

Qingdao Zhongfei Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd U6 2BH6V-U6 2BH6VU6 u6

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Report No.: Applicant: Product: Model No.: Trademark: Test Standards:

TW2407246E Qingdao Zhongfei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Agriculture Drone U60 BROUAV FCC Part 15.247

Test result:
Approved By

It is herewith confirmed and found to comply with the requirements set up by ANSI C63.10, FCC Part 15.247 for the evaluation of electromagnetic compatibility

Terry Tang Manager Dated:

August 02, 2024

Results appearing herein relate only to the sample tested The technical reports is issued errors and omissions exempt and is subject to withdrawal at
Zone C, 1st Floor, Block B, Jun Xiang Da Building, Zhongshan Park Road West, Tong Le Village, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China
Tel (755) 83448688, Fax (755) 83442996, E-Mail:[email protected]

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Special Statement
FCC-Registration No.: 744189 The EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration No.: 744189.
Industry Canada (IC) --Registration No.:5205A The EMC Laboratory has been registered by Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for radio equipment testing with Registration No.: 5205A.
A2LA (Certification Number:5013.01) The EMC Laboratory has been accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). Certification Number:5013.01
CAB identifier: CN0033

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Test Report Conclusion Content 1.0 General Details................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Test Lab Details................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Applicant Details............................................................................................... 4 1.3 Description of EUT ........................................................................................... 4 1.4 Submitted Sample.............................................................................................. 5 1.5 Test Duration................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Test Uncertainty............................................................................................... 5 1.7 Test By.......................................................................................................... 5 2.0 List of Measurement Equipment.......................................................................... 6 3.0 Technical Details............................................................................................. 12 3.1 Summary of Test Results..................................................................................... 12 3.2 Test Standards.................................................................................................. 12 4.0 EUT Modification............................................................................................ 12 5.0 Power Line Conducted Emission Test................................................................... 13 5.1 Schematics of the Test........................................................................................ 13 5.2 Test Method and Test Procedure............................................................................ 13 5.3 Configuration of the EUT.................................................................................... 13 5.4 EUT Operating Condition.................................................................................... 14 5.5 Conducted Emission Limit................................................................................... 14 5.6 Test Result...................................................................................................... 14 6.0 Radiated Emission test...................................................................................... 15 6.1 Test Method and Test Procedure............................................................................ 15 6.2 Configuration of the EUT.................................................................................... 16 6.3 EUT Operation Condition.................................................................................... 16 6.4 Radiated Emission Limit..................................................................................... 16 7.0 6dB Bandwidth Measurement.............................................................................. 26 8.0 Maximum Output Power................................................................................... 31 9.0 Power Spectral Density Measurement................................................................... 33 10.0 Out of Band Measurement................................................................................. 38 11.0 Antenna Requirement....................................................................................... 52 12.0 FCC ID Label................................................................................................... 53 13.0 Photo of Test Setup and EUT View....................................................................... 54

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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1.0 General Details

1.1 Test Lab Details




Zone C, 1st Floor, Block B, Jun Xiang Da Building, Zhongshan Park Road West, Tong Le

Village, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

Telephone: (755) 83448688


(755) 83442996

Site Listed with Federal Communications commission (FCC)

Registration Number:744189

For 3m Anechoic Chamber

Site Listed with Industry Canada of Ottawa, Canada

Registration Number: IC: 5205A

For 3m Anechoic Chamber

1.2 Applicant Details

Applicant: Qingdao Zhongfei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd


Block F, No. 77 Guangxian Road, High-tech Zone, Qingdao

1.3 Description of EUT Product: Manufacturer: Address: Trademark: Additional Trademark: Model Number: Additional Model Number: Hardware Version: Software Version: Serial No.: Rating: Battery: Type of Modulation Frequency range Channel Spacing Channel Number Antenna:

Agriculture Drone Qingdao Zhongfei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Block F, No. 77 Guangxian Road, High-tech Zone, Qingdao BROUAV N/A U60 N/A V9 bro-4.0.1 U6000313 DC68.4V DC68.4V, 30000mAh battery GFSK 2417-2470MHz 3MHz 18 Integral antennas with gain 1.7dBi Max for each one (Get from the antenna specification)

1.4 Submitted Sample: 1 Sample
The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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1.5 Test Duration 2024-07-30 to 2024-08-02

1.6 Test Uncertainty Conducted Emissions Uncertainty =3.6dB Radiated Emissions below 1GHz Uncertainty =4.7dB Radiated Emissions above 1GHz Uncertainty =6.0dB Conducted Power Uncertainty =6.0dB Occupied Channel Bandwidth Uncertainty =5% Note: The measurement uncertainty is for coverage factor of k=2 and a level of confidence of 95%.

1.7 Test Engineer The sample tested by

Print Name: Andy Xing

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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2.0 Test Equipment Instrument Type
ESPI Test Receiver LISN LISN
Impuls-Begrenzer Loop Antenna Spectrum Horn Antenna Horn Antenna Power meter Power sensor Bilog Antenna 9*6*6 Anechoic
EMI Test Receiver EMI Test Receiver
Spectrum Spectrum RF Cable RF Cable Pre-Amplifier Pre-Amplifier
LISN ESPI Test Receiver

Manufacturer R&S R&S R&S R&S EMCO R&S
Anritsu Anritsu Schwarebeck
-RS RS HP/Agilent RS Zhengdi Zhengdi Schwarebeck HP/Agilent SCHAFFNER R&S R&S

Model ESPI 3 EZH3-Z5 EZH3-Z5 ESH3-Z2 6507 FSIQ26 LB-180400-KF BBHA 9120D ML2487A MA2491A VULB9163
7m BBV9743
8449B NNB42 ESPI 3 EZH3-Z5

Serial No. 100379 100294 100253 100281
00078608 100292
J211060660 9120D-631 6K00003613
32263 9163/340
N/A 826156/011 834115/006 MY50441392 1164.4391.38
--#218 3008A00160 00012 100379 100294

Date of Cal. 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2022-07-18 2024-07-12 2022-07-18 2022-07-18 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2022-07-18 2022-07-26 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 2024-07-12

Due Date 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-17 2025-07-11 2025-07-17 2025-07-17 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-17 2025-07-25 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11 2025-07-11

2.2 Automation Test Software For Conducted Emission Test

Version Ver.EMC-CON 3A1.1

For Radiated Emissions Name
EMI Test Software BL410-EV18.91 EMI Test Software BL410-EV18.806 High Frequency

Version V18.905 V18.06

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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The EUT had been tested under operating condition. There are three channels have been tested as following:

Channel Low
Middle High

Frequency (MHz) 2417 2444 2470

Note: During the test, the duty cycle was set up to 100%

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Duty Cycle
Condition Mode



Frequency (MHz) 2417 2444 2470 2417 2444 2470

Antenna Ant1 Ant2

Duty Cycle (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100

Correction Factor (dB) 0 0 0 0 0 0

1/T (kHz) 0 0 0 0 0 0

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Test Graphs Duty Cycle NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1

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Duty Cycle NVNT k 2444MHz Ant1

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Duty Cycle NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1

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Duty Cycle NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Duty Cycle NVNT k 2444MHz Ant2

Page 11 of 69

Duty Cycle NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 12 of 69

3.0 Technical Details

3.1 Summary of test results The EUT has been tested according to the following specifications:

Standard FCC Part 15, Paragraph15.203 FCC Part 15, Paragraph15.207
FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.247(a)(2) Limit
FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.247(b)
FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.109,15.205 & 15.209
FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.247(e)
FCC Part 15, Paragraph 15.247(d)

Test Type Antenna Requirement Conducted Emission Test Spectrum bandwidth of a Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex System Limit: 6dB bandwidth>500kHz
Maximum peak output power
Limit: max. 30dBm Transmitter Radiated Emission Limit: Table 15.209 Power Spectral Density Limit: max. 8dBm/3kHz Out of Band Emission and Restricted Band Radiation Limit: 20dB less than peak value of fundamental frequency Restricted band limit: Table 15.209

