Measurement Report
SAR Test Report-1
DOPPIO MOBILE, S.A DE C.V. DOPF3820 4G Feature phone 2BCZE-DOPF3820 2BCZEDOPF3820 dopf3820
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Document DEVICE REPORTGetApplicationAttachment.html?id=6928739Page 1 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 FCC SAR EVALUATION REPORT In accordance with the requirements of FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1093), ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and IEEE Std 1528-2013 Product Name 4G Feature phone Brand Name Doppio Model Name F3820 Family Model N/A Report No. S23091302004001 FCC ID 2BCZE-DOPF3820 Prepared for DOPPIO MOBILE, S.A DE C.V. RIO SAN JOAQUIN AVENUE, EXT. No. 406 , INT. No. 3RD FLOOR, OFFICE 2, MEXICO CITY, MEXICO 11529 Prepared by Shenzhen NTEK Testing Technology Co., Ltd. 1/F, Building E, Fenda Science Park, Sanwei Community, Xixiang Street Bao'an District, Shenzhen P.R. China Tel. 400-800-6106, 0755-2320 0050, 0755-2320 0090 Website: Page 2 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 TEST RESULT CERTIFICATION Applicant's name .........D...O...P..P:IO MOBILE, S.A DE C.V. Address .........................R2..,.I.OM...E.S:XAINCOJOCAIQTYU,IMNEAXVIECNOU1E1,5E2X9T. No. 406 , INT. No. 3RD FLOOR, OFFICE Manufacturer's Name ..S...h..e..n.z:hen United Time Technology Co., Ltd Address .........................7N../.aF..n..,.s5.h:-AanBDuiisldtriincgt,,SShoeftnwzahreenI,nPd.Ru.sCtrhiainlBaa. se, No.11 haitian Road, Product description Product name ................4..G....F..e:ature phone Brand Name .................D...o..p..p. i:o Mreofedreelnacned/o..r..t.y..p..e............F...3..8..2.0: Family Model .................N.../.A.... : FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1093) ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 Standards .....................I.E...E..E.. :Std 1528-2013 Published RF exposure KDB procedures This device described above has been tested by Shenzhen NTEK. In accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE Std 1528-2013 and KDB 865664 D01. Testing has shown that this device is capable of compliance with localized specific absorption rate (SAR) specified in FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1093) and ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992. The test results in this report apply only to the tested sample of the stated device/equipment. Other similar device/equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance and measurement uncertainties. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Shenzhen NTEK, this document may be altered or revised by Shenzhen NTEK, personal only, and shall be noted in the revision of the document. Test Sample Number ..................S...2..3..0..9. 13020001 Date of Test Date (s) of performance of tests ...S...e..p..t....1:9, 2023 ~ Oct. 09, 2023 Date of Issue................................O...c..t...2..7:, 2023 Test Result....................................P...a..s..s... : Prepared By (Test Engineer) : Reviewed By (Supervisor) Approved By (Lab Manager) : Page 3 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 (Jack Li) (Aaron Cheng) (Alex Li) REV. Rev.1.0 Page 4 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Revision History DESCRIPTION Initial Test Report Release ISSUED DATE Oct. 27, 2023 REMARK Jack Li Page 5 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. General Information .......................................................................................... 7 1.1. RF exposure limits .................................................................................. 7 1.2. Statement of Compliance....................................................................... 8 1.3. EUT Description ..................................................................................... 8 1.4. Test specification(s) .............................................................................. 10 1.5. Ambient Condition............................................................................... 10 2. SAR Measurement System ............................................................................... 11 2.1. SATIMO SAR Measurement Set-up Diagram ......................................... 11 2.2. Robot ................................................................................................... 12 2.3. E-Field Probe........................................................................................ 13 2.3.1. E-Field Probe Calibration................................................................ 13 2.4. SAM phantoms .................................................................................... 14 2.4.1. Technical Data ................................................................................ 15 2.5. Device Holder ...................................................................................... 16 2.6. Test Equipment List .............................................................................. 17 3. SAR Measurement Procedures ........................................................................ 20 3.1. Power Reference.................................................................................. 20 3.2. Area scan & Zoom scan ........................................................................ 20 3.3. Description of interpolation/extrapolation scheme ............................. 22 3.4. Volumetric Scan ................................................................................... 22 3.5. Power Drift .......................................................................................... 22 4. System Verification Procedure......................................................................... 23 4.1. Tissue Verification................................................................................ 23 4.1.1. Tissue Dielectric Parameter Check Results ..................................... 24 4.2. System Verification Procedure ............................................................. 25 4.2.1. System Verification Results ............................................................ 26 5. SAR Measurement variability and uncertainty ................................................. 27 5.1. SAR measurement variability ............................................................... 27 5.2. SAR measurement uncertainty............................................................. 27 6. RF Exposure Positions ...................................................................................... 28 6.1. Ear and handset reference point.......................................................... 28 6.2. Definition of the cheek position ........................................................... 28 6.3. Definition of the tilt position................................................................ 30 6.4. Body Worn Accessory .......................................................................... 30 6.5. Wireless Router Devices....................................................................... 31 7. RF Output Power ............................................................................................. 32 7.1. GSM Conducted Power ........................................................................ 32 7.2. WCDMA Conducted Power................................................................... 32 7.3. LTE Conducted Power........................................................................... 34 Page 6 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 7.4. WLAN & Bluetooth Output Power........................................................ 45 8. Antenna Location............................................................................................. 46 9. Stand-alone SAR test exclusion ........................................................................ 46 10. SAR Results ................................................................................................... 47 10.1. SAR measurement Result ................................................................... 47 10.1.1. SAR measurement Result of GSM850........................................... 47 10.1.2. SAR measurement Result of GSM1900......................................... 48 10.1.3. SAR measurement Result of WCDMA Band 2 ............................... 49 10.1.4. SAR measurement Result of WCDMA Band 5 ............................... 50 10.1.5. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 4 ....................................... 51 10.1.6. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 5 ....................................... 53 10.1.7. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 7 ....................................... 55 10.1.8. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 13 ..................................... 57 10.1.9. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 66 ..................................... 59 10.1.10. SAR measurement Result of WLAN 2.4G.................................... 61 10.2. Simultaneous Transmission Analysis .................................................. 62 11. Appendix A. Photo documentation ............................................................... 63 12. Appendix B. System Check Plots ................................................................... 64 13. Appendix C. Plots of High SAR Measurement ............................................... 77 14. Appendix D. Calibration Certificate ............................................................. 118 Page 7 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 1. General Information 1.1. RF exposure limits (A).Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (W/kg) Whole-Body Partial-Body Hands, Wrists, Feet and Ankles 0.4 8.0 20.0 (B).Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (W/kg) Whole-Body Partial-Body Hands, Wrists, Feet and Ankles 0.08 1.6 4.0 NOTE: Whole-Body SAR is averaged over the entire body, partial-body SAR is averaged over any 1 gram of tissue defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube. SAR for hands, wrists, feet and ankles is averaged over any 10 grams of tissue defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube. Occupational/Controlled Environments: Are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be incurred by people who are aware of the potential for exposure, (i.e. as a result of employment or occupation). General Population/Uncontrolled Environments: Are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individuals who have no knowledge or control of their exposure. NOTE Localized Head, Neck and Trunk LIMIT 1.6 W/kg APPLIED TO THIS EUT Page 8 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 1.2. Statement of Compliance The maximum results of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) found during testing for F3820 are as follows. RF Exposure Conditions Max Reported SAR Value(W/kg) 1-g Head 0.589 1-g Body-Worn (Separation distance of 10mm) 1.195 1-g Hotspot (Separation distance of 10mm) 1.195 Head 0.776 Max Simultaneous Tx Body-Worn 1.289 Hotspot 1.289 Note: The Max Simultaneous Tx is calculated based on the same configuration and test position. This device is in compliance with Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for general population/uncontrolled exposure limits (1.6 W/kg) specified in FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1093) and ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, and had been tested in accordance with the measurement methods and procedures specified in IEEE Std 1528-2013 & KDB 865664 D01. 1.3. EUT Description Device Information Product Name Brand Name Model Name Family Model Model Difference FCC ID Device Phase Exposure Category Antenna Type Battery Information HW Version SW Version Device Operating Configurations Supporting Mode(s) Test Modulation Device Class Operating Frequency Range(s) 4G Feature phone Doppio F3820 N/A N/A 2BCZE-DOPF3820 Identical Prototype General population / Uncontrolled environment PIFA Antenna DC 3.7V, 1750mAh, 6.48Wh HS900-MB-V2.1 F3820_4G_V03_202300901 GSM 850/1900, WCDMA Band 2/5, LTE Band 4/5/7/13/66, WLAN 2.4G, Bluetooth GSM(GMSK/8PSK), WCDMA(QPSK), LTE(QPSK/16QAM), WLAN(DSSS/OFDM), Bluetooth(GFSK, /4-DQPSK, 8DPSK), B Band Tx (MHz) Rx (MHz) GSM 850 824-849 869-894 GPRS Multislot Class(12) EGPRS Multislot Class(12) Power Class Page 9 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 GSM 1900 1850-1910 1930-1990 WCDMA Band 2 1850-1910 1930-1990 WCDMA Band 5 824-849 869-894 LTE Band 4 1710-1755 2110-2155 LTE Band 5 824-849 869-894 LTE Band 7 2500-2570 2620-2690 LTE Band 13 777-787 746-756 LTE Band 66 1710-1780 2110-2200 WLAN 2.4G 2412-2462 Bluetooth 2402-2480 Max Number of Timeslots in Uplink 4 Max Number of Timeslots in Downlink 4 Max Total Timeslot 5 Max Number of Timeslots in Uplink 4 Max Number of Timeslots in Downlink 4 Max Total Timeslot 5 4, tested with power level 5(GSM 850) 1, tested with power level 0(GSM 1900) 3, tested with power control all 1(WCDMA Band 2) 3, tested with power control all 1(WCDMA Band 5) 3, tested with power control all Max.(LTE Band 4) 3, tested with power control all Max.(LTE Band 5) 3, tested with power control all Max.