
P01120663 | Chauvin Arnoux MiniFlex MA130-250 Current Clamp, AC Adapter, BNC to Banana Plug, Voltage Output | RS

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Document DEVICE REPORTA700000006812191


Founded in Paris, France in 1893, CHAUVIN ARNOUX has spent the centuries since then developing its expertise in the design, manufacture and marketing of measuring instruments for professionals.
From handheld instrumentation to fixed electrical equipment and energy performance systems, and from control of the entire thermal process chain to industrial metrology, the CHAUVIN ARNOUX Group's offering meets every customer requirement across all the sectors (self-employed electricians, industry, government bodies, etc.).
" CHAUVIN ARNOUX is a major player in the measurement market
in France and internationally. "
A Few Figures
· 10 subsidiaries worldwide ·1,000 employees · 8 production sites · 6 R&D departments worldwide · 11% of revenues invested in R&D · Turnover of 100 million euros

Your partner: - energy performance - regulatory testing - environmental measurements - installation supervision and sizing.
Made in France The French family company Chauvin Arnoux designs and manufactures 80 % of its products in the R&D Centres and production sites owned by the Group. Its three sites in Normandy and its site at Meyzieu, near Lyon, manufacture printed circuit boards, mechanical parts and temperature sensors, while also handling the assembly of measuring instruments for all the Group's brands.

6 expert measurement
companies in one Group

Portable instrumentation for measuring electrical and physical quantities

Electrical measuring instruments and supervision solutions for demanding industries and environments

Sensors and control solutions for industrial processes

Metrology and regulatory testing. Measurement services (noise, air, water)

Optical sensors for quality control in the laboratory and on inline processes

Measurement of agrifood product quality using fluorescence and Infrared processes


· Clamp multimeters.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4 · Multimeters. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
· LED voltage tester.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10 · Digital testers .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
· Contact thermometers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11 · Thermo-hygrometers. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12 · Measurement of CO2 / Temperature / Humidity .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12 · Luxmeters. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13 · Thermo-anemometers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13
· pH and temperature testers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14 · Conductivity meter.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14 · Portable pH-meter.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
· DiaCAm2 thermal cameras .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
Testing and electrical safety
· Digital insulation testers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18/22-25 · Electrical installation testers. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18/20 · 2P & 3P earth/ground testers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 · 3P & 4P earth/ground and resistivity testers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26 · Earth/ground and resistivity testers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26 · Earth and resistivity kit.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26 · Earth/ground and resistivity testers with pylon earth measurement adapter.  .  .  . 27 · Earth clamps .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 28 · Cable and metal duct detector .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 29 · Micro-ohmmeters.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 30 · Ratiometer .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 31
Power, energy, disturbances
· Three-phase network and power analysers. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 32 · Power and energy loggers.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
· Portable oscilloscopes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 36
Current measurements
· AC and AC/DC current measurements. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 38 · Measurements with oscilloscopes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 39 · Ammeters with flexible sensors.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 40 · Flexible current sensors.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 41
Data processing software
· DataView software .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 42
· Measurement leads, protection and transport accessories .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 42

Find all our news and documentation at

Digital multimeter clamps
54 1000 V IP

3 series of clamps for 3 measurement ranges: discover our range and choose your clamp!

600 AAC / 900 ADC l Clamping Ø 34 mm

1,000 AAC / 1,500 ADC l Clamping Ø 48 mm

2,000 AAC / 3,000 ADC l Clamping Ø 60 mm

+ Voltage up to 1,000 V Resistance, audible continuity +

F201 / F401 / F601

F203 / F403 / F603

AC applications

AC or DC applications

Everything you need for installations and equipment powered by the mains supply

DC current Temperature Adapter function REL

F205 / F405 / F605
Mixed AC+DC applications + testing and maintenance
Power THD REL Min/Max/Peak Phase rotation

F407 / F607
Mixed AC+DC applications + analysis and verification
Power Harmonics Ripple Recording PC software


Thanks to the TrueInRush function, the clamp automatically determines the type of signal and the level of current in the installation and then adapts the algorithm and measurement procedure to capture the next current surge.












Reference Specifications Clamping diameter Display Resolution Number of values displayed
Type of acquisition
Autorange function Automatic AC/DC detection Aac Adc

P01120921 P01120923 P01120925 P01120941 P01120943 P01120945 P01120947 P01120963 P01120965 P01120967

Ø 34 mm


Backlit LCD

6,000 counts





0.15 to 600 A (900 A peak)

0.15 to 900 A peak


Ø 48 mm

Backlit LCD

10,000 counts





Yes Yes 1000 A
1,500 A peak

Ø 60 mm

Backlit LCD

10,000 counts





Yes Yes 2,000 A (3,000 A peak) 3,000 A


0.15 to 600A (900A peak)

1,000 A (1,500 A peak)

2,000 A (3,000 A peak)

Best accuracy Vac Vdc
Best accuracy Frequency of V / I Resistance Audible continuity Diode test (semi-conductor junction) Adapter

1% R + 3 counts 0.15 to 1,000 A (1,400 A peak)
0.15 to 1,400 V 0.15 to
1,000V (1,400 V peak)
1% R + 3 cts
60 k Adjustable from 1  to 599 
Yes Yes

1% R + 3 counts 1,000 V 1,400 V
1,000 A (1,400 A peak)
1% R + 3 counts Yes / Yes 100 k
Adjustable from 1  to 999  Yes

1% R + 3 counts 1,000 V 1,400 V
1,000 A (1,400 A peak)
1% R + 3 counts
100 k Adjustable from 1  to 999 
Yes Yes

Single-phase and total three-phase power values


temperature °C: -60.0 to +1,000.0 °C / °F: (K type) -76.0 to +1,832 °F

active (W)

reactive Var (Q1) apparent (VA)

Harmonic analysis THDf / THDr

Frequency analysis

Phase rotation (2-wire method)


Overcurrent measurement


Motor Inrush


Load evolution (TrueInrush)




Min / MAX


Peak+ / Peak-

Yes Yes Yes Yes / No Yes / Yes Yes


°C: -60.0 to +1,000.0 °C / °F: -76.0 to +1,832 °F

°C: -60.0 to 1,000.0 °C / °F: -76.0 to +1,832 °F Yes Yes Yes Yes / - Yes / Yes
Yes / Yes
25th order












Yes / -

Yes / Yes

Yes / Yes

25th order









RELative X Differential X / X(%)







Auto Power Off Data recording Communication interface Electrical safety according to IEC 61010 Power supply Dimensions / Weight Warranty

600V CAT IV 1 x 9 V LF22 78 x 222 x 42 mm / 340 g

Yes Yes
Bluetooth 1,000 V CAT IV - 1,000 V CAT III
4 x 1.5 V AA 92 x 272 x 41 mm / 600 g
3 years

Yes Yes
Bluetooth 1,000 V CAT IV - 1,000 V CAT III
4 x 1.5 V AA 111 x 296 x 41 mm / 640 g

State at delivery

1 set of PVC cables (black/red) with built-in test probes Ø 4 mm isolated elbowed male banana plug
1 set of PVC cables (black/red) Ø 4 mm isolated elbowed male banana plug Ø 4 mm isolated straight male banana plug
2 test probes (black/red) Ø 4 mm isolated female plug

9 V pour série F200
1,5 V pour séries F400 / F600

1 black safety crocodile clip
1 wire thermocouple with integrated Ø 4 mm isolated banana connections with 19 mm spacing
1 x 9 V 6LR61 battery (F200 series) 4 x 1.5V LR03 batteries (F400/F600 series)
Multifix bag 120 x245 x 60 mm (F200 series) 120 x320 x 60 mm (F400/F600 series)

F201 / F203 x1

F401 / F403 / F601 / F603

F205 / F405 / F605

F407 / F607





















TRMS AC/DC and AC/DC/AC+DC digital multimeters

The B-ASYC MTX 203 and MTX 204 offer high performance while remaining simple to use, even by inexperienced users.

600 V IP

Reference Display Acquisition Measurement rate Autorange / Deactivatable
VLow AC (low impedance + low-pass filter) V AC + DC

Ranges Typical accuracy Resolution Ranges Resolution Bandwidth Ranges Resolution Ranges Resolution

Ranges A AC


Ranges Resolution


Ranges Resolution

Audible continuity

Frequency and duty cycle

Diode test

Ranges Hz


Ranges Resolution

Ranges T°


Min / Max (100 ms)

Differential (DX) / Relative (DX/X%) measurement

Auto power-off

Power supply

Dimensions / weight

MTX 203
MTX203-Z 6000 cts
TRMS AC/DC 2 meas./second
0.01 V to 1 V 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 750 V
0.001 V to 1V
6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 750 V 0.001 V to 1 V

Yes / Yes 6 V / 60 V / 600 V
0.2 % + 2 cts
1 kHz

MTX 204
MTX204-Z 6 000 cts TRMS AC/DC/AC+DC
0.001 V 0.6 to 750 V 0.5% + 4 cts
0.5% + 4 cts 0.001 V

600 µA / 6 mA / 60 mA / 600 mA / 6 A / 10 A
0.1 µA to 0,01A

1% + 4 cts 600 A / 60 mA / 6 A
0.1 µA

600 µA / 6 mA / 60 mA / 600 mA / 6 A / 10 A

600 A / 60 mA / 6 A

0.1 µA to 0.01A


600 A / 60 mA / 6 A


600 / 6 k / 60 k / 600 k / 6 M / 60 MW

0.1 W to 0.01 MW



2Hz to 1kHz



2Hz to 1kHz

0.001 Hz


0.001 nF to 10 µF

-55°C to +1200°C


0.1 °C







Yes (deactivatable)

2 x 1.5 V AA

170 x 80 x 50 mm / 320g

Useful : Backlit screen and torch

Practical : Magnetized shockproof sheath with compartment for stowing cables and 3-position stand

State at delivery


MTX 203 : 1 shockproof sheath, 2 x 1.5 m straight cables / test probe, 1 flexible K thermocouple with adapter Ø 4 mm, 1 user's manual on paper, 2 x 1.5 V AA batteries.
MTX 204 : 1 shockproof sheath, 2 x 1.5 m straight cables / test probe, 1 user's manual on paper, 2 x 1.5 V AA batteries.

MULTIFIX accessory............................................................... P01102100Z SHT40KV voltage probe......................................................... P01102097 Adapter + TK temperature sensor (MTX 203)......................... P01102107Z CMS clamp............................................................................ HX0064 Set of 2 magnetized test probes............................................ P01103058Z Fuse F1000 V 10 A, 10 x 38 mm (x 5).................................... P01297096 F1000 V 0.63 A, 6.3 x 32 mm (x 5)........................................ P01297098


ASYC IV digital multimeters range

DC, AC and AC+DC voltages (range) DC accuracy AC and AC+DC bandwidth DC, AC and AC+DC current (range) DC accuracy Frequency (range) Resistance (range) Audible continuity Diode test Capacitance (range) Temperature Pt100/1000 Temperature TK/TJ Other functions Monitoring REL PWM filter Clamp voltage output function with direct reading Secondary functions or measurements SPEC GRAPH Central zero Measurement storage General specifications
Type of display
PC interfaces Power supply
Environment Mechanical specifications Warranty

MTX 3290
MTX3290 60 mV to 600 V
0.3% 20 kHz

600 A to 10 A /20 A (30 s max)*
60 Hz to 600 kHz 600  to 60 M 600 W SIGNAL < 30  ±5  < 5 V 3 V with 1 mV resolution 6 nF to 60 mF -200°C to 800°C

MTX 3291 *
MTX3291 60 mV to 1000 V
0.05% 100 kHz

Time/date-stamped MAX/MIN / AVG or PEAK ±, on all the main positions REL relative value + secondary display of measured reference value*
300 Hz low-pass, 4th order for measurement on asynchronous motor variable speed drive
Integration of ratio 1/1, 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000 mV/A
dBm and resistive power in VA, duty cycle +/-, and pulse width*

Selectable or automatic* bargraph for VDC and I DC

LCD with backlighting*, digit height 14 mm 60, 000-count* or 6, 000-count double display
Optical USB connector and SX-DMM software
4 AA batteries or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries Safety as per IEC61010-1 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV* or 600V CAT III / 300V CAT IV -
Safety as per IEC 61010-2-033 Storage -20 °C to +70 °C ­ Operation -10 °C to +55 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H): 196 x 90 x 47.1 mm ­ Weight: 570 g
3 years

State at delivery
· MTX 3290: delivered with 4 x 1.5 V alkaline batteries, 1.5 m red straight/ straight cable, 1.5 m black straight/straight cable, red CAT IV 1 kV test probe, black CAT IV 1 kV test probe, 1 user's manual on CD and 1 startup guide on paper
· MTX 3291: delivered with 4 x 1.5 V alkaline batteries, 1.5 m red straight/ straight cable, 1.5 m black straight/straight cable, red CAT IV 1 kV test probe, black CAT IV 1 kV test probe, 1 user's manual on CD and 1 startup guide on paper, plus a bag, a USB cable, an SCPI remote programming manual and the SX-DMM software

· Graphical colour MTX 329X calibration software. . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0059B · Kit of 4 Ni-MH batteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0051B · MTX 328X and MTX 329X external charger (4 batteries included). . >HX0053B · MTX DMM digital multimeter transport kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0052B · Graphical colour DMM transport kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0052C · MTX 3290 and MTX 3291 calibration software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >P01196770



TRMS AC, DC and AC+DC digital multimeters
Versatility for use in the field

54 600 V IP





Measurement rate

Autorange / Deactivatable

Automatic AC /DC detection



Typical accuracy






VLow AC ((Low impedance + Low-pass filter)

Ranges Resolution


Ranges Resolution


Ranges Resolution


Resolution Ranges Resolution

Audible continuity Diode test Hz

Ranges Resolution
Ranges Resolution


Ranges Resolution





Min / Max (100 ms)

Peak+ / Peak- (1 ms)

Differential measurement (DX) / Relative (DX/X%)

Automatic power-off

Power supply

Dimensions / weight

CA 5273

CA 5275

CA 5277


P01196775 2 x 6,000 counts, backlit


61 + 2 elements, bi-mode (full scale / central zero)



5 measurements / second

Yes / Yes



600 mV / 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 1,000 V 0.2 % + 2 cts

60 mV / 600 mV / 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 1,000 V 0.09 % + 2 cts

0.1 mV to 1 V

0.01 mV to 1 V

600 mV / 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 1,000 V

60 mV / 600 mV / 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 1,000 V

0.1 mV to 1 V

0.01 mV to 1 V

40 Hz to 3 kHz

40 Hz to 10 kHz

600 mV / 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 1,000 V

0.1 mV to 1 V

60 mV / 600 mV / 6 V / 60 V / 600 V / 1,000 V

0.01 mV to 1 V

6 A / 10 A (20 A / 30 s)

6,000 µA / 60 mA / 600 mA / 6 A / 10 A (20 A / 30 s)

0.001 A to 0.01 A

1 µA to 0.01 A Ionization current; 0.2 µA to 20.0 µA

6 A / 10 A

6,000 µA / 60 mA / 600 mA / 6 A / 10 A (20 A / 30 s)

0.001 A to 0.01 A

1 µA to 0.01 A 6,000 µA / 60 mA / 600 mA / 6 A / 10 A (20 A / 30 s)
1 µA to 0.01 A

600  / 6,000  / 60 k / 600 k / 6 M / 60 M

0.1  to 0.1 M Yes Yes
600 Hz / 6 kHz / 50 kHz 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
6 nF / 60 nF / 600 nF / 6 µF / 60 µF / 600 µF / 6 mF / 60 mF

-59.6 °C to +1,200 °C -4 °F to +2,192 °F
0.1° to 1 °

0.001 nF (1 pF) to 10 µF
Yes Yes No No Yes (deactivatable) 1 x 9 V 90 x 190 x 45 / 400 g

-59.6 °C to +1,200 °C -4 °F to +2,192 °F 0.1° to 1 °
Yes Yes

State at delivery


CA 5270 multimeter delivered with a set of banana leads, a set of test probes, a 9 V battery and a CD containing the user's manual and the startup guide. CA 5273 : plus a K temperature sensor CA 5275 : plus a bag and a Multifix adapter CA 5277 : plus a K thermocouple temperature sensor,
a bag and a Multifix adapter

MULTIFIX accessory............................................................... P01102100Z SHT40KV voltage probe......................................................... P01102097 Adapter + TK temperature probe........................................... P01102107Z CMS clamp............................................................................ HX0064 Set of 2 magnetized test probes............................................ P01103058Z Fuse F1000 V 10 A, 10 x 38 mm (x 5).................................... P01297096 F1000 V 0.63 A, 6.3 x 32 mm (x 5)........................................ P01297098