Result Pass N/A Pass
Pass Pass

3.2 Test Standards FCC Part 15 Subpart & Subpart C, Paragraph 15.247

4.0 EUT Modification No modification by SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES.

Notes Complies
N/A Complies
Complies Complies
Complies Complies

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Power Line Conducted Emission Test


Schematics of the test

Test Receiver

AC Mains




EUT: Equipment Under Test


Test Method and test Procedure

The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.10-2013.The Frequency spectrum from 0.15MHz to

30MHz was investigated. The LISN used was 50ohm/50uH as specified by section 5.1 of ANSI

C63.10 ­2013.

Test Voltage: N/A

Block diagram of Test setup








Configuration of the EUT


The EUT was configured according to ANSI C63.10-2013. All interface portAs were connected to the

appropriate peripherals. All peripherals and cables are listed below.








Qingdao Zhongfei Intelligent

Agriculture Drone


Technology Co., Ltd


B. Internal Device Device N/A


C. Peripherals





Model --




Cable --

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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5.4 EUT Operating Condition Operating condition is according to ANSI C63.10-2013.
A Setup the EUT and simulators as shown on follow B Enable AF signal and confirm EUT active to normal condition

5.5 Power line conducted Emission Limit according to Paragraph 15.207


Limits (dBV)


Quasi-peak Level Average Level

0.15  0.50



0.50  5.00



5.00  30.00



Notes: 1. *Decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency. 2. The tighter limit shall apply at the transition frequencies

5.6 Test Results


The frequency spectrum from 0.15MHz to 30MHz was investigated. All reading are

quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 9kHz.

Note: EUT not directly or in-directly connected to the AC power source. so this test item not applicable.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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6 Radiated Emission Test 6.1 Test Method and test Procedure:
(1) The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.10-2013. The radiated test was performed at Timeway EMC Laboratory. This site is on file with the FCC laboratory division, Registration No. 744189
(2) The EUT, peripherals were put on the turntable which table size is 1m x 1.5 m, table high 0.8 m. All set up is according to ANSI C63.10-2013.
(3) The frequency spectrum from 30 MHz to 25 GHz was investigated. All readings from 30 MHz to 1 GHz are Quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 120 kHz. F For measurement above 1GHz, peak values with RBW=1MHz VBW=3MHz and PK detector. AV value with RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz and RMS detector. Measurements were made at 3 meters.
(4) The antenna high is varied from 1 m to 4 m high to find the maximum emission for each frequency. (5) Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance is with
all installation combinations. All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings was performed only when an emission was found to be marginal (within -4 dB of specification limit), and are distinguished with a "QP" in the data table. (6) The antenna polarization: Vertical polarization and Horizontal polarization.
Block diagram of Test setup
For radiated emissions from 9kHz to 30MHz

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
For radiated emissions from 30MHz to1GHz
For radiated emissions above 1GHz

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6.2 Configuration of The EUT Same as section 5.3 of this report
6.3 EUT Operating Condition Same as section 5.4 of this report.
6.4 Radiated Emission Limit All emission from a digital device, including any network of conductors and apparatus connected thereto, shall not exceed the level of field strength specified below:
The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Frequencies in restricted band are complied to limit on Paragraph 15.209

Frequency Range (MHz)

Distance (m)

Field strength (dBV/m)



20log(2400/F(kHz)) +40log (300/3)



20log(24000/F(kHz)) +40log (30/3)













Above 960



1. RF Voltage (dBuV) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV) 2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges. 3. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the EUT 4. All scanning using PK detector. And the final emission level was get using QP detector for frequency range from 30-1000MHz.As to 1G-25G, the final emission level got using PK. For fundamental measurement, PK detector used. 5. For radiated emissions from 9kHz to 30MHzthe emission level is much less than the limit for more than 20dB. No necessary to take down the record.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Test result
General Radiated Emission Data and Harmonics Radiated Emission Data