(LTE Band 7) 3, tested with power control all Max.(LTE Band 13) 3, tested with power control all Max.(LTE Band 66) Page 10 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 1.4. Test specification(s) FCC 47 CFR Part 2(2.1093) ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 IEEE Std 1528-2013 KDB 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz KDB 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance KDB 248227 D01 802.11 Wi-Fi SAR KDB 941225 D01 3G SAR Procedures KDB 941225 D05 SAR for LTE Devices KDB 941225 D06 Hotspot SAR KDB 648474 D04 Handset SAR 1.5. Ambient Condition Ambient temperature Relative Humidity 20°C 24°C 30% 70% Page 11 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 2. SAR Measurement System 2.1. SATIMO SAR Measurement Set-up Diagram These measurements were performed with the automated near-field scanning system OPENSAR from SATIMO. The system is based on a high precision robot (working range: 901 mm), which positions the probes with a positional repeatability of better than ±0.03 mm. The SAR measurements were conducted with dosimetric probe (manufactured by SATIMO), designed in the classical triangular configuration and optimized for dosimetric evaluation. The first step of the field measurement is the evaluation of the voltages induced on the probe by the device under test. Probe diode detectors are nonlinear. Below the diode compression point, the output voltage is proportional to the square of the applied E-field; above the diode compression point, it is linear to the applied E-field. The compression point depends on the diode, and a calibration procedure is necessary for each sensor of the probe. The Keithley multimeter reads the voltage of each sensor and send these three values to the PC. The corresponding E field value is calculated using the probe calibration factors, which are stored in the working directory. This evaluation includes linearization of the diode characteristics. The field calculation is done separately for each sensor. Each component of the E field is displayed on the ''Dipole Area Scan Interface'' and the total E field is displayed on the ''3D Interface'' Page 12 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 2.2. Robot The SATIMO SAR system uses the high precision robots from KUKA. For the 6-axis controller system, the robot controller version (KUKA) from KUKA is used. The KUKA robot series have many features that are important for our application: · High precision (repeatability ±0.03 mm) · High reliability (industrial design) · Jerk-free straight movements · Low ELF interference (the closed metallic construction shields against motor control fields) Page 13 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 2.3. E-Field Probe This E-field detection probe is composed of three orthogonal dipoles linked to special Schottky diodes with low detection thresholds. The probe allows the measurement of electric fields in liquids such as the one defined in the IEEE and CENELEC standards. For the measurements the Specific Dosimetric E-Field Probe SN 08/16 EPGO287 with following specifications is used - Dynamic range: 0.01-100 W/kg - Tip Diameter : 2.5 mm - Distance between probe tip and sensor center: 1 mm - Distance between sensor center and the inner phantom surface: 2 mm (repeatability better than ±1 mm). - Probe linearity: ±0.08 dB - Axial isotropy: ±0.01 dB - Hemispherical Isotropy: ±0.01 dB - Calibration range: 650MHz to 5900MHz for head & body simulating liquid. - Lower detection limit: 8mW/kg Angle between probe axis (evaluation axis) and surface normal line: less than 30°. 2.3.1. E-Field Probe Calibration Each probe needs to be calibrated according to a dosimetric assessment procedure with accuracy better than ±10%. The spherical isotropy shall be evaluated and within ±0.25dB. The sensitivity parameters (Norm X, Norm Y, and Norm Z), the diode compression parameter (DCP) and the conversion factor (Conv F) of the probe are tested. The calibration data can be referred to appendix D of this report. 2.4. SAM phantoms Photo of SAM phantom SN 16/15 SAM119 Page 14 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 The SAM phantom is used to measure the SAR relative to people exposed to electro-magnetic field radiated by Smart Phones. Page 15 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 2.4.1. Technical Data Serial Number SN 16/15 SAM119 Shell thickness 2 mm ±0.2 mm Filling volume Dimensions Length:1000 mm 27 liters Width:500 mm Height:200 mm Positionner Material Permittivity Loss Tangent Gelcoat with 3.4 0.02 fiberglass Serial Number Left Head(mm) Right Head(mm) Flat Part(mm) 2 2.02 2 2.08 1 2.09 3 2.05 3 2.06 2 2.06 4 2.07 4 2.07 3 2.08 SN 16/15 SAM119 5 2.08 5 6 2.05 6 2.08 4 2.10 2.07 5 2.10 7 2.05 7 2.05 6 2.07 8 2.07 8 2.06 7 2.07 9 2.08 9 2.06 - - The test, based on ultrasonic system, allows measuring the thickness with an accuracy of 10 m. Page 16 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 2.5. Device Holder The positioning system allows obtaining cheek and tilting position with a very good accuracy. In compliance with CENELEC, the tilt angle uncertainty is lower than 1 degree. Serial Number SN 16/15 MSH100 Holder Material Delrin Permittivity 3.7 Loss Tangent 0.005 Page 17 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 2.6. Test Equipment List This table gives a complete overview of the SAR measurement equipment. Devices used during the test described are marked Manufacturer Name of Equipment Type/Model Serial Number Calibration Last Due Cal. Date MVG E FIELD PROBE SSE2 Jan. 10, Jan. 09, SN 08/16 EPGO287 2023 2024 MVG 750 MHz Dipole SID750 SN 03/15 DIP 0G750-355 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 835 MHz Dipole SID835 SN 03/15 DIP 0G835-347 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 900 MHz Dipole SID900 SN 03/15 DIP 0G900-348 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 1800 MHz Dipole SID1800 SN 03/15 DIP 1G800-349 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 1900 MHz Dipole SID1900 SN 03/15 DIP 1G900-350 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 2000 MHz Dipole SID2000 SN 03/15 DIP 2G000-351 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 2300 MHz Dipole SID2300 SN 03/16 DIP 2G300-358 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 2450 MHz Dipole SID2450 SN 03/15 DIP 2G450-352 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 2600 MHz Dipole SID2600 SN 03/15 DIP 2G600-356 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG 3500 MHz Dipole SID3500 SN 09/12 DIP 3G500-360 Oct. 15, Oct. 14, 2022 2025 MVG 5000 MHz Dipole SWG5500 SN 13/14 WGA 33 Mar. 01, Feb. 28, 2021 2024 MVG Liquid measurement Kit SCLMP SN 21/15 OCPG 72 NCR NCR MVG KEITHLEY Power Amplifier Millivoltmeter N.A 2000 AMPLISAR_28/14_003 4072790 NCR NCR NCR NCR R&S Universal radio communication tester CMU200 117858 May 29, May 28, 2023 2024 R&S Wideband radio communication CMW500 103917 May 29, May 28, 2023 2024 Page 18 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 HP Agilent Agilent tester Network Analyzer MXG Vector Signal Generator 8753D N5182A Power meter E4419B Agilent Power sensor E9301A Agilent Power sensor E9301A MCLI/USA Directional Coupler CB11-20 N/A Thermometer N/A MVG MVG Shenzhen Tianxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Tianxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Tianxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Tianxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Tianxu Communication Technology SAM Phantom Device Holder Human Simulating Liquid Human Simulating Liquid Human Simulating Liquid Human Simulating Liquid Human Simulating Liquid SSM2 SMPPD Head 750 Head 835 Head 1800 Head 1900 Head 2450 3410J01136 MY47070317 MY45102538 MY41495644 US39212148 0D2L51502 LES-085 SN 16/15 SAM119 SN 16/15 MSH100 Head 750 Head 835 Head 1800 Head 1900 Head 2450 May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023 May 29, 2023 Jul. 04, 2023 Mar. 27, 2023 May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 May 28, 2024 Jul. 03, 2024 Mar. 26, 2026 NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR Page 19 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Tianxu Communication Technology Co., Ltd. Human Simulating Liquid Head 2600 Head 2600 NCR NCR Page 20 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 3. SAR Measurement Procedures The measurement procedures are as follows: <Conducted power measurement> (a) For WWAN power measurement, use base station simulator to configure EUT WWAN transmission in conducted connection with RF cable, at maximum power in each supported wireless interface and frequency band. (b) Read the WWAN RF power level from the base station simulator. (c) For Wi-Fi/BT power measurement, use engineering software to configure EUT Wi-Fi/BT continuously transmission, at maximum RF power in each supported wireless interface and frequency band. (d) Connect EUT RF port through RF cable to the power meter, and measure Wi-Fi/BT output power. <SAR measurement> (a) Use base station simulator to configure EUT WWAN transmission in radiated connection, and engineering software to configure EUT Wi-Fi/BT continuously transmission, at maximum RF power, in the highest power channel. (b) Place the EUT in the positions as Appendix A demonstrates. (c) Set scan area, grid size and other setting on the OPENSAR software. (d) Measure SAR results for the highest power channel on each testing position. (e) Find out the largest SAR result on these testing positions of each band. (f) Measure SAR results for other channels in worst SAR testing position if the reported SAR of highest power channel is larger than 0.8 W/kg. According to the test standard, the recommended procedure for assessing the peak spatial-average SAR value consists of the following steps: (a) Power reference measurement (b) Area scan (c) Zoom scan (d) Power drift measurement 3.1. Power Reference The Power Reference Measurement and Power Drift Measurements are for monitoring the power drift of the device under test in the batch process. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface determines the closest measurement point to phantom surface. This distance cannot be smaller than the distance of sensor calibration points to probe tip as defined in the probe properties. 3.2. Area scan & Zoom scan The area scan is a 2D scan to find the hot spot location on the DUT. The zoom scan is a 3D scan Page 21 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 above the hot spot to calculate the 1g and 10g SAR value. Measurement of the SAR distribution with a grid of 8 to 16 mm * 8 to 16 mm and a constant distance to the inner surface of the phantom. Since the sensors cannot directly measure at the inner phantom surface, the values between the sensors and the inner phantom surface are extrapolated. With these values the area of the maximum SAR is calculated by an interpolation scheme. Around this point, a cube of 30 * 30 *30 mm or 32 * 32 * 32 mm is assessed by measuring 5 or 8 * 5 or 8 * 4 or 5 mm. With these data, the peak spatial-average SAR value can be calculated. From the scanned SAR distribution, identify the position of the maximum SAR value, in addition identify the positions of any local maxima with SAR values within 2 dB of the maximum value that will not be within the zoom scan of other peaks; additional peaks shall be measured only when the primary peak is within 2 dB of the SAR compliance limit (e.g., 1 W/kg for 1,6 W/kg 1 g limit, or 1,26 W/kg for 2 W/kg, 10 g limit). Area scan & Zoom scan scan parameters extracted from FCC KDB 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz. Page 22 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 3.3. Description of interpolation/extrapolation scheme The local SAR inside the phantom is measured using small dipole sensing elements inside a probe body. The probe tip must not be in contact with the phantom surface in order to minimise measurements errors, but the highest local SAR will occur at the surface of the phantom. An extrapolation is using to determinate this highest local SAR values. The extrapolation is based on a fourth-order least-square polynomial fit of measured data. The local SAR value is then extrapolated from the liquid surface with a 1 mm step. The measurements have to be performed over a limited time (due to the duration of the battery) so the step of measurement is high. It could vary between 5 and 8 mm. To obtain an accurate assessment of the maximum SAR averaged over 10 grams and 1 gram requires a very fine resolution in the three dimensional scanned data array. 3.4. Volumetric Scan The volumetric scan consists to a full 3D scan over a specific area. This 3D scan is useful form multi Tx SAR measurement. Indeed, it is possible with OpenSAR to add, point by point, several volumetric scan to calculate the SAR value of the combined measurement as it is define in the standard IEEE1528 and IEC62209. 3.5. Power Drift All SAR testing is under the EUT install full charged battery and transmit maximum output power. In OpenSAR measurement software, the power reference measurement and power drift measurement procedures are used for monitoring the power drift of EUT during SAR test. Both these procedures measure the field at a specified reference position before and after the SAR testing. The software will calculate the field difference in V/m. If the power drifts more than ±5%, the SAR will be retested. 