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Document DEVICE REPORTAEMC CATALOG 2019TEST & MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS VOLUME 19 WWW.AEMC.COM Cable Testers Clamp-On Meters Current Measurement Probes Data Loggers Digital Multimeters Electrical Test Tools Environmental Testers Ground Resistance Testers Leakage Current Meters & Probes Megohmmeters Micro-Ohmmeters Oscilloscopes Power Quality Analyzers, Meters & Loggers Test and Measurement (Lab) Instruments Thermal Imaging Cameras Transformer Ratiometers TECHNICAL HOTLINE: (800) 343-1391 HOW TO ORDER All AEMC® Instruments products are available through a network of authorized electrical, electronic and instrumentation distributors. If you have difficulty locating a North American distributor near you, contact AEMC® Instruments or your local AEMC® Instruments sales representative or check for a distributor in your area by clicking on the "Where to Order" tab: AEMC® Instruments 200 Foxborough Blvd. Foxborough, MA 02035 USA (508) 698-2115 · Fax (508) 698-2118 Technical Hotline: (800) 343-1391 [email protected] · FOR ORDERING INFORMATION (WITHIN NORTH AMERICA): Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc., d.b.a. AEMC® Instruments 15 Faraday Drive Dover, NH 03820 USA (800) 442-2362 · Fax (603) 749-9153 [email protected] EXPORT DEPARTMENT (ALL OTHER COUNTRIES THAN U.S.A & CANADA): Tel +1 (603) 749-6434 ext. 520 Fax +1 (603) 740-7550 [email protected] WHEN ORDERING, PLEASE USE THE CATALOG NUMBER AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. Example: QUANTITY CATALOG # DESCRIPTION 1 2141.02 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6417 (Clamp-On) with memory and alarm A separate price list is available. Contact your AEMC® Instruments distributor or AEMC® Instruments for an up-to-date copy. AEMC® Instruments reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, or change specifications, price or design without notice and without incurring any obligation. Please contact us, your local representative, agent or distributor for updates. CHAUVIN ARNOUX®, INC. D.B.A. AEMC® INSTRUMENTS Chauvin Arnoux One Source® 950.CAT-MASTER-Vol19 Printed in the USA Rev.00 08/19 FIND MORE AT: WWW.AEMC.COM CONTENTS Cable Testers 3 Clamp-On Meters 7 Current Measurement Probes 15 Data Loggers 35 Digital Multimeters 49 Electrical Test Tools 55 Environmental Testers 61 Ground Resistance Testers 73 Leakage Current Meters & Probes 85 Megohmmeters 89 Micro-Ohmmeters 103 Oscilloscopes 107 Power Quality Analyzers, Meters & Loggers 113 Test and Measurement (Lab) Instruments 127 Thermal Imaging Cameras 133 Transformer Ratiometers 137 Training Seminars 140 COMPANY PROFILE Dover, NH offices Foxborough, MA offices AEMC® Instruments with US operations in Dover, New Hampshire and Foxborough, Massachusetts began operations here in 1976 in downtown Boston. As a legal entity, AEMC is Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC Instruments and is affiliated with Chauvin Arnoux SA in France founded in 1893 and today is still a test and measurement instrument industry leader. Our products are backed by over 125 years of experience in test and measurement equipment, and encompass the latest international standards for quality and safety. AEMC manufactures professional electrical test and measurement instruments for the industrial, commercial and utility marketplace. Product reliability, excellent customer support and expert technical assistance are our top priority. AEMC is the worldwide industry leading manufacturer of current measurement probes and is an industry leader in ground resistance testers, insulation resistance testers and power quality and energy meters and loggers. Our full product line also includes clamp-on meters, ratiometers, power meters, harmonic power meters,data loggers, thermal imagers, lightmeters, oscilloscopes, micro-ohmmeters and numerous other electrical test tools. Our Megohmmeter line finds its roots in the early 1900s when Chauvin Arnoux introduced its first model made from a galvanometer and a decade resistance box combined with a DC power source. Today, AEMC's megohmmeters are digital and incorporate many intelligent features. Timers, alarms and variable test voltages are standard features. AEMC has introduced a unique line of professional 1000, 5000, 10,000, and 15,000 volt megohmmeters with added features, such as: data storage; automated tests and results (internal calculations of DAR, PI, DD and other factors); PC Control; and report compliant software. Our Ground Tester line finds its roots in the early 1930s. A null balance galvanometer, a decade resistance box and a DC power source combined to make one of the first ground testers on the market. Over 20 years ago, AEMC revolutionized the ground testing market by offering clamp-on ground resistance testers, eliminating the need to disconnect the system to test it and eliminating the need for auxiliary rods to do the test. Several generations of improvements and additional features has strengthened AEMC's position as the industry standard and leader in clamp-on ground resistance testers. computer reports including fall-of-potential plots. Our latest introduction, a tower test system, again is an innovative design providing the ability to test tower grounding systems without de-energizing them or removing the overhead ground conductor, saving considerable time and money and improving operator safety. AEMC's line of current probes has long been the standard for Power Quality analysis with the world leaders in power quality instruments standardizing on these probes for their current measurement source. We also manufacture and sell a wide variety of Power and Power Quality measuring instruments ranging from clamp-on meters to single and three-phase power quality analyzers and digital power meters. AEMC's DataView® software designed to configure instruments, run tests, download and store results and generate final reports was added to the product offering in late 1990s. Today DataView® is compatible with our Megohmmeters, Ground Resistance Testers, Micro-Ohmmeters, Power Quality Analyzers, Data Loggers and Multi-meters, thus offering the user a standard for interface and control to all its products eliminating the need to learn new software every time. Additionally, tablet and Smartphone Apps based on the Android platform are now available free of charge for our power, ground and clamp-on products. In addition to its product offering AEMC offers a one day accredited course in ground resistance testing. The Ground Resistance Testing seminar is designed to give the attendee all the information needed to understand proper sizing and testing of grounding systems. Through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on demonstrations, they will learn the various types of ground resistance tests, the proper application for each test and how to correctly operate the equipment used in conducting these tests. In addition, the student will have all the information to conduct ground resistance testing correctly and efficiently, saving them substantial time and money in the future. Classes on Power Quality were added in 2016. Sales and marketing are located in Foxborough, MA while production, product service and NIST calibration are located in Dover, NH. AEMC products can be purchased through a worldwide network of distributors who can be found on our website at We also offer custom products on an OEM basis. We again led the way in fall-of-potential ground testing with the introduction of an automatic tester in 2006 that automatically locked onto the optimum frequency to test at and calculated all test results for soil resistivity, ground resistance earth coupling and bond resistance, as well as, stored the test data and generated Visit our website at to get information on our products and services and to get detailed information on attending one of our seminars. AEMC prides itself as your one source for test and measurement instruments and training. 2 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CABLE TESTERS SEE WEBSITE FOR PRICING AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMC.COM CABLE TESTERS CABLE LOCATOR MODEL 6681 Detects and locates faults in electrical cables, telecommunication cables, live and de-energized conductors buried or in walls SPECIFICATIONS MODEL Display Output Signal Frequency External Voltage Measurement Range Functions Power Supply Dimension Weight Electrical Safety 6681 (TRANSMITTER) LCD screen with display of functions and bargraph 125kHz 12 to 300VAC/DC Digital coding of signals for easy signal identification, selection of transmission signal code, flashlight 9V battery 7.48 x 3.5 x 1.67" (190 x 89 x 42.5mm) 14.81oz (420g) with battery 300V CAT III MODEL Display Detection Depth Single-Pole Application Two-Pole Application Simple Looping Line Line Voltage Detection Functions Power Supply Dimension Weight Electrical Safety 6681 (RECEIVER) Backlit LCD with display of functions and bargraph, transmission code, receiver and transmitter battery-charge status 0 to 6ft (0 to 2m) 0 to 1.6ft (0 to 0.5m) Up to 8.2ft (2.5m) Approximately 0 to 1.3ft (0 to 0.4m) Automatic shutdown, automatic or manual adjustment of reception sensitivity, flashlight 6 x 1.5V AAA batteries 9.5 x 3.07 x 1.5" (241.5 x 78 x 38.5mm) 14.81oz (420g) with battery 300V CAT III FEATURES · Operates in both single-pole and two-pole modes · Locates and traces hidden cables · Detects and locates line breaks · Detects faults in floor radiant heating systems · Detects constricted sections of non-metallic pipes · Detects circuit breakers/fuses · Detects short circuits · Backlight and flashlight functions · Compliant with standards electrical safety standard EN 61010-1 and electromagnetic compatibility standard EN 61326-1 PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, set of 2 colorcoded (red/black) leads w/4mm banana plugs, set of 2 color-coded alligator clips, adapter-110V outlet w/banana plugs, 1 mini ground rod, 9V battery, 6 AAA batteries and user manual. Flashlight CATALOG NO. 2127.85 DESCRIPTION Cable Locator Model 6681 4 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CABLE TESTERS FAULT MAPPERS MODELS CA7024 & CA7027 Maps and pinpoints the locations of faults on power and communication cables MODEL CA7024 Fault Mapper Cable Length Meter & Fault Locator Alphanumeric TDR MODEL CA7027 Fault Mapper Pro® Telephone Cable Tester / Graphical TDR IP SPECIFICATIONS 54 MODEL MEASUREMENTS Range @ Vp = 70% Range Selection Resolution Accuracy CA7024 CA7027 6000ft or 2000m (selectable) 0.1ft up to 100ft, then 1ft (0.1m up to 100m, then 1m) ±2% of Reading 23, 49, 98, 197, 394, 820, 1640, 3280, 6560, 9850, 19000ft Manual range control Approximately 1% of selected range ±1% of range Minimum Cable Length 12ft (4m) 1.5ft (0.5m) Cable Library Built-in, user selectable and user programmable - Sensitivity - Minimum 3 pixel return on a fault at 4km on 0.6mm 0, PE, TP Velocity of Propagation (Vp) Adjustable from 0 to 99% Adjustable from 1% to 99% Output Pulse 5V (peak to peak) into open circuit; +5V peak to peak into an open nanosecond rise Step Function circuit Output Pulse Width - 3 ns to 3 ms, Automatic with range Scan Rate - 2 scans / second or scan held Output Impedance Automatic compensation Selectable between 25, 50, 75 & 100 Display Resolution 128 x 64 pixel graphical LCD - Tone Generator Oscillating 810 to 1110Hz Voltage Warning Triggers at >10VAC/DC - Power Source Auto Power OFF Weight Four 1.5V AA Alkaline batteries (included) After three minutes Selectable 1, 2, 3, 5 minutes or disabled 12oz (350g) FEATURES Built-in tone generator for tracing and locating cables Large high-visibility blue electroluminescent backlit display Compatible with industry standard Tone Receivers MODEL CA7024 · Hand-held Cable Length Meter and Fault Locator for multiple conductor cables · D etects opens and shorts and the distance to them from one end of the cable · Measure cable length up to 6000ft or 2000m (selectable) · Automatic cable impedance compensation · Built-in library of most common cables and their Velocity of Propagation (Vp) · Manual selection of Vp for all cables not found in library · User programmable cable library with 15 storage positions · Vp setting displayed along with length and cable type (if in library) MODEL CA7027 · Works on de-energized conductors · 11 range scales indicating cable faults and terminations up to 19,000ft (6000m) in feet or meters · Unique graphical and digital display of fault information and length · Detects opens, shorts, taps, faulty taps, bridge taps, splitters, high resistance, wet cables, splices and more · Identifies impedance mismatches · W orks with twisted pair, parallel and coaxial cable · D ead band less than 9ft · Selectable cable impedance (25, 50, 75, 100) · O ver-voltage protection up to 250V · A djustable cursor assists in locating faults and termination PRODUCT INCLUDES MODEL CA7024 Soft carrying case, BNC pigtail cable with alligator clips, four 1.5V AA batteries and user manual. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION MODEL CA7027 Soft carrying case, set of two color-coded (red/ black) leads, test probes, alligator clips, four 1.5V AA batteries and user manual. 