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MATHIS Wolfram
Differ D5 and X6
Leica Geosystems AG, CPD LD6BT Laser Distance Meter RFF-LD6BT RFFLD6BT ld6bt
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File Info : application/pdf, 2 Pages, 121.22KB
Document DEVICE REPORTGetApplicationAttachment.html?id=7314974Description of Models/Variants to be included in the Application Applicant: LEICA GEOSYTSEMS AG FCC ID/ ISED ID: RFF-LD6BT / 3177A-LD6BT Model version # 01 HVIN (Model Number) Leica Disto X6 PMN (may be equal to HVIN) Leica Disto X6 FVIN (if applicable) NA HW/SW Differences* Describe the non RF boards, and circuitry differences (if applicable). Different display, X6 have side key, D5 no side key Describe the RF boards and circuitry differences (if no differences only the Model name is different. applicable). Describe the exterior casing and color differences (if X6 yellow & black and IP65 protection applicable). D5 red & black and IP54 protection Marketing reasons* If no differences, provide the reason(s) for obtaining multiple PMN(s)/HVIN(s)/FVIN(s). If family contains multiple versions for marketing purposes, detail the marketing detail differences such as names of distribution chains, packaging information, labeling information, etc. If submitting multiple versions for future intro on market, provide future market launch plans and why not postponing certification of product versions not ready for market. If chosen PMN or HVIN are already on the market in other countries but the devices are not identical to what is provided in the Canadian application, provide justification. Provide internal & external photos for each product version. Provide manual and product labels for each product version. X6 have more software functions and is more robust X6 more for outdoor use NA NA Photo exhibits provided show all variants to be listed under this application. A manual exhibit is provided that refers to all variants to be listed under this application. OR: Separate Manuals are provided for each of the variants. * Please enter N/A if not applicable. PLEASE NOTE: Direct Phone: E-Mail: 22_[Disto X6&D5] FamList V03.doc.docx Leica Geosystems AG Heinrich-Wild-Strasse CH-9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland Phone +41 71 727 31 31 Applicant: LEICA GEOSYTSEMS AG FCC ID/ ISED ID: RFF-LD6BT / 3177A-LD6BT Model version # 02 HVIN (Model Number) Leica Disto D5 PMN (may be equal to HVIN) Leica Disto D5 FVIN (if applicable) NA HW/SW Differences* Describe the non RF boards, and circuitry differences (if applicable). Different display, X6 have side key, D5 no side key Describe the RF boards and circuitry differences (if no differences only the Model name is different. applicable). Describe the exterior casing and color differences (if X6 yellow & black and IP65 protection applicable). D5 red & black and IP54 protection Marketing reasons* If no differences, provide the reason(s) for obtaining multiple PMN(s)/HVIN(s)/FVIN(s). If family contains multiple versions for marketing purposes, detail the marketing detail differences such as names of distribution chains, packaging information, labeling information, etc. If submitting multiple versions for future intro on market, provide future market launch plans and why not postponing certification of product versions not ready for market. If chosen PMN or HVIN are already on the market in other countries but the devices are not identical to what is provided in the Canadian application, provide justification. Provide internal & external photos for each product version. Provide manual and product labels for each product version. X6 have more software functions and is more robust X6 more for outdoor use NA NA Photo exhibits provided show all variants to be listed under this application. A manual exhibit is provided that refers to all variants to be listed under this application. OR: Separate Manuals are provided for each of the variants. Sincerely, Signature Wolfram Mathis Quality Manager Disto Busines Leica Geosystems AG Heinrich Wild Strasse CH-9435 Heerbrugg Switzerland Phone +41 71 727 3131 Direct Phone: E-Mail: 22_[Disto X6&D5] FamList V03.doc.docx
Related FCC IDs:
- RFF-LD6BT - Leica Geosystems AG, CPD Laser Distance Meter [-LD6BT] Microsoft Word für Microsoft 365