4. System Verification Procedure Page 23 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 4.1. Tissue Verification The following tissue formulations are provided for reference only as some of the parameters have not been thoroughly verified. The composition of ingredients may be modified accordingly to achieve the desired target tissue parameters required for routine SAR evaluation. Ingredients (% of weight) Head Tissue Frequency Band (MHz) 750 835 900 1800 1900 2000 2450 2600 5200 5800 Water 34.40 34.40 34.40 55.36 55.36 57.87 57.87 57.87 65.53 65.53 NaCl 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.35 0.35 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 1,2-Propanediol 64.81 64.81 64.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Triton X-100 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.45 30.45 19.97 19.97 19.97 24.24 24.24 DGBE 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.84 13.84 22.00 22.00 22.00 10.23 10.23 For SAR measurement of the field distribution inside the phantom, the phantom must be filled with homogeneous tissue simulating liquid to a depth of at least 15 cm. For head SAR testing, the liquid depth from the ear reference point (ERP) of the phantom to the liquid top surface is larger than 15 cm. Photo of Liquid depth for Head Position Photo of Liquid depth for Body Position Page 24 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 4.1.1. Tissue Dielectric Parameter Check Results The simulating liquids should be checked at the beginning of a series of SAR measurements to determine of the dielectric parameter are within the tolerances of the specified target values. The measured conductivity and relative permittivity should be within ±5% of the target values. Tissue Type Measured Frequency (MHz) Target Tissue r (±5%) (S/m) (±5%) Measured Tissue r (S/m) Liquid Temp. Test Date Head 750 41.96 0.89 750 (39.86~44.06) (0.85~0.93 42.27 0.95 21.4 °C Oct. 08, 2023 Head 850 Head 1800 Head 1900 Head 2450 835 1800 1900 2450 41.50 (39.43~43.58) 40.00 (38.00~42.00) 40.00 (38.00~42.00) 39.20 (37.24~41.16) 0.90 (0.86~0.95) 1.40 (1.33~1.47) 1.40 (1.33~1.47) 1.80 (1.71~1.89) 41.67 39.52 39.14 38.98 0.91 21.8 °C Sep. 27, 2023 1.39 21.2 °C Sep. 19, 2023 1.45 21.7 °C Oct. 09, 2023 1.83 21.5 °C Sep. 21, 2023 Head 2600 2600 39.01 1.96 38.85 (37.06~40.96) (1.86~2.06) 1.92 21.6 °C Sep. 22, 2023 NOTE: The dielectric parameters of the tissue-equivalent liquid should be measured under similar ambient conditions and within 2 °C of the conditions expected during the SAR evaluation to satisfy protocol requirements. Page 25 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 4.2. System Verification Procedure The system verification is performed for verifying the accuracy of the complete measurement system and performance of the software. The dipole is connected to the signal source consisting of signal generator and amplifier via a directional coupler, N-connector cable and adaption to SMA. It is fed with a power of 100mW (below 5GHz) or 100mW (above 5GHz). To adjust this power a power meter is used. The power sensor is connected to the cable before the system verification to measure the power at this point and do adjustments at the signal generator. At the outputs of the directional coupler both return loss as well as forward power are controlled during the system verification to make sure that emitted power at the dipole is kept constant. This can also be checked by the power drift measurement after the test (result on plot). The system verification is shown as below picture: Page 26 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 4.2.1. System Verification Results Comparing to the original SAR value provided by SATIMO, the verification data should be within its specification of ±10%. Below table shows the target SAR and measured SAR after normalized to 1W input power. The table below indicates the system performance verification can meet the variation criterion and the plots can be referred to Appendix B of this report. System Verification Target SAR (1W) (±10%) 1-g (W/Kg) 10-g (W/Kg) Measured SAR (Normalized to 1W) 1-g (W/Kg) 10-g (W/Kg) Liquid Temp. Delta (%) 1-g (±10%) 10-g (±10%) Test Date 8.53 5.56 750MHz 8.79 (7.68~9.38) (5.01~6.11) 5.42 21.4 °C 3.05% -2.52% Oct. 08, 2023 835MHz 9.84 (8.86~10.82) 6.22 (5.60~6.84) 10.18 6.04 21.8 °C 3.46% -2.89% Sep. 27, 2023 1800MHz 37.96 19.81 (34.17~41.75) (17.83~21.79) 36.57 18.38 21.2 °C -3.66% -7.22% Sep. 19, 2023 1900MHz 40.37 20.48 (36.34~44.40) (18.44~22.52) 43.30 20.88 21.7 °C 7.26% 1.95% Oct. 09, 2023 2450MHz 53.69 23.94 (48.33~59.05) (21.55~26.33) 49.21 21.90 21.5 °C -8.34% -7.01% Sep. 21, 2023 2600MHz 55.83 24.19 (50.25~61.41) (21.78~26.60) 53.41 24.32 21.6 °C -4.33% 0.54% Sep. 22, 2023 Page 27 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 5. SAR Measurement variability and uncertainty 5.1. SAR measurement variability Per KDB865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, SAR measurement variability must be assessed for each frequency band, which is determined by the SAR probe calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium used for the device measurements. The additional measurements are repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring the same head or body tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device should be returned to ambient conditions (normal room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it is re-mounted on the device holder for the repeated measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the repeated results. 1) Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is < 0.80 W/kg; steps 2) through 4) do not apply. 2) When the original highest measured SAR is 0.80 W/kg, repeat that measurement once. 3) Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original and first repeated measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement is 1.45 W/kg (~ 10% from the 1-g SAR limit). 4) Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first or second repeated measurement is 1.5 W/kg and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and second repeated measurements is > 1.20. 5.2. SAR measurement uncertainty Per KDB865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, when the highest measured 1-g SAR within a frequency band is < 1.5 W/kg, the extensive SAR measurement uncertainty analysis described in IEEE Std 1528-2013 is not required in SAR reports submitted for equipment approval. The equivalent ratio (1.5/1.6) is applied to extremity and occupational exposure conditions. Page 28 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 6. RF Exposure Positions 6.1. Ear and handset reference point Figure 6.1.1 shows the front, back, and side views of the SAM phantom. The center-of-mouth reference point is labeled M, the left ear reference point (ERP) is marked LE, and the right ERP is marked RE. Fig 6.1.1 Front, back, and side views of SAM phantom 6.2. Definition of the cheek position 1. Define two imaginary lines on the handset, the vertical centerline and the horizontal line. The vertical centerline passes through two points on the front side of the handset: the midpoint of the width wt of the handset at the level of the acoustic output (point A in Figure 6.2.1 and Figure 6.2.2), and the midpoint of the width wb of the bottom of the handset (point B). The horizontal line is perpendicular to the vertical centerline and passes through the center of the acoustic output (see Figure 6.2.1). The two lines intersect at point A. Note that for many handsets, point A coincides with the center of the acoustic output; however, the acoustic output may be located elsewhere on the horizontal line. Also note that the vertical centerline is not necessarily parallel to the front face of the handset (see Figure 6.2.2), especially for clamshell handsets, handsets with flip covers, and other irregularly-shaped handsets. 2. Position the handset close to the surface of the phantom such that point A is on the (virtual) extension of the line passing through points RE and LE on the phantom (see Figure 6.2.3), such that the plane defined by the vertical centerline and the horizontal line of the handset is approximately parallel to the sagittal plane of the phantom. 3. Translate the handset towards the phantom along the line passing through RE and LE until handset point A touches the pinna at the ERP 4. While maintaining the handset in this plane, rotate it around the LE-RE line until the vertical centerline is in the plane normal to the plane containing B-M and N-F lines, i.e., the Reference Plane. 5. Rotate the handset around the vertical centerline until the handset (horizontal line) is parallel to the N-F line. Page 29 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 6. While maintaining the vertical centerline in the Reference Plane, keeping point A on the line passing through RE and LE, and maintaining the handset contact with the pinna, rotate the handset about the N-F line until any point on the handset is in contact with a phantom point below the pinna on the cheek. See Figure 6.2.3. The actual rotation angles should be documented in the test report. Fig 6.2.1 Handset vertical and horizontal reference lines--fixed case Fig 6.2.2 Handset vertical and horizontal reference lines--"clam-shell case" Fig 6.2.3 cheek or touch position. The reference points for the right ear (RE), left ear (LE), and mouth (M), which establish the Reference Plane for handset positioning, are indicated. Page 30 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 6.3. Definition of the tilt position 1. While maintaining the orientation of the handset, retract the handset parallel to the reference plane far enough away from the phantom to enable a rotation of the device by 15 degree. 2. Rotate the Handset around the horizontal line by 15 degree (see Figure 6.3.1). 3. While maintaining the orientation of the handset, move the handset towards the phantom on a line passing through RE and LE until any part of the handset touches the ear. The tilt position is obtained when the contact is on the pinna. If the contact is at any location other than the pinna, e.g., the antenna with the back of the phantom head, the angle of the handset shall be reduced. In this case, the tilt position is obtained if any part of the handset is in contact with the pinna as well as a second part of the handset is in contact with the phantom, e.g., the antenna with the back of the head. Figure 6.3.1 Tilt position of the wireless device on the left side of SAM 6.4. Body Worn Accessory 1. Body-worn operating configurations are tested with the belt-clips and holsters attached to the device and positioned against a flat phantom in a normal use configuration (see Figure 6.4.1). Per KDB 648474 D04, body-worn accessory exposure is typically related to voice mode operations when handsets are carried in body-worn accessories. The body-worn accessory procedures in FCC KDB 447498 D01 should be used to test for body-worn accessory SAR compliance, without a headset connected to it. This enables the test results for such configuration to be compatible with that required for hotspot mode when the body-worn accessory test separation distance is greater than or equal to that required for hotspot mode, when applicable. When the reported SAR for body-worn accessory, measured without a headset connected to the handset is < 1.2 W/kg, the highest reported SAR configuration for that wireless mode and frequency band should be repeated for that body-worn accessory with a handset attached to the handset. 