2127.80 2127.84 Fault Mapper Model CA7024 (Cable Fault / Length Tester Alphanumeric TDR) Fault Mapper Pro® Model CA7027 (Telephone Cable Tester / Graphical TDR) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 5 CABLE TESTERS WIRE MAPPER PRO LAN & CABLE TESTER MODEL CA7028 The only wire-mapper in its class with graphical and digital display of fault type and fault location SPECIFICATIONS MODEL MEASUREMENTS Range Accuracy Cable Type Faults Indicated Fault Location Fault Display Wiring Schemes Service Indication Voltage Warning Test Inhibit Tone Generator Power Source Display Backlight Remote Display Auto Power OFF Weight CA7028 500ft or 150m (selectable) ±5% of Reading UTP, STP, FTP and SSTP Short Circuit Pair, Open Circuit Wire, Short Between Pairs,Split/Cross Pairs, Pair Reversals, Shield Continuity Near end, remote end, or distance to fault All fault and setting info displayed textually and graphically TIA 568A/B, USOC and ISDN Telephone, 10BaseT, 100Mbit+, Token Ring Audible and visual warning of TNV (Telecom Network Voltage) Inhibits testing in the presence of live voltages Oscillating 810 to 1110Hz Four 1.5V AA Alkaline batteries (included) Blue electroluminescent Green/Red Pass/Fail LED After three minutes Main unit: 12oz (350g); Remote unit: 1.5oz (40g) PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, remote ID (#1), two patch cords, four 1.5V AA batteries, remote unit and user manual. FEATURES · Hand-held LAN Cable Mapping and Troubleshooting Tester · Indicates all common wiring faults including split pairs, shorts, opens, reversed pairs and crossed wires · U nique graphical and digital display of fault information and length · Active remote unit indicates Pass/Fail at remote end by green/red LED during the test · Indicates distances to opens and shorts and identifies location · D isplay fault location up to 500ft (150m) (selectable) · Built-in tone generator for tracing and locating cables · B uilt-in service check function to detect telephone, 10BaseT, 100Mbit+ and Token Ring · V isual and audible warning of live telephone network voltages · W orks with all category cables · R ugged design weighs less than 12oz (350g) · Large high-visibility blue electroluminescent backlit display · C omplete with remote unit and mini patch leads · W orks with TIA 568A/B, USOC and ISDN wiring schemes · C ompatible with industry standard Tone Receivers CATALOG NO. 2127.82 DESCRIPTION Wire Mapper Pro Model CA7028 (LAN Cable Tester) 6 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CLAMP-ON METERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391AND AVAILABILITY: 7 CLAMP-ON METERS 200, 400 & 600 SERIES GENERAL PURPOSE METERS MODELS 203/403/603 & 205/405/605 Users can be sure of working in a higher degree of safety with 1000V CAT IV rated meters (model dependent) SPECIFICATIONS MODELS 203/403/603 TRMS ELECTRICAL Current AC (rms) Current DC Current AC+DC Voltage AC (rms) Voltage DC Voltage AC+DC Ohms Continuity (Buzzer) Diode Test 600/1000/2000A 900/1500/3000A 1000/1000/1000V 1000/1000/1000V 60/100/100k Yes (< 40) Yes Total Harmonic Distortion Single- and 3-Phase Real Power (AC, DC, AC/DC)* Single- and 3-Phase Reactive Power (AC, DC, AC/DC)* Single- and 3-Phase Apparent Power (AC, DC, AC/DC)* Temperature (int., ext., C°, F°) Yes Voltage Frequency (Hz) Current Frequency (Hz) 20kHz 3/2/1kHz Power Function (W, var, VA) Power Factor THD-r/THD-f Adapter (AC/DC) Phase Rotation 0 to 6V (203) 0 to 10V (403/603) Auto AC/DC Yes (V & A) Auto Power OFF Yes Hold Button Yes Backlight Button Yes Min/Max Button Yes True InRush® Function Yes Relative Function Yes Peak ± Function Hz Button Yes *3-phase measurements assume balanced load 205/405/605 TRMS 600/1000/2000A 900/1500/3000A 900/1500/3000A 1000/1000/1000V 1000/1000/1000V 1000/1000/1000V 60/100/100k Yes (< 40) Yes Yes 600/1000/2000kW 600/1000/2000kvar 600/1000/2000kVA 20kHz 3/2/1kHz Yes Yes Yes Yes (2 wire) Yes (V & A) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * *Models 203 & 205 only Original IP IP 40 54 200 Series 400 & 600 Series Housing Only FEATURES · 1000V CAT IV Rated (Models 403/603 & 405/605) · UL 94 VI flame retardant self-extinguishing · 10,000-count (400 & 600 Series) and 6000 count (200 Series) blue electroluminescent backlit display · Measures up to 1000VAC (1400V peak), 1000VDC and AC+DC with resolution to 10mV · Measures up to 2000AAC and 3000ADC (model dependent) · M easures single- and three-phase power (real, reactive and apparent) up to 3MW with resolution to 1W (model dependent) · Measures W, VA, var and PF for single- and threephase balanced systems (Models 205, 405 & 605) · Measures frequency to 20kHz with 0.1Hz resolution · Auto selects AC or DC measurement voltage · True InRush® current measurement with 100mS capture · Jaw opening up to 1.33" (34mm) (200 series), 1.89" (48mm) (400 series) and 2.36" (60mm) (600 series) · K-thermocouple and adapter included (Models 203, 403 & 603) CATALOG NO. 2139.12 2139.40 2139.21 2139.50 2139.31 2139.60 DESCRIPTION Clamp-On Meter Model 203 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 600Aac/900Adc, Ohms, Continuity, Temperature) Power Clamp-On Meter Model 205 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 600Aac/900Adc, Ohms, Continuity, Phase Rotation, Power, THD) Clamp-On Meter Model 403 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 1000Aac/1500Adc, Ohms, Continuity, Temperature) Power Clamp-On Meter Model 405 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 1000Aac/1500Adc, Phase Rotation, Ohms, Continuity, Power, THD) Clamp-On Meter Model 603 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 2000Aac/3000Adc, Ohms, Continuity, Temperature) Power Clamp-On Meter Model 605 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 2000Aac/3000Adc, Phase Rotation, Ohms, Continuity, Power, THD) 8 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CLAMP-ON METERS 400 & 600 SERIES BLUETOOTH EDITION POWER AND HARMONIC METERS MODELS 407 & 607 Now available with AndroidTM mobile application IP 54 Original FEATURES · 1000V CAT IV Rated 400 & 600 Series Housing Only · U L 94 VI flame retardant self-extinguishing · 10,000-count blue electroluminescent backlit display · Measures up to 1000VAC (1400V peak), 1000VDC and AC+DC with resolution to 10mV · Measures up to 2000AAC and 3000AAC (Model 607) · Measures W, VA, var and PF for single- and three-phase balanced systems · Measures single- and three-phase power (real, reactive and apparent) up to 3MW with resolution to 1W · Measures frequency to 20kHz with 0.1Hz resolution · Auto selects AC or DC measurement · True InRush® current measurement with 100mS capture · M easures harmonics up to the 25th · R ecords up to 1000 measurements · B luetooth communication (communicates up to 30ft) · Includes FREE DataView® software for download and report generation · Jaw opening up to 1.89" (48mm) (400 series) and up to 2.36" (60mm) (600 series) SPECIFICATIONS MODELS 407 TRMS ELECTRICAL Current AC (rms) Current DC Current AC+DC Voltage AC (rms) Voltage DC Voltage AC+DC Ohms Continuity (Buzzer) Total Harmonic Distortion Individual Harmonics (to 25th) Single- and 3-Phase Real Power (AC, DC, AC/DC)* 1000A 1500A 1500A Peak 1000V 1000V 1000V 100k Yes (< 40) Yes Yes 1000kW Single- and 3-Phase Reactive Power (AC, DC, AC/DC)* 1000kvar Single- and 3-Phase Apparent Power (AC, DC, AC/DC)* 1000kVA Voltage Frequency (Hz) 20kHz Current Frequency (Hz) 2kHz Power Function (W, var, VA) Yes Power Factor Yes THD-r/THD-f Yes Auto AC/DC Yes (V & A) Auto Power OFF Yes Hold Button Yes Backlight Button Yes Min/Max Button Yes True InRush® Function Yes Peak ± Function Yes Harmonics Function Yes Rec (Record) Function Yes Wireless BT (Bluetooth) Function Yes Record (Recordings) 1000 Hz Button Yes *3-phase measurements assume balanced load 607 TRMS 2000A 3000A 3000A Peak 1000V 1000V 1000V 100k Yes (< 40) Yes Yes 1000kW 2000kvar 2000kVA 20kHz 1kHz Yes Yes Yes Yes (V & A) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1000 Yes PRODUCT INCLUDES MODELS 407 & 607 Hard carrying case, set of two color-coded silicone test leads, test probes and alligator clips, Bluetooth USB adapter, four 1.5V AA batteries, safety information sheet, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2139.51 2139.61 DESCRIPTION Power Clamp-On Meter Model 407 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 1000Aac/1500Adc, Ohms, Continuity, Energy, Harmonics, Power, THD, Recording) Power Clamp-On Meter Model 607 (TRMS, 1000Vac/dc, 2000Aac/3000Adc, Ohms, Continuity, Energy, Harmonics, Power, THD, Recording) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 9 CLAMP-ON METERS 670 SERIES MODELS 670 & 675 Dual display simultaneously measures and displays voltage and current! MODEL 670 Jaw Opening: 1.65" (42mm) Conductor Size: one 750kcmil cable or two 350kcmil cables SAFETY IP R ATIN G 30 MODEL 675 Jaw Opening: 1.58" (40mm) Conductor Size: one 750kcmil cable or two 350kcmil cables Original SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL AC Current Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy DC Current Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy AC Voltage Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Input Resistance DC Voltage Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Input Resistance Resistance-Ohms () Measuring Range Resolution Accuracy Continuity ( ) Beeper Activation Accuracy Frequency (Hz) Function Range Resolution Accuracy Temperature (°C/°F) Measuring Range Resolution GENERAL Power Supply Battery Life MECHANICAL Digital Display Jaw Opening ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature 670 TRMS 675 TRMS 0.00 to 99.99A 100 to 1000A 0.01A 0.1A ±1.5% of Reading ±5cts (50 to 60Hz) ±2.0% of Reading ±5cts (60 to 500Hz) ±4.5% of Reading ±5cts (500Hz to 3kHz) 0.00 to 99.99A 100 to 1000A 0.01A 0.1A ±1.5% of Reading ±5cts (50 to 60Hz) ±2.0% of Reading ±5cts (60 to 500Hz) ±4.5% of Reading ±5cts (500Hz to 3kHz) 0.00 to 99.99A 100.0 to 999.9A 1000 to 1400A 0.01A 0.1A 1A ±1.2% of ±2.5% of ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts Reading ±5cts Reading ±5cts 0.0 to 999.9V 0.1V ±1.0% of Reading ±5cts (50 to 60Hz) ±1.2% of Reading ±5cts (60 to 500Hz) ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts (500Hz to 3kHz) 1M 0.0 to 999.9V 1000 to 1400V 0.1V 1V ±1% of Reading ±2cts 1M 0.0 to 999.9 1000 to 9999 0.1 1 ±1% of Reading ±3cts, 3.3Vdc (Vmax) < 35 ±1% of Reading ±3cts, 3.3Vdc (Vmax) A - Hz V - Hz 1000Hz 10,000Hz 0.1Hz 1Hz ±1.0% of Reading ±2cts 0.0 to 999.9V 0.1V ±1.0% of Reading ±5cts (50 to 60Hz) ±1.2% of Reading ±5cts (60 to 500Hz) ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts (500Hz to 3kHz) 1M 0.0 to 999.9V 1000 to 1400V 0.1V 1V ±1% of Reading ±2cts 1M 0.0 to 999.9 1000 to 9999 0.1 1 ±1% of Reading ±3cts, 3.3Vdc (Vmax) < 35 ±1% of Reading ±3cts, 3.3Vdc (Vmax) A - Hz V - Hz 1000Hz 10,000Hz 0.1Hz 1Hz ±1.0% of Reading ±2cts -40° to 999.5°C 0.5°C 1000° to 1200°C 1°C -40° to 2192°F 1°F -40° to 999.5°C 0.5°C 1000° to 1200°C 1°C -40° to 2192°F 1°F One 9V, NEDA 1604 (6F22) Alkaline battery (included) (no buzzer or backlight) 35 hours (no buzzer or backlight) 30 hours 3 ¾ digits LCD dual display (max reading 9999) 1.65" (42mm) 3 ¾ digits LCD dual display (max reading 9999) 1.58" (40mm) *-14° to 122°F (-25 to 50°C), 80% RH, non-condensing *-14° to 122°F (-25 to 50°C), 80% RH, non-condensing FEATURES · Dual display · Standard size, full function clamp-on meter · 1000AAC/DC current measurements (DC current on Model 675 only) · 1400VDC volt measurements · TRMS measurements · Resistance measurement to 10,000 · Continuity with beeper below 35 · Frequency measurements from V and A inputs · 1ms peak function for fast capture of signals · Hold function to "freeze" readings · Designed to measure amps and volts at the same time · Push-button for easy ADC zeroing · Large, easy-to-read 10,000count, backlit LCD display · Includes test leads and soft carrying case *Note: If the meter is to be used below 32°F (0°C), we suggest that the battery be replaced to ensure proper results. PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, set of test leads (red/black with safety needle tips), K-type thermocouple, one 9V battery and a user manual. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2117.49 2117.50 Clamp-On Meter Model 670 (Dual Display, TRMS, AC Amps, AC/DC Volts, Ohms, Continuity, Frequency, & Temperature) Clamp-On Meter Model 675 (Dual Display, TRMS, AC/DC Amps & Volts, Ohms, Continuity, Frequency & Temperature) 10 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CLAMP-ON METERS 500 SERIES MODEL 503 Jaw Opening: 1.1" (28mm) Conductor Size: one 500kcmil cable MODEL 503 Small compact size clamp-meter that fits comfortably in a tool bag FEATURES · Compact size - fits into your pocket · 400AAC or 400AAC/DC current measurements · 600VAC/DC volts measurements · Resistance measurements to 400 · Continuity with beeper below 40 · Hold function to "freeze" readings · Push-button for easy ADC zeroing · Large, easy-to-read 4000-count LCD display · 42-segment analog bargraph · Includes test leads and soft carrying pouch SPECIFICATIONS MODEL AC Current (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy 50 to 60Hz 60 to 500Hz AC Voltage (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy 50 to 60Hz 60 to 500Hz Input Impedance DC Current (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy DC Voltage (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy Input Impedance Resistance Accuracy Max Test Voltage Continuity Max Test Voltage Power Source 503 0.05 to 400A 0.01A and 0.1A ±1.5% of Reading ±10cts ±2.5% of Reading ±10cts 0.5 to 600V 0.1V and 1V ±0.8% of Reading ±5cts ±1.5% of Reading ±5cts 10M 0.10 to 400A 0.01A and 0.1A ±2.5% of Reading ±10cts 0.2 to 600V 0.1V and 1V ±1% of Reading ±2cts 10M 0.2 to 400 ±1% of Reading ±2cts 1.5VDC <40 1.5VDC Two 1.5V AAA batteries (included) PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, set of two test leads, two 1.5V AAA batteries and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2117.22 DESCRIPTION Clamp-On Meter Model 503 (AC/DC, 400Aac/dc, 600Vac/dc, Ohms, Continuity) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 11 CLAMP-ON METERS 500 SERIES MODELS 512 & 514 Full ranges and compliance to international safety and quality standards ensure a professional and reliable tool MODELS 512 & 514 Jaw Opening: 1.575" (40mm) Conductor Size: one 750kcmil cable or two 350kcmil cables SPECIFICATIONS MODELS AC Current (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy 50 to 60Hz 60 to 500Hz AC Voltage (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy 60 to 500Hz Input Impedance DC Current (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy DC Voltage (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy Input Impedance Resistance Accuracy Max Test Voltage Diode Test Open Circuit Voltage Continuity Max Test Voltage Frequency (Auto-Ranging) CURRENT INPUT Range 4kHz 10kHz Accuracy 20Hz to 10kHz Min Input Signal 4kHz VOLTAGE INPUT 10kHz Range 4kHz 10kHz Accuracy 10Hz to 10kHz Min Input Signal 4kHz 10kHz Power Source ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature 512 TRMS 0.05 to 1000Arms 0.01A, 0.1A and 1A ±1.9% of Reading ±5cts ±1.9% of Reading ±5cts 0.5 to 750Vrms 0.1V and 1V ±1.2% of Reading ±5cts 10M 0.2 to 1000V 0.1V and 1V ±0.75% of Reading ±2cts 10M 0.2 to 4000 ±1% of Reading ±2cts 3Vdc 0.6mA 3Vdc <40 3Vdc 514 TRMS 0.05 to 1000Arms 0.01A, 0.1A and 1A ±1.9% of Reading ±5cts ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts Original 0.5 to 750Vrms 0.1V and 1Vrms ±1.5% of Reading ±5cts 10M 1A to 1000A 0.01A, 0.1A and 1A ±2.5% of Reading ±10cts 0.2 to 1000V 0.1V and 1Vrms ±1% of Reading ±2cts 10M 0.2 to 4000 ±1% of Reading ±2cts 3Vdc 1.7mA 3Vdc <40 3Vdc 1Hz Resolution ±0.1% of Reading ±1ct 2Arms 1Hz Resolution 10Hz Resolution ±0.1% of Reading ±1ct 2Arms 5Arms 1Hz Resolution 1Hz Resolution 10Hz Resolution 10Hz Resolution ±0.1% of Reading ±1ct ±0.1% of Reading ±1ct 5Vrms 5Vrms 5Vrms 10Vrms 9V Alkaline battery (included) 32° to 104°F (0° to 40°C) < 80% RH, non-condensing *-14° to 122°F (-25° to 50°C), 80% RH, non-condensing FEATURES · Standard size, full function clamp-on meter · 1000AAC or 1000AAC/DC current measurements · 750VAC or 1000VDC volt measurements · TRMS measurements · Resistance measurements to 4000 · Continuity with beeper below 40 · Frequency measurements from V and A · Diode test · 1ms peak function for fast capture of signals · Hold function to "freeze" readings · Push-button for easy ADC zeroing · Large, easy-to-read, 4000-count LCD display · 42-segment analog bargraph · Includes test leads, soft carrying pouch and batteries PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, set of two test leads, 9V battery and user manual. *Note: If Model 514 is to be used below 32°F (0°C), we suggest that the battery be replaced to ensure proper results. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2117.68 2117.70 Clamp-On Meter Model 512 (TRMS, 1000Aac, 750Vac/1000Vdc, Ohms, Continuity, Hz) Clamp-On Meter Model 514 (AC/DC, TRMS, 1000Aac/dc, 750Vac/1000Vdc, Ohms, Continuity, Hz) 12 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CLAMP-ON METERS 100AAC/DC LOW CURRENT MODEL CM605 For general industrial monitoring and troubleshooting FEATURES · 10,000-count LCD display excellent resolution · 100AAC/DC Ammeter with low 10A range (1mA resolution) · Tapered jaws for crowded wiring areas Jaw opening: Ø 0.60"- 15mm Cable diameter: Ø 0.45"- 12mm · 600VAC/DC voltmeter · Analog output in AAC/DC to data loggers, etc · Auto-ranging & ADC zero push-button · Data HOLD & PEAK functions · Relative function to compare two measurements · Ohm range & continuity test with beeper · Auto Power OFF and low battery indicator · IEC/EN 61010 safety rated & CE mark · 600Vrms overload protection SPECIFICATIONS MODEL CM605 ELECTRICAL AC Current Measurement Ranges 2 Ranges: 10A, 100A Accuracy & Resolution 10A: ±2.0% of Reading ±10cts - 1mA Resolution 80A: ±2.0% of Reading ±10cts - 10mA Resolution > 80A: ±3.5% of Reading ±10cts - 10mA Resolution Frequency Range 2 Ranges: 50 to 500Hz DC Current (positive only) Measurement Ranges 2 Ranges: 10A, 100A Accuracy & Resolution 10A: ±2.5% of Reading ±10cts - 1mA Resolution 80A: ±2.5% of Reading ±10cts - 10mA Resolution > 80A: ±4.5% of Reading ±10cts - 10mA Resolution AC Volts Measurement Ranges Accuracy & Resolution Frequency 600Vrms ±1.5% of Reading ±5cts - 100mV Resolution 40 to 500Hz Input Impedance 10M, < 50pF DC Volts (positive only)* Measurement Ranges Accuracy & Resolution Input Impedance 600V ±1.0% of Reading ±2cts - 100mV Resolution 10M Resistance (Ohms) Measurement Ranges Accuracy & Resolution Test Voltage 10k (9999) ±1.0% of Reading ±3cts - 1 Resolution < 3.0Vdc Continuity Measurement Ranges Buzzer < 100 ±25 Resolution Test Voltage 1 < 3.0Vdc Analog Output Output Frequency 10mV/Aac & Adc through front banana jacks 0 to 20kHz @ ±3db Output Impedance 3k, < 50pF Other Functions Adc Zero & Relative Function One touch push button (ZERO Button) to Zero Adc, or other readings. Relative function also used in the other ranges to compare two measurements. HOLD Function PEAK Function Auto-Ranging Over Range Holds A & V measurements when pressed (HOLD button) Captures PEAK (1ms) V or A measurement when activated (PEAK Button) "AUTO" displayed on LCD "OL" displayed on LCD for all measurements Auto Power OFF Auto Power OFF after approx 10 minute with Over-Ride Low Battery Low Battery indication on LCD MECHANICAL Max. Cable Diameter Ø 0.45" (12mm) Max. Jaw Opening Ø 0.60" (15mm) Power Source Two 1.5V AAA (LR03) batteries (included) Dimensions & Weight 7.95 x 2.76 x 1.33" (202 x 70 x 34mm) 6.5oz (180g) Safety Standards IEC/EN 61010-1 and 2-032 600V CAT II and 300V CAT III Pollution Degree 2 Class 2 Double or reinforced insulation, CE mark *For negative measurement, add 2cts to the accuracy PRODUCT INCLUDES CATALOG NO. 7000.02 Soft carrying case, set of two test leads, two 1.5V AAA batteries and user manual. DESCRIPTION Clamp-On Meter Model CM605 (100Aac/dc, Low Current) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 13 CLAMP-ON METERS SELECTION GUIDE MODELS CATALOG NUMBER TYPE AC AC CURRENT VOLTAGE DC CURRENT DC VOLTAGE RESISTANCE () CONTINUITY FREQUENCY (HZ) JAW SIZE DIMENSIONS CURRENT VOLTAGE 203 2139.12 AC/DC TRMS 600A 1000V 900A 1000V 60k <40 3kHz 20kHz 1.33" (34mm) 8.7 x 3.1 x 1.65" 205 2139.40 AC/DC TRMS 600A 1000V 900A 1000V 60k <40 3kHz 20kHz 1.33" (34mm) 8.7 x 3.1 x 1.65" 403 2139.21 AC/DC TRMS 1000A 1000V 1500A 1000V 100k <40 2kHz 20kHz 1.89" (48mm) 10.7 x 3.6 x 1.6" 405 2139.50 AC/DC TRMS 1000A 1000V 1500A 1000V 100k <40 2kHz 20kHz 1.89" (48mm) 10.7 x 3.6 x 1.6" 407 2139.51 AC/DC TRMS 1000A 1000V 1500A 1000V 100k <40 2kHz 20kHz 1.89" (48mm) 10.7 x 3.6 x 1.6" 603 2139.31 AC/DC TRMS 2000A 1000V 3000A 1000V 100k <40 1kHz 20kHz 2.36" (60mm) 11.65 x 4.37 x 1.61" 605 2139.60 AC/DC TRMS 2000A 1000V 3000A 1000V 100k <40 1kHz 20kHz 2.36" (60mm) 11.65 x 4.37 x 1.61" 607 2139.61 AC/DC TRMS 2000A 1000V 3000A 1000V 100k <40 1kHz 20kHz 2.36" (60mm) 11.65 x 4.37 x 1.61" 503 2117.22 AC/DC 0.05 to 400A 0.5 to 600V 0.10 to 400A 0.2 to 600V 400 <40 - - 1.1" (28mm) 7.60 x 1.97 x 1.1" 512 2117.68 AC TRMS 0.05 to 1000A 0.5 to 750V - 0.2 to 1000V 4000 <40 20kHz to 10kHz 10Hz to 10kHz 1.58" (40mm) 9.53 x 2.60 x 1.42" 514 2117.70 AC/DC TRMS 0.05 to 1000A 0.5 to 750V 1 to 1000A 0.2 to 1000V 4000 <40 20kHz to 10kHz 10Hz to 10kH 1.58" (40mm) 9.53 x 2.60 x 1.42" 565 2117.56 AC TRMS 0 to 600mA; 10 to 100A 0 to 600V - 0 to 600V 0 to 1k 0 to 1k 0 to 1kHz 0 to 1kHz 1.1" (28mm) 8.5 x 2.5 x 1.18" CM605 7000.02 AC/DC 1mA to 100A 600Vrms 1mA to 100A 600V 0 to 9999 Buzzer <100 ± 25 50 to 500Hz 40 to 500Hz 0.60" (15mm) 7.95 x 2.76 x 1.33" 670 2117.49 AC TRMS 0 to 1000A 0 to 1000V - 1000 to 1400V 1000 to 10,000 <35 1000Hz 10,000Hz 1.65" (42mm) 10.71 x 3.15 x 1.69" 675 2117.50 AC/DC TRMS 0 to 1000A 0 to 1000V 0 to 1400A 0 to 1400V 0 to 9999 <35 1000Hz 10,000Hz 1.58" (40mm) 10.12 x 3.15 x 1.69" 14 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES SEE WEBSITE FOR PRICING AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMC.COM CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MINIFLEX® SERIES HIGH FREQUENCY OSCILLOSCOPE COMPATIBLE MINIFLEX® PROBES A compact AC current measurement device composed of a flexible sensor and an electronic module designed to measure frequency response up to 1MHz Model MF 300-6-2-10-HF (6" probe) SAFETY R ATIN G Original SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Range Signal Output Frequency Range Influence of Conductor Positioning Influence of Conductor Positioning in Sensor Against Handle External Conductor Influence Power Source MECHANICAL Sensor Diameter Sensor Length Max Conductor Size Connection Cable Length Drop Test Vibration Mechanical Shock Weatherproofing ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Altitude SAFETY Safety Rating Model MF 300-10-2-10-HF (10" probe) MF 300-6-2-10-HF MF 300-10-2-10-HF 30/300A 100mV/10mV/A 5 to 1MHz @ -3db 1.5% typical, 3% max 4% typical, 6% max 35dB to 40dB on contact 9V Alkaline battery (6LF22) 6" (152mm) 1.77" (45mm) Ø 0.2" (5mm) 10" (250mm) 2.95" (70mm) 6.5ft (2m) Per IEC 68-2-32 Per IEC 68-2-6 Per IEC 68-2-27 IP50 14° to 131°F (-10° to +55°C) -40° to 158°F (-40° to +70°C) Operating: 0 to 6562ft (0 to 2000m), working voltage derating above; Non-operating: 0 to 39,000ft (0 to 12,000m) EN 61010, 1000V CAT III; 600V CAT IV FEATURES · Measures from 0.5 to 300Arms · Accuracy ±1% of Reading ±0.2A · TRMS measurements when connected to a TRMS instrument · No core saturation or damage if overloaded · 9V battery for typical 150 hours continuous operation · 1MHz frequency response · Low phase shift for power measurements · Insensitive to DC, measures only AC component on DC + AC signals · Excellent linearity · Lightweight · Sensor is resistant to oils and aliphatic hydrocarbons · Perfect accessory for all oscilloscopes CATALOG NO. 2126.83 2126.84 DESCRIPTION MiniFlex® Model MF 300-6-2-10-HF MiniFlex® Model MF 300-10-2-10-HF 16 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBES MINIFLEX® FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBES FOR GENERAL USE A flexible sensor equipped with banana or BNC connector that can be connected directly to any multimeter, wattmeter or logger for effective measurements at the standard frequencies Model MF 300-6-2-10 (6" probe) SAFETY R ATIN G Original FEATURES · Measures from 0.5 to 3000Arms · Accuracy ±1% of Reading ±0.25A · TRMS measurements when connected to a TRMS instrument · No core saturation or damage if overloaded · Overrange LED for measurement circuitry · 20kHz frequency response · Low phase shift for power measurements · Insensitive to DC, measures only AC component on DC + AC signals · Excellent linearity · 9V Alkaline battery, provides typical 150 hours of continuous operation · EN 61010; 1000V CAT III; 600V CAT IV Model MF 3000-10-2-1 (10" probe) SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Range Signal Output Frequency Range Influence of Conductor Positioning Influence of Conductor Positioning in Sensor Against Handle External Conductor Influence Power Source MECHANICAL Sensor Diameter Sensor Length Max Conductor Size Connection Cable Length Drop Test Vibration Mechanical Shock ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Altitude SAFETY Safety Rating MF 300-6-2-10 MF 3000-10-2-1 30/300A 300/3000A 100mV/10mV/A 10mV/1mV/A 10 to 20kHz with current derating 1.5% typical, 3% max 4% typical, 5% max 35dB to 40dB on contact 9V Alkaline battery (included) Ø 0.2" (5mm) vs 0.5" (12.5mm) for AmpFlex® 6" (152mm) 10" (250mm) 1.77" (45mm) 2.95" (74.9mm) 6.5ft (2m) Per IEC 68-2-32 Per IEC 68-2-6 Per IEC 68-2-27 14° to 131°F (10° to 55°C) -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Operating: 0 to 6562ft (0 to 2000m), working voltage derating above; Non-operating: 0 to 39,000 (0 to 12,000m) EN 61010, 1000V CAT III; 600V CAT IV; Pollution Degree II CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2126.81 MiniFlex® Model MF 300-6-2-10 2126.82 MiniFlex® Model MF 3000-10-2-1 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2119.94 Adapter BNC (Female) to 4mm Banana (Male) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 17 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MINIFLEX® SERIES MODEL MA114 Provide a welcomed solution when accessing electrical conductors in tight places or clamping onto cable bundles FEATURES · 14-inch flexible sensor capable of clamping around a 3.93 inch cable or bundle · Waterproof sensor rated to IP 67 · User selectable ranges of 3, 30, 300 and 3000 Amps · 600V CAT IV, 1000V CAT III rated · Not effected by magnetic saturation, provides excellent linearity and low phase shift · Battery or USB powered for long term use · Red LED indicates overload condition · Positive click locking sensor eliminates disconnection errors · Banana plug termination compatible with multimeters, data loggers and other instruments SAFETY R ATIN G 3AAC 1 mV/mA Original 30AAC 100 mV/A IP 67 300AAC 3,000AAC 10 mV/A 1 mV/A SPECIFICATIONS MODEL Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range Load Impedance Working Voltage Battery Battery Life Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Sensor Length Cable Length Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight SAFETY Electrical Electromagnetic Compatibility Protection Double Insulation MA114 3; 30; 300; 3000AAC 3A Range: 0.5 to 3AAC, 30A Range: 2 to 30AAC 300A Range: 5 to 300AAC, 3000A Range: 50 to 3000AAC Voltage Output 3A Range: 1V/A (1mV/mA) (3VAC @ 3A), 30A Range: 100 mV/A (3Vac @ 30A) 300A Range: 10 mV/A (3Vac @ 300A), 3000A Range: 1 mV/A (3Vac @ 3000A) 3A, 30A Range: 1% of Reading ± 40mA 300A, 3000A Range: 1.5% of Reading + 40mA (l10% Inom) 1% of Reading + 40mA (l10% Inom) 1° (0.5° typical) 3A Range: 4.5A, 30A Range: 45A, 300A Range: 450A, 3000A Range: 4500A 3A Range: 10Hz to 10kHz, 30A, 300A, 3000A Range: 10Hz to 20kHz 1M 600Vrms (CAT IV), 1000Vrms (CAT III) Two 1.5V AA batteries or LR6 alkaline, +5VDC with type B micro-USB 300 hours typical. Approximately 1,800 10-minute measurements. 1.6ft (0.