Measurement Report
Test report WiFi part 1
Shanghai Yibo Technology Co., LTD RPT2024 2BGEC-RPT2024 2BGECRPT2024 rpt2024
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Document DEVICE REPORTGetApplicationAttachment.html?id=7387633CTC Laboratories, Inc. $CNAS$ Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86-755-27521059 Fax: +86-755-27521011 Http:// TEST REPORT Report No. ··························: CTC2024098407 FCC ID································: 2BGEC-RPT2024 Applicant····························: Shanghai Yibo Technology Co., LTD Address·······························: Room C1047, Building 9, No. 785 Tieli Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China Manufacturer ·····················: Shanghai Yibo Technology Co., LTD Address·······························: Room C1047, Building 9, No. 785 Tieli Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China Product Name······················: Broadcast Module Trade Mark···························: EabloPilot Model/Type reference·············: EabloPilot Tag Listed Model(s) ····················: / Standard·····························: FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 Date of receipt of test sample...: May 07, 2024 Date of testing.......................: May 07, 2024 ~ May 21, 2024 Date of issue.........................: May 28, 2024 Result.................................: PASS Compiled by: (Printed name+signature) Lucy Lan Supervised by: (Printed name+signature) Approved by: (Printed name+signature) Eric Zhang Totti Zhao $$ $Totti$ Testing Laboratory Name......: CTC Laboratories, Inc. Address...............................: Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China This test report may be duplicated completely for legal use with the approval of the applicant. It should not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of our laboratory. The client should not use it to claim product endorsement by CTC. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample. The test report shall be invalid without all the signatures of testing engineers, reviewer and approver. Any objections must be raised to CTC within 15 days since the date when the report is received. It will not be taken into consideration beyond this limit. The test report merely correspond to the test sample. Page 2 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Table of Contents Page 1. TEST SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................................................3 1.1. TEST STANDARDS ..................................................................................................................................................3 1.2. REPORT VERSION...................................................................................................................................................3 1.3. TEST DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................................................4 1.4. TEST FACILITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY..................................................................................................................................6 1.6. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................................6 2. GENERAL INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................7 2.1. CLIENT INFORMATION.............................................................................................................................................7 2.2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................................................7 2.3. ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................8 2.4. OPERATION STATE..................................................................................................................................................8 2.5. MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS LIST ......................................................................................................................... 10 3. TEST ITEM AND RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1. CONDUCTED EMISSION......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.2. RADIATED EMISSION ............................................................................................................................................ 14 3.3. BAND EDGE EMISSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 30 3.4. BAND EDGE AND SPURIOUS EMISSIONS (CONDUCTED).................................................................................................. 47 3.5. BANDWIDTH ...................................................................................................................................................... 64 3.6. OUTPUT POWER ................................................................................................................................................. 74 3.7. POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY .................................................................................................................................... 75 3.8. DUTY CYCLE ....................................................................................................................................................... 81 3.9. ANTENNA REQUIREMENT....................................................................................................................................... 87 CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 3 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 1. TEST SUMMARY 1.1. Test Standards The tests were performed according to following standards: FCC Rules Part 15.247: Operation within the bands of 902-928MHz, 2400-2483.5MHz, and 5725-5850MHz. ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices. 1.2. Report version Revised No. 01 Report No. CTC2024098407 Date of issue May 28, 2024 Description Original CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 4 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 1.3. Test Description FCC Part 15 Subpart C (15.247) Test Item Standard Section FCC Result Antenna Requirement Conducted Emission Band Edge Emissions 6dB Bandwidth Conducted Max Output Power Power Spectral Density Transmitter Radiated Spurious 15.203 15.207 15.247(d) 15.247(a)(2) 15.247(b)(3) 15.247(e) 15.209&15.247(d) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Note: The measurement uncertainty is not included in the test result. Test Engineer Alicia Alicia Alicia Alicia Alicia Alicia Alicia CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 5 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 1.4. Test Facility CTC Laboratories, Inc. Add: Room 101 Building B,Room 107, 108, 207, 208, 303 Building A , No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, Chinaformerly 2/F., Building 1 and 1-2/F., Building 2, Jiaquan Building, High-Tech Park, Guanlan Sub-District, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China) Laboratory accreditation The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations: A2LA-Lab Cert. No.: 4340.01 CTC Laboratories, Inc. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional program requirements in th e identified field of testing. Industry Canada (Registration No.: 9783A, CAB Identifier: CN0029) CTC Laboratories, Inc. EMC Laboratory has been registered by Certification and Engineer Bureau of Indus try Canada for the performance of with Registration NO.: 9783A on Jan, 2016. FCC (Registration No.: 951311, Designation Number CN1208) CTC Laboratories, Inc. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report filed with the (F CC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained inour files. Registration 951311, Aug 26, 2017. CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 6 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 1.5. Measurement Uncertainty The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to TR-100028-01" Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Part 1" and TR-100028-02 "Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Part 2 " and is documented in the CTC Laboratories, Inc. quality system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device. Below is the best measurement capability for CTC Laboratories, Inc. Test Items Measurement Uncertainty DTS Bandwidth ±0.0196% Notes (1) Maximum Conducted Output Power ±0.686 dB (1) Maximum Power Spectral Density Level ±0.743 dB (1) Band-edge Compliance Unwanted Emissions In Non-restricted Freq Bands Conducted Emissions 9kHz~30MHz ±1.328 dB (1) 9kHz-1GHz: ±0.746dB 1GHz-26GHz: ±1.328dB (1) ±3.08 dB (1) Radiated Emissions 30~1000MHz ±4.51 dB (1) Radiated Emissions 1~18GHz ±5.84 dB (1) Radiated Emissions 18~40GHz ±6.12 dB (1) Note (1): This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2. 1.6. Environmental conditions During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges: Temperature: Relative Humidity: Air Pressure: 25°C 40% 101kPa CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 7 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 2.1. Client Information Applicant: Address: Manufacturer : Address: Shanghai Yibo Technology Co., LTD Room C1047, Building 9, No. 785 Tieli Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China Shanghai Yibo Technology Co., LTD Room C1047, Building 9, No. 785 Tieli Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai, China 2.2. General Description of EUT Product Name: Broadcast Module Trade Mark: EabloPilot Model/Type reference: EabloPilot Tag Listed Model(s): / Model Difference: / Power supply: DC 5V/0.5A from AC/DC Adapter Hardware version: / Software version: / WIFI 802.11b/ g/ n(HT20)/n(HT40) Modulation: Operation frequency: Channel number: DSSS for 802.11b OFDM for 802.11g/802.11n(HT20)/802.11n(HT40) 2412MHz~2462MHz for 802.11b/802.11g/802.11n(HT20) 2422MHz~2452MHz for 802.11n(HT40) 11 for 802.11b/802.11g/802.11n(HT20) 7 for 802.11n(HT40) Channel separation: 5MHz Antenna 0 and 1 type: Ceramic Chip Antenna Antenna 0 gain: 5.05dBi CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 8 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 2.3. Accessory Equipment Information Equipment Information Name Model Adapter PS06CA050K1000CU Cable Information Name Shielded Type USB Cable Unshielded Test Software Information Name Version EspRFTestTool V3.6 S/N / Ferrite Core NO / / Manufacturer / Length 150cm / / 2.4. Operation state Operation Frequency List: The EUT has been tested under typical operating condition. The Applicant provides communication tools software to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting and receiving mode for testing. Operation Frequency List: Channel Frequency (MHz) 01 2412 02 2417 03 2422 04 2427 05 2432 06 2437 07 2442 08 2447 09 2452 10 2457 11 2462 Note: CH 01~CH 11 for 802.11b/g/n(HT20), CH 03~CH 09 for 802.11n(HT40) CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 9 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Data Rated Preliminary tests were performed in different data rate, and found which the below bit rate is worst case mode, so only show data which it is a worst case mode. Mode Data rate (worst mode) 802.11b 1Mbps 802.11g 6Mbps 802.11n(HT20) HT-MCS8 802.11n(HT40) HT-MCS8 Test mode For RF test items: The engineering test program was provided and enabled to make EUT continuous transmit. For AC power line conducted emissions: The EUT was set to connect with the WLAN AP under large package sizes transmission. For Radiated spurious emissions test item: The engineering test program was provided and enabled to make EUT continuous transmit (duty cycle>98%). EUT support for SISO and ANT1 Transmission,802.11b/g only supports SISO Mode, SISO mode sets the same power level as ANT1 mode, so ANT1 mode is the worst case. Recorded in the report. CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 10 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 2.5. Measurement Instruments List Item Test Equipment 1 MXA Signal Analyzer 2 RF Control Unit 3 Test Software RF Test System - SRD Manufacturer Model No. Keysight N9020A Tonscend JS0806-2 Tonscend JS1120-3 Serial No. MY52091402 / V2.6.88.0346 Calibrated Until Aug. 22, 2024 Aug. 22, 2024 / Radiated emission Item Test Equipment Manufacturer Model No. 1 Trilog-Broadband Antenna Schwarzbeck VULB 9163 2 Horn Antenna Schwarzbeck BBHA 9120D 3 Test Receiver Keysight N9038A 4 Broadband Amplifier SCHWARZBECK BBV9743B 5 Mirowave Broadband Amplifier SCHWARZBECK BBV9718C 6 3m chamber 3 YIHENG EE106 7 Test Software FARA EZ-EMC Serial No. 01026 9120D-647 MY56400071 259 111 / FA-03A2 Calibrated Until Dec. 18, 2024 Sep. 25, 2025 Dec. 12, 2024 Dec. 12, 2024 Dec. 12, 2024 Aug. 28, 2026 / Conducted emission Item Test Equipment Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Calibrated until 1 LISN 2 LISN R&S R&S ENV216 ENV216 101112 101113 Dec. 12, 2024 Dec. 12, 2024 3 EMI Test Receiver R&S ESCS30 100353 Dec. 12, 2024 4 ISN CAT6 Schwarzbeck NTFM 8158 CAT6-8158-0046 Dec. 12, 2024 5 ISN CAT5 Schwarzbeck NTFM 8158 CAT5-8158-0046 Dec. 12, 2024 6 Test Software R&S EMC32 6.10.10 / Note:1. The Cal. Interval was one year. 2. The cable loss has calculated in test result which connection between each test instruments. CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 11 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 3. TEST ITEM AND RESULTS 3.1. Conducted Emission Limit FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.207 Frequency range (MHz) 0.15-0.5 0.5-5 5-30 Quasi-peak 66 to 56* 56 60 Limit (dBuV) * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency. Average 56 to 46* 46 50 Test Configuration Test Procedure 1. The EUT was setup according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements. 2. The EUT was placed on a platform of nominal size, 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 cm above the conducting ground plane. The vertical conducting plane was located 40 cm to the rear of the EUT. All other surfaces of EUT were at least 80 cm from any other grounded conducting surface. 3. The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedances stabilization network (LISN). The LISN provides a 50ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN. (Please refer to the block diagram of the test setup and photographs) 4. Each current-carrying conductor of the EUT power cord, except the ground (safety) conductor, was individually connected through a LISN to the input power source. 5. The excess length of the power cord between the EUT and the LISN receptacle were folded back and forth at the center of the lead to form a bundle not exceeding 40 cm in length. 6. Conducted Emissions were investigated over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a receiver bandwidth of 9 kHz. 7. During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation. CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 12 of 87 Test Mode: Please refer to the clause 2.3. Test Results Test Voltage: Terminal: AC 120V/60 Hz Line Report No.: CTC2024098407 Emission Level= Read Level+ Correct Factor CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 13 of 87 Test Voltage: Terminal: AC 120V/60 Hz Neutral Report No.: CTC2024098407 Emission Level= Read Level+ Correct Factor CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 14 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 3.2. Radiated Emission Limit FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209: Frequency Limit (dBuV/m @3m) 30 MHz ~ 88 MHz 40.00 88 MHz ~ 216 MHz 43.50 216 MHz ~ 960 MHz 46.00 960 MHz ~ 1 GHz 54.00 Above 1 GHz 54.00 74.00 Note: (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges. (2) Emission Level (dBuV/m)=20log Emission Level (uV/m). Test Configuration Value Quasi-peak Quasi-peak Quasi-peak Quasi-peak Average Peak Below 30MHz Test Setup Below1000MHz Test Setup CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 15 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Above 1GHz Test Setup Test Procedure 1. The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 2. The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground for below 1 GHz, and 1.5 m for above 1 GHz. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. 3. The EUT was set 3 meters from the receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable height antenna tower. 4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the Antenna tower (from 1 m to 4 m) and turntable (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading. A pre-amp and a high pass filter are used for the test in order to get better signal level to comply with the guidelines. 5. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously. 6. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings (1) Span shall wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured; (2) Below 1 GHz: RBW=120 kHz, VBW=300 kHz, Sweep=auto, Detector function=peak, Trace=max hold; If the emission level of the EUT measured by the peak detector is 3 dB lower than the applicable limit, the peak emission level will be reported. Otherwise, the emission measurement will be repeated using the quasi-peak detector and reported. (3) From 1 GHz to 10th harmonic: RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz Peak detector for Peak value. RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz RMS detector for Average value. Test Mode Please refer to the clause 2.3. Test Result 9 KHz~30 MHz From 9 KHz to 30 MHz: Conclusion: PASS Note: The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible value has no need to be reported. CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : 30MHz-1GHz Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: Page 16 of 87 Horizontal 802.11b Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 17 of 87 Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: Vertical 802.11b Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Adobe 1GHz Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: Page 18 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 ANT1 Horizontal TX B Mode 2412MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX B Mode 2412MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 19 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX B Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX B Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 20 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX B Mode 2462MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX B Mode 2462MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 21 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX G Mode 2412MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX G Mode 2412MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 22 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX G Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX G Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 23 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX G Mode 2462MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX G Mode 2462MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 24 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX N20 Mode 2412MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX N20 Mode 2412MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 25 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX N20 Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX N20 Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 26 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX N20 Mode 2462MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX N20 Mode 2462MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 27 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX N40 Mode 2422MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX N40 Mode 2422MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 28 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX N40 Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX N40 Mode 2437MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 29 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal TX N40 Mode 2452MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical TX N40 Mode 2452MHz No report for the emission which more than 10 dB below the prescribed limit. Only worse case is reported Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 30 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 3.3. Band Edge Emissions Limit FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (d)/ RSS 247 5.5: Restricted Frequency Band (MHz) Peak (dBuV/m)(at 3m) 2310 ~2390 74 2483.5 ~2500 74 Average 54 54 Test Configuration Test Procedure 1. The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 requirements. 2. The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 1.5 meter above ground. The turn table is rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. 3. The EUT was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters. 4. The antenna is scanned from 1 meter to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. This is repeated for both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated measurement. 5. The receiver set as follow: RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz PEAK detector for Peak value. RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz with PEAK Detector for Average Value. Test Mode Please refer to the clause 2.3. Test Results CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 31 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal B Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 32 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical B Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 33 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal B Mode 2462 MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 34 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical B Mode 2462 MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 35 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal G Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 36 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical G Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 37 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal G Mode 2462MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 38 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical G Mode 2462MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 39 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal N(HT20) Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 40 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical N(HT20) Mode 2412MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 41 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal N(HT20) Mode 2462MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 42 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical N(HT20) Mode 2462MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 43 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal N(HT40) Mode 2422MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 44 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical N(HT40) Mode 2422MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 45 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Horizontal N(HT40) Mode 2452MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 46 of 87 Ant No. Ant. Pol. Test Mode: Remark: ANT1 Vertical N(HT40) Mode 2452MHz Only worse case is reported Report No.: CTC2024098407 Remarks: 1.Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m)+Cable Factor (dB)-Pre-amplifier Factor 2.Margin value = Level -Limit value CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 47 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 3.4. Band edge and Spurious Emissions (Conducted) Limit FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (d): In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Test Configuration Test Procedure 1. The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer through an attenuator, the path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement. 2. Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously 3. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings: RBW = 100 kHz, VBW RBW, scan up through 10th harmonic. Sweep = auto, Detector function = peak, Trace = max hold 4. Measure and record the results in the test report. Test Mode Please refer to the clause 2.4. Test Results CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 48 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 Band edge measurements TestMode Antenna 11B Ant1 11G Ant1 11N20SISO Ant1 11N40SISO Ant1 ChName Low High Low High Low High Low High Frequency[MHz] 2412 2462 2412 2462 2412 2462 2422 2452 RefLevel[dBm] 9.44 7.36 0.93 2.89 2.04 1.86 -0.73 -1.09 Result[dBm] -44.02 -48.24 -34.27 -44.02 -36.22 -44.84 -38.92 -43.48 Limit[dBm] -20.56 -22.64 -29.07 -27.11 -27.96 -28.14 -30.73 -31.09 Verdict PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS Conducted Spurious Emission TestMode Antenna Frequency[MHz] 2412 11B Ant1 2437 2462 2412 11G Ant1 2437 2462 2412 11N20SISO Ant1 2437 2462 2422 11N40SISO Ant1 2437 2452 FreqRange [Mhz] Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 Reference 30~1000 1000~26500 RefLevel [dBm] 9.54 9.54 9.54 9.59 9.59 9.59 -1.09 -1.09 -1.09 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 2.23 2.23 2.23 2.03 2.03 2.03 -0.55 -0.55 -0.55 -0.56 -0.56 -0.56 -2.59 -2.59 -2.59 Result [dBm] 9.54 -67.21 -24.11 9.59 -67.57 -24.23 -1.09 -69.15 -42.31 3.15 -68.24 -29.38 3.03 -68.68 -29.13 3.19 -68.3 -28.54 3.19 -68.28 -31.31 2.23 -67.72 -31.45 2.03 -68.42 -31.62 -0.55 -59.44 -32.47 -0.56 -60.66 -36.25 -2.59 -56.46 -35.72 Limit [dBm] ---20.46 -20.46 ---20.41 -20.41 ---31.09 -31.09 ---26.85 -26.85 ---26.97 -26.97 ---26.81 -26.81 ---26.81 -26.81 ---27.77 -27.77 ---27.97 -27.97 ---30.55 -30.55 ---30.56 -30.56 ---32.59 -32.59 Verdict PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 49 of 87 Band edge measurements Test Graphs 11B_Ant1_Low_2412 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11B_Ant1_High_2462 11G_Ant1_Low_2412 11G_Ant1_High_2462 CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 50 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11N20SISO_Ant1_Low_2412 11N20SISO_Ant1_High_2462 11N40SISO_Ant1_Low_2422 CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 51 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11N40SISO_Ant1_High_2452 CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Conducted Spurious Emission Page 52 of 87 11B_Ant1_2412_0~Reference Report No.: CTC2024098407 11B_Ant1_2412_30~1000 11B_Ant1_2412_1000~26500 11B_Ant1_2437_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 53 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11B_Ant1_2437_30~1000 11B_Ant1_2437_1000~26500 11B_Ant1_2462_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 54 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11B_Ant1_2462_30~1000 11B_Ant1_2462_1000~26500 11G_Ant1_2412_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 55 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11G_Ant1_2412_30~1000 11G_Ant1_2412_1000~26500 11G_Ant1_2437_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 56 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11G_Ant1_2437_30~1000 11G_Ant1_2437_1000~26500 11G_Ant1_2462_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 57 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11G_Ant1_2462_30~1000 11G_Ant1_2462_1000~26500 11N20SISO_Ant1_2412_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 58 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11N20SISO_Ant1_2412_30~1000 11N20SISO_Ant1_2412_1000~26500 11N20SISO_Ant1_2437_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 59 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11N20SISO_Ant1_2437_30~1000 11N20SISO_Ant1_2437_1000~26500 11N20SISO_Ant1_2462_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China : Page 60 of 87 Report No.: CTC2024098407 11N20SISO_Ant1_2462_30~1000 11N20SISO_Ant1_2462_1000~26500 11N40SISO_Ant1_2422_0~Reference CTC Laboratories, Inc. Room 101 Building B, No. 7, Lanqing 1st Road, Luhu Community, Guanhu Subdistrict, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel.: (86)755-27521059 Fax: (86)755-27521011 Http:// For anti-fake verification, please visit the official website of Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China :
Related FCC IDs:
- 2BGEC-RPT2024 - Shanghai Yibo Technology Co., LTD Broadcast Module [-RPT2024] Microsoft Word 2021