2. Accessories for body-worn operation configurations are divided into two categories: those that do not contain metallic components and those that do contain metallic components and those that do contain metallic components. When multiple accessories that do not contain metallic components are supplied with the device, the device is tested with only the accessory that dictates the closest Page 31 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 spacing to the body. Then multiple accessories that contain metallic components are test with the device with each accessory. If multiple accessories share an identical metallic component (i.e. the same metallic belt-chip used with different holsters with no other metallic components) only the accessory that dictates the closest spacing to the body is tested. Figure 6.4.1 Test positions for body-worn devices 6.5. Wireless Router Devices Some battery-operated handsets have the capability to transmit and receive user through simultaneous transmission of WLAN simultaneously with a separate licensed transmitter. The FCC has provided guidance in FCC KDB Publication 941225 D06 where SAR test considerations for handsets (L x W 9 cm x 5 cm) are based on a composite test separation distance of 10mm from the front, back and edges of the device containing transmitting antennas within 2.5cm of their edges, determined form general mixed use conditions for this type of devices. Since the hotspot SAR results may overlap with the body-worn accessory SAR requirements, the more conservative configurations can be considered, thus excluding some body-worn accessory SAR tests. When the user enables the personal wireless router functions for the handset, actual operations include simultaneous transmission of both the WLAN transmitter and another licensed transmitter. Both transmitters often do not transmit at the same transmitting frequency and thus cannot be evaluated for SAR under actual use conditions due to the limitations of the SAR assessment probes. Therefore, SAR must be evaluated for each frequency transmission and mode separately and spatially summed with the WLAN transmitter according to FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01 publication procedures. The Portable Hotspot feature on the handset was NOT activated during SAR assessments, to ensure the SAR measurements were evaluated for a single transmission frequency RF signal at a time. Page 32 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 7. RF Output Power 7.1. GSM Conducted Power Band GSM850 Burst-Averaged output Power (dBm) Tx Channel Frequency (MHz) GSM (GMSK) GPRS(GMSK,1 Tx slot) GPRS(GMSK,2 Tx slot) GPRS(GMSK,3 Tx slot) GPRS(GMSK,4 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,1 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,2 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,3 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,4 Tx slot) Tune-up (dBm) 34.00 34.00 32.00 30.00 28.00 34.00 31.50 30.00 27.50 128 824.2 33.56 33.62 31.60 29.68 27.55 33.58 31.49 29.59 27.44 189 836.4 33.62 33.74 31.53 29.61 27.49 33.66 31.44 29.51 27.37 251 848.8 33.54 33.64 31.46 29.56 27.42 33.60 31.42 29.45 27.35 Band GSM1900 Burst-Averaged output Power (dBm) Tx Channel Frequency (MHz) GSM (GMSK) GPRS(GMSK,1 Tx slot) GPRS(GMSK,2 Tx slot) GPRS(GMSK,3 Tx slot) GPRS(GMSK,4 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,1 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,2 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,3 Tx slot) EGPRS(8PSK,4 Tx slot) Tune-up (dBm) 31.50 31.50 29.00 27.50 25.50 31.50 29.00 27.50 25.50 512 661 810 1850.2 1880 1909.8 30.14 30.77 31.12 30.13 30.76 31.11 28.44 28.72 28.49 26.72 27.11 26.82 24.74 25.10 24.82 30.11 30.75 31.10 28.39 28.68 28.45 26.71 27.02 26.77 24.73 25.06 24.79 Frame-Averaged output Power (dBm) Tune-up 128 189 251 (dBm) 824.2 836.4 848.8 24.97 24.53 24.59 24.51 24.97 24.59 24.71 24.61 25.98 25.58 25.51 25.44 25.74 25.42 25.35 25.30 24.99 24.54 24.48 24.41 24.97 24.55 24.63 24.57 25.48 25.47 25.42 25.40 25.74 25.33 25.25 25.19 24.49 24.43 24.36 24.34 Frame-Averaged output Power (dBm) Tune-up 512 661 810 (dBm) 1850.2 1880 1909.8 22.47 21.11 21.74 22.09 22.47 21.10 21.73 22.08 22.98 22.42 22.70 22.47 23.24 22.46 22.85 22.56 22.49 21.73 22.09 21.81 22.47 21.08 21.72 22.07 22.98 22.37 22.66 22.43 23.24 22.45 22.76 22.51 22.49 21.72 22.05 21.78 7.2. WCDMA Conducted Power WCDMA Band 2 Tx Channel Frequency (MHz) RMC12.2K HSDPA Sub 1 HSDPA Sub 2 Burst-Averaged output Power (dBm) Tune-up (dBm) 25.00 22.50 22.50 9262 1852.4 24.62 22.32 21.82 9400 1880 24.76 21.75 21.40 9538 1907.6 24.68 22.44 22.04 HSDPA Sub 3 HSDPA Sub 4 HSUPA Sub 1 HSUPA Sub 2 HSUPA Sub 3 HSUPA Sub 4 HSUPA Sub 5 WCDMA Band 5 Tx Channel Frequency (MHz) RMC12.2K HSDPA Sub 1 HSDPA Sub 2 HSDPA Sub 3 HSDPA Sub 4 HSUPA Sub 1 HSUPA Sub 2 HSUPA Sub 3 HSUPA Sub 4 HSUPA Sub 5 22.00 22.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 Page 33 of 194 21.50 21.36 22.09 22.18 21.71 22.08 21.92 Report No.: S23091302004001 21.13 20.98 21.59 21.60 21.23 21.33 21.40 21.97 21.80 22.31 22.36 22.24 22.02 22.17 Burst-Averaged output Power (dBm) Tune-up (dBm) 23.50 23.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.50 23.50 23.00 23.50 23.00 4132 826.4 23.28 23.26 22.91 22.55 22.55 23.27 23.12 22.74 23.06 23.00 4182 836.4 23.15 22.75 22.60 22.31 22.18 22.43 22.78 22.55 22.68 22.53 4233 846.6 23.06 22.78 22.60 22.32 22.27 22.58 22.74 22.43 22.76 22.60 Page 34 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 7.3. LTE Conducted Power Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 19957/1710.7 20175/1732.5 20393/1754.3 1 0 25.00 23.94 24.59 24.53 1 2 25.00 24.00 24.56 24.52 1 5 25.00 23.99 24.61 24.56 QPSK 3 0 25.00 24.05 24.56 24.40 3 1 25.00 24.08 24.62 24.42 LTE Band 1.4MHz 4 3 2 25.00 6 0 24.00 1 0 24.00 1 2 24.00 24.12 23.03 23.48 23.45 24.58 23.54 23.96 23.96 24.33 23.47 23.39 23.48 1 5 24.00 23.54 23.97 23.42 16QAM 3 0 24.00 23.37 23.80 23.67 3 1 24.00 23.34 23.75 23.67 3 2 24.00 23.29 23.72 23.63 6 0 22.50 21.69 22.35 22.30 Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 19965/1711.5 20175/1732.5 20385/1753.5 1 0 25.00 24.16 24.54 24.46 1 7 25.00 24.22 24.60 24.52 1 14 25.00 24.16 24.59 24.64 QPSK 8 0 24.00 23.11 23.56 23.41 8 4 24.00 23.20 23.54 23.42 LTE Band 4 3MHz 8 7 24.00 15 0 24.00 1 0 24.50 1 7 24.50 23.08 23.03 23.52 23.54 23.54 23.52 23.99 24.03 23.40 23.44 23.52 23.60 1 14 24.50 23.63 23.90 23.48 16QAM 8 0 23.00 22.19 22.65 22.63 8 4 23.00 22.21 22.64 22.63 8 7 23.00 22.38 22.62 22.58 15 0 23.00 22.14 22.56 22.54 Band RB Tune-up Band Modulation Width Configuration (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) Page 35 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 RB RB Size Offset 19975/1712.5 20175/1732.5 20375/1752.5 1 0 25.00 24.16 24.72 24.51 1 12 25.00 24.15 24.78 24.44 1 24 25.00 24.31 24.72 24.58 QPSK 12 0 24.00 23.19 23.52 23.41 12 6 24.00 23.07 23.56 23.38 LTE Band 4 5MHz 12 11 24.00 25 0 23.50 1 0 24.00 1 12 24.00 23.15 23.06 23.58 23.60 23.49 23.46 23.48 23.51 23.35 23.37 23.10 23.36 1 24 24.00 23.66 23.55 23.25 16QAM 12 0 23.00 22.09 22.61 22.78 12 6 23.00 22.19 22.65 22.39 12 11 23.00 22.24 22.53 22.40 25 0 23.00 22.16 22.75 22.62 Band Band Width RB Configuration Tune-up Modulation RB RB (dBm) Size Offset Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20000/1715 20175/1732.5 20350/1750 1 0 25.00 24.20 24.47 24.23 1 24 25.00 24.29 24.58 24.22 1 49 25.00 24.40 24.58 24.31 QPSK 25 0 24.00 23.11 23.47 23.34 25 12 24.00 23.22 23.53 23.43 LTE Band 4 10MHz 25 24 24.00 50 0 24.00 1 0 24.50 1 24 24.50 23.23 23.21 23.53 23.82 23.52 23.56 24.08 23.86 23.36 23.42 23.76 23.85 1 49 24.50 23.85 24.00 23.79 16QAM 25 0 23.00 22.12 22.55 22.72 25 12 23.00 22.23 22.59 22.47 25 24 23.00 22.37 22.44 22.36 50 0 23.00 22.25 22.51 22.55 Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20025/1717.5 20175/1732.5 20325/1747.5 LTE 15MHz Band QPSK 1 0 25.00 1 37 25.00 24.12 24.25 24.79 24.81 24.36 24.29 Page 36 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 4 1 74 25.00 36 0 24.00 36 18 24.00 36 37 24.00 75 0 24.00 1 0 24.00 1 37 24.00 1 74 24.00 16QAM 36 0 23.00 36 18 23.00 36 37 23.00 75 0 23.00 RB Band Configuration Tune-up Band Modulation Width RB RB (dBm) Size Offset 1 0 25.00 1 49 25.00 1 99 25.00 QPSK 50 0 24.00 50 24 24.00 LTE Band 4 20MHz 50 49 100 0 1 0 1 49 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 1 99 24.00 16QAM 50 0 23.00 50 24 23.00 50 49 23.00 100 0 23.00 24.48 23.13 23.14 23.23 23.25 23.53 23.79 23.91 22.17 22.26 22.31 22.40 24.76 23.55 23.45 23.55 23.51 23.51 23.52 23.55 22.64 22.60 22.59 22.48 24.42 23.25 23.39 23.37 23.36 23.34 23.30 23.30 22.37 22.78 22.74 22.68 Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20050/1720 20175/1732.5 20300/1745 24.13 24.34 24.43 23.20 23.37 23.42 23.29 23.57 23.82 23.94 22.29 22.31 22.49 22.38 24.67 24.73 24.79 23.53 23.45 23.50 23.57 23.43 23.53 23.44 22.62 22.56 22.53 22.61 24.34 24.38 24.49 23.35 23.18 23.42 23.24 23.39 23.30 23.50 22.76 22.37 22.41 22.42 Band LTE Band 5 Band Modulation Width 1.4MHz QPSK RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset 1 0 1 2 1 5 3 0 3 1 Tune-up Channel/Frequency(MHz) (dBm) 20407/824.7 20525/836.5 20643/848.3 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.77 22.77 22.81 22.86 22.92 23.18 23.29 23.29 23.32 23.29 22.86 22.86 22.88 22.94 22.93 Page 37 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Band LTE Band 5 Band LTE Band 5 Band Width 3MHz Band Width 5MHz 16QAM Modulation QPSK 16QAM Modulation QPSK 16QAM 3 2 6 0 1 0 1 2 1 5 3 0 3 1 3 2 6 0 RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset 1 0 1 7 1 14 8 0 8 4 8 7 15 0 1 0 1 7 1 14 8 0 8 4 8 7 15 0 RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset 1 0 1 12 1 24 12 0 12 6 12 11 25 0 1 0 1 12 23.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 21.00 Tune-up (dBm) 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 Tune-up (dBm) 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.92 21.97 21.77 21.62 21.80 21.97 21.96 22.00 20.65 23.21 22.08 21.98 22.18 21.98 22.33 22.30 22.26 20.93 22.97 21.94 22.10 22.27 22.18 22.10 22.11 22.11 20.69 Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20415/825.5 20525/836.5 20635/847.5 22.81 22.87 22.89 21.85 21.92 21.83 21.95 22.29 22.40 22.23 20.97 21.01 21.34 20.94 23.09 23.19 23.15 22.15 22.22 22.20 22.15 22.50 22.49 22.57 21.29 21.18 21.16 21.21 22.99 22.95 23.00 22.02 21.97 21.86 22.06 22.00 21.80 21.82 21.22 21.19 21.05 21.16 Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20425/826.5 20525/836.5 20625/846.5 23.07 23.13 23.16 21.86 21.88 21.79 21.82 21.82 21.83 23.33 23.44 23.40 22.25 22.14 22.14 22.10 22.25 22.12 23.31 23.16 23.23 22.11 22.04 21.89 21.98 22.07 21.90 Page 38 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Band LTE Band 5 Band Width 10MHz Modulation QPSK 16QAM 1 24 12 0 12 6 12 11 25 0 RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset 1 0 1 24 1 49 25 0 25 12 25 24 50 0 1 0 1 24 1 49 25 0 25 12 25 24 50 0 22.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 Tune-up (dBm) 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 21.50 21.80 20.95 21.25 21.26 21.43 21.90 21.30 21.08 21.09 21.25 21.89 20.97 21.05 21.09 21.31 Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20450/829 20525/836.5 20600/844 23.09 23.19 23.36 21.83 21.88 22.00 21.90 21.85 21.76 21.89 21.42 21.47 21.07 21.37 22.95 23.15 22.99 22.23 22.17 22.00 22.08 22.47 22.51 22.40 21.20 21.11 21.16 21.01 23.15 22.85 22.88 21.90 21.84 22.05 21.89 22.38 22.31 22.28 22.27 22.24 21.17 20.86 Band LTE Band 7 Band Width 5MHz Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20775/2502.5 21100/2535 21425/2567.5 1 0 26.00 25.62 25.73 25.46 1 12 26.00 25.71 25.70 25.44 1 24 26.00 25.70 25.67 25.47 QPSK 12 0 25.00 24.71 24.57 24.36 12 6 25.00 24.82 24.63 24.37 12 11 25.00 24.79 24.53 24.29 25 0 25.00 24.88 24.52 24.27 1 0 25.50 25.13 24.90 24.63 1 12 25.50 25.15 24.90 24.68 16QAM 1 24 25.50 25.15 24.83 24.51 12 0 24.00 23.92 23.70 23.39 12 6 24.00 23.93 23.71 23.47 Page 39 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 12 11 24.00 24.00 23.71 23.44 25 0 24.50 24.08 23.80 23.52 Band Band Width RB Configuration Tune-up Modulation RB RB (dBm) Size Offset Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20800/2505 21100/2535 21400/2565 1 0 26.00 25.88 25.46 25.22 1 24 26.00 25.81 25.54 25.32 1 49 26.00 25.79 25.54 25.28 QPSK 25 0 25.00 24.78 24.50 24.15 25 12 25.00 24.77 24.59 24.23 LTE Band 10MHz 7 25 24 25.00 50 0 25.00 1 0 25.50 1 24 25.50 24.72 24.91 25.26 25.39 24.53 24.56 25.04 25.20 24.30 24.31 24.76 24.80 1 49 25.50 25.33 25.10 24.81 16QAM 25 0 24.00 23.85 23.60 23.23 25 12 24.00 23.89 23.60 23.34 25 24 24.00 23.86 23.57 23.35 50 0 24.00 23.95 23.54 23.34 Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 20825/2507.5 21100/2535 21375/2562.5 1 0 26.00 25.80 25.65 25.20 1 37 26.00 25.74 25.71 25.18 1 74 26.00 25.75 25.58 25.24 QPSK 36 0 25.00 24.85 24.51 24.22 36 18 25.00 24.72 24.45 24.25 LTE Band 15MHz 7 36 37 25.00 75 0 25.00 1 0 26.00 1 37 26.00 24.82 24.86 25.42 25.46 24.58 24.54 24.74 24.74 24.35 24.25 24.93 24.81 1 74 26.00 25.50 24.74 24.87 16QAM 36 0 24.00 23.78 23.63 23.20 36 18 24.00 23.85 23.81 23.19 36 37 24.00 23.81 23.75 23.28 75 0 24.00 23.97 23.56 23.29 Band RB Tune-up Band Modulation Width Configuration (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) LTE Band 20MHz 7 QPSK 16QAM RB RB Size Offset 1 0 1 49 1 99 50 0 50 24 50 49 100 0 1 0 1 49 1 99 50 0 50 24 50 49 100 0 Page 40 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 26.00 26.00 26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 20850/2510 21100/2535 21350/2560 25.98 25.77 25.67 24.82 24.79 24.80 24.81 24.88 24.92 24.78 23.91 23.96 23.91 23.85 25.99 25.60 25.55 24.51 24.57 24.65 24.64 24.74 24.76 24.73 23.64 23.63 23.65 23.62 25.97 25.20 25.22 24.23 24.19 24.20 24.22 24.47 24.41 24.42 23.39 23.31 23.37 23.39 Band LTE Band 13 Band LTE Band Modulation Width QPSK 5MHz 16QAM Band Modulation Width 10MHz QPSK RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset 1 0 1 12 1 24 12 0 12 6 12 11 25 0 1 0 1 12 1 24 12 0 12 6 12 11 25 0 RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset 1 0 Tune-up Channel/Frequency(MHz) (dBm) 23205/779.5 23230/782 23255/784.5 18.50 18.50 18.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 18.