Digital multimeters
67 1000 V 600 V CEI IP
CAT III CAT IV 61010-2-033


Standard reference Reference with Bluetooth communication DC, AC and AC+DC voltages (range) DC accuracy AC and AC+DC bandwidth DC, AC and AC+DC current (range) DC accuracy Frequency (range) Resistance (range) Audible continuity Diode test Capacitance (range) Temperature Pt100/1000 Temperature TK/TJ Other functions
PWM filter Clamp voltage output function with direct reading Secondary functions or measurements SPEC GRAPH Central zero Measurement storage General specifications Type of display
PC interfaces
Power supply
Environment Mechanical specifications Warranty

CA 5292

CA 5292BT

CA 5293

CA 5293BT



100 mV to 1,000 V

0.03% 100 kHz

1000 A to 10 A /20 A (30 s max) 0.01%
10 Hz to 5 MHz

0.02% 200 kHz

100 W to 100 MW 1,000  SIGNAL < 20  < 3.5 V Diode 0 -2.6 V < 1 mA + Zener diode or LED 0-20 V < 11 mA

1 nF to 10 mF -200°C to 800°C

-40 to +1,200°C

Time/date-stamped SURV MAX / MIN / AVG or PEAK ± on all the main positions
REF-delta unit relative value or on 3 displays + main measurement
300 Hz low-pass, 4th order for measurement on asynchronous motor variable speed drive

Settable ratio Ax

3 measurements + main measurement Display of measurement tolerance +Smin+Smax

Trend of main measurement < 60 s + Zoom + Cursor Automatic trend bargraph



Graphical colour display (70 x 52) with backlighting, 4 x 100,000-count displays with black background
Optical USB connector or Bluetooth (option) ­ SX-DMM software
Charger or 4 AA batteries or Ni-MH rechargeable batteries
Safety as per IEC61010-1 1000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV Safety as per IEC 61010-2-033
Storage -20 °C to +70 °C ­ Operation 0 °C to +40 °C
Dimensions (L x W x H): 196 x 90 x 47.1 mm ­ Weight: 570 g
3 years

· Graphical colour MTX 329X calibration software. . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0059B · Kit of 4 Ni-MH batteries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0051B · MTX 328X and MTX 329X external charger (4 batteries included). . >HX0053B · MTX DMM digital multimeter transport kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0052B · Graphical colour DMM transport kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >HX0052C
State at delivery
· CA 5292, CA 5292BT and CA 5293, CA 5293BT: delivered with a bag, 4 x NIMH 2400mAH 1.5V rechargeable batteries, 1 charger, 1 red 1.5m straight/straight cable, 1 black straight/straight cable, 1 red CAT IV 1 kV test probe, 1 black CAT IV 1kV test probe, 1 USB optical cable + SX-DMM software, 1 user's manual on CD, 1 SCPI programming commands manual and 1 start-up guide on paper



Voltage Absence Tester (VAT)

65 1000 V IP
Reference Display

CA 773
P01191773 LEDs + Backlit digital display

Voltage detection
Voltage Frequency Impedance Max. peak current Polarity indication

1.0 V to 299.0 VAC/DC 300 V to 1,000 VAC / 1,400 VDC
DC, 162/3 to 800 Hz
> 500 k
3.5 mA RMS

Redundant hazardous voltage indication

The ELV (Extra Low Voltage) LED indicates a voltage higher than the SELV (Safety Extra-Low Voltage) and
its flashing speed is proportional to the voltage

Stray voltage detection

Yes (by low-impedance load switching)

RCD tripping
Phase/Neutral identification
Continuity & Resistance

Yes (by low-impedance load switching) (30 mA approx. at 230 V)
Above 50 V (45 - 65 Hz) Above 150 V (162/3 - 45 Hz)

Buzzer trigger threshold

100  typical (150  max.)

Extended continuity test (Resistance)
Test current / Open-circuit voltage
Phase rotation Ph/Ph voltage
Standards and electrical safety

0.5  to 2.999 k
 1 mA /  3.3 V
2-wire method with microprocessor 50 V  U  1,000 Vac (45 - 400 Hz) Intermittent beep for voltage detection
Continuous beep for continuity IEC 61243-3:2009, EN 61243-3:2010, IEC 61010
1000 V CAT IV

Enclosure protection


Climatic conditions Battery life Dimensions / weight

-15 °C to +45 °C (Class N)
> 2,500 x10 s measurements 228 x 60 x 39 mm (without test probe)
350 g approx.

State at delivery
· CA 773 delivered with 1 User's Manual in 5 languages, 2 x 1.5 V LR06/AA batteries, 1 set of removable test probes Ø 2 mm with crystal safety cap, 1 probe protector, 1 Velcro strap.
Accessories & replacement parts for CA 773:
CAT IV test probes for VAT...................................................................... P01102123Z Ø 2 mm test probes for VAT.................................................................... P01102124Z Ø 4 mm test probes for VAT.................................................................... P01102125Z Probe protector for VAT........................................................................... P01102126Z IP2X CAT IV test probes for VAT.............................................................. P01102127Z IP2X Ø 4 mm test probes for VAT............................................................ P01102128Z MultiFix bag, 120 x 320 x 60 mm............................................................. P01298076

Digital testers

600 V IP

CA 757



Current testing

Measurement range via current sensor

500 mA to 300 A (2 ranges)


0.01 A to 0.1 A

DC voltage Measurement range Resolution
AC voltage Measurement range Resolution

3 mV to 1,000 V ­ 4 ranges 1 mV to 1 V
100 mV to 1,000 V ­ 4 ranges 1 mV to 1 V

Operating frequency

DC and 50/60 Hz


10 M

Non-contact voltage detection
Audible continuity test Resistance testing
Measurement range
Capacitance testing Measurement range

230 V 50/60 Hz at a distance of approx. 5 cm
R  30 
0.3  to 30 M ­ 6 ranges 0.1  to 0.01 M
400 pF to 30 mF 0.001 nF to 0.01 mF


600 V CAT III, IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-031, IEC 61010-032, IEC 61010-033

Power supply

2 x 1.5 V LR03 batteries

Battery life

100 hours with alkaline batteries ­ Automatic standby mode after 10 minutes

Dimensions / weight

180 x 52 x 45 mm / 200 g

State at delivery
·CA 757 delivered with 1 set of CAT III / IV fine-tipped test probes (red/black), 2 x 1.5 V LR03 alkaline batteries, 1 MiniFlex® sensor (loop length 250 mm), 1 Velcro strap

Replacement parts for CA 757
CAT III/IV red/black test probes.................................... P01102152Z Ø 2 mm CAT II red/black test probes........................... P01102153Z Ø 4 mm CAT II red/black test probes........................... P01102154Z Velcro strap x 5............................................................ P01102113 1.5 V LR3/AAA alkaline battery(x 1).............................. P01296032 Bag compatible with MultiFix accessories, 120 x 200 x 60............................................................. P01298074 MultiFix mounting accessory........................................ P01102100Z MA101-250 current sensor for CA 757........................ P01120591

Logger contact thermometers
> J, K, T, N, E, R and S thermocouples (CA 1821 & CA 1822)
> Pt100 and Pt1000 resistive probes (CA 1823)
> Compact and magnetized for fixed or portable use
> Can record up to 1 million points

Reference Sensor No. of inputs Range Resolution Accuracy Functions Recording
Battery life Protection
Connections Dimensions / weight

CA 1821

CA 1822

CA 1823




J, K, T, N, E, R, S

Pt100, Pt1000




-250°C to 1,767°C

-100°C to 400°C

q < 1,000 °C: 0.1°C and q  1,000 °C: 1°C


± (0.1 % R + 0.6 °C)

± (0.4 % R + 0.3 °C)

Min., Max., HOLD, Alarms

Manual start and stop on the product - Programmed recording

Visual alert if the threshold definable via Data Logger Transfer is overrun Recording can be triggered on the alarm threshold

1,000 hrs (portable mode) or 800 hrs (for the CA 1823) / 3 years when recording (measurement base: 15 minutes)


Casing equipped with a magnet, a wall-mount system and a slot for suspending the product. Compatible with the Multifix accessory.

CA 1821 and CA 1822: compensated miniature female - CA 1823: 3-point flat connector

150 x 72 x 32 mm / 260 g with batteries

State at delivery
Products delivered with carrying bag, batteries, 1 USB cable, 1 measurement report and quick startup guide (complete user's manual and Data Logger Transfer software available from the Chauvin Arnoux website)

Accessories and replacement parts
Handle for CK extension...........................................................P03652912 Connector for K thermocouple.................................................P03652925 Temperature sensors for CA 1800...........................................see page 34 Shockproof sheath + Multifix....................................................P01654252 Multifix......................................................................................P01102100Z Mains adapter..........................................................................P01651023 Carrying bag.............................................................................P01298075 Metal case................................................................................P01298071 Dataview software....................................................................P01102095 BLE / USB Bluetooth modem for PC.......................................P01654253 4 x NiMH AA/LR6 batteries + Charger.....................................HX0053

Data Logger Transfer, the software for analysing your data

Automatic report generation
Exportable in Word format This simplifies editing and archiving.




CO2,Temperature and Humidity Logger

CA 1246

Reference Relative Humidity range

P01654246 3.0 to 98.0 %RH

Relative Humidity accuracy

10 to 90 %RH: ± (2 %RH ± 1 ct) outside that range: ± (4 %RH ± 1 ct)

Temperature range
Temperature accuracy

- 10.0 to +60.0°C
10 to 40°C: ± (0.5°C ± 1 ct) outside that range: ± (0.032 x (T-25) ± 1 ct) /
T= temperature in °C

Dew point range and accuracy

Dew point: - 20.0 to +60.0 °Ctd Accuracy: 1.5°C


Min., Max., HOLD, Alarms

Recording Alarms

Manual start/stop on the product Programmed recording
Visual alert when threshold definable via Data Logger Transfer is overrun
Recording can be triggered on the alarm threshold

Battery life

1,000 hrs (portable mode) / 3 years when recording (measurements every 15 minutes)

Ingress protection Mounting Dimensions / weight

Casing equipped with a magnet, a wall-mount system and a slot for suspending the product.
Compatible with the Multifix accessory.
187 x 72 x 32 mm / 260 g

State at delivery
CA 1246, delivered with carrying bag, batteries, USB cable, measurement report and quick startup guide (complete manual and Data Logger Transfer software available from the Chauvin Arnoux website)
Accessories and replacement parts
75%RH salt cartridge................................. P01156401 33%RH salt cartridge................................. P01156402 Shockproof sheath + Multifix...................... P01654252 Multifix........................................................ P01102100Z Mains adapter............................................ P01651023 Carrying bag............................................... P01298075 Metal case.................................................. P01298071 Dataview software...................................... P01102095 Bluetooth BLE / USB modem for PC......... P01654253 4 x NiMH AA/LR6 batteries + Charger....... HX0053

Measurement range Accuracy Resolution



0 to 5,000 ppm -10°C to +60°C

± 50 ppm ±3% R ±0.5°C

1 ppm

0.1° C

Humidity 5 to 95% RH
± 2% RH 0.1% RH


CA 1510

CA 1510 black

Recording intervals

Customizable from 1 minute to 2 hours

Storage Buzzer and units Backlighting / Hold / Min Max Dimensions / Weight
Power supply

More than 1 million points
Yes / °C or °F
125 x 65.5 x 32 mm / 190 g with batteries Batteries: 2 x 1.5V LR6 or rechargeable battery
Mains connection possible with mains adapter/
micro USB supplied as standard
2 possible communication modes: Bluetooth wireless link and USB link.
The product is then recognized as a USB key for simple file transfers


CA 1510 casing equipped with a magnet, a wall-mount system and a slot for suspending the product.
A wall-mount with anti-theft protection (padlock not supplied) is available as an accessory.
A desktop stand is also available (supplied as standard with the CA 1510W)

State at delivery
White CA 1510 delivered in a cardboard box with batteries, 1 USB mains adapter, 1 USB-micro USB cable, desktop stand, quick startup guide, 1 CD-ROM containing the user's manual and data processing software. Black CA 1510 delivered in a case with batteries, USB mains adapter, 1 USB cable, quick startup guide, 1 CD-ROM containing the user's manual and data processing software.
Accessories and replacement parts

Black wall-mount......................................................................P01651024


Calibration kit delivered with calibration software




Reference Air speed/ flow-rate sensor Air speed range Air speed accuracy Air flow-rate range Air flow-rate accuracy Temp. range °C/°F Temp. accuracy °C Functions Recording
Data storage
Power supply
Battery life
Weight Ingress protection Operating temperature / humidity Standards

CA 1227
Vane with optical detection
0.25 m/s to 35.0 m/s (49.0 to 6890.0 fpm) ± 3 % of reading ± 4 cts 0 to 2,999 m3/h ± 8 % of reading
- 20 to +50 °C / -4 to +122 °F 0 to 50 °C: ± 0.8 °C -20 to 0 °C: ± 1.6 °C
Min., Max., HOLD, Average Manual start and stop on the product
Programmed recording More than 1 million points
- 3 x 1.5V LR6 alkaline batteries or NiMH rechargeable battery
- Mains connection via the mains / micro USB adapter (option)
200 hrs (portable mode) / 8 days for recording (15-minute measurement interval) Casing: 150 x 72 x 32 mm Sensor: 160 x 80 x 38 mm Spiral cable: 24 to 120 cm Approx. 400 g IP40 casing
-10 to +60 ° C - 10 to 90 % RH
IEC 61010-1 - IEC 61326-1

State at delivery
CA 1227 delivered with carrying bag, 3 x 1.5V AA alkaline batteries, USB cable, measurement report and quick startup guide (complete manual and Data Logger Transfer software available from the Chauvin Arnoux website)

CA 1110

Reference Measurement range Accuracy in standard mode Incandescent lamp

P01654110 0.1 to 200,000 lx 0.01 to 18,580 fc
± 3 % of reading


± 6 % of reading (3,000 K and 6,000 K)

Fluorescent lamps

± 9 % of the reading

Accuracy in compensation mode

LED mode

± 4 % of the reading (at 4,000 K)

Fluo mode

± 4 % of the reading (type F11, 4,000 K)


Min., Max., HOLD, Average


Manual start and stop on the product Programmed recording

MAP mode Data storage Power supply

The MAP function can be used to map the lighting on a surface or in a room.
The illuminance measurements are thus stored in the same file.
More than 1 million points
- 3 x 1.5V LR6 batteries or NiMH rechargeable battery - Mains connection via the mains / micro USB adapter (option)

Battery life

500 hrs (portable mode) / 3 years for recording (15-minute measurement interval)


Casing: 150 x 72 x 32 mm Sensor: 67 x 64 x 35 mm
(with protective cover) Spiral cable: 24 to 120 cm

Ingress protection Operating temperature / humidity Standards

345 g with batteries IP50 casing
-10 to +60 °C - 10 to 90 % RH Class C according to the NF C 42-710 standard

State at delivery
CA 1110 delivered with carrying bag, 3 x 1.5V AA alkaline batteries, USB cable, measurement report and quick startup guide (complete manual and Data Logger Transfer software available on the Chauvin Arnoux website).

Accessories and replacement parts for the CA 1227 & CA 1110

Cones kit for vane flow-rate measurement for CA 1227 (circular cross section Ø 210 mm and rectangular cross section 346 x 346 mm).........................P01654250 Ø 80 mm vane sensor for CA 1227..........................................P01654251 Shockproof sheath + Multifix....................................................P01654252 Multifix......................................................................................P01102100Z

Mains adapter..........................................................................P01651023 Carrying bag.............................................................................P01298075 Metal case................................................................................P01298071 Dataview software....................................................................P01102095 Bluetooth BLE / USB modem for PC.......................................P01654253 4 x NiMH AA/LR6 batteries + Charger.....................................HX0053



CA 10001 watertight pH/temperature tester


pH Redox °C




Reference Measurement range Resolution Error Calibration Interchangeable electrode Power supply /Life span Auto power-off Dimensions/weight


0.00 ­ 14.00 pH

0,0 ­ 60.0 °C 32.0 ­ 140.0 °F

0.01 pH

0.1 °C / 0.1 °F

± 0.1 pH

± 1 °C / ± 2 °F

Automatic; 1, 2 or 3 points ; stored buffers

2 x CR2032 3V batteries / >100 hours
After 20 min without activity
227 x 36 x 20 mm / 65 g
Operating range / 0 to +50°C, max. Relative 80%
Storage range -10 to +50°C, max. Relative Humidity 90%
1 year

> Automatic, extremely easy calibration at 3 points: saves time!
> Detection of temperature-compensated pH values (ATC)
State at delivery
Two CR2032 3V batteries, one electrode storage flask, one multilingual User's Manual, one verification certificate.
pH 4.01 buffer solution (NIST)*, 125 mL..............................P01700106 pH 7.00 buffer solution (NIST)*, 125 mL..............................P01700107 pH 10.01 buffer solution (NIST)*, 125 mL............................P01700109 Set of 3 plastic beakers.......................................................P01710056
* Delivered with a quality certificate guaranteeing compliance with the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and DIN 19266 standards.