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs 14° to 131°F (-10° to 55°C) -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) 0 to 95% @ 95°F (35°C) 14" (35.6 cm) 6.5ft (2m) Ø 3.93" (10cm) 4.7 x 2.3 x 1.4" (12 x 5.8 x 3.6cm) Approximately 10.58oz (300g) IEC 61010-2-32 type B, 1000V CAT III, 600V CAT IV, Pollution Degree 2 IEC 61326-1 IP54 (electronic unit), IP67 (flexible sensor) Yes CATALOG NO. 2153.41 DESCRIPTION MiniFlex® 14" Model MA114 (3A/1mV/A, 30A/100mV/A, 300A/10mV/A, 3000A/1mV/A) 18 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBES AMPFLEX® FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBES Flexible AC current probe composed of a flexible SAFETY sensor and an electronic module R ATIN G Original FEATURES · Models ranging from 0.5 to 30,000Arms · Accuracy ±1% of Reading · TRMS measurements when connected to a TRMS instrument · No core saturation or damage if overloaded · Overrange LED for measurement circuitry · Waterproof sensor · 9V Alkaline battery, provides typical 150 hours of continuous operation (battery included) · Shape memory for custom pre-shaping of sensor before use (no drooping) · Very high frequency response · Low phase shift for power measurements of <1.3°, 0.7° typical · Insensitive to DC, measures only AC component on DC + AC signals · Excellent linearity · Lightweight MODEL 300-24-2-10 1000-24-1-1 1000-24-2-1 1000-36-2-1 3000-24-1-1 3000-36-1-1 3000-24-2-1 3000-36-2-1 3000-48-2-1 6000-36-2-0.1 30000-24-2-0.1 MEASUREMENT RANGE OUTPUT 30/300A 1000A 100/1000A 100/1000A 3000A 3000A 300/3000A 300/3000A 300/3000A 600/6000A 3000/30,000A 100/10mV/A 1mV/A 10/1mV/A 10/1mV/A 1mV/A 1mV/A 10/1mV/A 10/1mV/A 10/1mV/A 1/0.1mV/A 1/0.1mV/A SENSOR LENGTH INCHES (MM) 24 (610) 24 (610) 24 (610) 36 (910) 24 (610) 36 (910) 24 (610) 36 (910) 48 (1220) 36 (910) 24 (610) MAX CONDUCTOR SIZE INCHES (MM) 8 (190) 8 (190) 8 (190) 11 (290) 8 (190) 11 (290) 8 (190) 11 (290) 15 (390) 11 (290) 8 (190) CATALOG NO. 2112.88 2112.39 2112.98 2113.00 2112.46 2112.48 2113.05 2112.00 2112.01 2113.21 2113.33 Consult factory for NIST Calibration prices Consult factory for special offers and ranges/lengths not shown here. Note: Output is safety shrouded 4mm male banana plug FLEXPROBE® FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBE MODEL 24-3001 Low cost AC current measurement probe designed to plug into digital multimeters, oscilloscopes and power recorders SAFETY R ATIN G Original FEATURES · 24" flexible sensor fits around conductors up to 7.6" in diameter · Dual measurement ranges of 300A and 3000 AAC · Read amperage directly on DMM display · mV output directly proportional to the AC current measured · Output is 10mV/A on 300A range and 1mV/A on 3000A range · Accuracy of ±1% of Reading ±500mA · 4% influence of conductor position in jaw · Up to 150 hours of battery life · Dual banana plug termination for direct input into DMMs · Flashing LED low batteryindicator · 9V Alkaline battery, provides typical150 hours of continuous operation (battery included) CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Current Range Output Signal Three Position Slide Switch 10mV/A 1mV/A ON/OFF Power Source MECHANICAL Maximum Conductor Size Sensor Length Cable Length Output Connection 24-3001 300/3000AAC mV output (4000mV peak max) 5A to 300Arms 50A to 3000Arms 9V Alkaline battery (included) 7.6" (193mm) 24" ±1" (610mm ±25.4mm) 6.5ft (2m) Double insulated 14" (355mm) lead with safety banana plugs ACCESSORIES BANANA (FEMALE) BNC (MALE) (XM-BB) Catalog #2118.46 (optional for AmpFlex® & FlexProbe® Flexible Current Probes) 2120.81 FlexProbe® Model 24-3001 (300/3000Aac, 24", 10mV/A/1mV/A, Lead) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2118.46 Adapter Banana (Female) BNC (Male) (XM-BB) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 19 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES DC/AC MICROPROBES AND CURRENT PROBES MD SERIES & K SERIES MD SERIES K SERIES MD Series probes are rugged and designed for use on cables and bus bars. K Series small probes designed for high accuracy measuring low currents SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Nominal Range MD301 500AAC MD305 600AAC Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy 25A 100A 250A 500A 600A Phase Shift 25A 100A 250A 500A 600A Overload 2 to 500AAC 1 to 700AAC Voltage output 1000:1 1mV/A (0.5VDC @ 500A) 1mA/A (0.6AAC @ 600A) (500A Range) 5% of Reading 2% of Reading 1% of Reading 1% of Reading - (600A Range) 3% of Reading 1.5% of Reading 1% of Reading 1% of Reading 2% of Reading - 3° - 1.5° - 1° - 1° - 1° 700A for 10 min Frequency Range 48 to 1000Hz (error: add 2% to the ref.) 40 to 1000Hz (error: add 2% to the ref.) Load Impedance Working/Common Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL 100k 5 max non-inductive 600Vrms Double-insulated 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Jaw Opening Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight Material 5° to 122°F (-15° to 50°C) -40° to 185°F (-40° to 85°C) 1.3" (33mm) 1.18" (30mm), Max Bus Bar size: 2.48 x 0.20" (63 x 5mm) 2.6 x 7.68 x 1.34" (66 x 195 x 34mm) 14.82 oz (420g) Polycarbonate UL 94 SAFETY Electrical Electromagnetic Compatibility EN 61010-2-032 600V CAT III, Pollution: 2; 300V CAT IV, Pollution: 2 EN 50081-1 Class B; EN 50082-2 Electrostatic discharge IEC 1000-4-2; Radiated field IEC 1000-4-3; Fast transients IEC 1000- 4-4; Magnetic field at 50/60Hz IEC 1000-4-8 Double Insulation Yes CE Mark Yes CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 1200.67 DC/AC MicroProbe Model K100 2111.73 DC/AC MicroProbe Model K110 1201.07 AC Current Probe Model MD301 1201.36 AC Current Probe Model MD305 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 1017.45 Adapter - 4mm Non-insulated for Safety Leads 2119.94 Adapter-BNC (Female) to 4mm Banana (Male) 600V CAT III 20 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Current Range K100 0 to ±4.5ADC 0 to 3Arms K110 0 to ±450mADC 0 to 300mArms Output Signal 1mV/mA 10mV/mA Resolution DC: 50µA typical, AC: 100µA typical DC: 50µA typical, AC: 100µA typical Accuracy DC: ±1% of Reading, ±200µA DC: ±0.5% of Reading, ±150µA AC: ±2% of Reading, ±200µA AC: ±0.8% of Reading, ±200µA Output Noise Frequency Response Output Termination Power Source Battery Life <100µV, DC to 3kHz <100µV, DC to 3kHz DC to 2kHz (@ -3dB sine) DC to 1.5kHz (@ -3dB sine) 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs; standard ¾" (19mm) spacing One 9V Alkaline battery (included) 20 hours CHARACTERISTICS K SERIES · Measures extremely low level DC from 100µA · Outputs signal proportional to total current (DC + AC) · Low noise · Ultra-compact size and non-contact clamp-on convenience · Simple plug-in operation · Designed for use with digital multimeters and oscilloscopes · Accurate display of waveforms · No range or mode (AC/DC) switching required · Red LED indicates momentary or continuous overload · Green LED indicates power and battery condition MD SERIES · 600A range with mA or mV output · Unique hook-shaped jaws that enable the user to "pry" into or "hook" onto cables · Maximum conductor size is 2 x 500kcmil · Works as a traditional current transformer with ratio of 1000:1 · AC/DC outputs available Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES SL SERIES AC/DC CURRENT PROBES SL SERIES Model SL206 Compact, long nose probes designed for accurate measurements of low currents with 10mAdc sensitivity, capable of measuring both AC and DC current Only SL261 FEATURES SL SERIES AC/DC CURRENT PROBES · L ow ACand DC measurements · M easures from 10mA to 100A · Dual range selection · U nique design for probing in crowded wiring areas · Hall effect sensor technology · UL approved for the US and Canada · Flame retardant UL94 V2 rated · Use with DMMs, voltmeters and other voltage measuring instruments SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy (1mV/mA Range) 10mA to 2ADC/10mA to 1.5AAC (10mV/A Range) 50mA to 50ADC 50mA to 40AAC 50 to 80ADC 40 to 60AAC SL206 SL261 2A; 80A 10mA to 80ADC; 10mA to 60AAC 10A; 100AAC/DC peak 100 mA to 100AAC/DC peak Voltage output 2A: 1mV/mA (2V @ 2A) 80A: 10mV/A (0.8V @ 80A) 10A: 100mV/A (1V @ 10A) 100A: 10mV/A (1V @100A) - 2% of Reading ± 5mA - 4% of Reading ± 20mA 4% of Reading ± 20mA 12% of Reading 12% of Reading (10mV/A Range) 500mA to 40AAC/DC Peak 40 to 80AAC/DC Peak - 80 to 100AAC/DC Peak (100mV/A Range) 50mA to 10AAC/DC Peak - Phase Shift (DC to 65 Hz) (1mV/mA Range) 1° (10mV/mA Range) 1° (100mV/mA Range) - 4% of Reading ± 50mA 12% of Reading ± 50mA 15% of Reading 3% of Reading ± 50mA <1° <1.5° Overload Frequency Range Load Impedance Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidty Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical CE Mark 120A continuous Red LED indindicator DC to 8kHz 100k (1mV/mA); 10k (1V/A) DC to 100kHz (-3dB with current derating) >1M/100pF 600Vrms 5ft (1.5m) lead with double insulated 4mm safety banana plugs 6.5 ft (2 m) coaxial cable with insulated BNC terminal 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) -22° to 176°F (-30° to 80°C) 10° to 30°C: 85 ± 5% RH (without condensation) 40° to 50°C: 45 ± 5% RH (without condensation) 0.46" (11.8mm) 9.09 x 1.42 x 2.64" (231 x 36 x 67mm) 11.6 oz (330g) with battery Polycarbonate UL 94 EN 61010-2-32, 600V CAT III Yes CATALOG NO. 1201.45 1201.51 DESCRIPTION AC/DC Current Probe Model SL206 AC/DC Current Probe Model SL261 (BNC) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 21 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES SR SERIES CURRENT PROBES SR600 SERIES Current probes well-suited for power applications where high accuracy and low phase shift is important Model SR601 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal SR600 SR601 SR604 1000AAC 1000: 1 1mA/A (1AAC @ 1000A) Accuracy 0.1 to 10A: 3% of Reading ± 0.1A 10A: 3% of Reading 50A: 0.5% of Reading 200A: 0.75% of Reading 1000A: 0.5% of Reading 1200A: 0.5% of Reading Phase Shift 10A: 3°; 50A: 1.5°; 200A: 0.75°; 1000A: 0.5°; 1200A: 0.5° Overload Frequency Range Load Impedance Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Surge Protection Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Jaw Opening Maximum Conductor Size Maximum Bus Bar Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical UL Approval Double Insulation CE Mark 1200A for 40 min ON, 20 min OFF 5 max No Two 4mm safety banana jacks Lead with plugs SR634 250, 500, 1000AAC 0.1 to 1200AAC 250:5, 500:5, 1000:5 5mA; 10mA; 20mA/A (5AAC @ 250; 500; 1000A) (250A Range) 1 to 5A: 10% of Reading ± 0.1A 5A: 10% of Reading 50A: 2,5% of Reading 250A: 2% of Reading 300A: 2% of Reading (500A Range) 1 to 10A: 6% of Reading ± 0.1A 10A: 6% of Reading; 25A: 3% of Reading 100A: 2% of Reading; 500A: 1% of Reading 600A: 1% of Reading (1000A Range) 1 to 20A: 6% of Reading ± 0.1A; 20A: 5% of Reading; 50A: 3% of Reading 200A: 1.5% of Reading; 1000A: 1% of Reading 1200A: 1% of Reading (250A Range) 12.5A: 10°; 50A: 10°; 250A: 10°; 300A: 10° (500A Range) 10A: 6°; 25A: 4°; 100A: 3°; 500A: 2.5°; 600A: 2.5° (1000A Range) 20A: 5°; 50A: 3°; 200A: 1.5°; 1000A: 1°; 1200A: 1° SR651 1000AAC Voltage Output 1mV/A (1VAC @ 1000A) SR661 10, 100, 1000AAC Voltage output 1mV; 10mV; 100mV/A (1VAC @10, 100; 1000A) 1 to 50A: 3% of Reading ± 0,1 A 50 to 200A: 1.5% of Reading 200 to 1000A: 0,75% of Reading 1000 to 1200A: 0,5% of Reading (10A Range) 3% of Reading ± 0.1A (100A Range) 2% of Reading ± 0.5 A (1000A Range) 2% of Reading ± 1 A 10A: 3° 50A: 1,5° 200A: 0,75° 1000A: 0,5° 1200A: 0,5° (10A Range) 10A: 15° (100A Range) 20A: 15°; 100A: 10° 120A: 5° (1000A Range) 200A: 3°; 1000A: 2° 1200A: 1 1200A for 30 min ON, 15 min OFF 1200A for 40 min ON, 20 min OFF 30Hz to 5kHz* 0.4 max 100k min 10Hz to 100kHz* 1M min 600V CAT III 30V peak Two 4mm safety banana jacks N/A Two 4mm safety 6.5 ft (2m) coaxial cable banana jacks with BNC terminal 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C) 0 to 85% decreasing linearly above 95°F (35°C) 2.25" (57mm) max 2.05" (52mm) One 1.95 x 0.19" (50 x 5mm) 4.37 x 8.50 x 1.77" (111 x 216 x 45mm) 1.21 lbs (550g) Polycarbonate UL 94 EN 61010-2-32, 600 V CAT III Yes - Canada and United States Yes Yes (OPTIONAL) *Current derating above 1kHz using the formula: 1000A x 1/F (in kHz) CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION FEATURES · Measurement range of 100mA to 1200AAC · Large jaw opening accommodates up to two 500kcmil conductors · Ergonomic design and easy operation · L ow phase shift for power measurements · A vailable with mA or mV output signals · Designed for DMMs, recorders, loggers, oscilloscopes, power and harmonic meters · UL approved ACCESSORIES Catalog #2152.24 Leads, set of two, 5 ft safety (1000V) Catalog #1017.45 Banana plug adaptor (Safety Leads to nonrecessed plug) Catalog #2118.46 Banana (Female) BNC (Male) Adaptor 2113.42 2113.43 2113.44 2113.48 2113.45 2113.49 AC Current Probe Model SR600 AC Current Probe Model SR601 AC Current Probe Model SR604 AC Current Probe Model SR634 AC Current Probe Model SR651 AC Current Probe Model SR661 22 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES SR SERIES CURRENT PROBES SR700 SERIES Model SR701 Excellent linearity and low phase shift, plus a broad frequency response, permit accurate measurements of current for power and power quality measurements SPECIFICATIONS FEATURES · Measurement range of 1mA to 1200AAC · Large jaw opening accommodates conductors up to two 500MCM conductors · Ergonomic design and easy operation · L ow phase shift for power measurements · Available with mA output signals · Designed for DMMs, recorders, loggers, oscilloscopes, power and harmonic meters · UL approved ACCESSORIES Catalog #2152.24 Leads, set of two, 5 ft safety (1000V) Catalog #1017.45 Banana plug adaptor (Safety Leads to nonrecessed plug) Catalog #2118.46 Banana (Female) BNC (Male) Adaptor MODELS Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range Load Impedance Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature SR701 SR704 SR752 SR759 1000AAC 1; 10; 100; 1000AAC 1mA to 1200AAC 100mA to 1200AAC 1mA to 1200AAC 1000: 1 Voltage output 1mA/A (1AAC @ 1000A) 1mV/A (1VAC @ 1000A) 1000; 100; 10; 1mV/A, (1VAC @ 1, 10, 100 or 1000A) (1A Range) 1 to 10 mA: 3% of Reading ± 1mA 10mA to 0.1 A: 3% of Reading ± 1mA 0.1 to 1.2 A: 0.7% of Reading ± 1mA 1 to 100mA: 3% of Reading ± 5 mA 0.1 to 1A: 2% of Reading ± 3 mA 1 to 10A: <1% of Reading 10 to 100A: 0.5% of Reading 100 to 1200A: 0.3% of Reading 0.1 to 1A: 2% of Reading ± 3µA 1 to 10A: <1% of Reading 10 to 100A: 0.5% of Reading 100 to 1200A: 0.3% of Reading (10A Range) 10mA to 0.1A: 1% of Reading ± 2mA 0.1 to 1A: 0,5% of Reading ± 2mA 1 to 12A: 0,5% of Reading (100A Range) 0.1 to 1A: 1% ± 20mA 1 to 10A: 0.5% of Reading ± 20mA 10 to 100A: 0.3% of Reading 100 to 120A: 0.2% of Reading (1000A Range) 1 to 10A:1% of Reading ± 0.2A; 10 to 100A: 0.5% of Reading ± 0.2A; 100 to 1200 A: 0.2% of Reading (1A Range) 0.1 to 1.2 A: 10 ° 1 to 10A: 2° 10 to 100A: 1° 100 to 1200A: 0.7° 1 to 10A: 2° 10 to 100A: 1° 100 to 1200A: 0.7° (10A Range) 0.1 to 1A: 5°; 1 to 12A: 2° (100A Range) 1 to 10 A: 2°; 10 to 120A: 1° (1000A Range) 10 to 100A: 2°; 100 to 1200A: 1° 1200A for 40 min ON, 20 min OFF 30Hz to 5kHz; current derating above 1kHz using the formula: 1000A x 1/F (in kHz) 5 max 100k min 600V CAT III Two 4mm safety banana jacks 5ft (1.5m) lead with 4mm safety banana plugs 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C) Operating Relative Humidity 0 to 85% 0 to 90% Jaw Opening Maximum Conductor Size Maximum Bus Bar Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical UL Approval Double Insulation CE Mark 2.25" (57mm) max 2.05" (52mm) One 1.95 x 0.19" (50 x 5mm) 4.37 x 8.50 x 1.77" (111 x 216 x 45mm) 1.21 lbs (550g) Polycarbonate UL 94 EN 61010-2-32 Yes - Canada and United States Yes Yes CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2116.29 2116.30 2116.32 2116.33 AC Current Probe Model SR701 AC Current Probe Model SR704 AC Current Probe Model SR752 AC Current Probe Model SR759 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 23 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MN SERIES AC CURRENT PROBES MN SERIES Small and compact, ideal complement for any meter to measure AC currents