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 16.50 16.69 18.44 18.23 17.09 17.45 17.46 17.29 16.80 17.65 17.56 16.13 16.49 16.50 16.35 17.60 18.44 17.95 17.12 17.47 17.39 17.27 16.89 17.85 17.22 16.27 16.63 16.55 16.42 18.03 18.38 17.35 17.39 17.38 16.99 17.21 17.22 17.74 16.59 16.53 16.54 16.13 16.34 Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) N/A 23230/782 N/A 24.00 N/A 17.49 N/A Band 13 1 1 25 25 25 50 1 1 1 16QAM 25 25 25 50 Page 41 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 24 24.00 N/A 18.38 N/A 49 24.00 N/A 18.21 N/A 0 23.00 N/A 17.01 N/A 12 23.00 N/A 17.45 N/A 24 23.00 N/A 17.56 N/A 0 23.00 N/A 17.30 N/A 0 23.00 N/A 16.57 N/A 24 23.00 N/A 17.63 N/A 49 23.00 N/A 17.49 N/A 0 22.00 N/A 16.15 N/A 12 22.00 N/A 16.60 N/A 24 22.00 N/A 16.70 N/A 0 22.00 N/A 16.45 N/A Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 131979/1710.7 132322/1745 132665/1779.3 1 0 24.50 23.11 24.06 24.15 1 2 24.50 23.51 24.14 24.18 1 5 24.50 23.14 24.13 24.12 QPSK 3 0 24.50 23.83 23.84 24.20 3 1 24.50 23.73 24.04 24.19 LTE Band 1.4MHz 66 3 2 24.50 6 0 23.50 1 0 24.00 1 2 24.00 23.80 22.70 22.33 22.65 23.97 22.91 22.87 22.82 24.15 23.10 23.51 23.64 1 5 24.00 22.64 22.93 23.53 16QAM 3 0 23.50 22.84 22.97 23.38 3 1 23.50 22.86 23.05 23.35 3 2 23.50 22.87 22.94 23.35 6 0 22.50 21.81 22.05 22.19 Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 131987/1711.5 132322/1745 132657/1778.5 LTE Band 66 3MHz QPSK 1 0 24.50 1 7 24.50 1 14 24.50 8 0 23.50 23.76 23.92 23.91 22.74 23.99 23.97 24.06 23.02 24.09 24.07 24.06 23.00 Page 42 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 8 4 23.50 22.71 22.99 23.07 8 7 23.50 22.75 22.91 23.07 15 0 23.50 22.69 23.03 23.08 1 0 24.00 23.12 23.56 23.48 1 7 24.00 23.25 23.63 23.51 1 14 24.00 23.18 23.60 23.49 16QAM 8 0 22.50 22.10 22.22 22.42 8 4 22.50 22.10 22.38 22.39 8 7 22.50 22.10 22.36 22.40 15 0 22.50 22.02 22.28 22.35 Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 131997/1712.5 132322/1745 132647/1777.5 1 0 24.50 23.94 24.22 24.33 1 12 24.50 24.06 24.35 24.23 1 24 24.50 24.10 24.34 24.26 QPSK 12 0 23.50 22.66 23.03 22.98 12 6 23.50 22.71 23.03 23.09 LTE Band 66 5MHz 12 11 23.50 25 0 23.50 1 0 23.50 1 12 23.50 22.71 22.69 22.56 22.76 22.99 22.92 22.97 23.03 23.00 23.04 22.99 23.08 1 24 23.50 22.71 22.95 23.00 16QAM 12 0 22.50 22.00 22.29 22.40 12 6 22.50 22.06 22.35 22.43 12 11 22.50 22.04 22.32 22.38 25 0 23.00 22.14 22.44 22.50 Band Band Width RB Configuration Tune-up Modulation RB RB (dBm) Size Offset Channel/Frequency(MHz) 132022/1715 132322/1745 132622/1775 1 0 24.50 23.79 23.86 24.21 1 24 24.50 23.93 23.93 24.14 LTE Band 66 10MHz QPSK 1 49 25 0 25 12 25 24 24.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 24.01 22.71 22.75 22.82 23.98 22.97 22.89 23.01 24.08 23.03 23.04 22.94 50 0 23.50 22.83 23.07 23.09 16QAM 1 0 24.00 23.16 23.47 23.62 Page 43 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 1 24 24.00 23.34 23.36 23.43 1 49 24.00 23.43 23.42 23.56 25 0 22.50 21.92 22.22 22.35 25 12 22.50 22.03 22.15 22.35 25 24 22.50 22.05 22.26 22.36 50 0 24.50 23.79 23.86 24.21 Band Band Width Modulation RB Configuration RB RB Size Offset Tune-up (dBm) Channel/Frequency(MHz) 132047/1717.5 132322/1745 132597/1772.5 1 0 24.50 23.83 23.96 24.27 1 37 24.50 23.98 24.11 24.20 1 74 24.50 24.06 24.17 24.10 QPSK 36 0 23.50 22.87 22.90 23.11 36 18 23.50 22.97 23.03 23.11 LTE Band 66 15MHz 36 37 23.50 75 0 23.50 1 0 24.00 1 37 24.00 22.92 22.90 23.23 23.38 23.04 22.99 23.01 23.00 23.07 23.12 23.53 23.47 1 74 24.00 23.46 22.99 23.53 16QAM 36 0 22.50 21.99 22.33 22.34 36 18 22.50 22.15 22.27 22.30 36 37 22.50 22.19 22.40 22.37 75 0 22.50 22.13 22.18 22.45 Band Band Width RB Configuration Tune-up Modulation RB RB (dBm) Size Offset Channel/Frequency(MHz) 132072/1720 132322/1745 132572/1770 1 0 24.50 23.91 23.95 24.47 1 49 24.50 24.19 24.15 24.44 1 99 24.50 24.18 24.31 24.23 QPSK 50 0 23.50 22.88 22.91 23.09 LTE Band 66 20MHz 50 24 50 49 100 0 1 0 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.85 22.92 23.00 22.62 23.00 22.99 23.09 22.95 23.06 23.02 23.18 23.05 1 49 23.50 22.86 23.01 23.01 16QAM 1 99 23.50 22.91 23.15 23.08 50 0 22.50 22.03 22.28 22.38 50 24 22.50 22.19 22.31 22.36 50 49 100 0 Page 44 of 194 22.50 22.50 22.22 22.16 Report No.: S23091302004001 22.31 22.31 22.36 22.34 7.4. WLAN & Bluetooth Output Power Page 45 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Mode Channel Frequency (MHz) 1 2412 802.11b 6 2437 11 2462 1 2412 802.11g 6 2437 11 2462 1 802.11n 6 HT20 11 2412 2437 2462 NOTE: Power measurement results of WLAN 2.4G. Tune-up (dBm) 14.00 15.50 14.00 15.50 15.50 15.50 14.00 15.50 14.00 Output Power (dBm) 13.76 15.15 13.36 13.70 15.14 13.52 13.78 15.11 13.46 Output Power (dBm) BR+EDR Tune-up Data Rates Channel (dBm) 1M 2M 3M 0CH 6.50 4.86 6.06 6.30 39CH 6.00 4.23 5.60 5.90 78CH 6.00 4.09 5.49 5.73 NOTE: Power measurement results of Bluetooth. 8. Antenna Location Page 46 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Rigth Side 130mm GSM/WCDMA/LTE main ANT Top Side 55mm 40mm BT/Wi-Fi ANT 135mm Front Side 100mm Bottom Side Left Side Front View Note: Since the confidentiality request of EUTthe antenna location example diagram see as above. Distance of the Antenna to the EUT surface/edge Antennas Front Side Back Side Left Side Right Side Top Side Bottom Side WWAN Main ANT 25mm 25mm 25mm 25mm > 25mm 25mm WLAN & Bluetooth 25mm 25mm 25mm > 25mm 25mm >25mm Positions for SAR tests Antennas Front Side Back Side Left Side Right Side Top Side Bottom Side WWAN Main ANT Yes Yes Yes Yes NO Yes WLAN & Bluetooth Yes Yes Yes NO Yes NO 9. Stand-alone SAR test exclusion Refer to FCC KDB 447498D01, the 1-g SAR and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances 50 mm are determined by: [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)]·[f(GHZ)] 3.0 for 1-g SAR and 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR, where: · f(GHZ) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz · Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation · The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison When the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to determine SAR test exclusion. Mode Pmax (dBm) Pmax (mW) Distance f Calculation (mm) (GHz) Result SAR Exclusion threshold SAR test exclusion Page 47 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Bluetooth 6.50 4.47 5 2.480 1.4 NOTE: Standalone SAR test exclusion for Bluetooth. 3.0 Yes When standalone SAR test exclusion applies to an antenna that transmits simultaneously with other antennas, the standalone SAR must be estimated according to following to determine simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion: [(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] * [f(GHZ)/x] W/kg for test separation distances 50mm, where x = 7.5 for 1-g SAR and x = 18.75 for 10-g SAR. When the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to determine SAR test exclusion. Mode Position Pmax (dBm) Pmax (mW) Bluetooth Head 6.50 4.47 Bluetooth Body 6.50 4.47 Bluetooth Hotspot 6.50 4.47 NOTE: Estimated SAR calculation for Bluetooth Distance (mm) 5 10 10 f x (GHz) 2.48 7.5 2.48 7.5 2.48 7.5 Estimated SAR (W/Kg) 0.187 0.094 0.094 10. SAR Results 10.1. SAR measurement Result 10.1.1. SAR measurement Result of GSM850 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Left Cheek 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.307 0.216 1.76 31.53 32.00 0.342 2023/9/27 1# Left Tilt 15 Degree 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.182 0.128 -2.88 31.53 32.00 0.203 2023/9/27 Right Cheek 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.288 0.197 -0.78 31.53 32.00 0.321 2023/9/27 Right Tilt 15 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.153 0.108 2.25 Degree 31.53 32.00 0.170 2023/9/27 NOTE: Head SAR test results of GSM850. Test Test Test Mode SAR Value Power Conducted Tune-up Scaled Date Plot Page 48 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Position of channel (W/kg) Drift Body-Worn with 10mm /Freq. 1g 10g Front Side Back Side 189/836.4 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.300 0.203 0.451 0.322 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of GSM850 (±5%) -1.28 -1.89 power (dBm) 31.53 31.53 power (dBm) SAR 1g (W/Kg) 32.00 0.334 2023/9/27 32.00 0.503 2023/9/27 2# Test SAR Value Position of Hotspot with Test channel /Freq. Mode (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 10mm Front Side 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.300 0.203 -1.28 31.53 32.00 0.334 2023/9/27 Back Side 189/836.4 Left Side 189/836.4 Right Side 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) GPRS(GMSK 2TS) GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.451 0.322 0.144 0.101 0.147 0.103 -1.89 3.47 1.21 31.53 31.53 31.53 32.00 0.503 2023/9/27 2# 32.00 0.160 2023/9/27 32.00 0.164 2023/9/27 Bottom Side 189/836.4 GPRS(GMSK 2TS) 0.245 0.170 1.55 31.53 32.00 0.273 2023/9/27 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of GSM850 10.1.2. SAR measurement Result of GSM1900 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Left Cheek 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.210 0.121 0.12 27.11 27.50 0.230 2023/10/09 3# Left Tilt 15 Degree 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.126 0.069 2.37 27.11 27.50 0.138 2023/10/09 Right Cheek 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.182 0.104 1.10 27.11 27.50 0.199 2023/10/09 Right Tilt 15 Degree 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.087 0.048 3.91 27.11 27.50 0.095 2023/10/09 NOTE: Head SAR test results of GSM1900 Test Position of Body-Worn Test channel /Freq. Test Mode SAR Value Power Conducted Tune-up Scaled (W/kg) Drift power power SAR Date Plot 1g 10g (±5%) (dBm) (dBm) 1g Page 49 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 with 10mm Front Side Back Side 661/1880 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.174 0.087 0.290 0.147 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of GSM1900 -0.55 -0.70 27.11 27.11 27.50 27.50 (W/Kg) 0.190 2023/10/09 0.317 2023/10/09 4# Test SAR Value Position of Hotspot with Test channel /Freq. Mode (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 10mm Front Side 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.174 0.087 -0.55 27.11 27.50 0.190 2023/10/09 Back Side 661/1880 Left Side 661/1880 Right Side 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) GPRS(GMSK 3TS) GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.290 0.147 0.096 0.047 0.093 0.046 -0.70 -2.03 -1.83 27.11 27.11 27.11 27.50 0.317 2023/10/09 4# 27.50 0.105 2023/10/09 27.50 0.102 2023/10/09 Bottom Side 661/1880 GPRS(GMSK 3TS) 0.155 0.075 -1.18 27.11 27.50 0.170 2023/10/09 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of GSM1900 10.1.3. SAR measurement Result of WCDMA Band 2 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Left Cheek 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.080 0.054 -0.86 24.76 25.00 0.085 2023/10/09 5# Left Tilt 15 Degree 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.046 0.031 -3.69 24.76 25.00 0.049 2023/10/09 Right Cheek 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.075 0.049 -3.59 24.76 25.00 0.079 2023/10/09 Right Tilt 15 Degree 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.036 0.023 -1.80 24.76 25.00 0.038 2023/10/09 NOTE: Head SAR test results of WCDMA Band 2 Test Test SAR Value Power Conducted Tune-up Scaled Position of channel Test Mode (W/kg) Drift power power SAR Date Plot Body-Worn /Freq. 1g 10g (±5%) (dBm) (dBm) 1g Page 50 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 with 10mm Front Side 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.078 0.046 2.27 Back Side 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.114 0.067 2.01 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of WCDMA Band 2 24.76 24.76 25.00 25.00 (W/Kg) 0.082 2023/10/09 0.120 2023/10/09 6# Test SAR Value Position of Hotspot with Test channel /Freq. Mode (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 10mm Front 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.078 0.046 2.27 Side 24.76 25.00 0.082 2023/10/09 Back 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.114 0.067 2.01 Side 24.76 25.00 0.120 2023/10/09 6# Left Side 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.042 0.024 -0.69 24.76 25.00 0.044 2023/10/09 Right Side 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.036 0.020 -3.53 24.76 25.00 0.038 2023/10/09 Bottom Side 9400/1880 RMC12.2K 0.060 0.034 -0.43 24.76 25.00 0.063 2023/10/09 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of WCDMA Band 2 10.1.4. SAR measurement Result of WCDMA Band 5 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Left Cheek 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.463 0.330 -0.62 23.15 23.50 0.502 2023/9/27 7# Left Tilt 15 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.232 0.159 0.30 Degree 23.15 23.50 0.251 2023/9/27 Right Cheek 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.418 0.298 0.66 23.15 23.50 0.453 2023/9/27 Right Tilt 15 Degree 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.210 0.145 -2.79 23.15 23.50 0.228 2023/9/27 NOTE: Head SAR test results of WCDMA Band 5 Test Test SAR Value Power Conducted Tune-up Scaled Position of channel Test Mode (W/kg) Drift power power SAR Date Plot Body-Worn /Freq. 1g 10g (±5%) (dBm) (dBm) 1g Page 51 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 with 10mm Front Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.348 0.240 -3.42 Back Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.556 0.404 -0.94 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of WCDMA Band 5 23.15 23.15 23.50 23.50 (W/Kg) 0.377 2023/9/27 0.603 2023/9/27 8# Test Position of Hotspot with 10mm Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Front Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.348 0.240 -3.42 23.15 23.50 0.377 2023/9/27 Back Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.556 0.404 -0.94 23.15 23.50 0.603 2023/9/27 8# Left Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.168 0.117 1.52 23.15 23.50 0.182 2023/9/27 Right Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.171 0.121 -0.44 23.15 23.50 0.185 2023/9/27 Bottom Side 4182/836.4 RMC12.2K 0.285 0.207 2.81 23.15 23.50 0.309 2023/9/27 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of WCDMA Band 5 10.1.5. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 4 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode Left 20175/1732.5 Cheek Left Tilt 15 20175/1732.5 Degree Right 20175/1732.5 Cheek Right Tilt 15 20175/1732.5 Degree 20M QPSK(1,99) 20M QPSK(1,99) 20M QPSK(1,99) 20M QPSK(1,99) Left 20175/1732.5 Cheek Left Tilt 15 20175/1732.5 Degree 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.174 0.114 3.14 24.79 25.00 0.183 2023/9/19 11# 0.099 0.062 0.37 24.79 25.00 0.104 2023/9/19 0.165 0.103 -3.28 24.79 25.00 0.173 2023/9/19 0.082 0.053 1.49 24.79 25.00 0.086 2023/9/19 50%RB 0.096 0.064 0.03 23.53 24.00 0.107 2023/9/19 0.055 0.035 1.10 23.53 24.00 0.061 2023/9/19 Right 20175/1732.5 Cheek 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.083 Right Tilt 15 20175/1732.5 Degree 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.044 NOTE: Head SAR test results of LTE Band 4 0.060 0.027 Page 52 of 194 1.22 23.53 2.04 23.53 Report No.: S23091302004001 24.00 0.092 2023/9/19 24.00 0.049 2023/9/19 Test SAR Value Position of BodyWorn Test channel /Freq. with Test Mode (W/kg) Scaled Power Conducted Tune-up SAR Drift power power Date Plot 1g 1g 10g (±5%) (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 10mm 1RB Front Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(1,99) 0.216 0.132 -1.08 24.79 25.00 0.227 2023/9/19 Back Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(1,99) 0.337 0.206 0.77 24.79 25.00 0.354 2023/9/19 12# 50%RB Front Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.109 0.070 -4.31 23.53 24.00 0.121 2023/9/19 Back Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.175 0.118 1.34 23.53 24.00 0.195 2023/9/19 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of LTE Band 4 Test Position of Test channel Hotspot /Freq. with 10mm Mode Front Side Back Side Left Side Right 20175/1732.5 20175/1732.5 20175/1732.5 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(1,99) 20M QPSK(1,99) 20M QPSK(1,99) 20M QPSK(1,99) SAR Value (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.216 0.132 -1.08 24.79 25.00 0.227 2023/9/19 0.337 0.206 0.77 24.79 25.00 0.354 2023/9/19 12# 0.114 0.068 0.58 0.105 0.063 -2.86 24.79 24.79 25.00 0.120 2023/9/19 25.00 0.110 2023/9/19 Page 53 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Side Bottom 20175/1732.5 Side 20M QPSK(1,99) 0.175 0.107 1.58 50%RB Front Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.109 0.070 -4.31 Back Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.175 0.118 1.34 Left Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.059 0.036 -0.24 Right Side 20175/1732.5 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.063 0.040 -0.55 Bottom 20175/1732.5 Side 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.090 0.059 1.41 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of LTE Band 4 24.79 23.53 23.53 23.53 23.53 23.53 25.00 0.184 2023/9/19 24.00 0.121 2023/9/19 24.00 0.195 2023/9/19 24.00 0.066 2023/9/19 24.00 0.070 2023/9/19 24.00 0.100 2023/9/19 10.1.6. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 5 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode Left 20525/836.5 Cheek Left Tilt 15 20525/836.5 Degree Right 20525/836.5 Cheek Right Tilt 15 20525/836.5 Degree 10M QPSK(1,49) 10M QPSK(1,49) 10M QPSK(1,49) 10M QPSK(1,49) Left 20525/836.5 Cheek Left Tilt 15 20525/836.5 Degree 10M QPSK(25,0) 10M QPSK(25,0) SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.524 0.372 -0.69 22.99 23.50 0.589 2023/9/27 13# 0.271 0.189 3.04 22.99 23.50 0.305 2023/9/27 0.460 0.314 2.95 22.99 23.50 0.517 2023/9/27 0.228 0.160 -0.88 22.99 23.50 0.256 2023/9/27 50%RB 0.293 0.214 -2.83 22.23 22.50 0.312 2023/9/27 0.147 0.112 -1.56 22.23 22.50 0.156 2023/9/27 Page 54 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Right 20525/836.5 Cheek 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.264 0.184 Right Tilt 15 20525/836.5 Degree 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.127 0.095 NOTE: Head SAR test results of LTE Band 5 -0.39 4.20 22.23 22.23 22.50 0.281 2023/9/27 22.50 0.135 2023/9/27 Test SAR Value Position of BodyWorn with Test channel /Freq. Test Mode (W/kg) Scaled Power Conducted Tune-up SAR Drift power power Date Plot 1g 1g 10g (±5%) (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 10mm 1RB Front Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(1,49) 0.402 0.292 2.79 22.99 23.50 0.452 2023/9/27 Back Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(1,49) 0.623 0.453 -0.15 22.99 23.50 0.701 2023/9/27 14# 50%RB Front Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.240 0.173 1.66 22.23 22.50 0.255 2023/9/27 Back Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.315 0.246 3.44 22.23 22.50 0.335 2023/9/27 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of LTE Band 5 Test Position of Hotspot with 10mm Test channel /Freq. Mode Front Side Back Side Left Side Right 20525/836.5 20525/836.5 20525/836.5 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(1,49) 10M QPSK(1,49) 10M QPSK(1,49) 10M QPSK(1,49) SAR Value (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.402 0.292 2.79 22.99 23.50 0.452 2023/9/27 0.623 0.453 -0.15 22.99 23.50 0.701 2023/9/27 14# 0.189 0.131 1.26 0.197 0.133 -0.34 22.99 22.99 23.50 0.213 2023/9/27 23.50 0.222 2023/9/27 Page 55 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Side Bottom 20525/836.5 Side 10M QPSK(1,49) 0.320 0.228 -0.05 50%RB Front Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.240 0.173 1.66 Back Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.315 0.246 3.44 Left Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.109 0.073 -4.13 Right Side 20525/836.5 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.115 0.078 1.21 Bottom 20525/836.5 Side 10M QPSK(25,0) 0.168 0.132 1.11 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of LTE Band 5 22.99 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 22.23 23.50 0.360 2023/9/27 22.50 0.255 2023/9/27 22.50 0.335 2023/9/27 22.50 0.116 2023/9/27 22.50 0.122 2023/9/27 22.50 0.179 2023/9/27 10.1.7. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 7 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode Left 21100/2535 Cheek Left Tilt 15 21100/2535 Degree Right 21100/2535 Cheek Right Tilt 15 21100/2535 Degree 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) Left 21100/2535 Cheek Left Tilt 15 21100/2535 Degree 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.180 0.098 4.03 25.99 26.00 0.180 2023/9/22 15# 0.105 0.055 -1.71 25.99 26.00 0.105 2023/9/22 0.153 0.079 2.11 25.99 26.00 0.153 2023/9/22 0.077 0.041 1.07 25.99 26.00 0.077 2023/9/22 50%RB 0.096 0.053 -0.68 24.51 25.00 0.107 2023/9/22 0.053 0.030 3.30 24.51 25.00 0.059 2023/9/22 Page 56 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Right 21100/2535 Cheek 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.081 0.044 Right Tilt 15 21100/2535 Degree 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.045 0.021 NOTE: Head SAR test results of LTE Band 7 3.13 -0.13 24.51 24.51 25.00 0.091 2023/9/22 25.00 0.050 2023/9/22 Test Position of Body-Worn with 10mm Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Front Side Back Side 21100/2535 21100/2535 Back Side 20850/2510 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 1RB 0.720 0.348 -1.87 1.187 0.584 -0.29 1.190 0.593 -0.43 25.99 25.99 25.98 26.00 26.00 0.722 2023/9/22 1.190 2023/9/22 26.00 1.195 2023/9/22 16# 20M Back Side 21350/2560 1.139 0.555 0.47 QPSK(1,0) 25.97 26.00 1.147 2023/9/22 BackSide 20M 20850/2510 1.189 0.591 0.36 Repeated QPSK(1,0) 25.98 26.00 1.194 2023/9/22 50%RB Front Side Back Side 21100/2535 21100/2535 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.420 0.648 0.180 0.333 -4.26 0.34 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of LTE Band 7 24.51 24.51 25.00 25.00 0.470 2023/9/22 0.725 2023/9/22 Test Position of Hotspot with 10mm Test channel /Freq. Front Side 21100/2535 Back Side 21100/2535 Left Side 21100/2535 Right Side 21100/2535 Bottom Side 21100/2535 Mode 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.720 0.348 -1.87 25.99 26.00 0.722 2023/9/22 1.187 0.584 -0.29 25.99 26.00 1.190 2023/9/22 0.363 0.174 -2.48 25.99 26.00 0.364 2023/9/22 0.360 0.169 -2.72 25.99 26.00 0.361 2023/9/22 0.610 0.289 1.66 25.99 26.00 0.611 2023/9/22 Page 57 of 194 Back Side 20850/2510 20M QPSK(1,0) 1.190 0.593 -0.43 Back Side 21350/2560 20M 1.139 0.555 0.47 QPSK(1,0) BackSide Repeated 20850/2510 20M 1.189 0.591 0.36 QPSK(1,0) Front Side Back Side Left Side Right Side Bottom Side 21100/2535 21100/2535 21100/2535 21100/2535 21100/2535 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 50%RB 0.420 0.180 -4.26 0.648 0.333 0.34 0.215 0.097 -0.60 0.205 0.087 4.85 0.344 0.154 -2.19 100%RB Back Side 21100/2535 20M 0.489 0.291 QPSK(100,0) -0.25 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of LTE Band 7 25.98 25.97 25.98 24.51 24.51 24.51 24.51 24.51 24.64 Report No.: S23091302004001 26.00 1.195 2023/9/22 16# 26.00 1.147 2023/9/22 26.00 1.194 2023/9/22 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 0.470 2023/9/22 0.725 2023/9/22 0.241 2023/9/22 0.229 2023/9/22 25.00 0.385 2023/9/22 25.00 0.531 2023/9/22 10.1.8. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 13 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB Left 23230/782 Cheek 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.487 0.352 0.53 18.38 18.50 0.501 2023/10/08 17# Left Tilt 15 23230/782 Degree 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.255 0.175 -3.35 18.38 18.50 0.262 2023/10/08 Right 23230/782 Cheek 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.420 0.304 3.51 18.38 18.50 0.432 2023/10/08 Right Tilt 15 23230/782 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.228 0.160 1.12 Degree 18.38 18.50 0.234 2023/10/08 50%RB Left Cheek Left Tilt 23230/782 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.247 0.144 0.206 0.101 1.38 -0.69 17.56 17.56 18.00 0.273 2023/10/08 18.00 0.159 2023/10/08 Page 58 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 15 Degree Right Cheek 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.210 0.163 Right Tilt 15 Degree 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.134 0.091 NOTE: Head SAR test results of LTE Band 13 -0.94 -3.91 17.56 17.56 18.00 0.232 2023/10/08 18.00 0.148 2023/10/08 Test Position of Body-Worn with 10mm Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB Front Side 23230/782 Back Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(1,24) 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.432 0.318 0.681 0.501 3.83 -0.66 50%RB Front Side Back Side 23230/782 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.251 0.354 0.164 0.266 -1.60 1.57 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of LTE Band 13 18.38 18.38 17.56 17.56 18.50 18.50 0.444 0.700 2023/10/08 2023/10/08 18# 18.00 18.00 0.278 0.392 2023/10/08 2023/10/08 Test SAR Value Position of Hotspot with Test channel /Freq. Mode (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 10mm 1RB Front Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.432 0.318 3.83 18.38 18.50 0.444 2023/10/08 Back Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.681 0.501 -0.66 18.38 18.50 0.700 2023/10/08 18# Left Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.213 0.152 1.14 18.38 18.50 0.219 2023/10/08 Right Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.207 0.148 3.60 18.38 18.50 0.213 2023/10/08 Bottom 23230/782 Side 10M QPSK(1,24) 0.350 0.250 -0.77 18.38 18.50 0.360 2023/10/08 Front 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.251 50%RB 0.164 -1.60 17.56 18.00 0.278 2023/10/08 Page 59 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Side Back Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.354 0.266 Left Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.119 0.079 Right Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.122 0.074 Bottom Side 23230/782 10M QPSK(25,24) 0.202 0.126 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of LTE Band 13 1.57 2.61 2.83 -1.28 17.56 17.56 17.56 17.56 18.00 0.392 2023/10/08 18.00 0.132 2023/10/08 18.00 0.135 2023/10/08 18.00 0.224 2023/10/08 10.1.9. SAR measurement Result of LTE Band 66 Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB Left 132322/1745 