Radiated Emission In Horizontal (30MHz----1000MHz)

EUT set Condition: Keep Transmitting



No. Frequency (MHz)
1 73.882 2 161.645 3 217.406 4 299.108 5 346.383 6 791.987

Results (dBuV/m) 25.32 35.43 38.59 35.78 38.18 38.84

Factor (dB) -17.09 -16.39 -13.47 -11.08 -9.46 -3.10

Limit (dBuV/m) 40.0 43.5 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0

Margin (dB) 14.68 8.07 7.41 10.22 7.82 7.16

Detector Table














Height (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100

Antenna Verdict
Horizontal Pass Horizontal Pass Horizontal Pass Horizontal Pass Horizontal Pass Horizontal Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

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Test result
General Radiated Emission Data and Harmonics Radiated Emission Data

Radiated Emission In Vertical (30MHz----1000MHz)

EUT set Condition: Keep Transmitting



No. Frequency (MHz)
1 67.578 2 142.249 3 161.645 4 207.951 5 331.352 6 890.902

Results (dBuV/m) 33.04 38.16 40.17 36.46 35.45 37.62

Factor (dB) -14.47 -17.31 -16.39 -13.69 -10.15 -1.91

Limit (dBuV/m) 40.0 43.5 43.5 43.5 46.0 46.0

Margin (dB) 6.96 5.34 3.33 7.04 10.55 8.38

Detector Table














Height (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100

Antenna Verdict

Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical Vertical

Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Please refer to the following test plots for details: Low Channel: Horizontal

Page 20 of 69

No. Frequency (MHz)
1 2417 2 4834.044

Results (dBuV/m) 92.51 47.18

Factor (dB) -3.57 3.14

Limit (dBuV/m) 74.0 74.0

Over Limit (dB) 18.51 -26.82

Detector Table






Height (cm) 100 100



Horizontal N/A Horizontal Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Low Channel: Vertical

Page 21 of 69

No. Frequency (MHz)
1 2417

Results (dBuV/m) 81.38

Factor (dB) -3.57

Limit (dBuV/m) 74.0

Over Limit (dB) 7.38

Detector Table




Height (cm) 100



Vertical N/A

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Middle Channel: Horizontal

Page 22 of 69

No. Frequency (MHz)
1 2444 2 4887.529

Results (dBuV/m) 92.13 51.93

Factor (dB) -3.57 3.20

Limit (dBuV/m) 74.0 74.0

Over Limit (dB) 18.13 -22.07

Detector Table






Height (cm) 100 100



Horizontal N/A Horizontal Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Middle Channel: Vertical

Page 23 of 69

No. Frequency (MHz)
1 2444

Results (dBuV/m) 83.60

Factor (dB) -3.57

Limit (dBuV/m) 74.0

Over Limit Detector Table






Height (cm) 100



Vertical N/A

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
High Channel: Horizontal

Page 24 of 69

No. Frequency (MHz)
1 2470 2 4939.770

Results (dBuV/m) 92.86 49.75

Factor (dB) -3.57 3.27

Limit (dBuV/m) 74.0 74.0

Over Limit (dB) 18.86 -24.25

Detector Table






Height (cm) 100 100



Horizontal N/A Horizontal Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
High Channel: Vertical

Page 25 of 69

No. Frequency (MHz)
1 2470

Results (dBuV/m) 82.92

Factor (dB) -3.57

Limit (dBuV/m) 74.0

Over Limit (dB) 8.92

Detector Table




Height (cm) 100



Vertical N/A

Note: 1. Result Level = Reading + Factor 2. Factor= AF + Cable Loss- Preamp 3. Margin = Result­ Limit 4. For radiated Emissions from 18-25GHz and below 30MHz, it is only the floor noise. 5. The peak value less than the AV limit, no necessary to take down the AV measurement result. 6. Ant 1 and Ant 2 transmitting Simultaneously

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
7.0 6dB Bandwidth Measurement 7.1 Test Setup