CA 10141 conductivity meter

Measurement parameters: conductivity, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids), resistivity, salinity, temperature (°C or °F)


TDS Conductivity


°C °F Salinity

Reference Measurement range (instr. alone) Resolution (R) Intrinsic uncertainty (instr. alone) TDS Measurement range (instr. alone) Resolution (R) Intrinsic uncertainty (instr. alone) Resistivity Measurement range (instr.alone) Resolution (R) Intrinsic uncertainty (instr. alone) Salinity Measurement range (instr. alone) Resolution (R) Intrinsic uncertainty (instr. alone) Temperature Measurement range (instr. alone) Resolution (R) Intrinsic uncertainty (instr. alone) Available reference temperature
Temperature compensation
Temperature compensation mode
Conductivity sensor

CA 10141 state at delivery
CA 10141 delivered in site-proof hard case with: 1 x 4-pole conductivity cell with built-in XCP4ST1 temperature probe, 4 x 1.5 V LR06 batteries, 1 protective sheath mounted on the instrument, 1 x 1408 S/cm conductivity solution, 1 plastic beaker,1 USB ­ micro USB cable, 1 wrist strap
CA 10141 accessories and replacement parts
147 S/cm reference standard conductivity solution ...............P01700117 1408 S/cm reference standard conductivity solution..............P01700118

Connector Data storage Memory
Sensor input
Communication interface Power supply Number ­ Type Auto power-off Protection rating Dimensions (with sheath) Weight (without sensor) Warranty (instr. alone)

CA 10141
P01710020 0,050 µS/cm to 500,0 mS/cm 0.001 to 0.1 (depending on range)
± 0.5% ± R
0.001 mg/l to 499,9 g/l 0.001 to 0.1 (depending on range)
± 0.5% ± R
2.000 .cm to 19.99 0.001 to 0.01 (depending on range)
± 0.5% ± R
2.0 to 42.0 psu 0.1
± 0.5% ± R
- 10 to + 120°C (14 to 248°F) 0.1 °C (0.1°F)
< 0.4°C (<0.7°F) 20/25 °C (68/77°F) 1 point, 6 predefined conductivity reference standards (user-modifiable); Possibility of resetting to default calibration
Automatic (ATC) or manual (MTC) linear, non-linear
XCP4ST1 (supplied), 4-pole conductivity sensor with built-in temperature sensor
(Pt 1000) 8-pin DIN, 1 m cable
> 100,000 measurements 8-pin DIN (adapters for BNC, S7 and Jack
available as an option) Type B micro-USB (USB device), 12 Mbit/s
4 x 1.5 V AA or LR06 alkaline batteries After 3, 10 or 15 min without use (adjustable)
IP67 211 x 127 x 54 mm
600 g 2 years


CA 10101 watertight portable pH-meter
The CA 10101's extra-wide, multi-display LCD screen makes it particularly comfortable to read and it offers storage on request of more than 100,000 time/ date-stamped measurements (PC software included)

* Instrument + XRGST1 pH electrode: 1.00 to 12.00 pH

Reference Measurement range (instrument only)
Resolution (R)
Intrinsic uncertainty of the instrument (without the electrode)
Calibration Temperature compensation
Data storage
Batteries / Life span Ingress protection Environmental conditions Dimensions (with sheath) Weight (without electrode) Warranty (instrument only)

Measurement parameters



-2.00 to 16.00 pH*


±199.9 mV

-1999 to -200 and +200 to +1999 mV

Temperature pH
Redox Temperature
pH Redox Temperature

0.1 mV ± 0.1 mV ± r

-10.0 to +120.0°C / 14.0 to 248.0°F 0.01 pH 1 mV
0.1 °C / 0.1 °F ± 0.01 pH ± r
± 1 mV ± r < 0.4°C / < 0.7°F

Automatic, up to 3 points, 3 groups of predefined reference solutions (modifiable)


Automatic, 1 point, two predefined reference solution values (modifiable)

Redox Date and time Data storage

Automatic (ATC) or manual (MTC), -10°C to +120°C (14°F to 248°F)
XRGST1 (supplied): pH combination electrode with built-in temperature sensor (Pt1000) and 8-pin DIN connector
XRPTST1 (option): ORP combination electrode with built-in temperature sensor (Pt1000) and 8-pin DIN connector
> 100,000 measurements

Sensor input

8-pin DIN (adapters for BNC, S7 and Jack available as options)

Communication interface

Type B Micro-USB (USB peripheral)

4 x 1.5 V AA or LR6 alkaline batteries / Approx. 300 hours of continuous use Auto power-off after 3, 10 or 15 min of inactivity (adjustable)

Storage range (excluding batteries, electrodes and buffer solutions)
Operating range


-20 to + 70°C

211 x 127 x 54 mm 600 g 2 years

-10 to +55 °C

State at delivery
1 CA 10101 pH-meter delivered in a site-proof case with 1 XRGST1 pH combination electrode with built-in temperature sensor, 4 AA or LR6 alkaline batteries, 1 protective sheath mounted on the instrument, 2 ready-to-use buffer solutions (compliant with NIST/DIN) with pH 4.01 and 7.00, 2 plastic beakers, 1 USB - micro USB cable, 1 wrist strap, quick start-up guides (one per language).

Accessories and replacement parts

XRGST1 pH combination electrode with built-in temperature sensor............................................... P01710051 XRPTST1 ORP combination electrode with built-in temperature sensor............................................... P01710052 pH 1.68 buffer solution (NIST)**, 125 mL.................................. P01700105 pH 4.01 buffer solution (NIST), 125 mL.................................... P01700106 pH 7.00 buffer solution (NIST), 125 mL.................................... P01700107 pH 9.18 buffer solution (NIST), 125 mL.................................... P01700108

pH 10.01 buffer solution (NIST), 125 mL.................................. P01700109 220 mV ORP buffer solution, 125 mL....................................... P01700114 468 mV ORP buffer solution, 125 mL....................................... P01700115 Shockproof sheath................................................................... P01710050 Set of 3 beakers....................................................................... P01710056 8-pin DIN to BNC & Jack adapter***........................................ P01295501 8-pin DIN to S7 & Jack adapter............................................... P01295502

** Delivered with a quality certificate guaranteeing compliance with the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and DIN 19266 standards. *** Connection adapters for Chauvin Arnoux pH/redox and temperature sensors


CA 1950 and CA 1954 thermal cameras,
the perfect match between performance and technology!
> Exceptional battery life > Rapidity: startup in 3 seconds > An emissivity table which can be enhanced as
required > Possibility of renaming the images and
thermograms per site > Recording and storage of the configurations
according to the applications > Voice annotations to record your comments
directly on the image > Connectivity with current clamps and
multimeters: all the measurements necessary simultaneously > BluetoothTM communication > CamReport analysis and report creation software > Built-in slide-down protective cover
Scan this code to watch the presentation video

Voice recording
Voice recording using the Bluetooth earpiece delivered as standard

Simultaneous recovery via Bluetooth of the measurements made with:
· multimeters or clamp meters (current, etc.) · thermometers, thermo-hygrometers (ambient
temperature, humidity, dew point, etc.)

Electrical inspections

Detect any thermal faults quickly & simply!

Thermal inspections

Mechanical inspections Construction

Radiator inspections


Reference Detector Sensitivity (NETD) Temperature range Accuracy Field of view IFOV (spatial resolution) Focusing Real image
Measurement tools
Parameter settings Voice comments
Data storage Battery life Type Ingress protection Resistance Dimensions and weight

CA 1950
P01651901 80 x 80
20° x 20° 4.4 mrad

80 mK @ 30 °C (0.08 °C @ 30 °C) -20 °C to +250 °C
±2 °C or ±2 % of reading
Fixed Yes

CA 1954
P01651904 120 x 160
28 ° x 38 ° 4.1 mrad

1 manual cursor, automatic Min-Max detection, temperature profile, isotherm

Emissivity, environmental temperature, distance, relative humidity

Yes by Bluetooth (earpiece supplied)

F407, F607, MTX 3292 and MTX 3293 clamp meters, environmental measurement products (CA 1821, CA 1822, CA 1823, CA 1246)

On removable 2 GB micro SD card (approx. 4,000 images), up to 32 GB possible

13 hrs 30 min

9 hrs

NiMH rechargeable batteries with low self-discharge or alkaline batteries

IP 54

Fall from 2 metres

225 x 125 x 83 / 700g with rechargeable batteries

State at delivery
CA 1950 and CA 1954 delivered in site-proof case with 4 NiMH batteries and 1 battery charger, 1 micro SD HD card, 1 USB cable, 1 Bluetooth earpiece, the CAmReport software on CD ROM, User's Manuals and a measurement report.

CAmReport software included


The CAmReport software is supplied as standard with the CA 1950 & CA 1954 cameras. It offers all the functions needed for reliable analysis of your measurement results:

· Cursors (automatic display of the temperature at the chosen point) · Thermal profile (automatic display of the Min/Max/Avg temperatures
of the line) PDF · A square or circle for zone analysis
· Results tables quickly and automatically display all the information/analytical tools for the thermogram
· Polygons and polylines for more precise analysis of certain zones in the thermogram
· User-enhanceable emissivity table supplied as standard · Ready-to-use, customizable report templates

Reports are created automatically using the various templates available


CA 6528 digital insulation tester

Reference Voltage Measurement range / resolution Accuracy / input impedance Operating frequency Insulation Test voltage Range at maximum test voltage Measurement range
Measurement range / resolution
Timer (min:s) Alarms Continuity Measurement range Accuracy / Open-circuit voltage Measurement current Continuity thresholds (fast beep) Cable compensation Resistance Measurement range / resolution Accuracy General specifications Display Power supply / Auto power-off
Battery life
Dimensions / weight / IP rating EMC / Electrical safety Compliance with standards

CA 6528 P01140838
1-700V / 1V ±1.2% reading ± 1pt in AC+DC ; ±1% reading ± 1 ct in DC / 25 M
DC; 30-440 Hz
250-500-1000 V 11 G
250 V : 50 k - 4,2 G / 500 V : 100 k - 4.2 G / 1,000 V : 200 k - 11 G 50 k - 3.999 / 1k; (0.2)1 3.6-39.99 M / 10 k;
36-399.9 M / 100 k; 360-4,200 M / 1 M; (1kV) 3.6 - 11.00 G / 10 M 0.05-399.9 M: ±1.5% reading ± 10 cts; 360 -4,200 M: ±4% reading ± 10pt; ±4%
reading ± 5 cts (at 1,000V); 3.6-11 G: ±10% reading ± 10 cts 10 s to 39 min 59 s
1 threshold / test voltage
0.02  - 40  (200 mA) ±1.2% reading ±3 cts / 6 VDC < U < 9 VDC
 200 mA (up to 2 ) 2  / 1  up to 5 
1 -399.9  / 0.1  -360-2 999  / 1  - 3.60-39.99 k / 10  - 36.0-420.0 k / 100 ±1.2% reading ± 3 cts
2 x 4,000 cts 6 x LR 6 or AA batteries / 10 min, deactivatable 1,000 measurements: at 1 M @ 1 kV (5 s ON / 25 s OFF) ; >3,000 continuity measurements (5 s ON / 25 s OFF) at 1 
218 x 95 x 63 mm / 760 g / IP 40 IEC 61326-1 / IEC 61010-1. IEC 61010-2-030 and IEC 61010-2-034 / 600V CAT IV
IEC 61557 parts 1. 2. 4 and 10

1000 V 600 V CAT III CAT IV

State at delivery

Accessories and replacement parts

CA 6528 delivered in a hands-free bag containing: 2 safety leads - 1 red and 1 black, 1 red crocodile clip, 1 black test probe, 1 protective sheath mounted on the instrument, 6 x LR6 or AA batteries, 1 safety datasheet, 1 quick start-up guide, 1 verification certificate

Set of red and black 1.5 m safety leads......................................P01295289Z Red + black crocodile clips.........................................................P01295457Z Red + black test probes..............................................................P01295454Z Continuity rod..............................................................................P01102084A

*Available soon

CA 6011 installation tester
- Dedicated to testing the continuity of protective earth conductors - Double configuration: built-in continuity tester on the reeling box and remote continuity tester on wrist

300 V




State at delivery
CA 6011 KIT delivered with: 1 elastic strap for fastening the measurement unit to your wrist, 1 waist belt + 1 shoulder strap, 1 "Cable Reeler No. 01" with 1 green PVC cable 30 m long, 1 black PVC spiral cable 3.5 m long, 1 green crocodile clip with Ø 4 mm banana socket, 1 moulded black test probe, 1 green PVC cable 0.50 m long, 1 set of 4 x 1.5 V LR06 alkaline batteries
Accessories and replacement parts
Cable reeler no. 1 30m ............................................................P01295492 Continuity rod...........................................................................P01102084A

Reference Display Continuity Measurement range Resolution
Measurement current
Open-circuit voltage Resistance Measurement range Resolution Measurement current Open-circuit voltage Continuity threshold Cable resistance compensation Indication of test conformity/ non-conformity Compliance with standards Automatic standby mode
Battery life
Power supply Dimensions (instrument+reeler)


CA 6011 P01299926 2,000 counts with 2-colour backlighting

0,00  to 2,00 

2,00  to 20,00 

10 m

200 mA

20 mA

with automatic polarity reversal

±(4 VDC < U < 6 VDC)

1,0  to 200,0  100 m 10 mA
±(4 VDC < U < 6 VDC) Programmable, 1 or 2

Configurable: visual, audible and/or vibrating
IEC 61557-1 & IEC 61557-4 IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-030 300V CAT IV
10 minutes / deactivatable
30,000 measurements in real use 4,500 as per IEC 61557-4 protocol
4 x 1.5 V AA/LR6 batteries
225 x 185 x 135 mm
CA 6011 alone: 350g Reeler with 30 m cable: 1.2 kg

CA 6422 and CA 6424 Earth/ground testers
600 V IP

Reference Voltage (UHE) Range Resolution Accuracy 2P resistance Range Resolution Accuracy Cable compensation 3P earth/ground resistance Range Resolution Accuracy Measurement frequency Open-circuit voltage Measurement mode Data storage Calculation of the average RH stake resistance measurement Range Resolution Accuracy USE voltage measurement Range Resolution Accuracy Current resistance (via optional G72 clamp) Range Resolution Accuracy Display Measurement mode Power supply Charger Automatic power-off Battery life Dimensions / weight Environment Protection IP / IK rating Fall test Standards / Electrical safety IEC 61557 compliance

CA 6422 P01127012

CA 6424 P01127014






± ( 1% reading + 1 ct)

0.05-99.99  / 80.0-999.9  / 0.800-9.999 k / 8.00-50.00 k

0.01  / 1  / 10  / 100 

± ( 2% reading + 10 ct) / ± ( 2% reading + 2 cts) / ± ( 2% reading + 1 ct) / ± ( 2% reading + 1 ct)


up to 5 

0.5  - 2.000 k

0.5  - 50.00 k

0.01  / 0.1  / 1 

0.01  / 0.1  / 1 / 10 

±(1% reading + 10 cts) / ±(1% reading + 2 cts) / ±(1% reading + 1 ct)

128 Hz or 256 Hz

± 10 V peak

One-shot or permanent

RE registers @ 62%; RE @ 52%; RE @ 72%


calculation of the average and % deviation in relation to the average


0.05-9.999 k / 8 - 49.99 k


1  / 10 


±(10% reading + 1 ct)



0.10 - 99.99 VAC / 80.0 - 600 VAC


0.01 V / 0.1 V


±(2% reading + 2 cts) ±(2% reading + 2 cts)

0.5 ­ 999.9 mA / 0.800-9.999 A / 8.00-60.00 A

0.1 / 1 / 10 mA

±(1% reading + 4 cts) / ±(1% reading + 2 cts)

206-segment backlit Custom LCD

R 2P (), R 3P ()

V, I, R 2P (), R 3P ()

6 x LR 6 or AA batteries

6 NiMH rechargeable batteries, charging time approx. 6 hrs


Internal via mains / USB adapter supplied



> 2000 x 3P measurements at 100 

> 1,500 3P earth measurements at 100 

223 x 126 x 70 mm / 1 kg

Operation: -10 to +50°C / Storage: -40 to + 70 °C (without batteries or rechargeable batteries)

Up to 600 V on any of the 3 input terminals

IP 65 as per IEC 60529 / IK 04 as per IEC 50102

1 metre as per IEC 61010-1

EMC: IEC 61326-1 ; IEC 61010-2-030 / 600 V CAT IV

IEC 61557-1 and IEC 61557 -4

*Available soon

State at delivery
CA 6422 delivered with 6 x LR6 AAA batteries, 1 quick start-up guide, 1 safety datasheet, 1 test report with measurement results, downloadable user's manuals CA 6424 delivered with 1 bag, 6 NiMH batteries, 1 USB 2A power pack, 1 USB micro-razor power cable, 1 multilingual quick start-up guide, 1 safety datasheet, 1 battery information sheet, test report with measurement results, downloadable user's manuals

