Fiona Ffuellenbach MiCOM Labs


San Sheng (Zhongshan) Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. SST23 2AYA8SST23 2AYA8SST23 sst23

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Document DEVICE REPORTGetApplicationAttachment.html?id=7390340
< San Sheng (Zhongshan) Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. >

Office of Engineering Technology Federal Communications Commission 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD21046
Subject; Request for Long Term Confidentiality FCC ID: 2AYA8SST23

Date: 2024-05-16

To Whom It May Concern, Pursuant to the provisions of the Commission's rules Title 47 Sections §0.457 and §0.459, we are requesting the Commission to withhold the following attachment(s) as confidential documents from public disclosure indefinitely.

These documents contain detailed system and equipment descriptions and are considered as proprietary information in operation of the equipment. The public disclosure of these documents might be harmful to our company and would give competitors an unfair advantage in the market.

Schematic Diagram Block Diagram Operational Description

Pursuant to Public Notice DA 04-1705 of the Commission' s policy, in order to comply with the marketing regulations in 47 CFT §2.803 and the importation rules in 47 CFR §2.1204, while ensuring that business sensitive information remains confidential until the actual marketing of newly authorized devices, we request Short Term Confidentiality of the following attachment(s);

External Photos Test Setup Photos Internal Photos User Manual

For 45 days, pursuant to Public Notice DA 04-1705. OR
For 180 days pursuanttoKDB 726920 D01.

It is our understanding that all measurement test reports, FCC ID label format and correspondence during the certification review process cannot be granted as confidential documents and this information will be available for public review once the grant of equipment authorization is issued.



Name: qiang xu Title: Manager


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