Page 26 of 69

7.2 Limits of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement
The minimum of 6dB Bandwidth Measurement is >500 kHz
7.3 Test Procedure
1. Set resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 100 kHz 2. Set the video bandwidth (VBW)  3 x RBW. 3. Detector = Peak. 4. Trace mode = max hold. 5. Sweep = auto couple. 6. Allow the trace to stabilize. 7. Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.
7.4 Test Result

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 27 of 69

6dB Occupied Bandwidth

Condition NVNT

Mode k

Frequency (MHz) 2417 2444 2470 2417 2444 2470

Antenna Ant1 Ant2

-6 dB Bandwidth (MHz) 9.028 9.022 9.023 9.031 8.987 9.01

Limit -6 dB Bandwidth (MHz) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Verdict Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Test Graphs -6dB Bandwidth NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1

Page 28 of 69

-6dB Bandwidth NVNT k 2444MHz Ant1

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
-6dB Bandwidth NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1

Page 29 of 69

-6dB Bandwidth NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
-6dB Bandwidth NVNT k 2444MHz Ant2

Page 30 of 69

-6dB Bandwidth NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
8. Maximum Output Power
8.1 Test Setup

Page 31 of 69

8.2 Limits of Maximum Output Power The Maximum Output Power Measurement is 30dBm.
8.3 Test Procedure The RF power output was measured with a Power meter connected to the RF Antenna connector (conducted measurement) while EUT was operating in transmit mode at the appropriate centre frequency.
Note: The PK power was measured

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 32 of 69

8.4Test Results

Condition Mode



Frequency (MHz) 2417 2444 2470 2417 2444 2470

Antenna Ant1 Ant2

Conducted Power (dBm) 25.27 25.07 24.77 25.62 25.32 25

Duty Factor (dB) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Power (dBm) 25.27 25.07 24.77 25.62 25.32 25

Limit (dBm)
30 30 30 30 30 30

Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Mode k

Frequency (MHz)
2417 2444 2470

PK Power (dBm) Ant1 + Ant2
28.46 28.21 27.90

Note: 1. The result basic equation calculation as follow: Power Output = Power Reading + Cable loss + Attenuator
2. The worse case was recorded

Power Limit (dBm)
30 30 30

Pass/ Fail
Pass Pass Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
9. Power Spectral Density Measurement
9.1 Test Setup

Page 33 of 69

9.2 Limits of Power Spectral Density Measurement The Maximum Power Spectral Density Measurement is 8dBm/3kHz.
9.3 Test Procedure 1. Use this procedure when the maximum peak conducted output power in the fundamental emission is used to demonstrate compliance. 2. Set the RBW = 3 kHz. 3. Set the VBW  10 kHz. 4. Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS channel bandwidth. 5. Detector = peak. 6. Sweep time = auto couple. 7. Trace mode = max hold. 8. Allow trace to fully stabilize. 9. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level. 10. If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 kHz) and repeat. 11. The resulting peak PSD level must be  8 dBm/3kHz.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 34 of 69

9.4Test Result

Condition Mode

Frequency (MHz)


Conducted PSD (dBm/3kHz)

















Duty Factor
(dB) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total PSD (dBm/3kHz)

Limit (dBm/3kHz)




















Mode k

Frequency (MHz)
2417 2444 2470

Power Spectral Density (dBm/10kHz) Ant1 + Ant2
7.54 7.37 5.28

Limit (dBm/3kHz)
8 8 8

Pass/ Fail
Pass Pass Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Test Graphs PSD NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1

Page 35 of 69

PSD NVNT k 2444MHz Ant1

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

PSD NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1

Page 36 of 69

PSD NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

PSD NVNT k 2444MHz Ant2

Page 37 of 69

PSD NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
10 Out of Band Measurement
10.1 Test Setup for band edge