Accessories and replacement parts
Bag............................................................................................. P01298006 G72 current clamp ..................................................................... P01120872 4-point hands-free strap ............................................................. HX0302 15m earth/ground kit................................................................... P01102017 50m expert earth/ground kit........................................................ P01102021


Testing and electrical safety

Installation tester
Test the electrical safety of your installations

Discover our new CA 6133 electrical installation tester
> Earth measurement by stake and loop methods
> Continuity measurement at 0.2A > Isolation test > RCD test: tripping current and time > Automatic test sequences > Storage of the tests in memory > ANDROID application for report
generation > Power supply by mains-rechargeable
batteries: USB socket or vehicle cigarette lighter
600 V IP
The ANDROID IT-Report application can be used to transfer the test results stored in the CA 6133 onto a tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth. Test reports are generated and then sent automatically by email or simply stored for later processing.
State at delivery
· CA 6133 :
Delivered with 1 carrying bag containing: - 1 neck strap - 1 EURO 3-pole cable - 3 safety leads - 3 crocodile clips - 1 test probe - 1 x 2A USB power supply + 1 USB cable - 6 Ni MH batteries (CA 6133) - 1 test report with measurement report
· CA 6133..............................................................P01146013

CONTINUITY / RESISTANCE Range / Resolution / Accuracy
Range / Resolution / Accuracy INSULATION Rated voltage Range / Resolution / Accuracy Short-circuit current 3P EARTH
Range / Resolution / Accuracy

CA 6133
0.00 to 9.99  -- Cable compensation up to 5 ; I >= 200 mA / 0.01  / ± (2 % R + 2 cts)
1 to 9,999  · 10.00 to 99.99 k / 1  · 10  / ± (1 % R + 5 cts)
Utest: 250 V / 500 V / 1,000 V 0.01 to 999.9 M / 10 k · 100 k / ± (3 % R + 3 cts)  3 mA
0.50 ­ 99.99  /0.01 /±(2 % R + 10 cts) 100.0 to 999.9  /0,1 /±(2 % R + 5 cts) 1,000 to 2,000  /1 /±(2 % R + 5 cts)

(Zs (L-PE) and Zi (L-N or L-L) LOOP IMPEDANCE

Installation voltage / Frequency

90 to 550 V / 45 to 65 Hz

High current mode with TRIP: Zs (L-PE) & Zi (L-N or L-L) Range / Resolution / Accuracy

300 mA measurement current; 0.1 to 0.9  · 1.0 to 399.9  / 0.1  / ±(2 cts) · ±(5 % R* + 2 cts)

NO TRIP mode (Zs (L-PE) only)

Measurement current: 12 mA · 1 to 19  · 20 to 39  40 to 2,000  / 1  / ±(2 cts) · ±(15 % R + 3 cts) ·
± (5 % R + 2 cts)

Calculation of Ik short-circuit current (PFC (Zs)) , (I Sc PSCC (Zi)) TYPE AC and A RCDs Installation voltage / Frequency In NO TRIP test Ramp mode (30 mA) Trip time measurement: Range / Resolution / Accuracy Automatic test sequence OTHER MEASUREMENTS
Current via MN73A clamp

1 to 999 A, 1 to 9,999 A
90 to 450 V ; 45 to 65 Hz 30 mA - 100 mA - 300 mA - 500 mA - 650 mA
300 ms 12 mA (Uf) / 0.3 to 1.06 x In per step of 3.3 % x In
Pulse: 5 to 300 ms / 0.1 ms / ± 2 ms RCD, Loop-RCD-Isolation
2A range: 10.0 mA to 2,400 mA, 200 A range: 1.00 to 200 A

Voltage Range / Resolution / Accuracy

2.0 to 550.0 VAC / 0.1 V / ± (1%R+2cts) ; 0.0 to 800.0 VDC / 0.1 V / ± (1%R+2cts)

Frequency Range / Resolution / Accuracy

30.0 to 999.9 Hz / 0.1 Hz / ±(0.1 % R + 1 ct) Voltage > 2V

Phase rotation GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Display Storage / Communication
Power supply / battery life

45 to 550 V / 45 to 65 Hz
231-segment LCD with blue backlighting 30 sites x 99 tests / Bluetooth Class 1; range > 10m
6 NiMH mains-rechargeable batteries < 6 hrs , USB or cigarette lighter/ 1,700 x 1 
continuity measurements

Dimensions / weight Ingress protection / EMC
Electrical safety

223 x 126 x 70 mm / 700 g approx. IP 54; IK 04 / EMC: IEC 61326-1
IEC 61010-1 ; IEC 61010-2-030 ; IEC 61010-2-034, 600V CAT III, 300V CAT II
(charger)/ Compliant with IEC 61557 parts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10

Accessories and replacement parts
Type 4 remote control probe.................................................................................. P01102157 MN73A current clamp for CA 6133........................................................................ P01120439


Installation testers

600 V IP

CA 6116N

CA 6117


I rated / Range / Resolution

I > 200 mA / 39.99  / 0.01  / ± (1.5 % of reading + 2 cts) 12 mA / 39.99  and 399.9  / 0.01 and 0.1  /± (1.5 % of reading + 5 cts) with buzzer

Range/ Resolution / Accuracy ISOLATION

4 k / 1  / ±(1.5 % of reading + 5 cts) · 40 k - 400 k / 10  - 100  / ±(1.5 % of reading + 2 cts)

Rated voltage Range / Basic accuracy Short-circuit current EARTH 3P earth
Range / Resolution / Accuracy Others Ufk

Utest : 50 /100 / 250 / 500 / 1,000 V DC 0.01 M to 2 G / 10 k to 1 M / ±(5 % of reading + 3 cts)
 3 mA
0.50  to 40  / 0.01  / ±(2 % of reading + 10 cts) · 40  to 15 k / 0.1  to 1  / ±(2 % of reading + 2 cts ) 15 k to 40 k / 10  / ±(10 % of reading + 2 cts )
Resistance measurement of RH & RS auxiliary stakes (up to 40 k) Compliant with SEV 3569

1P SELECTIVE EARTH Range / Resolution / Accuracy

0.50  to 39.99  - 40  to 399.9  / 0.01  ­ 0.1  / ±(10 % of reading + 10 cts) (ISel via clamp)


LIVE EARTH Installation voltage / frequency

90 to 500 V / 15.8 to 17.5 Hz - 45 to 65 Hz

High current TRIP mode Zs (L-PE) & Zi (L-N or L-L) Range / Resolution / Accuracy

Max. test current: 7.5 A (0.050) 0.100  to 0.5  / 0.001  / ± (10 % of reading + 20 cts) · 0.5  to 3.999  / 0.001  / ± (5% of reading + 20 cts)
3.999 to 39.99  / 0.01  / ± (5 % of reading + 2 cts) · 40.0  to 399.99  / 0.1  / ± (5% of reading + 2 cts)

NO TRIP mode (Zs (L-PE) only)

Test current: 6 mA ­ 9 mA ­ 12 mA (as required) · 0.20  to 0.99  / 0.01  / ± (15 % of reading + 10 cts) 1.00 to 1.99  / 0.01  / ± (15 % of reading + 3 cts) · 2.00 to 39.99  / 0.01 / ± (10 % of reading + 3 cts) 40.00  to 399.9  / 0.1  / ± (5 % of reading + 2 cts) · 400 to 3,999  / 1  / ± (5 % of reading + 2 cts)

Calculation of short-circuit current Ik (PFC (Zs)) , I Sc PSCC (Zi)

Fault and short-circuit current: 0.1 A to 20 kA

Table of integrated fuses


Voltage drop V%(Zi) Others

-40 % to +40 % Measurement of the resistive and inductive components of the impedances Zs and Zi

TYPE AC and A RCDs Installation voltage / Frequency

90 V to 500 V / 15.8 Hz to 17.5 Hz and 45 Hz to 65 Hz


6/30/100/300/500/650/1000 mA (90 V - 280 V) or variable 6/10/30/100/300/500 mA (280 V - 550 V) or variable Ramp and pulse test

No Trip test Ramp mode Tripping time measurement: Range /
Resolution / Accuracy TYPE B RCDs Installation voltage / frequency

At ½ In ­ Duration: 1,000 ms or 2,000 ms 0.2 to 0.5 x In (Uf) / 0.3 x In to 1.06 x In in increments of 3.3 % x In
0.2 to 0.5 x In (Uf) / 0.5 x In / 2 x In (selective) / 5 x In Pulse: 0 to 500 ms / 0.1 and 1 ms / 2 ms, Ramp mode (10) to 200 ms / 0.1 ms / 2 ms
90 V to 280 V / 15.8 Hz to 17.5 Hz and 45 Hz to 65 Hz

In: ramp / pulse 2 x In pulse 4 x In

Test in ramp mode

Tripping time:

2 x In 4 x In

OTHER MEASUREMENTS Current via C177A clamp

6/10/30/100/300/500 mA 6/10/30/100 mA with 4 In pulse Duration: 150 ms in 4 x In or 300 ms with 2 x In
0.2 x In to 2.2 x In IN  200 mA : 2.2 x 2 x In IN > 200 mA : 1.1 x 2 x In IN  100 mA : 2.2 x 4 IN
5.0 mA to 199.9 A (C177A)

Current via MN77 clamp Voltage Frequency Phase sequence Active power Harmonics GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Display

(1 mA*) 5.0 mA to 19.99 A 0 to 550 VAC/DC / DC and 15.8 to 450 Hz
15.8 to 500 Hz 20 to 500 VAC 0 to 110 kW single--phase - 0 to 330 kW three-phase - Simultaneous display of voltage and current waveforms Voltage and current / up to 50th order / THD-F /THD-R
Large 5.7" backlit colour graphical LCD screen, 320 x 240 points


1,000 tests / via USB for data transfer and report creation

Power supply / Battery life

Lithium-ion rechargeable battery rated 10.8 V 5.8 AH / up to 30 hours

Dimensions / weight

280 x 190 x 128 mm / 2.2 kg

Ingress protection / EMC

IP 53 / IK04 / IEC 61326-1

Electrical safety

IEC 61010 -1 ­ 600 V CAT III ­ 300 V CAT IV ­ IEC 61557

* if a voltage is connected to the instrument

State at delivery
· CA 6116N · CA 6117:
1 tester delivered with a carrying bag, 1 type-2 mains power pack / charger, 1 Li-Ion battery pack, 1 USB A/B cable 1.50 m long, 1.80 m, with ferrite, 1 three-point cable - 3 safety leads (red, blue and green), 3 test probes, Ø 4mm (red, blue and green), 3 crocodile clips (red, blue and green), 2 elbowed-straight safety leads, 3 m (red and black), 1 three-point Euro mains cable, 1 x 2P EURO mains cable, 1 remote-control probe, 1 wrist strap, 1 scratch-proof film mounted on the instrument, 1 x 4-point hands-free strap, ICT data export software on CD-ROM, 6 operating manuals on CD (one per language), 1 safety datasheet in 20 languages.

· CA 6116N EURO Contrôleur...........P01145455 X* · CA 6117 EURO Contrôleur..............P01145460 X*
* version GB : X = A, version IT : X = B, version CH : X = C, version US : X = D


Electrical Testing and Safety

Insulation and Continuity Testers
Discover our new range:
> Test voltage from 10 V to 1,000 V / 200 G
> Manual, Lock, Timer and PI / DAR Ratios modes
> Visual Pass / Fail: red / green > 200 mA / 20 mA continuity with
active protection without fuses > Measurement of V (TRMS & DC),
F, , k, C and cable length > Rel mode & configurable alarms > Storage of measurements in memory

54 600 V IP IEC




Choose your tester to match your needs:

CA 6536
"Special & ESD" applications
With a variable test voltage from 10 V to 100 V in 1 V increments, this model is intended for special applications in sectors such as avionics, space and defence, which often require a low test voltage and strict adherence to the programmed value. With appropriate electrodes, the 10 V and 100 V test voltages can also be used for electrostatic discharge applications.

CA 6532
"Telecommunications" applications
·Insulation tests at 50 V or 100 V
·Specific functions: measurement of resistance, capacitance, leakage current and AC voltage.
·Measurement of the difference in resistance between 2 wires in a pair by using the REL function.
·Display of the length of the line being tested, thanks to programming of the linear capacitance in nF/km.

CA 6522, CA 6524, CA 6526
"Industrial Maintenance" applications

CA 6534
"Electronics" applications

Periodic insulation tests on installations and equipment help to prevent incidents by setting up preventive maintenance designed to detect ageing and premature deterioration of their insulation characteristics: · Measurement of insulation
over a programmed duration · Alarms and Pass/Fail indicator
light (CA 6526) · PI and DAR ratios to determine
the quality of the insulation, with the advantage of not being significantly influenced by the temperature · Storage in memory to compare the measurement histories

Thanks to its wide test-voltage range from 10 V to 500 V, this model covers the specific requirements of the electronics industries, for both low-current applications and power stages. Its measurement range is from 2 k to 50 G.

Remote control probe
The remote control probe is an accessory specially developed to make your insulation tests in the field simpler and quicker. ·Insulation measurement can be triggered with
a single press on the probe's yellow button. ·Equipped with a torch function, this probe effectively
lights the point of measurement. ·Thanks to the tester's backlit screen,
the measurement results are visible at all times, including in places with poor lighting.
Reference P01102092A

® software
® software, with its Megohmmeter Transfer module, automatically recognizes the instrument when it is connected to the PC and opens the corresponding menu. This tree-structure menu offers users direct access to the data recorded in the instrument and its configuration. The other functions available are: · Activation of remote tests · Real-time display · DAR and PI references · Graphical plot of the tests · Generation of measurement reports
Reference P01102095


Application Voltage Measurement range / Resolution Accuracy / Input impedance Operating frequency Frequency Measurement range / Resolution / Accuracy Insulation
Test voltage
Range at maximum test voltage Compliance with IEC 61557-2 standard Measurement range: 10 V
25 V 50 V 100 V 250 V 500 V 1,000 V Variable test voltage
Measurement range / resolution
Accuracy Test voltage (I < 1 mA) Display of test voltage Display of test current / resolution Accuracy of test current PI/DAR ratios Timer (min:s) Discharge time (at 25 V) Alarms Continuity Range for continuity measurement Accuracy / Open-circuit voltage Measurement current Continuity thresholds (quick beep) Compensation of cables Resistance Measurement range / Resolution / Accuracy Capacitance
Measurement range / resolution
Accuracy Line length General specifications Display Storage Communication Power supply / Automatic shutdown Battery life Dimensions (hxwxd) / Weight / IP rating EMC / Electrical safety Compliance with standards

CA 6522

CA 6524
P01140824 Industrial Maintenance

CA 6526

CA 6532
P01140832 Telecom

CA 6534
P01140834 Electronics / ESD

CA 6536
P01140836 / P01299974 Specials & ESD / Kit ESD

0.3V - 399.9 V / 0.1 V; 400V-700V / 1V +/- (3% + 2cts) / 400 k DC; 15.3 - 800 Hz

15.3 Hz- 399.9 Hz / 0.1 Hz / +/- (0.5% + 2cts) ; 400-800 Hz / 1 Hz / +/- (1% +1ct)


50 - 100 - 250 - 500 - 1 000 V

50 - 100 V

10- 25 - 100- 250 - 500 V

10 to 100V in 1V increments

40 G

200 G

20 G

50 G

20 G

2 G

2 G

2 G

2 k - 1 G

2 k - 2 G

10 k-10 G 20 k-20 G

10 k-10 G 20 k-20 G

5 k-2 G 20 k-10 G

(UN/5) k - (UN/5) G 20 k-20 G

50 k-10 G

50 k-50 G

50 k-25 G

100 k-20 G

100 k-100 G

100 k-50 G

200 k-40 G

200 k-200 G

10 V to 100 V 10(1) - 999 k and 1.000 - 3.999 M / 1 k; 4.00 - 39.99 M / 10 k; 40.0 - 399.9 M / 100 k;

400 - 3999 M / 1 M; 4.00 - 39.99 G / 10 M ; 40.0 - 200 G / 100 M ± (3 % + 2 cts)(2)

± (3 % + 2 cts)(3)

-0 % + 20 %

± 0.5 V

± (3 % + 3 cts)

± (3 % + 3 cts)

0.01 A - 39.99 A / 10 nA ; 40.0 - 399.9 A / 100 nA; 0.400 - 2.000 mA/ 1 A

± (10 % + 3 cts)

10 mn / 1 mn - 1 mn / 30 s

0:00 - 39:59

< 2 s/µF

2 fixed thresholds + 1 programmable threshold

0.00  ­ 10.00  (200 mA)
2  fixed

0.00  ­ 10.00  (200 mA); 0.0 ­ 100.0  (20 mA)
± (2 % + 2 cts) /  6 V -0%+4%
2 , 1 ,2, 1, programmable threshold up to 9.99 

0 - 3999  / 1 ; 4.00 k ­ 39.99 k / 10  / ± (3 % + 2 cts) 40.0 k ­ 399.9 k / 100 ; 400 k - 1000 k / 1 k / ± (3 % + 2 cts)

0.1 nF-399.9 nF / 0.1 nF 400 nF-3999 nF / 1 nF 4.00 µF-10.0 µF / 10 nF
± (3 % + 2 cts) 0-100 km

2 x 4,000 cts + logarithmic bargraph

300 measurements

1,300 measurements Bluetooth® Classe II

6 x LR6(AA) batteries / 5 min , deactivatable 1,500/2,500/6,000 measurements (4): UN x 1 k @ UN (5s ON / 55 s OFF); 3,000 continuity measurements (5s ON / 55 s OFF)

211 x 108 x 60 mm / 850 g / IP 54 / IK 04

IEC 61326-1 / IEC 61010-1 and IEC 61010-2-030, 600V CAT IV

IEC 61557 parts 1, 2, 4 and 10

(1) : 2 k for CA 6532 - CA 6534 - CA 6536 ­ (2): to be added: 10 V: 1% per 0.1 G ; 25 V: 0.4% per 0.1G ; 50 V: 2% per G; 100 V: 1% per G; 250 V : 0.4% per G; 500 V: 0.2% per G; 1,000 V: 0.1% per G ­ (3): 10%/UN is added per 100 M ­ (4): depending on the model.

