tech Building, Quanzhi Science and Technology innovation Park, ShaJing Street, Bao an District Product Name: Power Polio Model Number: NP100 FCC Identifi...
lang:en score:106 filesize: 153.66 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-09-02
Microsoft Word C5266091 X24 Ed2 Attestation Statement docx JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
C5266091_X24_Ed.2 JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co.,Ltd Attestation Statements TO: Office of Engine ... any name: JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co.,Ltd FRN: 0027534718 Grantee code: 2APU5 FCC ID: 2APU5-NP100 Contact Name: Cici Jiang Address: 14G, Innovation Tech Building, Quanzhi Science and Technol...
lang:en score:105 filesize: 435.97 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-09-02
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
Adria Galin Pons Confidentiality JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
C5266091_X10_Ed.2 JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co.,Ltd Office of Engineering Technology Federal Communications Commission 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 Subject: Request for Confidentiality FCC ID: 2APU5-NP100 Date: 2024-08-29 To Whom It May Concern, Pursuant to the provisions of Sec...
lang:en score:103 filesize: 149.86 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-08-29
[pdf] Label
NP100 丝印 Power Folio ID label and location JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
56mm 52mm FCC ID: 2APU5-NP100 Power Folio Model: NP100 Internal Battery: 10000mAh 3.7V 37Wh Input USB-C : 5V 3A 9V 2A 12V 1.5A Output: Total 22.5W Max USB-C: 5V 3A 9V 2.22A 12V 1.67A Wireless: 15W Max USB-C Wireless : 5V 3A Made in China 56mm 52mm 1:1 NN8 NNb 2:1 1:1 FCC ID: 2APU5-NP100 Po...
lang:sw score:99 filesize: 705.29 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-08-29
US Agent JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
- JMTek lndustries Shenzhen Co., Ltd - Federal Communications Commission Authoization and Evaluati ... their agent for service of pocess for the equipment for which authorization is sought FCC ID:2APUS-NP100 Name and company of U.S. agent: TACWA, LLC Physical U.S. addess of agent: 4109 S 220th Pl Ke...
lang:en score:73 filesize: 88.54 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-08-23
[pdf] Specifications
文件发行 修订履历 YDH Antenna Specification JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
Shenzhen Chenxing Electronic Technology Co, Ltd PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL CUSTOMER PRODUCT NAME PART No. PRODUCT SPEC DATE VERSION JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co.,Ltd A11Thin coil WPC680 6.5uH5 0.08*24*2*10Ts 43.5*5.3*0.8 10mm1.5mmEVA 20230315 REV 1.0 Re...
lang:en score:50 filesize: 581.41 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-09-03
[pdf] Test Report
Test report JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
lang:en score:42 filesize: 4.05 M page_count: 24 document date: 2024-09-03
Administrator MPE JMTek Industries Shenzhen Co Ltd NP100 2APU5 2APU5NP100 np100
lang:en score:42 filesize: 5.74 M page_count: 17 document date: 2024-09-03

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