Cheek 20M QPSK(1,0) 0.166 0.109 0.58 23.95 24.50 0.188 2023/9/19 19# Left Tilt 15 132322/1745 20M QPSK(1,0) 0.091 0.057 1.16 Degree 23.95 24.50 0.103 2023/9/19 Right 132322/1745 Cheek 20M QPSK(1,0) 0.154 0.100 -3.47 23.95 24.50 0.175 2023/9/19 Right Tilt 15 132322/1745 Degree 20M QPSK(1,0) 0.077 0.049 -2.81 23.95 24.50 0.087 2023/9/19 50%RB Left 132322/1745 Cheek 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.086 0.055 -3.42 22.91 23.50 0.099 2023/9/19 Left Tilt 15 132322/1745 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.054 0.030 1.08 Degree 22.91 23.50 0.062 2023/9/19 Right 132322/1745 Cheek 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.080 0.056 4.86 22.91 23.50 0.092 2023/9/19 Right Tilt 15 132322/1745 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.042 0.028 3.15 Degree 22.91 23.50 0.048 2023/9/19 NOTE: Head SAR test results of LTE Band 66 Page 60 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Test Position of Test channel Body-Worn /Freq. with 10mm Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB Front Side 132322/1745 20M QPSK(1,0) 0.180 0.110 0.63 Back Side 132322/1745 20M QPSK(1,0) 0.290 0.179 1.21 50%RB Front Side 132322/1745 Back Side 132322/1745 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 0.101 0.173 0.060 0.105 -2.09 -1.38 NOTE: Body-Worn SAR test results of LTE Band 66 23.95 23.95 22.91 22.91 24.50 24.50 0.204 2023/9/19 0.329 2023/9/19 20# 23.50 23.50 0.116 2023/9/19 0.198 2023/9/19 Test Position of Test channel Hotspot /Freq. with 10mm Mode Front Side 132322/1745 Back Side 132322/1745 Left Side 132322/1745 Right Side 132322/1745 Bottom 132322/1745 Side 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) 20M QPSK(1,0) Front Side 132322/1745 Back Side 132322/1745 Left Side 132322/1745 Right Side 132322/1745 Bottom 132322/1745 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M QPSK(50,0) 20M SAR Value (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 1RB 0.180 0.110 0.63 23.95 24.50 0.204 2023/9/19 0.290 0.179 1.21 23.95 24.50 0.329 2023/9/19 20# 0.090 0.053 -0.77 23.95 24.50 0.102 2023/9/19 0.102 0.060 -0.43 23.95 24.50 0.116 2023/9/19 0.155 0.094 -0.63 50%RB 0.101 0.060 -2.09 23.95 22.91 24.50 0.176 2023/9/19 23.50 0.116 2023/9/19 0.173 0.105 -1.38 22.91 23.50 0.198 2023/9/19 0.053 0.029 -0.96 22.91 23.50 0.061 2023/9/19 0.057 0.036 -4.14 0.083 0.053 0.58 22.91 22.91 23.50 0.065 2023/9/19 23.50 0.095 2023/9/19 Side QPSK(50,0) NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of LTE Band 66 Page 61 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 10.1.10. SAR measurement Result of WLAN 2.4G Test Position of Head Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Left Cheek 6/2437 802.11b 0.022 0.015 -0.89 15.15 15.50 0.024 2023/9/21 9# Left Tilt 15 6/2437 802.11b 0.011 0.009 0.12 15.15 15.50 0.012 2023/9/21 Degree Right Cheek 6/2437 802.11b 0.020 0.018 0.31 15.15 15.50 0.022 2023/9/21 Right Tilt 15 6/2437 802.11b 0.009 0.007 -1.93 15.15 15.50 0.010 2023/9/21 Degree NOTE: Head SAR test results of WLAN2.4G Test Position of Body-Worn with 10mm Test channel /Freq. Mode SAR Value Scaled Conducted Tune-up (W/kg) Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) Front Side 6/2437 802.11b 0.020 0.013 -2.53 15.15 15.50 0.022 2023/9/21 Back Side 6/2437 802.11b 0.024 0.014 0.66 15.15 15.50 0.026 2023/9/21 10# NOTE: Body-worn SAR test results of WLAN2.4G Test Position of Test channel Hotspot /Freq. with 10mm Front Side 6/2437 Back Side 6/2437 Left Side 6/2437 Mode 802.11b 802.11b 802.11b SAR Value (W/kg) Scaled Conducted Tune-up Power SAR Power Power Date Plot Drift(%) 1-g 1-g 10-g (dBm) (dBm) (W/Kg) 0.020 0.013 -2.53 0.024 0.014 0.018 0.012 0.66 -3.35 15.15 15.15 15.15 15.50 0.022 2023/9/21 15.50 15.50 0.026 0.020 2023/9/21 10# 2023/9/21 Page 62 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Top Side 6/2437 802.11b 0.012 0.010 NOTE: Hotspot SAR test results of WLAN2.4G -0.47 15.15 15.50 0.013 2023/9/21 10.2. Simultaneous Transmission Analysis Per KDB 447498 D01, simultaneous transmission SAR is compliant if, 1) Scalar SAR summation < 1.6W/kg. 2) SPLSR = (SAR1 + SAR2)1.5 / (min. separation distance, mm), and the peak separation distance is determined from the square root of [(x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2 + (z1-z2)2], where (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) are the coordinates of the extrapolated peak SAR locations in the zoom scan. If SPLSR 0.04, simultaneously transmission SAR measurement is not necessary. Test Position Head Body-Worn Hotspot Left Cheek Left Tilt 15 Degree Right Cheek Right Tilt 15 Degree Front Side Back Side Front Side Back Side Left Side Right Side Top Side Bottom Side Scaled SARMAX WWAN DTS 0.589 0.024 0.305 0.012 0.517 0.022 0.256 0.722 1.195 0.722 1.195 0.364 0.361 N/A 0.611 0.010 0.022 0.026 0.022 0.026 0.020 N/A 0.013 N/A 1-g SAR (W/Kg) 0.613 SPLSR N/A 0.317 N/A 0.539 N/A 0.266 N/A 0.744 N/A 1.221 N/A 0.744 N/A 1.221 N/A 0.384 N/A 0.361 N/A 0.013 N/A 0.611 N/A Remark N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Test Position Head Left Cheek Left Tilt 15 Degree Right Cheek Scaled SARMAX WWAN DSS 0.589 0.187 0.305 0.187 0.517 0.187 1-g SAR (W/Kg) 0.776 SPLSR N/A 0.492 N/A 0.704 N/A Remark N/A N/A N/A Body-Worn Hotspot Right Tilt 15 Degree Front Side Back Side Front Side Back Side Left Side Right Side Top Side Bottom Side 0.256 0.722 1.195 0.722 1.195 0.364 0.361 N/A 0.611 Page 63 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 0.187 0.443 N/A N/A 0.094 0.816 N/A N/A 0.094 1.289 N/A N/A 0.094 0.816 N/A N/A 0.094 1.289 N/A N/A 0.094 0.458 N/A N/A N/A 0.361 N/A N/A 0.094 0.094 N/A N/A N/A 0.611 N/A N/A 11. Appendix A. Photo documentation Refer to appendix Test Setup photo---SAR Page 64 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 12. Appendix B. System Check Plots Table of contents MEASUREMENT 1 System Performance Check - 750MHz MEASUREMENT 2 System Performance Check - 835MHz MEASUREMENT 3 System Performance Check - 1800MHz MEASUREMENT 4 System Performance Check - 1900MHz MEASUREMENT 5 System Performance Check - 2450MHz MEASUREMENT 6 System Performance Check - 2600MHz Page 65 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 1 Date of measurement: 8/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Dipole CW750 Middle CW (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.49 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 750.000000 42.267147 22.794427 0.949768 2.170000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=3.00, Y=3.00 SAR Peak: 1.30 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.542171 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.879104 Page 66 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 1.2934 4.00 0.9674 9.00 0.6775 14.00 0.4812 19.00 0.3409 24.00 0.2526 29.00 0.1838 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 67 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 2 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Dipole CW835 Middle CW (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 835.000000 41.670558 19.538754 0.906381 -0.380000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=2.00, Y=2.00 SAR Peak: 1.29 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.604257 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 1.018267 Page 68 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 1.2850 4.00 0.9531 9.00 0.6537 14.00 0.4569 19.00 0.3285 24.00 0.2361 29.00 0.1793 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 69 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 3 Date of measurement: 19/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Dipole CW1800 Middle CW (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.73 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1800.000000 39.515165 13.853300 1.385330 -1.940000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=3.00, Y=2.00 SAR Peak: 6.82 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 1.838013 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 3.657067 Page 70 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 6.7455 4.00 4.3152 9.00 2.4343 14.00 1.4295 19.00 0.8554 24.00 0.5203 29.00 0.3216 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 71 of 194 MEASUREMENT 4 Report No.: S23091302004001 Date of measurement: 9/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Dipole CW1900 Middle CW (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.91 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1900.000000 39.140400 13.745900 1.450956 -0.480000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=5.00, Y=2.00 SAR Peak: 6.70 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 2.088344 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 4.330128 Page 72 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 6.3243 4.00 4.0472 9.00 2.2608 14.00 1.3004 19.00 0.7677 24.00 0.4582 29.00 0.2748 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 73 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 5 Date of measurement: 21/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=12mm dy=12mm, h= 5.00 mm 7x7x7,dx=5mm dy=5mm dz=5mm Validation plane Dipole CW2450 Middle CW (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.98 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 2450.000000 38.983675 13.477605 1.834452 0.350000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-1.00, Y=-1.00 SAR Peak: 9.83 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 2.190046 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 4.921065 Page 74 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 9.7156 4.00 5.8307 9.00 2.9220 14.00 1.4629 19.00 0.7436 24.00 0.3733 29.00 0.1932 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 75 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 6 Date of measurement: 22/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=12mm dy=12mm, h= 5.00 mm 7x7x7,dx=5mm dy=5mm dz=5mm Validation plane Dipole CW2600 Middle CW (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.87 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 2600.000000 38.849114 13.266244 1.916235 0.820000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=3.00, Y=-11.00 SAR Peak: 10.29 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 2.432293 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 5.341081 Page 76 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 10.300 4.00 5.7212 9.00 2.5035 14.00 1.1728 19.00 0.5785 24.00 0.2630 29.00 0.1221 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 77 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 13. Appendix C. Plots of High SAR Measurement Table of contents MEASUREMENT 1 GSM 850 Head MEASUREMENT 2 GSM 850 Body MEASUREMENT 3 GSM 1900 Head MEASUREMENT 4 GSM 1900 Body MEASUREMENT 5 WCDMA Band 2 Head MEASUREMENT 6 WCDMA Band 2 Body MEASUREMENT 7 WCDMA Band 5 Head MEASUREMENT 8 WCDMA Band 5 Body MEASUREMENT 9 WLAN 2.4G Head MEASUREMENT 10 WLAN 2.4G Body MEASUREMENT 11 LTE Band 4 Head MEASUREMENT 12 LTE Band 4 Body MEASUREMENT 13 LTE Band 5 Head MEASUREMENT 14 LTE Band 5 Body MEASUREMENT 15 LTE Band 7 Head MEASUREMENT 16 LTE Band 7 Body MEASUREMENT 17 LTE Band 13 Head MEASUREMENT 18 LTE Band 13 Body MEASUREMENT 19 LTE Band 66 Head MEASUREMENT 20 LTE Band 66 Body Page 78 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 1 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek GSM850 Middle TDMA (Crest factor: 4.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 836.400000 41.679638 19.545954 0.908235 1.760000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-48.00, Y=-29.00 SAR Peak: 0.41 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.216445 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.307417 Page 79 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.4304 4.00 0.3155 9.00 0.2267 14.00 0.1793 19.00 0.1374 24.00 0.1108 29.00 0.0804 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 80 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 2 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body GSM850 Middle TDMA (Crest factor: 4.