Accessories and replacement parts

Continuity rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102084A CA 861 thermometer + K thermocouple  . . . P01650101Z 2 elbowed-straight safety leads (red and black) 1.50 m long . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01295453Z 2 crocodile clips (red and black)  . . . . . . . . . P01295457Z 2 test probes (red and black)  . . . . . . . . . . . P01295454Z

2 wire grips (red and black)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102053Z Carrying bag for hands-free use . . . . . . . . . . P01298049

State at delivery
·CA 6522 et CA 6524 delivered with a carrying bag for hands-free use, 2 elbowed-straight safety leads (red and black) 1.50 m long, one red crocodile clip, one black test probe, 6 x LR6 or AA batteries, multilingual user's manual on CD, a quick start-up guide, multilingual safety datasheet.
·CA 6526, ditto + a CD containing the Megohmmeter Transfer software. ·CA 6532 and CA 6534, same as CA 6526 + 2 wire-grips (red and black). ·CA 6536, same as CA 6524 + 2 wire-grips (red and black).

Example for the CA 6532


Electrical Testing and Safety
600 V CAT IV
Insulation testers


CA 6541
 Quantitative and qualitative measurement

CA 6543
Saving of measurements Rechargeable


1 to 1,000 VAC/DC


50 / 100 / 250 / 500 / 1,000 VDC


2 k to 4 T


0.01 to 40  (buzzer + cable compensation)


0.01 to 400 k


0.005 to 4.999 F


Voltage ramp mode

R calcul. (ref. T°)


Smoothed display



Prog. test time

Quality ratios



storage of samples


128 kB



Power supply Safety Display

8 x LR14 batteries IEC 61010-1 Cat. III 600 V IEC 61557 giant LCD + bargraph



240 x 185 x 110 mm

Weight PC software

3.4 kg


Dataview® (option)

State at delivery

carrying bag containing: 3 leads 1.5 m long (including one shielded),
3 crocodile clips, 1 test probe + batteries or power cable

CA 6505

CA 6545

CA 6547

CA 6549

Insulation and leakage




Storage and communication

For preventive maintenance professionals





1 to 5,100 VAC/DC

500/1,000/ 2,500 / 5,000 VDC + variable from 50 V to 5,100 VDC (10 or 100 V increments)

10 k to 10 T

0.001 to 49.99 F

0.001 nA to 3,000 A

5 steps









storage of samples

display on screen

4 kB

128 kB



NiMH rechargeable battery

IEC 61010-1 Cat. III 1000 V (Cat. I, 2,500 V)- IEC 61557

giant LCD + bargraph



270 x 250 x 180 mm

4.3 kg



Dataview® (option)

carrying bag containing: 3 HV leads 2 m or 3 m long with large crocodile clips (including one shielded), 1 lead with rear connection (35 cm) + 1 power cable

® software for CA 6543, CA 6547 and CA 6549
DataView®: the essential tool for configuring and performing the measurements, viewing the data in real time, recovering the recorded data and creating standard or customized measurement reports.......... P01102095

Accessories and replacement parts
CA 1246 thermo-hygrometer for CA 6505/6545/6547/6549..................................................P01654246 CA 1821 thermometer..............................................................P01654821 Remote-control probe for CA 6541/CA6543............................P01101935

Digital insulation testers
> Wide measurement range from 10 k to 30 T - 5 mA charging current - Large backlit LCD screen with digital display, bargraph and R(t)+u(t), i(t) and i(u) graphs - Automatic calculation of DAR / PI / DD / R (ppm/V) ratios
> 3 filters to optimize measurement stability
Reference Voltage Insulation Range Resistance Capacitance Current Voltage ramp mode R calcul. (ref. T°) Alarms Smoothed display Chronometer Prog. test time Quality ratios R(t) R(t) + U(t), I(t), I(u) Storage Communication Power supply Safety Backlighting Dimensions Weight

CA 6550

CA 6555

P01139705 10 kV

P01139706 15 KV

500/1,000/2,500/5,000/10,000 V

500/1,000/2,500/5,000/10,000/15,000 V

10 k to 25 T

10 k to 30 T


0.001 ­ 9.999 F / 10.00 ­ 19.99 F

Leakage current from 0 to 8 mA

3 pre-configurable ramps






DAR / PI / DD / R (ppm/V)

Display on screen

Graphic display of curves

256 kB, up to 80,000 recordings

Optically-isolated port for USB link

NiMH battery rechargeable with external voltage

1,000 V Cat. IV - IEC 61010-1 and IEC 61557


340 x 300 x 200 mm

6.2 kg

State at delivery
Delivered with bag containing :
· 2 safety leads 3m long equipped with an HV connector at each end (red / blue), · shielded safety lead 3 m long equipped with an HV connector at one end
and an HV connector with rear connection (black) at the other end, · 3 crocodile clips (red, blue, black), · 2 x CAT IV 1000 V test probes (red, black) for voltage measurement, · 1 blue lead with rear connection, · 1 mains power cable 2 m long, · DataView® software, · 1 optical / USB communication lead, · 1 operating manual in 5 languages on CD-ROM

3 HV leads with croc. clips for 10/15 kV . . P01295466 Blue 8 m HV lead with croc. clips .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295468 Red 8 m HV lead with croc. clips .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295469 Black 8 m HV lead with croc. clips  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295470 Blue 15 m HV lead with croc. clips .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295471 Red 15 m HV lead with croc. clips .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295472 Black 15 m HV lead with croc. clips .  .  .  .  .  . P01295473 3 x 3 m HV leads for 10/15 kV .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295465 50 cm HV lead with rear connection .  .  .  .  .  . P01295467 2 red/black test probes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295454Z 3 crocodile clips: red/blue/black .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01103062 Bag  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01298066

Electrical Testing and Safety
Earth and resistivity testers

3P Method
4P Method
Earth measurement with 2 clamps

Range Resolution Measurement frequency Coupling measurement Range Resolution 4P Selective Range Resolution
Measurement frequency

Test method



Measurement frequency

DC resistance measurement

Type of measurement Range Measurement current



Dimensions / weight


Power supply

CA 6460

CA 6462



0.01 to 2,000 

10 m/100 m/1 

128 Hz


0.01 to 2,000 

10 m/100 m/1 


Wenner and Schlumberger 0.01 to 2,000 k 128 Hz




273 x 247 x 127 mm / 2.8 kg / 3.3 kg

50 V CAT III, IEC 61010 & IEC 61557

8 x 1.5 V LR6 batteries

NiMH battery

CA 6470N

CA 6471



0.01  to 99.99 k

0.01 to 100 

41 to 513 Hz

Yes (Automatic)

0.001  to 99.99 k

0.001 to 100 


0.01 to 500 

0.01 to 1  Auto: 1611 Hz Manual: 128 Hz, 1367 Hz, 1611 Hz,
1758 Hz Wenner and Schlumberger with automatic calculation

0.01 to 99.9 k

41 to 128 Hz

2 or 4 wires

0.12  / 0.020  to 99.9 k

0.12  / 0.020  to 99.9 k

> 200 mA DC

512 memory locations

Optically-isolated USB

272 x 250 x 128 mm / 3 kg / 3.2 kg

50 V CAT IV, IEC 61010 & IEC 61557

NiMH battery

State at delivery
· CA 6460 : delivered with 8 x 1.5 V LR6 batteries and 1 operating manual in 5 languages
· CA 6462: delivered with 1 mains lead for recharging and 1 operating manual in 5 languages
· CA 6470N: delivered with 1 external mains charger, data export software + optical / USB communication lead, 5 operating manuals (one per language) on CD-ROM, 5 simplified operating manuals, each in a different language, 5 descriptive labels, each in a different language
· CA 6471: delivered with 1 external mains charger, data export software + optical / USB communication lead, 2 C182 clamps with 2 safety leads, 5 operating manuals (one per language) on CD-ROM, 5 simplified operating manuals, each in a different language, 5 descriptive labels, each in a different language, 1 carrying bag.
CA 6471
· MN82 clamp (diam. 20mm) (delivered with 1 x 2m cable for ES terminal connection) .  . P01120452
· C182 clamp (diam. 20mm) (delivered with 1 x 2m cable for ES terminal connection) .  . P01120333

Earth and resistivity kit (100 m kit)
Ref.: P01102024 Compartment bag with space for tester containing: 4 "T"-shaped rods, 4 coils of cable (100 m red, 100 m blue, 100m green, 30 m black), 1 green 10 m cable reeler, 1 mallet, 5 x Ø 4 mm lug/banana plug adapters
Standard 3P-method earth kit
50 m kit Ref.: P01102021 Carrying case containing: 2"T"-shaped rods, 2 coils of cable (50 m red, 50 m blue), 1 green 10 m cable reeler, 1 mallet, 5 x Ø 4 mm lug/banana plug adapters
100 m kit Ref.: P01102022 Carrying case containing: 2"T"-shaped rods, 2 coils of cable (100 m red, 100 m blue), 1 green 10 m cable reeler, 1 mallet, 5 x Ø 4 mm lug/banana plug adapters
For the CA 6471 and CA 6470N
· D ataview report generation software .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01102095 · Adapter for recharging on vehicle cigarette lighter .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01102036 · Optical / RS communication cable  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295252 · GB mains power cable .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295253 · Set of 10 fuses - F 0.63 A ­ 250 V ­ 5x20 mm ­ 1.5 kA .  .  . AT0094 · Adapter for charging battery from the mains .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01102035 · Battery pack .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01296021 · Optical / USB communication cable .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . HX0056-Z


Protective earth cable
High-voltage lines





Auxiliary electrode
C.A 6472

Reference potential


4 AmpFlex® channels connected

1 2 3 4
C.A 6474

Earth and resistivity tester with adapter for pylon earth measurements

The CA 6472 can be used to carry out a quick but comprehensive survey of all earthing configurations. When used with the CA 6474 accessory, it allows users to measure the earth resistance of pylons.

Reference Specifications
Measurement range No-load voltage Frequency Frequency sweep Auxiliary rod resistance measurement U disturbance Measurement Noise rejection Power supply Display Storage Communication output Safety Dimensions / weight

CA 6472

Accessory CA 6474

Earth / Selective earth / Resistivity / Coupling / Continuity / Ground potential / Pylon earth (with CA 6474)

Overall pylon earth Earth resistance of each pylon footing
Overall line impedance Quality of the protective earth cable connection

Methods: 3P / 4P / 4P with clamp / 2 clamps

Active measurement (injection by CA 6472) Passive measurement (use of disturbance currents)

0.011 to 100 k (automatic ranging) 16 V or 32 V (as required) 41 Hz to 5078 Hz Yes Yes: 0.14  to 100 k

0,00 to 65,0 V Yes
Rechargeable NiMH battery 3 digital LCD screens 512 storage locations Optical / USB link IEC 61010 & IEC 61557
272 x 250 x 128 mm / 3.2 kg

Powered by the CA 6472 Provided by the CA 6472 Provided by the CA 6472
272 x 250 x 128 mm / 2.3 kg

State at delivery
· CA 6472: delivered with mains adapter + 2P mains plug for battery recharging on mains, data export software + optical / USB communication cable, 2 x C182 clamps, 2 safety leads, 5 operating manuals (one per language) on CD-ROM, 5 simplified operating manuals (one per language), 5 identification labels (one per language), 1 bag. · CA 6474: delivered with an accessories bag containing 1 connection cable, 6 BNC/BNC cables 15 m long, 4 flexible current sensors (AmpFlex®) 5 m long, 1 set of 12 identification rings for AmpFlex®, 2 cables (5 m green, 5 m black) with safety plugs on winder, 5 spade lug/Ø 4 mm banana plug adapters, 3 clamps, 1 calibration loop, 5 operating manuals and 5 specification labels, each in a different language.

Earth and Resistivity Kit (100m Kit) see page 16

CA 6472
· MN82 clamp (diam. 20mm) (delivered with 1 x 2m cable for ES terminal connection) .  .  . P01120452
· C182 clamp (diam. 20mm) (delivered with 1 x 2m cable for ES terminal connection) .  .  . P01120333
For the CA6472 and CA 6474 :
· CA 6472 ­ CA 6474 connection cable .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295271 · 15 m BNC / BNC cable .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295272 · 5 m AmpFlex® flexible current sensor for CA 6474. .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01120550

· Set of 12 AmpFlex® identification rings .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01102045 · Set of 3 adjustable clamps  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01102046 · 5 m green cable for CA 6474 (E terminal connection). .  .  .  .  . P01295291 · 5 m black cable for CA 6474 (ES terminal connection) .  .  .  .  . P01295292 · Spade lug/Ø 4 mm banana plug adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102028 · Calibration loop  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . P01295294 · AmpFlex® flexible current sensors:
other lengths available on request


Electrical testing and safety

600 V

100 V



Earth clamps


150 V

and loop testers



Discover the CA 6418 oblong-headed earth clamp

Reference Specifications
Loop ohmmeter
Frequency Loop inductance measurement Contact voltage (calculation)
Ammeter Measurement ranges (A) / Resolution (A) / Accuracy Display on 4,000 counts
Setup Modes Alarms Buzzer HOLD Auto power-off
General specifications Display

CA 6416

CA 6417

CA 6418

Measurement ranges () / Resolution () / Accuracy

Display on 1,500 counts

Display on 1,200 counts

0.010 to 0.099 / 0.001 / ±1.5 % ±0.01 

0.010 to 0.099 / 0.001 ±1.5% R* ±0.01 

0.10 to 0.99 / 0.01 / ±1.5 % ±2 r

0.10 to 0.99 / 0.01 / ±1.5 % R ±2 r

1.0 to 49.9 / 0.1 / ±1.5 % ±r 50.0 to 99.5 / 0.5 / ±2 % ±r
100 to 199 / 1 / ±3 % ±r 200 to 395 / 5 / ±5 % ±r 400 to 590 / 10 / ±10 % ±r 600 to 1,150 / 50 / Approx. 20 % 1,200 to 1,500 / 50 / Approx. 25 %

1.0 to 49.9 / 0.1 / ±1.5 % R ±2r 50.0 to 149 / 1 / ±2.5 % R ±2r 150 to 245 / 5 / ±5 % R ±2r 250 to 440 / 10 / ±10 % R ±2r 450 to 640 / 10 / ±15 % R ±2r 650 to 1200 / 50 / ±20 % R ±2r

Measurement frequency 2,083 Hz / Translation frequency 50, 60, 128 or 2,083 Hz

Measurement frequency 2,083 Hz

Measurement ranges µH) / Resolution / Accuracy 10 to 100 / 1 / ±5 %±r 100 to 500 / 1 / ±3 %±r
Measurement ranges (V) / Resolution (V) 0.1 to 4.9 / 0.1 5.0 to 49.5 / 0.5 50.0 to 75.0 / 1

0.200 to 0.999 mA / 1 A / ±2 % ±50 A

0.5 to 9.995 mA / 50 µA / ±2 % R ±200 A

1.000 to 2.990 mA ­ 3.00 to 9.99 mA / 10 A / ±2 % ±50 A

10.00 to 99.90 mA / 100 µA / ±2 % R ±r

10.00 to 29.90 mA ­ 30.0 to 99.9 mA / 100 A / ±2 % ±r

100.00 to 299.0 mA / 1 mA / ±2 % R ±r

100.0 to 299.0 mA ­ 0.300 to 0.990 A / 1 mA / ±2 % ±r

0.300 to 2.990 A / 10 mA / ±2 % R ±r

1.000 to 2.990 A ­ 3.00 to 39.99 A / 10 mA / ±2 % ±r

3.00 to 20.00 A / 100 mA / ±2 % ± r

Standard or advanced Configurable on Z, V and A
Active Manual or automatic PRE-HOLD
Active / Inactive

Standard Configurable on Z and I

152-segment OLED. Active area 48 x 39 mm

Max. clamping diameter

Ø 35 mm

ø 32 mm - LxH : 30 x 40 mm / 20 x 55 mm

Data storage Communication Power supply Battery life Calibration

300 date-stamped measurements 2,000 date-stamped measurements 300 date-stamped measurements

Bluetooth class 2

4 x 1.5 V, LR6 (AA) alkaline batteries or 4 x Ni-MH batteries

1,440 x 30-second measurements

2,440 x 30-second measurements

Automatic at startup

Electrical safety

IEC 61010 600 V CAT IV

CEI 61010 100 V CAT IV, 150 V CAT III

State at delivery

Ingress protection Dimensions Weight

· CA 6416 : 1 clamp delivered in a carrying case with 4 x 1.5 V batteries, 1 CD-Rom containing the User's Manual in 5 languages, 1 wrist strap · CA 6417 : 1 clamp delivered in a carrying case with 4 x 1.5 V batteries, 1 CD-Rom containing the User's Manual in 5 languages and the GTT software with simplified driver, 1 wrist strap

IP40 55 x 95 x 262 mm Approx. 935 g with batteries

56 x 106 x 300 mm Approx. 1.2 kg with batteries
R = Reading, r = resolution

· CA 6418 : 1 clamp delivered in a carrying case with 4 x 1.5 V batteries, 1 CD-Rom containing the User's Manual in 5 languages, 1 wrist strap, 1 quick startup guide, 1 multilingual safety datasheet, 1 inspection certificate


· CL1 calibration loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01122301 · DataView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102095 · Hard case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01298080 · Two foam inserts for CA 6418 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please contact us


Locate hidden cables
Locate hidden circuits!
Comprising a transmitter and a receiver, the LOCAT-N provides digital, visual and audio indication of the presence of cables or ducts so that you can follow them intuitively.