in low-power secondary transformers or industrial applications SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range MN01 MN02 MN03 MN05 150AAC 100AAC 10; 100AAC 50mA to 100AAC 2 to 150AAC (1 load) 50mA to 90AAC 1 to 100AAC 5mA to 10AAC 1A to 100AAC (10 load) 1000:1 Voltage output 1mA/A 1mA/A (150mAAC @ 150A) (100mAAC @ 100A) 1mV/A (100mVAC @ 100A) 1mV/mA, 1mV/A (10VAC @ 10A, 100mVAC @ 100A ) 2.5% ± 0.15A 1% of Reading (10A Range) (1 load) ± 0.02A (1 load) 3% of Reading 3% ± 0.15A (10 load) 1.5% of Reading 2% of Reading ± 0.01A (10 load) ± 50mA ± 0.15mA (100 Range A) 2% of Reading ± 50mA Not specified <3° (1 load) <6° (10 load) Not specified 170A for 10 min ON, 30 min OFF 150A 10A Range: 15A 100A Range: 150A 48 to 500Hz 48Hz to 10kHz 48 to 500Hz Load Impedance 10 1M Open Secondary Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Protection Maximum Conductor Size Dimension Weight Material SAFETY Electrical Double Insulation CE Mark 30V - 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs 14° to 122°F (-10° to +50°C) -40° to 176°F (-40° to +80°C) 0 to 85% RH decreasing linearly above 95°F (35°C) IP40 (EN 60529 Ed. 1995) Ø 0.39" (10mm) 4.43 x 1.48 x 1.02" (112.5 x 37.5 x 26mm) 6.35 oz (180g) Polycarbonate UL 94 IEC 1010-2-32 300 V CAT IV, 600V CAT III Pollution Degree 2 Yes Yes CATALOG NO. 2129.17 2129.20 2129.18 2129.19 DESCRIPTION AC Current Probe Model MN01 AC Current Probe Model MN02 AC Current Probe Model MN03 AC Current Probe Model MN05 Model MN01 FEATURES MODEL MN01 · "Clothes pin" shape makes them ideal for use in tight areas, such as breaker panels, controller panels or outlets · Measurements from 1mA to 150AAC · Excellent companions to all DMMs, permits very low AC current measurements MODEL MN02 · Measurement ranges of 50mA to 100A (1 load) 50mA to 90A (10) · Jaw opening accommodates conductors up to 0.39" diameter · Designed for DMMs, loggers, recorders and oscilloscopes · 48 to 10,000Hz frequency range · 1mA/A from 1 to 10 output signals MODEL MN03 · Measurement range of 1 to 100AAC · Jaw opening accommodates conductors up to 0.39" diameter · Designed for DMMs, loggers, recorders and oscilloscopes · 48Hz to 500Hz response · 1mVAC/AAC output signals · Designed to EN 61010, 600V CAT III safety standard MODEL MN05 · Measurements from 5mA to 100AAC (Model MN05) · Measurements from 1mA to 10AAC (Model MN114) · Excellent companion to DMMs · Permits very low AC current measurements 24 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MN SERIES AC CURRENT PROBES MN SERIES Compact sized probes ideal for measuring low currents and leakage currents. Standard millivolt or milli-amp outputs are compatible with multimeters, data loggers and oscilloscopes Model MN103 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Nominal Range MN103 10, 100AAC MN106 150AAC MN114 10AAC MN185 120AAC Model MN185 FEATURES · Measurement range of 1mA to 150AAC · Jaw opening of 0.78" · Accommodates conductors up to 0.47" in diameter · Ergonomic design and easy operation · Compact size accommodates hard to reach locations · Low phase shift for power measurements · Available with mV or mA output signals · Constructed with UL94VO flame retardant material · Designed for DMMs, recorders, loggers and oscilloscopes Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range Load Impedance Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Jaw Opening Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical 1mA to 10AAC 1A to 100AAC 2 to 150AAC 1mA to 10AAC 50mA to 120AAC Voltage output 1000:1 Voltage output 1000:1 1mV/mA, 1mV/A (10VAC @ 10A, 100mVAC @ 100A) 1mA/A (150mAAC @ 150A) 100mV/A (1VAC @ 10A) 1mA/A (120mAAC @ 120A) (10A Range) 45 to 65Hz: ±3% of Reading ± 1mA 65 to 500Hz: -2, +6% of Reading ± 1mA (100A Range) 45 to 65Hz: ±2% of Reading± 0.1A 65 to 500Hz: -2, +3% of Reading ± 0.1A 45 to 65Hz: ±2.5% of Reading ± 0.15 A 65 to 1000Hz: ±4.5% of Reading ± 0.15 A 1mA to 10A: 2% of Reading ± 2mA 50mA to 100A: 1% of Reading ± 0.01A (with non-inductive load) 40Hz to 3 kHz: 3.5% of Reading ± 2mA 100 to 120A: 1.5% of Reading ± 0.01 A - 2 to 120A, 50 to 60Hz: 10A to 100A, 45 to 65Hz: 1 to 100A, 50 to 60Hz: 10° 8° 3.5° 45 to 500Hz 170A continuous 45Hz to 1kHz 20A continuous 30Hz to 5kHz 170A continuous 30Hz to 10kHz 100 k 5 non-inductive 100k 5 non-inductive 250VAC/250VAC 5ft (1.5m) lead with 4mm safety banana plugs 250VAC/30VAC Two 4mm banana jacks 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) -40° to 176°F (-40° to 80°C) 0.78" (20mm) 0.47"Ø max (12mm) 1.26 x 4.53 x 0.87" (32 x 115 x 22mm) 5.6 oz (160g) Polycarbonate UL 94 -13° to 122°F (-25° to 50°C) 3kV 50/60Hz dielectric for 1min CATALOG NO. 1031.02 1031.17 2110.71 100.185 DESCRIPTION AC Current Probe Model MN103 AC Current Probe Model MN106 AC Current Probe Model MN114 AC Current Probe Model MN185 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 25 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES LM SERIES MODEL LM102 & LM103 Equipped with high performance magnetic material offering excellent linearity and improved performance. Ideal current measurement tool for use with multimeters, data loggers and power analyzers SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range Load Impedance Open Secondary Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL LM102 LM103 200AAC 50mA to 200 AAC (1 load) 50mA to 200AAC (10 load) 1000:1 1mA/A (200mAAC @ 200A) 1% of Reading + 0.02 A (1 load) 1.5% of Reading + 0.01 A (10 load) 3° ((1 load) 6° (10 load) 100mA to 200A Voltage Output 1mV/A (200mVAC @ 200A) 1.5% of Reading+ 0.02A 3° 350A continuous @ 1kHz 200 A continuous @ 8kHz 48 Hz to 10kHz 10 10k 30V - Double-insulated 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs Operating Temperature 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Protection Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical Double Insulation CE Mark -40° to 176°F (-40° to 80°C) 0 to 85% RH decreasing linearly above 95°F (35°C) IP20 (EN 60529) Ø 0.63" (16mm) 5.13 x 1.81 x 1.34" (130.4 x 46 x 34mm) Approximately 8.8oz (250g) Polycarbonate UL 94 EN 61010-1, EN 61010-2-031, EN 61010-2-032 600V CAT III, 300V CAT IV Pollution Degree 2 Yes Yes FEATURES · Clamping diameter 0.63" (16mm) · Measurement range from 0.1 to 200 Amps · Over range up to 350 Amps continuous · 1mA/A output (model LM102) · 1mV/A output (model LM103) · Clothes pin design allows access to tight places · Frequency response from 48 to 10kHz · Arrow marker clearly assist in proper orientation for power measurement applications CATALOG NO. 2153.04 2153.05 DESCRIPTION AC Current Probe Model LM102 AC Current Probe Model LM103 26 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MH SERIES MODEL MH60 Designed to measure AC and DC currents using dual Hall effect and transformer technology at frequencies to 1MHz SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio Output Signal Original FEATURES · Clamping diameter 1.02" (26mm) · Measurement range from 0.5 to 140 Amps AC, 100 Amps DC · Measures AC+DC signals · 10mV/A output · Automatic compensation for earth's magnetic influence · Battery Power (8 hour battery life) or USB continuous · Frequency response from DC to 1 MHz · Selectable 3 or 30kHz filter selection · Push button zero adjust · LED indicators for power, overload and filter selection · UL 94 V2 self-extinguishing case material Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range (@ -3dB) Load Impedance Common Mode Voltage Battery Battery Life Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical Double Insulation Protection CE Mark MH60 100AAC/DC (140A peak) 500mA to 140AAC/100ADC Voltage Output 10mV/A (1VAC/DC @ 100A) 0.5 to 64AAC/DC: 1.5% of Reading + 0.01A 64 to 90AAC/DC: 4% of Reading 90 to 140AAC/100ADC: 5% of Reading 1° 150A Continuous DC to 1MHz 0.25m (at 400Hz) 0.628m (at 1MHz) In RF: 0.1µH for a primary transition (600V Max) At 50Hz: 3.5mA/5mA @ 100V At 400Hz: 25.9mA/50mA @ 100V Internal NiMh rechargeable battery; 5 VDC external via female micro-USB type B connection 8 hours typical with fully-charged battery 6.6ft (2m) lead with molded isolated male BNC connector 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) -4° to 122°F (-20° to 50°C) 0 to 85% RH decreasing linearly above 95°F (35°C) Ø 1.02" (26mm) 5.43 x 1.92 x 1.10" (138 x 49 x 28mm) Approximately 7.05oz (200g) Polycarbonate UL 94 EN 61010-1 EN 61010-2-31 600V CAT II, 300V CAT III Pollution Degree 2 Yes IP40 (EN 60529) Yes CATALOG NO. 2153.03 DESCRIPTION AC/DC Current Probe Model MH60 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 27 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MN SERIES AC CURRENT PROBES MN200 SERIES General purpose AC current probe with voltage outputs, for use with DMMs or with measuring instruments with voltage inputs. Permits measurement or recording of current with instruments that do not have current ranges. Voltage output proportional to current measured SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Nominal Range MN213 200AAC Measurement Range 0.5 to 240AAC Transformation Ratio 1000: 1 MN251 200AAC MN253 200AAC 0.1 to 240AAC Voltage output Voltage output Output Signal 1mA/A 1 mV/A (200mAAC @ 200A) (200mVAC @ 200A) 10 mVAC/A (2VAC @ 200A) Accuracy (20A Range) - MN255 20AAC; 200AAC 0.1 to 24AAC; 0.1 to 240AAC Voltage output 20A: 100mV/A (20VAC @ 200A) 200A : 10mV/A (2VAC @ 200A) 1% ± 50mV MN291 200AAC 0.5 to 240AAC DC Voltage output 100mV/A (20VDC @ 200A) - (200A Range) 0.5 to 10A 10 to 40A 40 to 100A 100 to 240A Phase Shift (20A Range) 3% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2.5% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2% of Reading ± 0.5 A 1% of Reading ± 0.5A - 3% of Reading ± 0.5 A 3% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2.5% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2.5% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2% of Reading ± 0.5 A 1% of Reading ± 0.5 A 2% of Reading Not Specified (200A Range) 0.5 to 10A 10 to 40A 40 to 100A 100 to 240A Not Specified 5° 3° 2.5° Not Specified N/A 5° 3° 2.5° Overload 240A for 10 min ON, 30 min OFF Frequency Range Load Impedance Working/Common Mode Voltage 1, 10 max. with derating 40Hz to 10kHz >1M 600V Output Termination Double-insulated 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature 14° to 131°F (-10° to 55°C) -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Operating Relative Humidity Jaw Opening 10 to 90% RH 0.83" (21mm) Maximum Conductor Size Ø 0.78" max (20mm) Maximum Bus Bar size 0.78 x 0.19" (20 x 5mm) Dimensions 5.47 x 2.00 x 1.18" (139 x 51 x 30mm) Weight 6.5 oz (180g) Material Polycarbonate UL 94 SAFETY Electrical UL Approval EN/IEC 61010-2-32 600 V CAT III, EN/IEC 61010-032 Yes - Canada and United States Protection IP40 Double Insulation Yes CE Mark Yes Model MN213 FEATURES · Small compact size · Measurement ranges from 100mA to 240A · Frequency response to 10kHz · UL approved for both US and Canada · Designed to EN61010, 600V CAT III · Jaw opening accommodates 250kcmil cables · Constructed with UL94VO flame retardant material · Double insulated construction CATALOG NO. 2115.75 2115.77 2115.79 2115.81 2115.84 DESCRIPTION AC Current Probe Model MN213 AC Current Probe Model MN251 AC Current Probe Model MN253 AC Current Probe Model MN255 AC Current Probe Model MN291 28 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MN SERIES AC CURRENT PROBES Model MN307 MN300 SERIES Compact sized probes ideal for measuring low currents and leakage currents. Standard millivolt outputs are compatible with multimeters, data loggers and oscilloscopes SPECIFICATIONS MODELS MN307 MN312 MN313 MN352 MN353 MN373 MN375 MN379* Nominal Range 10AAC 150AAC 2AAC; 150AAC 10AAC 5AAC; 100AAC Measurement Range 0.1 to 12AAC 0.1 to 200AAC 0.01 to 2.4AAC; 0.2 to 200AAC 0.1 to 10AAC 5mA to 6AAC; 0.1 to 120AAC Transformation Ratio Output Signal Accuracy Phase Shift Voltage output 100mV/A (1VAC @ 10A) 1000:1 1mA/A (150mAAC @ 150A) Voltage output 10mV/A (1.5VAC @ 150A) 0.1 to 0.5A: 2.5% of Reading ± 1mA 0.5 to 1A: 2.5% of Reading 1 to 12A: 1.0% of Reading 0.1 to 1A: 2% of Reading ± 20mA 1 to 80A: 1% of Reading ± 20mA 80 to 100A: 1,5% of Reading ± 0.1A 100 to 150A: 0.5% of Reading ± 0.5A 150 to 200A: Not specified 0.1 to 1 A: 3% of Reading ± 20mA 1 to 20 A: 2% of Reading ± 20mA 20 to 80A: 1% of Reading 80 to 150A: 3% of Reading 150 to 200A: 7% of Reading 0.1 to 1A: 5° 1 to 5A: 3° 5 to 12A: 2.5° 0.1 to 1A: Not specified 1 to 20A: 3° 20 to 80A: 2° 80 to 150A:2.5° 150 to 200A: Not specified Voltage output 2A: 1V/A ( 2VAC @ 2A) 150A: 10mV/A (1.5VAC @ 150A) 100 mV/A (1 VAC @ 10A) 5 A: 200 mV/A (1 VAC @ 5 A) 100 A: 10 mV/A (1 VAC @ 100 A) (2A Range) 0.01 to 0.1A: 5% of Reading ± 2mA 0.1 to 1A: 3% of Reading ± 1mA 1 to 2 A: 1% of Reading 2 to 2.4 A: 1% of Reading (150A Range) 0.1 to 1A: 3% of Reading ± 200mA 0.1 to 1A: 1% of Reading ± 20mA 1 to 10A: 1% of Reading ± 0.15A 1 to 20A: 2% of Reading ± 20mA 20 to 80A: 1% of Reading 80 to 150A: 3% of Reading 150 to 200A: Not specified (5A Range) 5mA: 1,5% ± 0.1mA 50mA: 1,5% 0.5A: 1% 5A: 1% (100A Range) 0.1 A: 1% ± 1mA 1; 10; 100 A: 1% (2A Range) Not Specified (150A Range) 0.1 to 1 A: Not specified 1 to 20 A: 3° 20 to 80 A:2° 80 to 150 A: 3° 150 to 200 A: 4° 1 to 5A : 1° @ 60 Hz 5 to 10A: 1.5° @ 60 Hz (5A Range) 5mA: 6.5° 50mA: 5° 0.5A: 4.5° 5A: 4° (100A Range) 0.1A: 3.2° 1; 10; 100A: 2.2° Overload 20A Continuous 200A Continuous 240A for 10 min ON, 30 min OFF 240A for 10 min ON, 30 min OFF 20A Continuous 200A Continuous Frequency Range 40Hz to 10kHz 40Hz to 3kHz 40Hz to 10kHz Load Impedance Crest Factor Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Termination 1M 3 @ 10Arms with an error (due to CF) of 3% 1 3 @ 200A peak with an error (due to CF) of 3% 1M 3 @ 150A peak (due to CF) of 3% 3 @ 2A ; 3 @ 150A peak with an error (due to CF) of 3% 3 @ 10Arms with an error (due to CF) of 3%- 600Vrms Double-insulated Double-insulated 5ft (1.5m) Two standard 5ft (1.5m) lead lead with two 4mm safety safety 4mm with two 4mm banana plugs banana jacks safety banana plugs Two standard safety 4mm banana jacks Double-insulated 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs Not specified MECHANICAL Operating Temperature 14° to 131°F (-10° to 55°C) Storage Temperature -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Operating Relative Humidity 85% RH without roll-off above 95°F(95°C) Jaw Opening 0.83" (21mm) Maximum Conductor Size 0.78" max (20mm) Dimensions 5.47 x 2.00 x 1.18" (139 x 51 x 30mm) Weight 6.5 oz (180g) Material Polycarbonate UL 94 SAFETY Electrical EN/IEC 61010-1 600 V CAT III, EN 61010-2-32, Pollution Degree 2 UL Approval Yes - Canada and United States *excludes MN379 Protection IP40 Double Insulation Yes CE Mark Yes CATALOG NO. 2116.23 2116.24 2116.25 2116.26 2116.27 2116.28 2115.41 2153.01 DESCRIPTION AC Current Probe Model MN307 AC Current Probe Model MN312 AC Current Probe Model MN313 AC Current Probe Model MN352 AC Current Probe Model MN353 AC Current Probe Model MN373 AC Current Probe Model MN375 AC Current Probe Model MN379 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 29 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES JM SERIES AC CURRENT PROBES JM800 SERIES High performance for higher currents, AC current probes have excellent transformation and low phase shift SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Nominal Range Measurement Range Transformation Ratio JM813 3000AAC (2400AAC >95°F [35°C]) 1 to 3000AAC 3000:3 Output Signal 1mA/A (3AAC @ 3000A) JM810A 2000AAC 1 to 2000AAC 2000: 2 1mA/A (2AAC @ 2000A) JM830A 3000AAC (2400AAC >95°F [35°C]) 1 to 3000AAC 3000: 1 0.333mA/A (1AAC @ 3000A) Accuracy 150A: 1.5% of Reading 600A: 0.75% of Reading 3000A: 0.5% of Reading 100A: 2% of Reading 400A: 1% of Reading 2000A: 0.5% of Reading 150A: 1.5% of Reading 600A: 0.75% of Reading 3000A: 0.5% of Reading Phase Shift 150A: 1.5° 600A: 0.75° 3000A: 0.5° 100A: 1.5° 400A: 0.75° 2000A: 0.5° 150A: 1.5° 600A: 0.75° 3000A: 0.5° Overload 3600A for 5 min 2400A for 10 min 3600A for 5 min Frequency Range 30Hz to 5kHz; current derating above 1kHz for continuous use Load Impedance Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Termination MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Jaw Opening Maximum Conductor Size Maximum Bus Bar Size Dimensions Weight Material SAFETY Electrical Protection Double Insulation CE Mark 0.6 Two safety 4mm banana jacks 1 5 600V 5ft (1.5m) lead with two 4mm safety banana plugs 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) -13° to 176°F (-25° to 80°C) 3.54" (90mm) Ø 2.52" (64mm) 1.97 x 5.31" (50 x 135mm); 2.52 x 3.94" (64 x 100mm) 4.72 x 12.40 x 1.89" (120 x 315 x 48mm) 2.65 lbs (1.2kg) Polycarbonate UL 94 EN 61010-2-32, 600V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2 IP20 Yes Yes JM865A 1000; 2000; 3000AAC (2400AC >95°F [35°C]) 1 to 3600AAC 1000:5; 2000: 5; 3000: 5 5 mA/A 2.5 mA/A 1.666 mA/A (5AAC @ 1000, 2000, 3000A) (1000A Range) 50A: 3% of Reading 200A: 1.5% of Reading 1000A: 1% of Reading (2000A Range) 100A: 1.5% of Reading 400A: 0.75% of Reading 2000A: 0.5% of Reading (3000A Range) 150A: 1.5% of Reading 600A: 0.75% of Reading 3000A: 0.5% of Reading (1000A Range) 50A: 3° 200A: 1.5° 1000A: 1° (2000A Range) 100A: 1.5° 400A: 0.75° 2000A: 0.5° (Rango de 3000A) 150A: 1.5° 600A: 0.75° 3000A: 0.5° 1200; 2400; 3600A for 10 min 30Hz to 1.5kHz; current derating above 1.5kHz for continuous use 0.1; 0. 2; 2 Two safety 4mm banana jacks Model JM813 FEATURES · Current output: up to 3000AAC (continuous cycle for the full temperature range) · Designed for use on DMMs, power and harmonic meters, recorders or instruments with AC current ranges CATALOG NO. 2110.93 2110.80 2110.83 2110.88 DESCRIPTION AC Current Probe Model JM813 AC Current Probe Model JM810A AC Current Probe Model JM830A AC Current Probe Model JM865A 30 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES DIGITAL FLEXPROBE® MODELS 400D & 4000D Provide a welcomed solution when accessing electrical conductors in tight places MINIFLEX: Model 4000D-24 (24" probe) MINIFLEX: Model 4000D-14 (14" probe) MINIFLEX: Model 400D-6 (6" probe) Model 400D-10 (10" probe) FEATURES · Easy access and measurement, even in confined spaces · Measurement from 20mAAC to 4000A (model dependent) · Available with 6", 10", 14" and 24" sensor lengths · Sensor diameter 1.77" to 8" (model dependent) · Resolution down to 1mA (model dependent) · HOLD feature · Direct reading · Compact and simple to use · Flexible current sensor · True RMS · Safety rating of 600V CAT IV PRODUCT INCLUDES Digital FlexProbe®, 2 AAA batteries and user manual. SPECIFICATIONS MODEL Original 400D ELECTRICAL Display Range Measurement Range 4Aac 0.020 to 3.999A 40Aac 4.00 to 39.99A 400Aac 40.0 to 399.9A Resolution Accuracy 1mA ±(2% + 10cts) 10mA ±(1.5% + 2cts) 100mA ±(1.5% + 2cts) Sensor Diameter 400D-6: Ø 1.77" (45mm) / 400D-10: Ø 2.75" (70mm) Sensor Length 400D-6: 6" (170mm) / 400D-10: 10" (250mm) Bandwidth 10Hz to 3kHz MODEL 4000D Display Range Measurement Range 40Aac 0.20 to 39.99A 400Aac 40.0 to 399.9A 4000Aac 400 to 3999A Resolution Accuracy 10mA ±(2% + 10cts) 100mA ±(1.5% + 2cts) 1A ±(1.5% + 2cts) Sensor Diameter Sensor Length 4000D-14 : Ø 3.94" (100mm) / 4000D-24 : Ø 8" (190mm) 4000D-14: 14" (350mm) / 4000D-24: 24" (610mm) Bandwidth 10Hz to 3kHz MECHANICAL Power Supply 2 x 1.5V AAA / LR3 batteries Operating Temperature 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) Weight Casing Dimensions approx. 0.29lbs (130g) MiniFlex 3.94 x 2.36 x 0.79" (100 x 60 x 20mm) Connection Cable Length 6ft (1.8m) Safety IEC 61010, 600V CAT IV CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2153.30 Digital FlexProbe® Model 400D-6 w/6' Lead (TRMS, 4Aac, 40Aac, 400Aac) 2153.31 Digital FlexProbe® Model 400D-10 w/6' Lead (TRMS, 4Aac, 40Aac, 400Aac) 2153.32 Digital FlexProbe® Model 4000D-14 w/6' Lead (TRMS, 40Aac, 400Aac, 4000Aac) 2153.35 Digital FlexProbe® Model 4000D-24 w/6' Lead (TRMS, 40Aac, 400Aac, 4000Aac) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 5000.44 MultiFix Multi-Position Magnetic Accessory (available on website storefront) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 31 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES SELECTION CHARTS AMPFLEX® AND MINIFLEX® PROBES SERIES MODEL RATIO MF 300-6-2-10-HF MF 3000-10-2-10-HF - MF 300-6-2-10 MF 3000-10-2-1 - MA114 - 300-24-2-10 - 1000-24-1-1 - 1000-24-2-1 - 1000-36-2-1 - 3000-24-1-1 - 3000-36-1-1 - 3000-24-2-1 - 3000-36-2-1 - 3000-48-2-1 - 6000-36-2-0.1 - 30000-24-2-0.1 - 24-3001 - MEASUREMENT RANGE 30A 300A 300A 3000A 3A 30A 300A 3000A 30A 300A 1000A 100A 1000A 100A 1000A 3000A 3000A 300A 3000A 300A 3000A 300A 3000A 600A 6000A 3000A 30,000A 300A 3000AAC OUTPUT SIGNAL 100mV/A 10mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 1mV/A 100mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 100mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 1mV/A 1mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 1mV/A 0.1mV/A 1mV/A 0.1mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE 1.77" (45mm) 2.95" (70mm) 1.77" (45mm) 2.95" (70mm) 4" (101mm) 8" ( 190mm) 8" ( 190mm) 8" (190mm) 11" (290mm) 8" (190mm) 11" (290mm) 8" (190mm) 11" (290mm) 15" (390mm) 11" (290mm) 8" (190mm) 8" (190mm) CATALOG NO. 2126.83 2126.84 2126.81 2126.82 2153.41 2112.88 2112.39 2112.98 2113.00 2112.46 2112.48 2113.05 2112.00 2112.01 2113.21 2113.33 2120.81 OSCILLOSCOPE & BNC TERMINATED PROBES MODEL SL261 MEASUREMENT RANGE AC DC 100mA to 10A 100mA to 10A 1 to 100A 1 to 100A OUTPUT SIGNAL VOLTAGE 100mV/A 10mV/A PHASE SHIFT* <1.5° MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE Ø CABLE BUS BAR 0.46" (11.8mm) N/A MN261 0.1 to 24A 0.5 to 240A -- 100mV/A 10mV/A <2.5° 0.78" (19.8mm) N/A SR661 0.1 to 12A 0.1 to 120A -- 1 to 1200A 100mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A <1° 2.05" (52mm) 1.96 x 0.19" (50 x 5mm) JM861 1 to 30A 1 to 300A -- 1 to 3000A 10mV/A 1mV/A 0.1mV/A <1° 2.52" (64mm) 2.52 x 3.94" (64 x 100mm) MN251T MN379T MH60 1 to 200A 0.005 to 6A -- 0.1 to 120A 1 to 100A 1mV/A <2.5° 200mV/A 10mV/A <4° 0.5 to 140A 0.5 to 100A 10mVac/dc/Aac/dc <1° 0.78" (20mm) 1.02" (26mm) 0.78" (20mm) N/A *Phase shift indicated at maximum rating. Note: All probes are rated 600V CAT III and CE compliant. Not all models are UL approved; please consult factory. 32 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 OUTPUT CONNECTION Lead w/BNC Lead w/BNC Lead w/BNC Lead w/BNC Lead w/BNC Lead w/BNC CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES GENERAL PURPOSE PROBES SELECTION CHART SERIES MODEL RATIO MEASUREMENT RANGE AC DC MN01 2 to 150A MN02 1000:1 50mA to 100A 50mA to 90A MN03 2 to 100A MN05 5mA to 10A 1 to 100A MN103 1mA to 10A 1 to 100A MN106 1000:1 2 to 150A MN114 1mA to 10A MN185 1000:1 50mA to 120A MN213 1000:1 0.5 to 240A MN251 0.5 to 240A MN253 0.5 to 240A MN255 0.1 to 24A 0.1 to 240A MN291 0.5 to 240A MN307 10mA to 12A MN312 1000:1 0.1 to 200A MN313 1000:1 0.1 to 200A MN352 0.1 to 150A MN353 0.1 to 150A MN373 0.01 to 2.4A 0.1 to 200A MN375 0.1 to 10A MN379 5mA to 6A 0.1 to 120A GENERAL PURPOSE PROBES OUTPUT SIGNAL CURRENT VOLTAGE PHASE SHIFT** MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE Ø CABLE BUS BAR OUTPUT CATALOG CONNECTION NO. 1mA/A* N/A Lead 2129.17 1mA/A* 1mA/A 1mV/A N/A 0.39" N/A (10mm) 1mV/A 1mV/A N/A 1mV/A 1mV/A N/A <10° 0.47" 100mV/A <8° (12mm) Lead 2129.20 Lead 2129.18 Lead 2129.19 Lead 1031.02 Lead 1031.17 Lead 2110.71 1mA/A <3.5° Jack 100.185 1mA/A* <2.5° Lead 2115.75 1mV/A <2.5° Lead 2115.77 10mV/A <2.5° 100mV/A 10mV/A <2.5° 100mV/A N/A Lead 2115.79 N/A Lead 2115.81 Lead 2115.84 1mA/A* 1mA/A* 100mV/A <2.5° <2.5° 0.78" (19.8mm) <2.5° Lead 2116.23 Jack 2116.24 Lead 2116.25 10mV/A <2.5° Jack 2116.26 10mV/A <2.5° 1000mV/A 10mV/A <3° 100mV/A <1.5° 200mV/A 10mV/A <1.5° Lead 2116.27 Lead 2116.28 Lead 2115.41 Lead 2153.01 SL206 10mA to 1.5A 10mA to 2A 50mA to 60A 50mA to 80A 1mV/mAac/DC 10mV/Aac/DC <1° 0.46" (11.8mm) Lead 1201.45 MD301 1000:1 2 to 500A MD305 1000:1 1 to 600A 1mA/A* 1mVDC/Aac N/A <1° 1.18" (30mm) 2 x 500kcmil 2.48 x 0.20" (63 x 5mm) Lead Lead 1201.07 1201.36 *Output Protection for open secondary **Phase shift indicated at maximum rating Note: Models MN103, MN106, MN114 & MN185 are not CE compliant. MN200 & MN300 series are UL approved. Consult factory for NIST Calibration price Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 33 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES GENERAL PURPOSE PROBES SELECTION CHART SERIES MODEL RATIO SR600 1000:1 MEASUREMENT RANGE AC DC 0.1 to 1000A OUTPUT SIGNAL PHASE SHIFT** CURRENT VOLTAGE 1mA/A <0.5° MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR SIZE Ø CABLE BUS BAR OUTPUT CATALOG CONNECTION NO. Jack 2113.42 SR601 1000:1 0.1 to 1000A 1mA/A* <0.5° Jack 2113.43 SR604 1000:1 0.1 to 1000A 250:5 1 to 250A SR634 500:5 1 to 500A 1000:5 1 to 1000A SR651 0.1 to 1000A SR701 1000:1 1mA to 1000A 1mA/A* 20mA/A 10mA/A 5mA/A* 1mA/A* <0.5° Lead 2113.44 <1° Jack 2113.48 1mV/A <0.5° 2.05" 1.96 x 0.19" Jack 2113.45 (52mm) (50 x 5mm) <0.5° Jack 2116.29 SR704 1000:1 1mA to 1000A 1mA/A* <0.5° Lead 2116.30 SR752 0.1 to 1000A 1mA to 1A SR759 10mA to 10A 0.1 to 100A 1 to 1000A JM810A 2000:2 1 to 2000A 1mA/A* 1mV/A <0.7° 1000mV/A 100mV/A 10mV/A <1° 1mV/A <0.5° Lead 2116.32 Lead 2116.33 Lead 2110.80 JM813 3000:3 1 to 2400A JM830A 3000:1 1 to 2400A 1000:5 JM865A 2000:5 3000:5 1 to 1000A 1 to 2000A 1 to 2400A 1mA/A* <0.5° 1.97 x 5.31" Jack 2110.93 2.52" (50 x 135mm) .333mA/A* <0.5° (64mm) 2.52 x 3.94" Lead 2110.83 (64 x 100mm) 5mA/A 2.5mA/A <0.5° Jack 2110.88 1.67mA/A K100 0.1mA to 3A 0.05mA to ±4A 1mV/mAac/DC N/A 0.18" (4.5 mm) N/A K110 0.1mA to 300mA 0.05mA to ±450mA 10mV/mAac/DC N/A Plugs 1200.67 Plugs 2111.73 LM102 1000:1 50mA to 200A LM103 0.1 to 200A *Output Protection for open secondary **Phase shift indicated at maximum rating Note: SR series probes are UL approved Consult factory for NIST Calibration price 1mA/A* <3° 0.63" (16 mm) N/A 1mV/A <3° Lead 2153.04 Lead 2153.05 OUTPUT TERMINATIONS LEAD WITH BNC Insulated 6.5ft (2m) coaxial cable with insulated BNC connector rated 600Vrms JACK Two standard safety banana jacks (4mm) LEADS Double/reinforced 5ft (1.5m) lead with 4mm safety banana plug SHROUDED BANANA PLUGS Two 4mm safety banana plugs; standard ¾" (19mm) spacing 34 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA LOGGERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: 35 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® II TRMS CLAMP-ON CURRENT MODEL CL601 Designed for plant and field service applications and for use in harsh environments SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Channels Input Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy (50/60Hz) Sample Rate Storage Rate Storage Modes Recording Length Memory Communication Power Source Battery Life MECHANICAL Dimensions Max Conductor Size Weight (with battery) Case Vibration Shock Drop CL601 One Split CT AC Current 0 to 600Aac 0.1A 0 to 5A: unspecified 5 to 50A: ±(1% of Reading + 1A) 50 to 400A: ±(1% of Reading + 0.5A) 400 to 600A: ±(3% of Reading + 1A) 64 samples/cycle Programmable from 8 every second to 1 every day Start/Stop, FIFO, Extended Recording Mode (XRMTM)* and Alarm 15 minutes to 8 weeks, programmable using DataView® 240,000 measurements (512KB) - The recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if the battery is low or removed. USB 2.0 optically isolated 2 x 1.5V AA-cell Alkaline batteries (included) 100 hours to >45 days (dependent on sample rate and recording length) 9.25 x 4.0 x 1.63" (235 x 102 x 41mm) 1 conductor - Ø 1.42" (36mm) 2 conductor s- Ø 1.00" (25mm) each 17.1oz (485g) UL94-V0 IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (30G) IEC 68-2-32 (1m) *EXTENDED RECORDING MODE (XRMTM) This unique recording mode provides the opportunity to continuously record over long periods of time by reducing the stored samples of the oldest data and maintaining matching resolution for the newest data. Each time the memory fills up using XRMTM every other of the oldest stored samples is discarded making room for newer samples. This process continues until the recording is manually stopped. Original IP 40 FEATURES · 0 to 600Arms · True RMS measurements · Self contained, no exposed connections · Overload indication · Optically isolated USB 2.0 communication cable included · One button operation · Alarm function · 5 LED indicators quickly and clearly display logger status · Powered by standard Alkaline batteries · Includes FREE DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · EN 61010-1; 300V CAT IV, 600V CAT III APPLICATIONS · Machine load monitoring · HVAC troubleshooting · Load profiling · Electrical troubleshooting · Start-Stop time stamping CATALOG NO. 2126.01 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger® II Model CL601 (1-Channel, TRMS, Clamp-On, 0 to 600Aac, DataView® software) 