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 836.400000 41.679638 19.545954 0.908235 -1.890000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=5.00, Y=-6.00 SAR Peak: 0.60 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.321936 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.450693 Page 81 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.5607 4.00 0.4629 9.00 0.3562 14.00 0.2624 19.00 0.1968 24.00 0.1582 29.00 0.1168 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 82 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 3 Date of measurement: 9/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek GSM1900 Middle TDMA (Crest factor: 2.7) 1.91 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1880.000000 39.215700 13.793800 1.440686 0.120000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-5.00, Y=-17.00 SAR Peak: 0.35 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.121024 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.210192 Page 83 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.4687 4.00 0.2215 9.00 0.0707 14.00 0.0797 19.00 0.0260 24.00 0.0320 29.00 0.0085 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 84 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 4 Date of measurement: 9/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body GSM1900 Middle TDMA (Crest factor: 2.7) 1.91 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1880.000000 39.215700 13.793800 1.440686 -0.700000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=7.00, Y=27.00 SAR Peak: 0.48 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.147120 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.290410 Page 85 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.4674 4.00 0.2920 9.00 0.1558 14.00 0.0845 19.00 0.0452 24.00 0.0247 29.00 0.0134 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 86 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 5 Date of measurement: 9/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek Band2_WCDMA1900 Middle WCDMA (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.91 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1880.000000 39.215698 13.793800 1.440686 -0.860000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-53.00, Y=-38.00 SAR Peak: 0.11 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.053634 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.080283 Page 87 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.1034 4.00 0.0831 9.00 0.0603 14.00 0.0459 19.00 0.0325 24.00 0.0269 29.00 0.0228 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 88 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 6 Date of measurement: 9/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body Band2_WCDMA1900 Middle WCDMA (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.91 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1880.000000 39.215698 13.793800 1.440686 2.010000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-12.00, Y=-41.00 SAR Peak: 0.17 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.067433 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.114368 Page 89 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.1671 4.00 0.1178 9.00 0.0770 14.00 0.0511 19.00 0.0343 24.00 0.0294 29.00 0.0200 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 90 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 7 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek Band5_WCDMA850 Middle WCDMA (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 836.400000 41.679638 19.545954 0.908235 -0.620000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-48.00, Y=-23.00 SAR Peak: 0.59 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.329888 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.462709 Page 91 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.5794 4.00 0.4768 9.00 0.3710 14.00 0.2869 19.00 0.2202 24.00 0.1684 29.00 0.1282 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 92 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 8 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body Band5_WCDMA850 Middle WCDMA (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 836.400000 41.679638 19.545954 0.908235 -0.940000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=3.00, Y=0.00 SAR Peak: 0.71 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.403887 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.556062 Page 93 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.7068 4.00 0.5733 9.00 0.4393 14.00 0.3318 19.00 0.2525 24.00 0.1925 29.00 0.1443 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 94 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 9 Date of measurement: 21/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=12mm dy=12mm, h= 5.00 mm 7x7x7,dx=5mm dy=5mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek IEEE 802.11b ISM Middle IEEE802.11b (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.98 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 2437.000000 39.035774 13.396105 1.813684 -0.889999 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-1.00, Y=-13.00 SAR Peak: 0.04 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.014852 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.022270 Page 95 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.0530 4.00 0.0260 9.00 0.0104 14.00 0.0098 19.00 0.0083 24.00 0.0091 29.00 0.0087 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 96 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 10 Date of measurement: 21/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=12mm dy=12mm, h= 5.00 mm 7x7x7,dx=5mm dy=5mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body IEEE 802.11b ISM Middle IEEE802.11b (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.98 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 2437.000000 39.035774 13.396105 1.813684 0.660000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=5.00, Y=-1.00 SAR Peak: 0.05 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.014159 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.023622 Page 97 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.0350 4.00 0.0231 9.00 0.0176 14.00 0.0119 19.00 0.0137 24.00 0.0086 29.00 0.0081 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 98 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 11 Date of measurement: 19/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek LTE band 4 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.73 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1732.500000 40.000416 13.675150 1.316233 3.140000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-54.00, Y=-40.00 SAR Peak: 0.24 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.113915 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.173878 Page 99 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.2323 4.00 0.1786 9.00 0.1300 14.00 0.0959 19.00 0.0726 24.00 0.0513 29.00 0.0398 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 100 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 12 Date of measurement: 19/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body LTE band 4 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.73 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1732.500000 40.000416 13.675150 1.316233 0.770000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-8.00, Y=-27.00 SAR Peak: 0.50 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.206239 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.337212 Page 101 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.4983 4.00 0.3569 9.00 0.2321 14.00 0.1512 19.00 0.0990 24.00 0.0674 29.00 0.0466 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 102 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 13 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek LTE band 5 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 836.500000 41.681908 19.547754 0.908428 -0.690000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-49.00, Y=-23.00 SAR Peak: 0.67 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.371843 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.524069 Page 103 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.6636 4.00 0.5417 9.00 0.4180 14.00 0.3226 19.00 0.2468 24.00 0.1894 29.00 0.1442 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 104 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 14 Date of measurement: 27/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body LTE band 5 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.50 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 836.500000 41.681908 19.547754 0.908428 -0.150000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=3.00, Y=0.00 SAR Peak: 0.79 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.453179 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.623403 Page 105 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.7906 4.00 0.6443 9.00 0.4928 14.00 0.3751 19.00 0.2824 24.00 0.2152 29.00 0.1634 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 106 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 15 Date of measurement: 22/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=12mm dy=12mm, h= 5.00 mm 7x7x7,dx=5mm dy=5mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek LTE band 7 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.87 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 2535.000000 39.184414 13.134144 1.849725 4.030000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-48.00, Y=-36.00 SAR Peak: 0.29 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.097636 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.180477 Page 107 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.2895 4.00 0.1936 9.00 0.1166 14.00 0.0725 19.00 0.0478 24.00 0.0281 29.00 0.0207 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 108 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 16 Date of measurement: 22/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=12mm dy=12mm, h= 5.00 mm 7x7x7,dx=5mm dy=5mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body LTE band 7 Low LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.87 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 2510.000000 39.299515 13.076844 1.823493 -0.430000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-14.00, Y=-48.00 SAR Peak: 2.14 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.593412 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 1.189913 Page 109 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 2.1542 4.00 1.3036 9.00 0.6602 14.00 0.3327 19.00 0.1699 24.00 0.0900 29.00 0.0501 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 110 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 17 Date of measurement: 8/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek LTE band 13 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.49 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 782.000000 41.821847 21.955627 0.953850 0.530000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-49.00, Y=-23.00 SAR Peak: 0.59 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.351859 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.486961 Page 111 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.5796 4.00 0.4819 9.00 0.3806 14.00 0.2981 19.00 0.2329 24.00 0.1832 29.00 0.1414 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 112 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 18 Date of measurement: 8/10/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body LTE band 13 Middle LTE (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.49 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 782.000000 41.821847 21.955627 0.953850 -0.660000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=3.00, Y=-10.00 SAR Peak: 0.82 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.500827 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.681376 Page 113 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.8128 4.00 0.6734 9.00 0.5268 14.00 0.4097 19.00 0.3144 24.00 0.2419 29.00 0.1853 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 114 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 19 Date of measurement: 19/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Left head Cheek FDDBand66 Middle (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.73 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1745.000000 39.925465 13.722100 1.330281 0.580000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-54.00, Y=-39.00 SAR Peak: 0.23 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.108680 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.166014 Page 115 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.2212 4.00 0.1697 9.00 0.1243 14.00 0.0956 19.00 0.0699 24.00 0.0544 29.00 0.0389 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 116 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 MEASUREMENT 20 Date of measurement: 19/9/2023 A. Experimental conditions. Area Scan ZoomScan Phantom Device Position Band Channels Signal ConvF dx=15mm dy=15mm, h= 5.00 mm 5x5x7,dx=8mm dy=8mm dz=5mm Validation plane Body FDDBand66 Middle (Crest factor: 1.0) 1.73 B. SAR Measurement Results Frequency (MHz) Relative permittivity (real part) Relative permittivity (imaginary part) Conductivity (S/m) Variation (%) 1745.000000 39.925465 13.722100 1.330281 1.210000 SURFACE SAR VOLUME SAR Maximum location: X=-9.00, Y=-27.00 SAR Peak: 0.43 W/kg SAR 10g (W/Kg) 0.178522 SAR 1g (W/Kg) 0.289856 Page 117 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Z (mm) SAR (W/Kg) 0.00 0.4291 4.00 0.3055 9.00 0.2009 14.00 0.1313 19.00 0.0876 24.00 0.0586 29.00 0.0413 3D screen shot Hot spot position Page 118 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 14. Appendix D. Calibration Certificate Table of contents E Field Probe - SN 08/16 EPGO287 750 MHz Dipole - SN 03/15 DIP 0G750-355 835 MHz Dipole - SN 03/15 DIP 0G835-347 1800 MHz Dipole - SN 03/15 DIP 1G800-349 1900 MHz Dipole - SN 03/15 DIP 1G900-350 2450 MHz Dipole - SN 03/15 DIP 2G450-352 2600 MHz Dipole - SN 03/15 DIP 2G600-356 Extended Calibration Certificate Page 119 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001 Page 120 of 194 Report No.: S23091302004001
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