Reference CA 6681E transmitter
Screen Output signal frequency External voltage measurement range Functions Power supply Dimensions Weight Electrical safety
CA 6681R receiver Screen Detection Depth
> Single-pole application > Two-pole application > Simple looping line Identification of mains voltage Functions Power supply Dimensions Weight



LCD screen with display of functions and bargraph 125 kHz
12 to 600 VAC/DC Digital coding of signals for easy signal identification, selection of transmission signal code, torch function
9 V battery 190 x 89 x 42.5 mm 420 g with battery
Backlit LCD with display of functions and bargraph, transmission code, receiver and transmitter battery-charge status
0 to 2 m 0 to 0.5 m Up to 2.5 m Approximately 0 to 0.4 m Automatic shutdown, automatic or manual adjustment of reception sensitivity, torch function 6 x 1.5 V AAA batteries 241.5 x 78 x 38.5 mm 360 g with batteries

State at delivery
· CA 6681 LOCAT-N: delivered in a hard case with 1 set of red/black 4 mm isolated banana leads (straight male / elbowed male), 1 set of 2 crocodile clips, 1 stake for earthing, 1 x 9 V battery, 6 x 1.5 V AAA batteries, 1 measurement adapter for B22 socket (bayonet), 1 adapter for E14 socket (screw-in), 1 mains socket adapter and 1 operating manual in 5 languages.



> 4-wire measurement method > Test current up to 10 A > Resolution 0.1 to 1 
State at delivery
·CA 6420 delivered with a bag, a set of 2 x 10 A Kelvin clamps with 3 m cable, 1 x 2P European mains power cable 1.8 m long, data export software, 1 optical / USB communication cable
· CA 6255 delivered with a bag, a set of cables 3 m long terminated by Kelvin clamps, 2 m Euro mains power cable, CD-ROM containing the MOT (Micro-Ohmmeter Transfer) data transfer software, RS 232 communication cable, CD-ROM containing the user's manual in 9 languages.

IP 50 V

Reference Measurement method Resistance Resolution Accuracy Current Reversal of current direction
Measurement mode
Temperature compensation Power supply Safety Dimensions Weight Data storage

CA 6240

CA 6255

Low resistance measurement



4-wire measurement

5 µW to 400.0 W

1 µW to 2,500 W

1 µW

0.1 µW

0.25 %

0.05 %

10 mA to 10 A

1 mA to 10 A

Yes Normal

No but automatic compensation of stray currents
Inductive, non-inductive, non-inductive with automatic tripping


Manual or with Pt 100 probe

NiMH rechargeable battery

IEC 61010-1 / Cat III 50 V

270 x 250 x 180 mm

4.5 kg

4.5 kg

100 measurements

1,500 measurements


Double 1 A test probes (x 2)................................................................ P01102056 Mini Kelvin clamp (set of 2).................................................................. P01101783

> Constant test at 100 A and up to 120 s at 200 A
> Test current up to 200 A > Resistance from 0.1  to 1  > Safe measurements:
Both Sides Grounded (BSG) method > Storage of up to 8,000
measurement results



Reference Test current Resistance Resolution Output voltage Maximum load resistance Measurement method Test mode Test duration Data storage Interface Software Power supply Dimensions Weight Storage temperature Humidity Protection Ingress protection Electrical safety

CA 6292


Programmable from 20 to 200 A

0.1 µW to 2 mW

2 to 200 mW

200 mW to 1 W

0.1 µW (200 A max) 10 µW (25 A max to 200 mW) 1 mW ( 5 A max to 1 W)

10 VAC: 4.2 V @ 200 A / 220 VAC: 8.6 V @ 200 A

100 VAC: 20 mW @ 200 A / 220 VAC: 42 mW @ 200 A

4 Kelvin-type connection terminals Normal or Both Sides Grounded (BSG) Adjustable from 5 to 120s @200 A / unlimited below 100 A
Up to 8,000 measurement results USB 2.0 DataView®
100 to 240 VAC ­ 50/60 Hz 502 x 394 x 190 mm Approx. 13 kg -10 °C to +70 °C 95% RH
Protected against overvoltages, short-circuits and voltage surges on output terminals IP54
IEC 61010-1

Current measurement with the MR6292 clamp available as an option

Reference Measurement range Resolution Intrinsic uncertainty Output signal Load impedance Influence of conductor position in jaws

P01120470 1.0 - 50.0 ADC
0.1 mA ± (1.5% + 2 cts)
10 mV / Adc >100 kW // 100 pF

Accessories / Replacement Parts
1 set of 2 x 15 m Kelvin leads (red / black) adjustable-clamp connections................................................ P01295487 1 MR 6292 current clamp for CA 6292.................................. P01120470 1 set of 2 x 6 m Kelvin leads (red / black) adjustable-clamp connections................................................ P01295486 1 green earth cable with crocodile clip................................... P01295488 1 set of 5 fuses T 15A 250V 5x20mm.................................... P01297101 1 USB-A USB-B cable 1.5m long.......................................... P01295293

State at delivery
CA 6292 delivered with: a case containing 1 set of 2 x 6 m Kelvin leads (red / black) with adjustable-clamp connections, 1 green earth cable 3m long with crocodile clip, 1 USB cable 1.5m long, 1 fuse T 15 A 250V mounted in the instrument, 1 European mains power cable, 1 user's manual in 5 languages on CD-ROM,1 CD-ROM containing the DataView software.


> Transformation ratio measurement on power, voltage and current transformers
> Storage of up to 10,000 measurement results


Reference Range of ratios (VT)
Accuracy (VT)
Range of ratios (TC) Accuracy (TC) Excitation signal Excitation current display Excitation frequency Display Available languages Measurement method Power supply Battery life Battery charger Charging time Storage Date / time Communication Software Dimensions / Weight Connection Leads Casing Vibrations Shocks Falls Protection rating Safety

DTR 8510

Digital ratiometer for transformers


Automatic: 0.8000 to 8,000:1

Range of ratios

Accuracy (% of reading)

0.8000 to 9.9999

± 0.2%

10.000 to 999.99

± 0.1%

1000.0 to 4999.9

± 0.2%

5000.0 to 8000.0

± 0.25%

Autoranging: 0.8000 to 1000.0

± 0.5 % of reading
VT mode: 32 Vrms max CT mode: Auto level 0 to 1 A, 0.1 to 4.5 Vrms
Range: 0 to 1,000 mA; Accuracy: ± (2% R + 2 mA)

70 Hz Alphanumeric LCD, 2 lines of 16 characters with adjustment of contrast and
backlighting. Easy to read in both daytime and nighttime conditions French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese According to IEEE Std C57, 12.90TM standard Two rechargeable batteries: 12 V, NiMH, 1650 mAH

Up to 10 hrs in continuous operation, low-battery warning Universal input (90 to 264 Vrms), smart charger

< 4 hours for full charge 10,000 tests

Power supplied by dedicated battery, real-time clock USB 2.0, optical isolation, 115.2 kB
Delivered with DataView® analytical software

272 x 248 x 130 mm / 3.7 kg XLR connectors

Screened H and X leads, length 4.6 m (15 ft),equipped with colour-coded crocodile clips Rugged polypropylene casing, UL 90 V0

IEC 68-2-6 (1.5 mm at 55 Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (30 G)

IEC 68-2-32 (1 m)
IP 40 with cover open as per EN 60529 IP 53 with cover closed as per EN 60529
EN 61010-1, 50 V CAT IV; pollution degree 2

State at delivery
DTR 8510 delivered with: Delivered with a carrying bag containing 1 set of 4.6 m leads with crocodile clips, 1 external battery charger with mains power cable, 1 USB cable, 1NiMH battery datasheet, 1operating manual and DataView software on CD-Rom

Power, energy, disturbances

Power analysers for three-phase networks

> 5 voltage inputs & 4 current inputs

> Inrush mode over 10 minutes

> Calculation of distorting power



1000 V 600 V 3U CAT III CAT IV 4I

4U 4I

53IP CEI EN 61000-4-30 50160

Reference Number of channels Number of inputs IEC 61000-4-30 Voltage (TRMS AC+DC)
Voltage ratio Current (TRMS AC+DC)
MN clamps C193 clamps AmpFlex® or MA clamps PAC93 clamp
E3N clamp J93
Current ratio Frequency





Expert mode


Flicker (Pst and Plt)

Inrush mode




of a selection of parameters

at max. sampling rate



Vectorial representation


Capture of screens and curves

Electrical safety

Ingress protection


Battery life

Communication interface

Power supply

EN50160 report

Dimensions - Weight


CA 8331

3U / 4I 4V / 3I

CA 8333

CA 8336

EN50160 reports 2 V to 1,000 V Up to 500 kV

4U / 4I 5V / 4I

CA 8436

MN93: 500 mA to 200 Aac ; MN93A: 0.005 Aac to 100 Aac 1 A to 1,000 Aac
100 mA to 10,000 Aac 1 A to 1,300 Aac/dc 50 mA to 100 Aac/dc
Up to 60 kA 40 Hz to 69 Hz

50 A to 3,500 AAC / 5,000 ADC

W (P), VA (S), var (N, Q1, D), VAD, PF, DPF, cos f, tan f

W (P), VA (S), var (N, Q1, D), PF, DPF, cos f, tan f

Wh, varh (Nh, Q1h, Dh), VAh Yes
Yes, from 0 to 50th order, phase Yes
50 Pst
Yes on 4 periods Yes Yes

210 Pst and Plt Yes > 10 minutes

4 hrs to 2 weeks

A few days to several weeks

2 weeks to several years

4,000 of 10 different types

10,000 of 40 different types



Colour ¼ VGA TFT screen, 320 x 240, diagonal 148 mm



IEC 61010 1 000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV

IP53 / IK08


More than 27

Up to 13 hours


9.6 V NiMH rechargeable battery or mains power supply

Yes, with DataView® software

240 x 180 x 55 mm - 1.9 kg

270 x 250 x 180 mm / 3.7 kg

3 years

State at delivery

· CA 8336 · CA 8333 - CA 8331 - Models without sensors: Qualistar+ analyser delivered with a bag for accessories, 5 voltage cables 3 m long with 4 mm banana connections, 5 crocodile clips, a set of 12 coloured elements for identifying cables and inputs, an anti-scratch film to protect the screen (mounted), a USB cable, a mains power cable, a mains power pack, a safety datasheet, a CD containing a multilingual user's manual and a CD containing the PC data retrieval software (Power Analyzer Transfer).
· CA 8436 - 1 bag No. 22, 1 IP67 mains cable, 1 USB cable, 5 x 4 mm banana voltage cables 3 m long, 5 crocodile clips, 1 set of colour-coded rings/inserts for identifying the cables and inputs, 1 anti-scratch screen-protection film (mounted) , 1 safety datasheet, 1 CD-ROM containing the Power Analyser Transfer PC data recovery software.



The measurements performed with the Qualistar models

can be processed using two software products:




Accessories for all Qualistar+ models
Mains adapter
PA31ER adapter for 1,000 V power supply via the phase
Reference P01102150

For transferring data onto a PC and communicating in real time via USB.
Supplied with the Qualistar+ models

Storage tool
Reeling Box winder for stowing measurement cables
Reference P01102149









Powerful configuration, transfer and measurement data processing software, with generation of reports according to the voltage quality standards as well as EN5010 reports (CA 8333/8230)

is compatible with other Chauvin Arnoux® products: · CA 8220 & CA 8230 power analysers · F407 and F607 multimeter clamps · and other measuring instruments
Minimum required operating system: Windows® 7, 8 and 10.

Reference P01102095

Complementary accessories
E3N adapter...............................................................................> P01102081 E3N mains power pack..............................................................> P01120047 Battery pack...............................................................................> P01296024 Qualistar screen film...................................................................> P01102059 Set of inserts and rings...............................................................> P01102080 Set of 5 IP67 banana leads 3 m long (BB196)............................> P01295479 Bag no. 21.................................................................................> P01298055 Bag no. 22.................................................................................> P01298056 USB-A USB-B lead 1.5 m long..................................................> P01295293 5 A casing..................................................................................> P01101959 Lockable crocodile clips (x 5).........................................................> P01102099 Kit comprising banana leads (x 5), crocodile clips (x 5) and a set of coloured rings.........................................................> P01295483 Kit comprising banana leads (x 4), crocodile clips (x 4) and a set of coloured rings.........................................................> P01295476 Set of plugs (CA 8436)...............................................................> P01102147 Mains power pack (CA 8436).....................................................> P01102057

Clamps for Qualistar+

MA193 MA193 MA196 A193 -250 -350 -350 -450

A193 -800

A196 -450

Reference P01120580 P01120567 P01120568 P01120526B P01120531B

Indice IP67






Measurement range

100 mA to 10 kAac

Clamping Ø Ø 70 mm Ø 100 mm Ø 100 mm Ø 140 mm Ø 250 mm

/ length

/ 250 mm / 350 mm / 350 mm / 450 mm / 800 mm

P01120554 yes
Ø 190 mm / 610 mm

IEC 61010

1,000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV

1,000 V CAT IV

MN93 MN 93A PAC93 C193



Reference P01120425B P01120434B P01120079B P01120323B P01120043A P01120110

Measurement range

500 mA 0.005 Aac to 200 Aac to 100Aac

1 A to 1,000 Aac
1 A to 1,300 Adc

50 mA to 50 to 1 A to 10 Aac/dc 3,500 Aac 1,000 Aac 100 mA to 50 to
100 Aac/dc 5,000 Adc

Clamping Ø

20 mm

1 x Ø 39 mm 2 x Ø 25 mm

52 mm

11.8 mm

72 mm

IEC 61010

600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV

600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV

600 V CAT IV

600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV

600 V CAT IV / 1,000 V CAT III


Power, Energy, Disturbances
Power and Energy Loggers
> Single-phase, split-phase and three-phase installations > Installation without cutting off the mains power supply > Bluetooth, Ethernet and USB Communication > Automatic recognition of the sensors connected > Recording on SD card

IP 1000 V 600 V
Standard reference Reference with 3 MA 193 current sensors Display Installation types Number of channels Measurements Network frequency Voltage (Measurement ranges/ Best accuracy) Current (depending on sensors) (measurement ranges / best accuracy) Calculated measurements Ratios Power Energy Phase Harmonics Additional functions Phase order Min / Max Mounting Recording Sampling / Acquisition rate / Aggregation Storage Communication Power supply Safety Mechanical specifications Dimensions Weight Casing
DataVIEW® software . . . . . . . . . . . .  P01102095 Bag No 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P01298078 Leads/clamps kit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P01295476 Set of id. rings/inserts . . . . . . . . . . .  P01102080 5 A box  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P01101959 PEL100 mains adapter . . . . . . . . . .  P01102134 Mains power cable . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P01295174 Reeling Box  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  P01102149








With triple digital display

Single-phase, split-phase, three-phase with or without neutral, and many other specific configurations

3 Voltage inputs / 3 Current inputs (neutral current calculated)

DC, 50 Hz, 60 Hz & 400 Hz
10.00 to 1000 V AC/DC / +/- 0.2 % + 0.5 V
from 5 mAAC to 10 kAAC / 50 mADC to 1,4 kADC / ±0.5 %

Up to 650,000 V / up to 25,000 A 10 W to 10 GW / 10 var to 10 Gvar / 10 VA to 10 GVA
Up to 4 EWh / 4 EVAh / 4 Evarh (E = 1018 )
cos , tan , PF Up to 50th order

Yes Yes Magnet, hook

128 samples/period - 1 measurement/s ­ from 1 min to 60 min SD Card, 8 GB (SD-HC Card up to 32 GB) Ethernet & Bluetooth
110 V - 250 V (+10 %, -15 %) @ 50-60 Hz & 400 Hz IEC 61010 600 V CAT IV ­ 1,000 V CAT III

900 g

256 x 125 x 37 mm without sensor IP54 , ETL

950 g

State at delivery
· PEL102 and PEL103: 4 measurement leads (straight banana / straight banana ­ 3 m long ­ black), 4 crocodile clips (black), 1 SD card (8 GB), 1 set of rings and inserts (for ends of leads and current sensors), 1 mains cable, 1 USB cable (Type A / Type B), 1 operating manual (on CD), 1 bag, 1 safety datasheet, PEL Transfer PC software, 1 quick start-up guide, 1 SD MN adapter (depending on model).

