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FCC Agent Authorization Letter
Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. E217A 2ATT5-E217A 2ATT5E217A e217a
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E217A Indoor Monitor by Dnake Xiamen Intelligent
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Document DEVICE REPORTE217A-Cover-Letter-s--Dnake-Xiamen-Intelligent-2att5-e217a-ex-1-1Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Add: No.8, Haijing North 2nd Road, Haicang District, Xiamen, Fujian 361026, China Tel: 0592-5765355 Fax: 0592-5765355 Email: [email protected] FCC Authorization Date: 2024-01-16 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 Subject: Agent Authorization To whom it may concern: We , Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Hereby authorizes China Certification ICT Co.,Ltd (Dongguan) to act on its behalf in all matters relating to application for Equipment authorization, including the signing of all documents relating to these matters. All acts carried out by China Certification ICT Co.,Ltd (Dongguan) on our behalf shall have the same effect as our own action. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we are not subject to a denial of federal benefits, that includes FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862. This authorization is valid until further written notice from the applicant. Sincerely Yours, Client's signature Printed Name: QiuXiao yong Title: Certiflcation Engineer QA-FR-170-B
Related FCC IDs:
- 2ATT5-E217A - Dnake (Xiamen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Indoor Monitor [-E217A] 微软(中国)有限公司 Adobe PDF Library 9.0