36 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® II 4-CHANNEL BLUETOOTH EDITION 4-CHANNEL AMPFLEX® MODEL AL834 Four channel logger with 24" long flexible sensors capable of wrapping around an 8" conductor SAFETY R ATIN G IP 53 cover open IP 65 cover closed FEATURES · Includes four integral AmpFlex® flexible current probes that will measure up to 3000A TRMS with 0.5A resolution · Dual range 300/3000A user selectable per channel · 64 samples per cycle · Programmable storage rates from 125ms to 1 per day · 4 user selectable storage modes · Stores up to 1,000,000 measurements in non-volatile memory · Powered by standard Alkaline batteries for a period of up to 180 days · Lightweight, compact and watertight · 6 LED indicators quickly and clearly display logger status · Wireless Bluetooth data communication (Class 2 Bluetooth module included) · Includes FREE DataView® software for data storage, real-time display, analysis and report generation · EN 61010-1; 600V CAT IV, 1000V CAT III APPLICATIONS · Single/Split-phase and 3-phase load monitoring · Neutral and ground current monitoring · Intermittent problem detection · Harmonic current monitoring using DataView® software · Machine load monitoring · Fault current detection · Load profiling SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Channels Input Range Accuracy (50/60Hz) Resolution Sample Rate Storage Rate Storage Modes Recording Length Memory Communication Power Source Battery Life MECHANICAL Dimensions Max Conductor Size AL834 Four Captive AmpFlex® AC Current Flexible Sensors 5 to 300Aac 15 to 3000Aac 0 to 5A unspecified 5 to 300A: ±(1% of Reading + 0.5A) 0 to 15A unspecified 15 to 3000A: ±(1% of Reading + 1A) 0.1Aac 0.5Aac 64 samples/cycle Programmable from 125ms to 1 per day Start/Stop, FIFO, Extended Recording Mode (XRMTM), Store on Alarm 15 minutes to 8 weeks, programmable using DataView® 1,000,000 measurements (2MB) The recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if the battery is low or removed. Bluetooth connection (communicates up to 30 ft) 4 x 1.5V C-cell Alkaline batteries (included) Up to 180 days (dependent on storage rate/recording length) 5.904 x 5.904 x 3.568" (150 x 150 x 91mm) w/o Sensor Ø 8" (203mm) Weight (with battery) Case Vibration Shock Drop 3.9 lbs (1.77kg) UL94-V0 IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (30G) IEC 68-2-32 (1m) PRODUCT INCLUDES Bluetooth USB adapter, twelve color-coded input ID markers, mounting hardware, 4 x 1.5V C-Cell Alkaline batteries, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2126.14 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger® II Model AL834 (4-Channel, TRMS, Bluetooth, AmpFlex® 300/3000Aac, DataView® software) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 37 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® II TRMS VOLTAGE 600VAC/DC MODEL L261 One channel loggers for voltage measuring, monitoring and troubleshooting Original SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Channels Input Connection Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy (50/60Hz) Input Impedance Sample Rate Storage Rate Storage Modes Recording Length Memory Communication Power Source Battery Life MECHANICAL Dimensions Weight (with battery) Case Vibration Shock Drop L261 One Two recessed 4mm safety banana jacks 0 to 600Vac/dc 0.1V 0 to 5V: unspecified 5 to 50V: ±(0.5% of Reading + 1V) 50 to 600V: ±(0.5% of Reading + 0.5V) 40M 64 samples/cycle Programmable from 8 every second to 1 every day Start/Stop, FIFO, Extended Recording Mode (XRMTM) and Alarm 15 minutes to 8 weeks, programmable using DataView® 240,000 measurements (512KB) The recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if the battery is low or removed. USB 2.0 optically isolated 2 x 1.5V AA-cell Alkaline batteries (included) 100 hours to >45 days (dependent on sample rate and recording length) 4.94 x 2.75 x 1.28" (125 x 70 x 32mm) 6.4oz (181g) UL94-V0 IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (30G) IEC 68-2-32 (1m) IP 40 FEATURES · TRMS voltage recording up to 600VAC/DC · AC: 64 samples per cycle and DC: 8 samples per sec · Programmable storage rates from 8 every second to 1 every day · 4 user selectable storage modes · Stores up to 240,000 measurements in non-volatile memory · Powered by standard Alkaline batteries · Lightweight, compact, fits anywhere · 5 LED indicators quickly and clearly display logger status · Includes FREE DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · Optically isolated USB 2.0 communication cable included · EN 61010-1; 300V CAT IV; 600V CAT III APPLICATIONS · Surge and Sag recording · Long term supply monitoring · Industrial, commercial and residential monitoring · Monitor voltage harmonics · Find intermittent voltage problems · Machine monitoring PRODUCT INCLUDES Set of two color-coded 5ft voltage leads, color-coded alligator clips (red/black), USB type A to 5 pin Mini-B, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2126.05 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger® II Model L261 (1-Channel, TRMS, 600Vac/dc, DataView® software) 38 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® II TRMS VOLTAGE & CURRENT MODEL L562 Two input channel logger capable of recording Arms, Vrms and VA Original IP 40 FEATURES · 2 input channels · Voltage: 0 to 600VAC TRMS · Current: compatible with voltage output AC current probes with voltage outputs (see page 33 - sold separately) · 64 samples per cycle · Records Arms, Vrms & VA (VA displays in DataView® software) · 4 user selectable storage modes · Programmable storage rates from 8 every second to 1 every day · Stores up to 240,000 measurements in non-volatile memory · Powered by standard Alkaline batteries · Lightweight, compact, fits anywhere · 5 LED indicators quickly and clearly display logger status · Includes FREE DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · Optically isolated USB 2.0 communication cable included · Complies with EN 61010-1; 300V CAT IV; 600V CAT III (a safety rated current probe is required) APPLICATIONS · Single phase power monitoring · Residential, commercial, industrial, troubleshooting · Find sags and surges · Track energy usage · Start-Stop time stamping SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Channels Connection Input Connection Input Range Resolution Accuracy (50/60Hz) Input Impedance Maximum Input Voltage Sample Rate Storage Rate Storage Modes Recording Length Memory Communication Power Source Battery Life MECHANICAL Dimensions Max Conductor Size Weight (with battery) Case Vibration Shock Drop L562 Two Current Channel BNC 0 to 1Vac (for use with current probes with a voltage output) 0.1mV 0 to 10mV unspecified 10 to 50mV: ±(0.5% of Reading + 1mV) 50 to 1000mV: ±(0.5% of Reading + 0.5mV) 800k Voltage Channel Two recessed banana jacks 0 to 600Vac 0.1V 0 to 5V unspecified 5 to 50V: ±(0.5% of Reading + 1V) 50 to 600V: ±(0.5% of Reading + 0.5V) 40M 5Vrms or ±7.07V peak 1.2 x 600V 64 samples/cycle Programmable from 8 every second to 1 every day Start/Stop, FIFO, Extended Recording Mode (XRmTM) and Alarm 15 minutes to 8 weeks, programmable using DataView® 240,000 measurement (512KB). The recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if the battery is low or removed. USB 2.0 optically isolated 2 x 1.5V AA-cell Alkaline batteries (included) 100 hours to > 45 days (dependent on sample rate and recording length) 5.38 x 2.75 x 1.28" (136 x 70 x 32mm) Current probe dependent 6.4oz (181g) UL94-VO IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (30G) IEC 68-2-32 (1m) PRODUCT INCLUDES Set of two color-coded 5ft voltage leads, color-coded alligator clips (red/black), USB type A to 5 pin Mini-B, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. SEE PAGE 33 FOR COMPATIBLE CURRENT PROBES (SOLD SEPARATELY) CATALOG NO. 2126.35 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger® II Model L562 (2-Channel, TRMS, Voltage & Current, DataView® software) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 39 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® II TRMS VOLTAGE MINIFLEX® MODELS ML912 & ML914 AC current recording loggers incorporate two selectable measurement ranges Original SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Channels Input ML912 ML914 Two Four Captive MiniFlex® AC Current Flexible Sensors Range Accuracy (50/60Hz) (100A Range) (1000A Range) Resolution Sample Rate Storage Rate Storage Modes Recording Length Memory 1 to 100Aac 5 to 1000Aac 0 to 1A unspecified 1 to 100A: ±(1% of Reading + 0.5A) 0 to 5A unspecified 5 to 1000A: ±(1% of Reading + 1A) 0.1A 64 samples/cycle Programmable from 8 every second to 1 every day Start/Stop, FIFO, Extended Recording Mode (XRMTM) and Alarm 15 minutes to 8 weeks, programmable using DataView® 200 hours to 180 days, programmable using DataView® 240,000 measurement (512KB) 1,000,000 measurement (2MB) The recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if the battery is low or removed. Communication USB 2.0 optically isolated Power Source Battery Life MECHANICAL Dimensions 2 x 1.5V AA-cell Alkaline batteries (included) 100 hrs to >45 days (dependent on storage rate/recording length) 4 x 1.5V C-cell Alkaline batteries (included) Up to 180 days (dependent on storage rate/recording length) 4.95 x 2.75 x 1.28" (136 x 70 x 32mm) 5.904 x 5.904 x 3.568" (150 x 150 x 91mm) w/o Sensor w/o Sensor Max Conductor Size Sensor: 6" (152mm) Cable Length 6ft (2m) Weight (with battery) Case Vibration Shock Drop 8.67oz (245g) 2.4lbs (1.1kg) UL94-V0 IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-27 (30G) IEC 68-2-32 (1m) SAFETY IP R ATIN G 40 FEATURES · Includes two or four integral MiniFlex® flexible current probes that will measure from 1A to 1000A TRMS with 0.1A resolution · Dual range 100/1000A user selectable per channel in software · 64 samples per cycle · Programmable storage rates from 8 every second to 1 every day · 4 user selectable storage modes · ML912 stores up to 240,000 measurements in non-volatile memory and ML914 stores up to 1,000,000 measurements · Powered by standard Alkaline batteries · Lightweight, compact, fits anywhere · 5 LED indicators quickly and clearly display logger status · Includes FREE DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · Optically isolated USB 2.0 communication cable included · EN 61010-1; 600V CAT IV, 1000V CAT III APPLICATIONS · Single and Split phase load monitoring · Neutral and ground current monitoring · Intermittent problem detection · Harmonic current monitoring using DataView® software · Machine load monitoring · Fault current detection · Load profiling CATALOG NO. 2126.37 2126.40 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger® II Model ML912 (2-Channel, TRMS, Bluetooth, MiniFlex®, 100/1000Aac, DataView® software) Simple Logger® II Model ML914 (4-Channel, TRMS, Bluetooth, MiniFlex®, 100/1000Aac, DataView® software) 40 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® II TRMS VOLTAGE PROBE SELECTION CHART FOR MODEL L562 AEMC MODEL NUMBER MN261 AEMC CATALOG NUMBER 2115.82 MF 300-6-2-10 2126.81 1000-24-2-1 2112.98 PROBE OUTPUT 100mV/A 10mV/A 100mV/A 10mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A MN251 2115.77 1mV/Aac MN379T SR661 JM861 2153.02 2113.49 2110.90 200mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 10mV/A 100mV/A 10mV/A 1mV/A 0.1mV/A PROBE RANGE 0.1 to 24A 0.5 to 240A 30A 300A 5 to 100A 5 to 1000A 0.5 to 240A 5A 100A 1000A 100A 10A 1 to 30A 1 to 300A 1 to 3000A MAX RANGE CABLE FOR SLII DIAMETER BUS BAR SIZE OUTPUT CONNECTION NOTES 10A 0.78" 100A (19.8mm) N/A Lead w/BNC -- 10A 100A 1.77" 2.25 x 0.75" (44.96mm) (57.15 x 19.05mm) Sensor w/BNC -- 100A 1000A 8" (203.2mm) N/A Sensor w/Banana Plugs Must use adapter # 2118.46 240A 0.78" (19.81mm) N/A Lead w/Banana Plug Must use adapter # 2118.46 5A 0.78" 100A (19.8mm) N/A Lead w/BNC -- 1000A 100A 10A 2.13" (54.1mm) N/A BNC -- 30A 300A 3000A 2.52" 1.97 x 5.31" (64.01mm) (50.03 x 134.87mm) Lead w/BNC -- OPTIONAL ACCESSORY Banana (female) BNC (male) (XM-BB) Catalog #2118.46 (use with probes that have banana plug outputs to connect to a Model L562) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 41 DATA LOGGERS TWO-CHANNEL DC VOLTAGE, CURRENT, PULSE & EVENT MODEL L452 Bluetooth-enabled logger and event counter that records DC voltage, DC current, 4 to 20mA or pulse counts Real-time display! Powered by batteries or through a USB cable SPECIFICATIONS MODEL L452 ELECTRICAL Channels Two* Input Six-pin terminal strip Measurements DC Current DC Voltage Event Pulse Range 4 to 20mA 100mV, 1V, 10V N/A N/A Accuracy (% of Reading) ±(0.25% + 5cts) ±(0.5% + 1ct) N/A N/A Resolution 0.01mA 0.1mV, 1mV, 10mV N/A N/A Input Impedance 100 1M 1M N/A Sample Rate Sample Period 5 samples/s 5 samples/s 16 samples/s DC inputs: 200, 400, 600, or 800ms; or from 1 to 60 seconds Pulse detection: 10ms 100 samples/s Storage Modes Recording Length Start/Stop (ends when memory is full or when the recording stop time is reached, whichever comes first) 10 minutes to 1 year, set via instrument front panel or through DataView® Memory 32MB internal Flash memory (up to 1024 logging sessions, 16M samples) Communication Power Source Bluetooth 2.1, Class 1 or USB 2.0 External: via USB connector Internal: 2 x AA NIMH rechargeable batteries (charges through USB port) Battery Life Up to 180 days (dependent on storage rate/recording length) MECHANICAL Dimensions 1.275 x 2.578 x 5.413" (32.4 x 65.5 x 137.5mm) Weight (with battery) 6.7oz (190g) with batteries Vibration IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) Shock IEC 68-2-27 (30G) ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) Humidity 16 to 85% Protection IP40 (instrument alone); IP20 (instrument with terminal strip) *Both channels must have the same input type. PRODUCT INCLUDES 6ft USB cable, US 120V wall-to-USB plug, 6-pin screw terminal block, 2 x AA rechargeable NiMH batteries, quick start guide, and a USB drive containing DataView® software and a user manual. 