PEL100 mains adapter To self-power the PEL via the voltage measurement channel

Clamps for PEL

MA193 MA193 MA196 A193 -250 -350 -350 -450

A193 -800

A196 -450

Reference P01120580 P01120567 P01120568 P01120526B P01120531B

Indice IP67






Measurement range

200 mA to 10 kAac

Clamping Ø Ø 70 mm Ø 100 mm Ø 100 mm Ø 140 mm Ø 250 mm

/ length

/ 250 mm / 350 mm / 350 mm / 450 mm / 800 mm

P01120554 yes
Ø 190 mm / 610 mm

IEC 61010

1,000 V CAT III / 600 V CAT IV

1,000 V CAT IV


MN93 MN 93A PAC93 C193



Reference P01120425B P01120434B P01120079B P01120323B P01120043A P01120110

Measurement range

500 mA 0.005 Aac to 200 Aac to 100Aac

1 A to 1,000 Aac
1 A to 1,300 Adc

50 mA to 50 to 1 A to 10 Aac/dc 3,500 Aac 1,000 Aac 100 mA to 50 to
100 Aac/dc 5,000 Adc

Clamping Ø

20 mm

1 x Ø 39 mm 2 x Ø 25 mm

52 mm

11.8 mm

72 mm

IEC 61010

600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV

600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV

600 V CAT IV

600 V CAT III / 300 V CAT IV

600 V CAT IV / 1,000 V CAT III

Power and energy logger
> Ideal for mounting on electricity poles > All-terrain shockproof casing resistant
to UV light and high temperatures > Self-powered by its voltage inputs up to 1,000 V > Continuous recording at 200 ms intervals > Measurements in compliance with IEEE 1459
1000 V IP

Reference Display Type of installation Number of inputs Number of channels Measurements Network frequency Voltage (measurement ranges / best accuracy) Current (depending on sensors) (measurement ranges / best accuracy) Calculated measurements Ratio Power Energy Phase Phase sequence Harmonics Additional functions Phase sequence Min / Max Recording Sampling rate/ Acquisition rate / Aggregation Storage Communication Power supply Safety Mechanical specifications Dimensions Weight Protection

PEL 105
P01157155 With backlit triple digital display Single-phase, split-phase, three-phase with or without neutral and many other specific configurations 5 voltage inputs, 4 current inputs 4 voltage channels, 4 current channels
DC, 50 Hz, 60 Hz and 400 Hz 10.00 V to 1,000 VAC @ 50/60 Hz, or 600 VAC @ 400 Hz / 1,000 VDC
5 mAAC to 10 kAAC / 50 mADC to 1.4 kADC
Up to 650,000 V / up to 25,000 A 20 W to 10 GW / 20 var to 10 Gvar / 20 VA to 10 GVA
Up to 4 EWh / 4 EVAh / 4 Evarh (E = 1018) cos , tan , PF
Automatic selection of the phase sequence Up to the 50th order
Indication of valid connection On all quantities
128 samples/period - 5 measurements/s - from 1 min to 1 hr SD card, 8 GB (up to 32 GB with SD-HC card) Ethernet, Bluetooth, Wifi and USB
Self-powered internally from 94 to 1,000 V @ 50-60 Hz & 400 Hz / DC IEC 61010 1,000 V CAT IV
245 x 270 x 180 mm < 4 kg IP 67

Clamps for PEL
see page 26
State at delivery
PEL 105 delivered with: · 5 x 3 m black silicone cables, straight banana / straight
banana, 5 black 1,000 V CAT IV crocodile clips, 1 set of inserts/rings, 4 AmpFLEX® IP67 A196 3 m long, 1 set of waterproof plugs, 1 SD card, 1 USB cable, 1 bag, 1 safety datasheet, USB key containing 1 quick start-up guide and 1 user manual.

Reeling Box for stowing the measurement leads of your PEL
Reference P01102149
Clamps for PEL - see page 24 Set of waterproof plugs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102147 Pole-mounting kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102146 DataView® software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102095 Crocodile clips kit (x 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102099 Set of inserts/rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102080 5 A adapter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01101959 Leads kit (x 5) BB196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01295479 Reeling Box  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102149 E3N adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102081 PA30 mains power pack  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P01102057


Portable oscilloscopes with isolated channels
600 V IP

Bandwidth Channels (number / type) IEC61010 safety Analogue display or equivalent One-shot digital sampling rate Repetitive mode Vertical resolution Transient detection (Glitch) Scaling / physical unit PC communication / Ethernet USB Mains power supply / Battery Integrated mode "Oscilloscope" specifications Max. input sensitivity Max. input amplitude Analogue filter Time base (per division) Roll mode / XY mode Memory depth Acquisition memory

OX 5022 OX 5042
20 and 40 MHZ 2 isolated
1000V CAT II - 600V CAT III No
50 MS/s 2 GS/s 9 bits > 20ns
·/· · ·/· Harmonics and multimeter
5 mV/div 200 V/div 1.5 MHz, 5 kHz 25 ns - 200 s
·/· 2.5 k/channel 2 MB memory

No. of reference or math curves on screen


Envelope / Averaging modes SPO (Smart Persistence Oscilloscope) Automatic measurements / cursors Calculation functions: + - / x / : / Advanced Autoset with channel selection Other functions TRMS multimeters Harmonic analysis Threshold recorders (number of channels) Measurement of power / power harmonics General specifications Colour screen

·/· 19/· ·/·/· ·
50 kHz 31 orders
2 ·

State at delivery
Version C: 1 oscilloscope delivered with 1 probe (1/10, 1000 V), 1 BNC/Banana adapter, 1 set of banana leads, 1 mains adapter, 1set of 6 AA NiMh batteries, 1"hands-free" bag, 1 CD-Rom containing 1operating manual and 1 programming manual Version CK: same as version C plus 1 optical USB communication cable and 1 CD containing the SX-METRO/P software and USB cable drivers
OX5022-C: 1 oscilloscope 2 x 20 MHz OX5022-CK: 1 oscilloscope, 2 x 20 MHz + USB communication OX5042-C: 1 oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz OX5042-CK:1oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz + USB communication


On-site oscilloscopes
with isolated channels
Scopix IV - 5 instruments in 1:
> oscilloscope > FFT > multimeter > logger & harmonic analyser > wattmeter

600 V IP

Scan this code
To find out more about the Scopix® offering:

Scopix bus - OX9302-BUS:
> 2 isolated channels, 300 MHz bandwidth
> For physical integrity tests on field buses
Family References Bandwidth Channels (number/type) IEC61010 safety One-shot digital sampling Max. sampling rate in repetitive mode Vertical resolution Scaling/physical unit PC communication via Ethernet/Wifi ScopeNet PC web server Ni-MH/LI-ION battery
"Oscilloscope" specifications
Min. input sensitivity Max. input amplitude Analogue filters Time base (per division) Roll mode / XY mode Memory depth Acquisition memory No. of reference curves or math curves on screen Automatic measurements/Cursors Pulse triggering width/number Hold-Off / adjustable delay + - / x / : / advanced calculation functions Autoset with channel selection
Other functions
Spectral analysis, FFT Lin & Log TRMS multimeters Logger Harmonic analysis Threshold loggers (number of channels)

Field buses OX9302-BUS
300 MHz 2 isolated
2.5 GS/s 100 GS/s
12 bits ·/· ·/· ·/-


OX9104 / OX9102




OX9104 / OX9102

300 MHz

100 MHz

4 isolated

2 or 4 / isolated


2.5 GS/s

2.5 GS/s

100 GS/s

100 GS/s

12 bits

12 bits









Industry OX9062 60 MHz 2 / isolated
2.5 GS/s 100 GS/s
12 bits ·/· ·/· · -/·

156 µV/div 200 V/div
15 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 5 kHz 1 ns-200 s ·/·
100 k / channel > 2 GB on SD Card (all formats)
·/· ·/· ·/·/·/· ·

156 µV/div

156 µV/div

200 V/div

200 V/div

15 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 5 kHz

15 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 5 kHz

1 ns-200 s

1 ns-200 s



100 k / channel

100 k / channel

> 2 GB on SD Card (all formats) > 2 GB on SD Card (all formats)












156 µV/div 200 V/div 15 MHz, 1.5 MHz, 5 kHz 1 ns-200 s
·/· 100 k / channel > 2 GB on SD Card (all formats)
·/· ·/· ·/·/·/· ·

112 bits / 72 dB+ waveform 200 kHz
63 orders 2

12 bits / 72 dB+ waveform 12 bits / 72 dB+ waveform

200 kHz

200 kHz

Recording in MULTIMETER mode, file: 100 kpts

63 orders

63 orders


2 or 4

12 bits / 72 dB+ waveform 200 kHz
63 orders 2

Power / Power Harmonics measurement





General specifications

LCD colour screen 5.7/7/3.5"


Soft calibration with 100% "closed casing"








State at delivery SCOPIX IV

1 SCOPIX IV oscilloscope delivered in a carrying bag, 1 PA40W-2 power pack / charger and one 2P EURO mains cable, 1 Li-Ion battery pack, 1 stylus, 1 Ethernet cable, 1 USB cable, 2 safety cables (red, black), 2 x Ø 4 mm test probes (red, black), 2 or 4 voltage probes depending on models, 1 SD card (8 GB), 1 USB/ SD adapter, 1 hand strap, 1 PROBIX BANANA, 1 USB installation procedure for use of the ScopeNet data export software on CD-ROM, 1 pdf User's Manual on CD (>5 languages), 1 startup guide on paper and 1 safety datasheet in 20 languages.

State at delivery SCOPIX BUS

SCOPIX BUS delivered in a bag with 1 mains adapter/charger, 1 LI-ION battery pack, 1 stylus, 2 x 1/10 Probix HX0130 probes, 1 x Ø4 mm Probix banana adapter, 1 set of cables + Ø4 mm banana test probe, 1 Ethernet cable, 1 USB cable, 1 Sd card (8 GB) with SD Card adapter, HX0190 and HX0191 bus connection boards, 1 CD-Rom containing the User's Manual, Programming Manual and SX-BUS 2.0 software.

Current Measurement
AC and AC/DC current measurement

Scan this code for further information about the clamps:

Input (1)

Output / Connections

Specific features

· Very low current · Low current · Medium current · High current · ~ AC · .-.--. DC · Current · Voltage · Leads + safety plug ø 4 mm (2) · Female sockets ø 4 mm · BNC connector (oscilloscopes) · Transformation ratio
· Output protected against overvoltage · Automatic DC zero · Power measurement (low phase shift) · Bandwidth (frequency in Hz) · Typical accuracy



35 mm


2 to 150 A


0.15 A AC


MINI 02 50 mA to 100 A


0.1 A AC



1 to 100 A


115 mm


5 mA to 10 A 1 to 100 A


Ø10 mm 35 mm MINI 09

1 to 150 A


0.1 V AC


10 V A AC 0.1 V AC


15 V DC


34 mm 130,4 mm

MINI 102 0.05 A - 200 A


0.2 Aac


46 mm


66 mm

Ø16 mm
Ø 21mm 18,5 mm

135 mm

MINI 103
MN08 MN09 MN11 MN12 MN13 MN14 MN39

57 mm 195 mm

MN73 MN89

Ø 30 mm

20 mm

Ø 101 mm

C100 C103


216 mm 31 mm


99 mm


48 mm

Ø64 mm 310 mm

310 mm

D30CN D36N

AC/ 25 mm DC

111 mm

15 K1
Ø 3,9 mm

67 mm


0.1 A - 200 A


0.5 to 240 A


0.5 to 240 A


0.5 to 240 A


0.5 to 240 A


0.5 to 240 A


0.5 to 240 A


0.1 to 24 A 0.5 to 240 A


10 mA to 2.4 A 100 mA to 240 A


0.5 to 240 A


4 A to 600 A


0.1 A to 1,200 A


0.1 A to 1,200 A


1 A to 1,200 A


1 to 300 A

1 to 600 A


1 to 1,200 A

1 mA to 1.2 A

0.01 to 12 A 0.1 to 120 A


1 to 1,200 A

· 1 to 3,600 A · 1 to 3,600 A

1 mA to 4.5 A DC 1 mA to 3 A RMS 1 mA to 4.5 A peak


100 µA to 450 mA DC 100 µA to 300 mA RMS 100 µA to 450 A peak


0.05 to 2 A DC 0.05 to 1.5 A AC 0.5 to 150 A AC/DC


0.2 A AC 0.2 A AC 0.2 A AC

0.2 V AC





2 V AC


· 2 V AC

0.2 V AC


2 V AC 2 V AC


2 V AC 2 V AC


· 20 V DC(2)

0.5 A AC


1 A AC 1 A AC 5 A AC
5 A AC

· ·

· 1 V AC

1 A AC 3 A AC

· ·
4.5 V DC
· 3 V RMS
4.5 V peak
4.5 V DC
· 3 V RMS
4.5 V peak

2 V DC
· 1.5 V AC
150 mV AC/DC

231 mm

Ø 11,8 mm E6N
20 mm

5 mA to 2 A DC 5 mA to 1.5 A AC 20 mA to 80 A AC/DC


2 V AC
· 1.5 V AC
0.8 V AC/DC

· 1,000/1 · 1,000/1
1 A / 1 mV 1 mA/1 mV 1 A/1 mV 1 A/100 mV
1 A / 1 mV
1,000/1 1,000/1
· 1,000/1
1 A/10 mV 1 A/10 mV 1 A/1 mV 1 A/100 mV 1 A/10 mV 1 mA/1 mV 1 A/10 mV 1 A/100 mV
· 1,000/1
· 1,000/1 · 1,000/5
· 500/5
1,000/5 1 A/1 V 10 A/1 V 100 A/1 V 1,000 A/1 V
· 3,000/1 · 3,000/3
1 mA/1 mV
1 mA/10 mV
1 A/1 V 1 A/1 mV
1 A/1 V 1 A/10 mV

To order

48 Hz... 500 Hz  2.5 % P01051101Z

· 48 Hz...10 kHz  1 % P01051102Z

 2 % P01051103Z

 3 %

48 Hz...500 Hz


 2 %

 4 % P01051109Z

48 Hz...10 kHz  1% P01106102

48 Hz...10 kHz  1.5% P01106103

40 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120401 40 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120402 40 Hz... 10 kHz  2 % P01120404 40 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120405 40 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120406 40 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120416

40 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120408

40 Hz... 10 kHz

 1 %  2 %


40 Hz... 10 kHz  2 % P01120415

48 Hz... 1 kHz  3 % P01120001A

30 Hz... 10 kHz  0,5 % P01120301
30 Hz... 10 kHz  0.5 % P01120303
30 Hz... 10 kHz  1 % P01120306
 2 % 48 Hz... 1 kHz  1 % P01120307
 1 %  0.7 % 10 Hz... 3 kHz  0.5 % P01120309  0.3 %  0.2 %
· 30 Hz... 5 kHz  0.5 % P01120064 · 30 Hz... 5 kHz  0.5 % P01120055A
DC... 2 kHz  1 % P01120067A

DC... 1.5 kHz  1 % P01120074A

DC... 2 kHz DC... 8 kHz

 2 %  1.5 %


DC... 2 kHz DC... 8 kHz

 2 %  4 %


(1) The higher value corresponds to 120% of the max. rated value (2) Reshaping of AC signal by diodes (3) Lead + electronic unit with Ø 4 mm safety plugs, 19 mm spacing, for K series

