daniel BACL

DoS Letter

Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. E217A 2ATT5-E217A 2ATT5E217A e217a

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E217A Indoor Monitor by Dnake Xiamen Intelligent

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Document DEVICE REPORTE217A-Cover-Letter-s--Dnake-Xiamen-Intelligent-2att5-e217a-ex-1-3
Company: Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. ADD: No.8, Haijing North 2nd Road, Haicang District, Xiamen, Fujian 361026, China Tel/Fax: 0592-5765355 E-mail: [email protected]

Date: 2023-11-17

To whom it may concern:

Product Similarity Declaration

FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046

We, Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd hereby declare that the product: Indoor Monitor (FCC ID:2ATT5-E217A),test model:E217A,and multiple models: E217D, E216A, E216D are different only in the model name, the rest are identical. The models: 160M-S64A, 160M-S64D, 160M-S65A, 160M-S65D, compared with E217A, are only minor differences in the front of appearance, but the PCB board and circuit are all the same, the rest are identical. The models: E217, E217W, E217C, E216, E216W, E216C,IPK04, IPK05, E217W-2, compared with E217A, are only differences in Network port, there are two ports on E217A, the others just one port, but the PCB board and circuit are the same, the rest are identical. The models: 160M-S64, 160M-S64W, 160M-S65W, 160M-S65, compared with E217A, are minor differences in the front of appearance and the Network port, there are two ports on E217A, the others just one port, but the PCB board and circuit are the same, the rest are identical. Refer to the pictures attached below.

Except for the above difference,we declare that the products are electrically identical. We guarantee all the information provided above is true,and notice that we will bear all the consequences caused by any false information or concealing. Please contact me should there be need for any additional or information.
Sincerely, Signature:
Printed Name: QiuXiao yong Title: Certification Engineer


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