Page 38 of 69

The restricted band requirement based on radiated emission test; please see the clause 6 for the test setup
10.2 Limits of Out of Band Emissions Measurement 1. Below ­20dB of the highest emission level of operating band (in 100kHz Resolution Bandwidth). 2. Fall in the restricted bands listed in section 15.205. The maximum permitted average field strength is listed in
section 15.209.
10.3 Test Procedure For signals in the restricted bands above and below the 2.4-2.483GHz allocated band a measurement was made of radiated emission test. (Peak values with RBW=VBW=1MHz and PK detector. AV value with RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz and PK detector) For bandage test, the spectrum set as follows: RBW=100, VBW=300 kHz. A conducted measurement used
10.4 Test Result
Please see next pages
Note: 1. For band-edge measurement, the frequency from 30MHz-25GHz was tested. And It met the FCC rule. 2.Ant 1 and Ant 2 transmitting Simultaneously

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 39 of 69

Band Edge





Frequency (MHz) 2417 2470 2417 2470

Antenna Ant1 Ant2

Max Value (dBc) -44.97 -40.51 -45.35 -39.57

Limit (dBc) -20 -20 -20 -20

Verdict Pass Pass Pass Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Test Graphs Band Edge NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1 Ref

Page 40 of 69

Band Edge NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Band Edge NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1 Ref

Page 41 of 69

Band Edge NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Band Edge NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2 Ref

Page 42 of 69

Band Edge NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Band Edge NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2 Ref

Page 43 of 69

Band Edge NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 44 of 69

Conducted RF Spurious Emission





Frequency (MHz) 2417 2444 2470 2417 2444 2470

Antenna Ant1 Ant2

Max Value (dBc) -29.78 -28.84 -28.7 -29.46 -28.69 -28.94

Limit (dBc) -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20

Verdict Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Test Graphs Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1 Ref

Page 45 of 69

Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2417MHz Ant1 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2444MHz Ant1 Ref

Page 46 of 69

Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2444MHz Ant1 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1 Ref

Page 47 of 69

Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2470MHz Ant1 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2 Ref

Page 48 of 69

Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2417MHz Ant2 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2444MHz Ant2 Ref

Page 49 of 69

Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2444MHz Ant2 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2 Ref

Page 50 of 69

Tx. Spurious NVNT k 2470MHz Ant2 Emission

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 51 of 69

Low Channel:

10.5 Restricted band Measurement


Agriculture Drone


Keeping Transmitting


24 deg. C,

Test Result:



PK (dBV/m)


AV (dBV/m)



PK (dBV/m)


AV (dBV/m)


High Channel:

10.5 Restricted band Measurement


Agriculture Drone


Keeping Transmitting


24 deg. C,

Test Result:



PK (dBV/m)


AV (dBV/m)



PK (dBV/m)


AV (dBV/m)


Model Test Voltage
Humidity Detector

U60 DC68.4V 56% RH
PK 74(dBV/m) 54(dBV/m) 74(dBV/m) 54(dBV/m)

Model Test Voltage
Humidity Detector

U60 DC68.4V 56% RH
PK 74(dBV/m) 54(dBV/m) 74(dBV/m) 54(dBV/m)

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 52 of 69

11.0 Antenna Requirement
11.1 Standard Applicable For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247 (b), if transmitter antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the mount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.
11.2 Antenna Connected construction Two Integral antennas with gain 1.7dBi Max for each one (Get from the antenna specification)

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Page 53 of 69

12.0 FCC ID Label FCC ID: 2BH6V-U6
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation The label must not be a stick-on paper label. The label on these products must be permanently affixed to the product and readily visible at the time of purchase and must last the expected lifetime of the equipment not be readily detachable. Mark Location:

Label Location

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02
13.0 Photo of testing Conducted Emission Test Setup: N/A
Radiated Emission Test Setup:

Page 54 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Outside View

Page 55 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Outside View

Page 56 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Outside View

Page 57 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 58 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 59 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 60 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 61 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 62 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 63 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 64 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 65 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 66 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 67 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 68 of 69

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Report No.: TW2407246E Date: 2024-08-02

Inside view

Page 69 of 69

-End of the report-
The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk. This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however, show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report. In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.


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