AC/DC current measurement


Output / Connections

Specific features

· Very low current · Low current · Medium current · High current · ~ AC · .-.--. DC · Current · Voltage · Cables +
ø 4 mm safety plug · ø 4 mm female sockets · BNC connector (oscilloscopes) · Transformation ratio
· Output protected against overvoltages
· Automatic zero DC · Power measurements
(low phase shift)
· Bandwidth (frequency in Hz)
· Typical accuracy



Ø 30 mm or 2 x Ø 24 mm


224 mm


97 mm
Ø 39 mm or 2 x Ø 25 mm or 2 x (50x5) mm


236,5 mm

97 mm


Measurement on oscilloscope

0.5 to 400 A AC 0.5 to 600 A DC


0.5 to 40 A AC
· · · 0.5 to 60 A DC
0.5 to 400 A AC 0.5 to 600 A DC
0.5 to 40 A AC
· · · 0.5 to 60 A DC
0.5 to 400 A AC 0.5 to 600 A DC

0.5 to 1000 A AC 0.5 to 1400 A DC


0.5 to 100 A AC 0.5 to 150 A DC 0.5 to 1000 A AC 0.5 to 1400 A DC
0.5 to 100 A AC 0.5 to 150 A DC 0.5 to 1000 A AC 0.5 to 1400 A DC

·· ··

To order

· 600 mV

1 A/1 mV


DC... 30 kHz  2 %


· 600 mV AC/DC
600 mV AC/DC

1 A/10 mV 1 A/1 mV


 1.5 % DC... 30 kHz
 2 %


600 mV peak 600 mV peak

· 1 A/10 mV 1 A/1 mV


 1.5 % DC... 30 kHz
 2 %


· 1.4 V AC/DC

1 A/10 mV


DC... 30 kHz  4 %


· 1.5 V AC/DC
1.4 V AC/DC
1.5 V peak 1.4 V peak

1 A/10 mV 1 A/1 mV
· 1 A/10 mV 1 A/1 mV


DC... 30 kHz  1.5 %


 4 %


 1.5 % DC... 30 kHz


 4 %

Measurement range (1)

Output / Connections

Specific features

· Very low current · Low current · Medium current · High current · ~ AC · DC · Current · Voltage · Leads + safety plug ø 4 mm (2) · Female sockets ø 4 mm · BNC connector (oscilloscopes) · Transformation ratio
· Output protected against overvoltage · Automatic DC zero · Power measurement (low phase shift) · Bandwidth (frequency in Hz) · Typical accuracy



MA200 30-300/3 (17 cm) MA200 30-300/3 (25 cm) MA200 30-300/3 (35 cm) E3N

0.1 A to 60 A peak 0.5 A to 600 A peak
1 A to 1,200 A peak
0.1 A to 30 A peak 1 A to 300 A peak 1 A to 2,000 A peak
1 A to 90 A peak 1 A to 900 A peak 1 A to 9,000 A peak
0.5 A ... 45 A peak 0.5 A ... 450 A peak
0.5 A ... 45 A peak 0.5 A ... 450 A peak
5 A ... 4,500 A peak
0.05 A to 10 A peak 1 A to 100 A peak
0.01 A - 140A peak

· · ·
· · · · ·· ··

6 V peak 1.2 V peak 3 V peak 3 V peak 2 V peak 10 V A AC 0.1 V AC
4.5 V peak
4.5 V peak
4.5 V peak
1 V peak
0.01 A 140A peak

· 1 A / 100 mV 1 A / 10 mV
· 1 mA / 1 mV
10 A / 1 V
· 100 A / 1 V 1000 A / 1 V 1 A / 10 V
· 1 A / 1 mV 1 A / 0,1 mV
· 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
· 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
· 1 mV/A · 1 A / 10 mV
1 A / 1 mV

To order

40 Hz to 40 kHz

 2 %  1.5 %


5 Hz to 10 kHz  2 % P01120075

 3 % 10 Hz to 100 kHz  2 % P01120308
 1 %

30 Hz to 50 kHz  2 % P01120057A

5 Hz to 1 MHz phase shift at 1 kHz  1.5°

 1 % + 0.3 A


5 Hz to 1 MHz phase shift at 1 kHz  1.5°

 1 % + 0.3 A


5 Hz to 1 MHz phase shift at 1 kHz  1.5°

 1 % + 0.3 A


DC to 100 kHz

 3 %  4 %


· 10 mV/A


DC to 1 MHz  1.5 % P01120612

(1) The higher value corresponds to 120 % of the max. rated value (2) Lead + electronic unit with Ø 4 mm safety plugs with 19 mm spacing for the AmpFLEX series


Current Measurement

AC current measurement
MA400D, MA4000D

600 V CAT IV


References Display range
Measurement range
Resolution Accuracy
Sensor clamping diam. / length
Bandwidth Power supply Safety Operating temperature Instrument weight Casing dimensions Length of connection cable

MA400D-170 / MA400D-250


P01120575Z / P01120567Z


4 A AC

40 A AC

400 A AC

40 A AC

400 A AC

4,000 A AC

0.020 A... 3.999 A

4.00 A... 39.99 A

40.0 A... 399.9 A

0.01 A... 39.99 A

40.0 A... 399.9 A

400 A... 3,999 A

1 mA

10 mA

100 mA

10 mA

100 mA

1 A

± (2% + 10 cts) ± ( 1.5 %+ 2 cts) ± (1.5 %+ 2 cts) ± (2%+ 10 cts) ± (1.5 %+ 2 cts) ± (1.5 %+ 2 cts)

MA400D-170: Ø 45 mm / 170 mm MA400D-250: Ø 70 mm / 250 mm

MA4000D-350: Ø 100 mm / 350 mm

10 Hz ... 3 kHz

2 x 1.5 V AAA/LR3 batteries

IEC 61010 CAT IV 600V

0°C to +50°C

Approx. 130 g

100 x 60 x 20 mm

0.8 m

State at Delivery
1 DigiFLEX sensor delivered in a blister pack with 2 x 1.5V AAA batteries, 1 elastic strap and an operating manual in 5 languages

Accessories & Replacement Parts
Bag 120 x 200 x 60..................................................................P01298074 MULTIFIX accessories.............................................................P01102100Z Elastic strap..............................................................................P01102113

AmpFlex® flexible probes for AC current

1000 V CAT IV

4 30000 AAC
67 calibres

Other dimensions: contact us

A110, A130

Input Measurement range

Output - Connections

Specific features

Very low current Low current Medium current High current Alternating current Direct current Current Voltage Lead + safety plugs ø 4 mm Female sockets ø 4 mm BNC connector (coaxial) Transformation ratio (input/output) Output protected against overvoltages Automatic DC zero Power measurement (low phase shift) Bandwidth (frequency in Hz) Typical accuracy



A110 3-30-300-3000/3 (45 cm / Ø 14 cm)

3 A 30 A 300 A 3000 A
P Auto Power Off
3 A : 1000 mV / A 30 A : 100 mV / A 300 A : 10 mV / A 3000 A : 1 mV / A

A110 3-30-300-3000/3 (80 cm / Ø 25 cm)

A110 30-300-300030000/3
(120 cm / Ø 38 cm)

0.08 A - 3 A 0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A
0.08 A - 3 A 0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A
0.05 A - 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3000 A 0.5 A .. 30,000 A




L1 L2 L3
30 A 300 A 3000 A
OL P Auto Power Off
30 A : 100 mV / A 300 A : 10 mV / A 3000 A : 1 mV / A

L1 L2 L3

A130 30-300-3000/3 (80 cm / Ø 25 cm)

0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A


3 Vac 3 Vac 3 Vac 3 Vac

1 V/A 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
1 mV/A
1 V/A 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
1 mV/A
100 mV/A 10 mV/A 1 mV/A 0,1 mV/A
100 mV/A 10 mV/A 1 mV/A


10 Hz .. 10 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz
10 Hz .. 10 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz
10 Hz .. 5 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz

 1%  1%  1%

P01120630 P01120631 P01120632

10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz



MiniFlex® flexible probes for AC current

MA110, MA130

600 V 1000 V CAT IV CAT III

4 3000 AAC
67 calibres

600 V 1000 V CAT IV CAT III

Other dimensions: contact us

Other dimensions: contact us

MA110 model
Measurement from 20 mA. Can be connected to the AC voltage input (mVAC / VAC) of any multimeter or measuring instrument equipped with Ø 4 mm female banana plugs.

Three-phase MA130 model
Can be connected to the AC voltage inputs (mVAC / VAC) of any power analyser, logger or measuring instrument equipped with BNC plugs.

Input Measurement range

Output - Connections

MA200 model
Equipped with a BNC output and can be connected to all types of oscilloscopes. Offers high bandwidth.
Specific features

Very low current Low current Medium current High current Alternating current Direct current Current Voltage Lead + safety plugs ø 4 mm Female sockets ø 4 mm BNC connector (coaxial) Transformation ratio (input/ output) Output protected against overvoltages Automatic DC zero Power measurement (low phase shift) Bandwidth (frequency in Hz) Typical accuracy



MA110 3-30-300-3000/3 (17 cm / Ø 4.5 cm)

3 A 30 A 300 A 3000 A
P Auto Power Off
3 A : 1000 mV / A 30 A : 100 mV / A 300 A : 10 mV / A 3000 A : 1 mV / A

MA110 3-30-300-3000/3 (25 cm / Ø 7 cm)
MA110 3-30-300-3000/3 (35 cm / Ø 10 cm)




L1 L2 L3
30 A 300 A 3000 A
OL P Auto Power Off
30 A : 100 mV / A 300 A : 10 mV / A 3000 A : 1 mV / A

L1 L2 L3

MA130 30-300-3000/3 (25 cm / Ø 7 cm)

MA200 30-300/3 (17 cm / Ø 4.5 cm)

MA200 30-300/3 (25 cm / Ø 7 cm)

MA200 3000 /3 (35 cm / Ø 10 cm)

0.08 A - 3 A 0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A
0.08 A - 3 A 0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A
0.08 A - 3 A 0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A
0.5 A .. 30 A 0.5 A .. 300 A 0.5 A .. 3,000 A
0.5 A...45 Apeak 0.5 A...450 Apeak
0.5 A...45 Apeak 0.5 A...450 Apeak
5 A...4,500 Apeak

3 Vac 3 Vac 3 Vac 3 Vac 4,5 Vpeak 4,5 Vpeak 4,5 Vpeak

1 V/A 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
1 mV/A
1 V/A 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
1 mV/A
1 V/A 100 mV/A 10 mV/A
1 mV/A
100 mV/A 10 mV/A 1 mV/A
100 mV/A 10 mV/A
100 mV/A 10 mV/A
1 mV/A


10 Hz .. 10 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz



10 Hz .. 10 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz



10 Hz .. 10 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz



10 Hz .. 20 kHz 10 Hz .. 20 kHz  1% P01120663 10 Hz .. 20 kHz

 1% + 0.3 A


5 Hz...1 MHz

 1% + 0.3 A


 1% + 0.3 A




Power quality & installation supervision
> Configuration of all the functions of instruments connected to a PC or via Bluetooth
> Recovery of the recorded measurement data > Backup of measurement files > Opening of saved files > Processing and creation of reports (EN50160) > Export into an Excel spreadsheet > Export in .pdf format > Database management
Additional info
The Dataview® software > Automatically recognizes the instrument connected
when it is connected to the PC and opens the corresponding menu. Users then have direct access to the configuration and to the saved data > Includes a large number of predefined report templates for quick generation in compliance with the applicable standards. Users can create their own models to fit their needs and add their own comments directly

Reference P01102095

Test and measurement accessories

Selection of Chauvin Arnoux accessories
> Ø 4 mm banana connection accessories > Temperature measurement > Electrical installation testing > Protection, storage and transport

Scan this code to find out more about the selection of Chauvin Arnoux accessories

Scan this code to find out more about DataView's performance features



... by function
Accessories: · Ø 4 mm banana connections · transport (soft cases, hard cases, bags) · protection (soft cases, hard cases, bags)
AC current miniclamps AmpFlex® AmpFlex® clamps ASYC IV digital multimeters
Cable locator Clamp meters:
· AC current clamps · AC/DC current clamps · digital clamp multimeters · earth/ground clamps and loop tester CO2 / Temperature / Humidity measurement Conductivity meter Contact thermometers
... by product

p.38 p.38 p.38 p.38 p.29 p.29 p.08
p.29-30 p.25-31 p.04-05
p.24 p.12 p.14 p.11

DataView® software Digital ammeters with flexible sensor Digital insulation testers Digital tester

p.42 p.40 p.20-21 p.10


Earth and resistivity kit


Earth/ground and resistivity testers


Earth/ground and resistivity testers with adapter

for pylon earth measurements


Earth/ground testers


Electrical power analysers for three-phase networks p.32-33

Flexible current sensors



Installation testers Insulation and continuity testers

p.16-17 p.18-19




Megohmmeters (see Insulation testers) Micro-ohmmeters
On-site digital oscilloscopes
pH-meter pH-tester Power Analyser Transfer software Power and energy loggers
Ratiometer Reeling box
Testers Thermal cameras Thermo-anemometers Thermo-hygrometers TRMS digital multimeters
Voltage detector


A110/130 A193-450/A193-800 A196 AmpFlex®

Flexible current sensors AmpFlex® clamp meters AmpFlex® clamp meters Flexible current sensors


Banana connection accessories Ø 4 mm


C100 to C173 AC C193 CA 1110 CA 1227 CA 1246 CA 1510 CA 1821/1822/1823 CA 1950/1954 CA 1821/1822/1823 CA 1950/1954 CA 5273/5275/5277 CA 6011 CA 6116N/6117/6133 CA 6240/6250 CA 6292 CA 6416/6417 CA 6422/6424 CA 6460/6462/6470N/6471 CA 6472/6474
CA 6505 CA 6522/6524/6526/6532/6534/6536 CA 6528 CA 6541/6543/6545/6547/6549 CA 6550/6555 CA 6681 CA 757 CA 773 CA 8331/8333/8336/8436
CA 10001 CA 10101 CA 10141

AC current clamps AC current clamp Luxmeters Thermo-anemometers Thermo-hygrometers CO2 - Temperature ­ Humidity logger Logger contact thermometers Thermal camera Logger contact thermometers Thermal camera TRMS multimeters Installation tester Installation testers Micro-ohmmeters Micro-ohmmeters Earth clamp meters and loop testers Earth/ground tester Earth/ground and resistivity testers Earth/ground and resistivity testers with adapter for pylon earth measurement Digital insulation tester Insulation and continuity testers Insulation tester Digital insulation testers Digital insulation testers Cable locator Digital tester Voltage Absence Tester Electrical power analysers for three-phase networks pH tester pH-meter Conductivity meter


DataView® D30CN / D36N D38N DTR 8510

software AC current clamps AC current clamp Single-phase ratiometer

p.40 p.34 p.34 p.40
p.38 p.34 p.13 p.13 p.12 p.12 p.11 p.16-17 p.11 p.16-17 p.08 p.18 p.20-21 p.26 p.30 p.28 p.19 p.26
p.27 p.21 p.22-23 p.18 p.24 p.25 p.29 p.10 p.10
p.32-33 p.14 p.15 p.14
p.38 p.34 p.34 p.31

Earth/ground and resistivity kit E3N
F201/203/205 F401/403/405/F407 F603/605/F607
MA 100 MA193 MA 200 MA400D/MA4000D MINI 01/02/03/05/09/102/103 MN60 MN 08 to MN 89 MN93/93A MTX 203/204 MTX 3290/3291/3292/3293
OX 5022/5042 OX 9302-BUS/9062/9102/9104/9304
PAC15/16/17/25/26/27 PAC93 PEL 102/103/105 Power Analyser Transfer
Reeling Box

AC/DC current clamp
Digital clamp multimeters Digital clamp multimeters Digital clamp multimeters
AC/DC current clamp
AC/DC current clamps
Flexible current sensors AC current clamps Flexible current sensors Flexible current sensors AC current clamps AC current clamp AC current clamps AC current clamps TRMS digital multimeters Digital multimeters
On-site digital oscilloscopes On-site oscilloscopes
AC/DC current clamps AC/DC current clamps Power and energy loggers Software
Cable reeler
AC current clamp AC current clamp

p.15 p.14 p.33 p.34
p.31 p.33
p.10 p.16-17
p.13 p.12 p.06
p.27 p.34
p.04-05 p.04-05 p.04-05
p.37 p.29-30
p.39 p.36 p.38 p.39 p.38 p.34 p.06 p.07
p.36 p.37
p.39 p.34 p.34 p.33
p.34 p.35

CA 6528 digital insulation tester

CA 6011 installation

906 131 100 - Ed.14 - 2020 ­ Non-contractual document. Photos : Chauvin Arnoux Group. Please confirm specifications when ordering.

CA 6422 & CA 6424 2P & 3P earth/ ground testers
Chauvin Arnoux International
190, rue Championnet 75876 Paris Cedex 18 [email protected] tel : +33 1 44 85 44 38 fax : +33 1 46 27 95 59

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