42 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA LOGGERS TWO-CHANNEL DC VOLTAGE, CURRENT, PULSE & EVENT Front Panel & Functional Displays Navigation button: Left Power ON/OFF button IP 20 with terminals FEATURES · Multiple data input types. The L452 can log DC voltage, DC current, 4 to 20mA pulse counts, or events. Measurements can be performed directly on the instrument, or through a variety of sensors. This data is stored in the instrument's large 32MB internal Flash memory. · Expanded user interface. You can set up the instrument and view real-time measurement data through the front panel LCD screen and input buttons. The L452 features an on-board menubased interface for navigating measurement data and selecting configuration options. · Enhanced DataView® support. The instrument connects to a PC using either Bluetooth or USB. Once connected, logged data can be downloaded, analyzed, and formatted into reports using DataView's new Data Logger Control Panel. This Control Panel also enables users to change settings on the instrument, view real-time measurements, schedule recording sessions, and perform other configuration tasks. INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION OL 1 24.5 mV 2 91.8 mV Instrument configuration parameters can be set through the front panel interface. ALARM TRIGGERS UPPER LIMIT: 50.00 degC LOWER LIMIT: -10.00 degC Allows you to set the upper and/or lower alarm trigger limits. MIN/MAX MEASUREMENTS 1 2.54 m3/s MAX 2.54 m3/s MIN 0.22 m3/s For analog input types, this screen displays the session's MIN/MAX measurement values for each channel. CATALOG NO. 2153.51 DESCRIPTION Data Logger Model L452 (2-Channel, w/LCD, 100mV/1V/10Vdc, 4 to 20mAdc, Event & Pulse, DataView® software) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Navigation button: Up Navigation button: Right Enter button Navigation button: Down BLUETOOTH ENABLED/VISIBILITY Bluetooth: Enabled Visibility: Visible Enable and configure Bluetooth's functionality. RECORDING SESSION RECORDING SESSIONS: 4 FREE MEMORY: 29.66 MB Displays the number of recording sessions currently stored in memory. It also shows the amount of free memory left for storing additional recording sessions. EVENT MEASUREMENT DATA 1 2 For event input, the Channels 1 & 2 measurement graphic data screen appears. 43 DATA LOGGERS 8 TO 16 CHANNEL LOGGER MODELS DL-1080 & DL-1081 Versatile, powerful and cost effective data loggers handling analog, digital and other types of variables with high resolution and speed SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Input Type J K T E N R S B Pt100 Pt1000 Linear 0 to 20mA Linear 4 to 20mA Linear 0 to 20mV Linear 0 to 50mV Linear 0 to 60mV Linear -20 to 20mV Linear 0 to 5V Linear 0 to 10V Digital Inputs Internal Memory Excitation Current Maximum Pt100/Pt1000 Compensated Cable Resistance DL-1080 & DL-1081 Measuring Range: -184º to 1832ºF (-120º to 1000ºC) -202º to 2501.6ºF (-130º to 1372ºC) -202º to 752ºF (-130º to 400ºC) -202º to 1436ºF (-130º to 780ºC) -202º to 2372ºF (-130º to 1300ºC) 68º to 3214.4ºF (20º to 1768ºC) 68º to 3214.4ºF (20º to 1768ºC) 212º to 3308°F (100º to 1820ºC) -328º to 1562ºF (-200º to 850ºC) -328º to 1562ºF (-200º to 850ºC) Accuracy: ±0.2% (F.R.) ±1ºC ±0.2% (F.R.) ±3ºC ±0.15% (F.R.) User Programmable ±0.15% (F.R.)* Logic level "0": from 0 to 0.8Vdc Logic level "1": from 3 to 30Vdc 2MB Pt100s: 360µA; ; Pt1000s: 320µA 40 Maximum Input Voltage Input Current @ 30Vdc (typical) 30Vdc 3mA Digital Outputs Storage Rate Maximum output voltage: 30Vdc Maximum output current: 200mA Maximum relay current: 3A @ 250Vac; 3A @ 30Vdc from 1ms to 24 hours Maximum Channel Logged Supported Modbus Commands Power Supply ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Relative Humidity Altitude 100 Read Coil Status (01h) Read Holding Registers (03h) Write Single Coil (05h) Write Single Register (06h) Write Multiple Registers (0Fh) 100 to 240Vac, 50/60Hz. 20VA (max) 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) 80% up to 85°F (30°C) For temperatures higher than 85°F (30°C), decrease 3% per °C < 6500ft (2000m) Protection IP20 F.R. = Full Range *The full scale refers to the input of the sensor signal and not the range of configured indication. INPUTS RATED CAT II IP 20 FEATURES · 8 universal analog input channels · 8 digital I/Os (individually configured as inputs or outputs) · 2 relay outputs (NO, NC and common) · RS485 interface (Modbus master or slave) · 24Vdc output to power up to eight 4 to 20mA transmitters · Ethernet interface for LAN and internet use · USB-device interface for configuring, monitoring and download · USB-host interface for logged data retrieval through a USB flash drive · Up to 32 configurable alarms · Up to 128 virtual channels · Detachable display (optional) · Up to 100 channels can be logged at a configurable rate · Includes FREE software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · 4 input channel types: analog, digital, remoted and virtual · Up to 16GB SD card interface 44 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MODEL DL-1081 "FAVORITES" SCREEN Color Functional Displays "CHART" SCREEN DATA LOGGERS 8 TO 16 CHANNEL LOGGER SOFTWARE SCREENS Shows a six-position grid where you can assign a channel to be displayed real-time in each position. Displays a plot of the favorite channels values. "CONFIGURATION" SCREEN "ALARMS" SCREEN Data logger and display parameters can be changed and viewed on this screen. A 32-position grid where each numbered position is related to its equivalent alarm or event. When an alarm is active, its number will be displayed in red on this screen. CATALOG NO. 2134.61 2134.62 DESCRIPTION Data Logger Model DL-1080 (8 Analog to 8 Digital Channel, no LCD) Data Logger Model DL-1081 (8 Analog to 8 Digital Channel, LCD) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 PRODUCT INCLUDES DL-1080 & DL-1081 SOFTWARE USB drive supplied with software, drivers and user manual 45 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® DATA LOGGERS MODELS SL01 TO SL13 These small AC and DC simple loggers can be ready to go in minutes with just a few parameters to set up Model SL01 Model SL10 Model SL11 Model SL12 Model SL13 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS VOLTAGE Range Resolution Accuracy Maximum Input Voltage Input Impedance Power Source Power Consumption SL01 0 to 5 VAC 10 mV ±(0.5% of reading + 50 mV)* SL10 SL11 SL12 ±100 mVDC 0.1 mV ±(0.5% of reading + 0.5 mV)* ±1 VDC 1 mV ±(0.5% of reading + 5 mV)* ±10 VDC 10 mV ±(0.5% of reading + 50 mV)* 60 VDC 800 K Internal: Two 1.5 V AA non-rechargeable batteries External: USB 2.0 (computer or other USB power source) Internal power: 1 mA (average) External power: 100 mW SL13 ±50 VDC 50 mV ±(0.5% of reading + 250 mV)* IP 40 FEATURES · Simple 1 button operation · Quick 2 wire input connection · User configurable scaling, units of measure and recording length · Stores up to 4 million measurements · Data analysis software included · Software provides real-time trend graph display, data download, analysis and report generation · Micro-B USB cable included The Simple Logger Control Panel allows you to configure how data measured by these instruments is recorded and displayed. The available settings depend on which model is connected to the computer. The following table shows which configuration options are available for each model. FEATURE Set up recording Define units SL01 SL10 SL11 SL12 SL13 SL20 SL30 SL31 SL40 SL50 Set instrument clock Erase instrument memory Scaling Filtering Thermocouple type Cold Junction Compensation Rising/Falling events CATALOG NO. 2156.01 2156.10 2156.11 2156.12 2156.13 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger Model SL01 (Voltage, 5 VAC) Simple Logger Model SL10 (Voltage, 100mVDC) Simple Logger Model SL11 (Voltage, 1 VDC) Simple Logger Model SL12 (Voltage, 10 VDC) Simple Logger Model SL13 (Voltage, 50 VDC) 46 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® DATA LOGGERS MODELS SL20 TO SL50 Models available for logging DC Current, Temperature, Pulse and Events Model SL20 Model SL30 Model SL31 Model SL40 Model SL50 IP 40 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Range Resolution Accuracy Maximum Input Voltage Input Impedance Power Source Power Consumption SL20 CURRENT ±20 mA 0.02 mA ±(0.5% of reading + 0.1 mA)* 3 VDC SL30 SL31 PULSE EVENT Contact closure, 0 to 5 VDC Contact closure, 0 to 5 VDC n/a n/a SL50 SL40 Thermocouple Type: J K N T E R S TEMPERATURE -94 to 1022°F -346 to 2192°F -328 to 2502°F -328 to 2372°F -328 to 752°F -328 to 1832°F (-70C to (-210 to (-200 to (-200 to (-200 to (-200 to +550C) 1200°C) 1372°C) 1300°C) 400°C) 1000°C) 32 to 3200°F (0 to 1760°C) 0.1°C 0.1°C ±(1% of reading + 1.8°F [1°C])* Below -148°F (-100°C): ±(0.4% of reading + 9°F [5°C])* -148 to 212°F (-100° to 100°C): ±(0.3% of reading + 7.2°F [4°C])* Above 212°F (100°C): ±(0.2% of reading + 5.4°F [3°C])* 32 to 212°F (0° to +100°C): ±(0.3% of reading + 18°F [10°C])* Above 212°F (100°C): ±(0.2% of reading + 14°F [8°C])* 10 VDC n/a 1 V 49 800 K n/a 800 K Internal: Two 1.5 V AA non-rechargeable batteries External: USB 2.0 (computer or other power source, when powered by the USB the battery is automatically disconnected) Internal power: 1 mA (average) External power: 100 mW SESSION PARAMETER REAL-TIME TREND GRAPH Shows the current configuration of the logger. Typical real-time trend graph. CATALOG NO. 2156.20 2156.30 2156.31 2156.40 2156.50 DESCRIPTION Simple Logger Model SL20 (Current, 4 to 20 mADC) Simple Logger Model SL30 (Pulse) Simple Logger Model SL31 (Event) Simple Logger Model SL40 (Temperature, RTD/PT1000) Simple Logger Model SL50 (Temperature, Thermocouple) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 47 DATA ANALYSIS & REPORTING SOFTWARE USE DATAVIEW® TO CONFIGURE ALL USER SELECTABLE FUNCTIONS ON MODELS CL601, AL834, L261, L562, ML912, ML914, L452 TYPICAL DATAVIEW® FUNCTIONAL DISPLAYS Quick and simple configuration of all functions and settings from one dialog box. CONFIGURE ALL DATA LOGGER FUNCTIONS · Display and analyze real-time data on your PC · Configure all data logger functions and parameters from your PC including sample rate, recording length, channel configuration and more · Create and store a complete library of configurations that can be uploaded to the logger as needed · Zoom in and out and pan through sections of the graph to analyze the data · Download, display and analyze recorded data · Display waveforms, trend graphs, harmonics (AC models) and text summaries · Create custom views and reports · Print reports using standard or custom templates you design · Free upgrade available from the help menu 48 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DIGITAL MULTIMETERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: 49 DIGITAL MULTIMETERS 5000 SERIES MODELS 5212, 5215, 5217, 5231 & 5233 Compact and simple to use, these multimeters with a large backlit display and non-contact voltage detection are exceptional products and a great value for today's market SPECIFICATIONS MODELS GENERAL True RMS AC Bandwidth Auto/Manual Ranging LCD Display Auto/Manual Range Select Voltage AC/DC Current AC/DC 5212 4000-count 600V 4A/10A µAmps AC/DC Resistance Frequency/Duty Cycle Capacitance Temperature 400/4000µA 40M Continuity with Beeper Diode Test V Low Z Non Contact Voltage Detection (NCV) Max/Min/Max-Min No REL No OTHER FEATURES Display Hold Flashlight Backlight Removable Holster Magnetic Hanger Auto Power OFF Auto Power OFF Disable Power Supply Battery Life Low Battery Indication Direct Fuse Access Protection Index Drop Resistant Operating Temperature Range Double Insulated WARRANTY/SAFETY Warranty CAT III CAT IV 5215 5217 Yes 1000Hz Yes 6000-count 6000-count Yes 750Vac/1000Vdc 750Vac/1000Vdc 6A/10A 600/6000µA 60M 100mF 600/6000µA 60M 1000Hz/Yes -61° to 2192°F (-55° to 1200°C) Yes Yes/Red flashing display with buzzer Yes/Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes/Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes in the holster 2 x 1.5V AA 500 hrs Yes 6.56ft (2m) -4° to 122°F (-20° to 50°C) Yes Yes Blue/Red Yes Yes Yes Yes IP54 Yes 3 Years 600V 5231 5233 6000-count + 61 segment bargraph 6 ranges/60mV to 1000V; Resolution: 0.01mV With 1mV/A clamp: 600A 2 ranges / 6 to 10A Resolution: 0.1A Resolution: 0.001A 6 ranges/60M; Resolution: 0.1 3 ranges: up to 3kHz/Yes 6 ranges/1000µF; Resolution: 0.01nF 4° to 1400°F (-20° to 760°C) Resolution: 1° 4 ranges/60mV to 1000V; Resolution: 0.01mV Yes/Red display No/No No Yes/No Yes No No No 9V > 100 hrs Yes 3.28ft (1m) 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) 2 Years 1000V 600V 50 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DIGITAL MULTIMETERS 5000 SERIES MODELS 5212, 5215 & 5217 Non-contact detection of network voltage (NCV Function-AC only) * SAFETY R ATIN G *(Models 5212, 5215 & 5217 only) IP 54 FEATURES · AC/DC current up to 10A or 600A with a current clamp giving direct readings (Model 5231) · High sensitivity with a resolution of 0.01mV · Withstands overloads up to 8000V · VLowZ function detects and eliminates ghost voltages by placing a burden on the circuit · Multi-position mounting · Battery life extended with "sleep mode" feature (Models 5212, 5215 & 5217) · Backlight screen and flashlight (Models 5212, 5215 & 5217) · Displays MAX, MIN and MAX-MIN (Models 5215 & 5217; Model 5233 displays MAX & MIN only) · Displays relative measurement (Models 5215, 5217 & 5233) · Measures temperature (Models 5217 & 5233) · Measures frequency and duty cycle (Models 5217 & 5233) Functional Displays Display Hold enabled Relative mode active Auto measurement MAX, MIN or MAXminus MIN selected Auto Power OFF Low battery indication Analog & digital display AC/DC voltage or current Diode test selected Continuity selected M, k: Decimal prefix Hz: Frequency selected °F, °C: Temperature %: Duty cycle selected A, V: Amps or volts F: Farads for capacitance n, m, µ: Decimal prefix MODELS 5231 & 5233 °F, °C: Temperature MAX/MIN selected Relative mode active AC/DC voltage or current Auto Range Display Hold enabled Buzzer indication Units of measure Hz: Frequency selected Low battery indication Auto Power OFF Diode test selected PRODUCT INCLUDES MODELS 5212, 5215 & 5217 Soft carrying pouch, set of two color-coded leads (red/black), 2 x 1.5V AA batteries and user manual. THERMOCOUPLE ADAPTER Included with Model 5217 MODELS 5231 & 5233 Soft carrying case, set of two 5ft color-coded test leads and user manual. THERMOCOUPLE ADAPTER Included with Model 5233 CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2154.07 2154.08 2154.09 2125.64 2125.65 DMM Model 5212 (TRMS, 4000-cts, NCV, V, A, AC/DC, Ohm, Auto Hold) DMM Model 5215 (TRMS, 6000-cts, NCV, V, A, AC/DC, Ohm, Auto Hold) DMM Model 5217 (TRMS, 6000-cts, NCV, V, A, AC/DC, Ohm, T, Frequency, Auto Hold) DMM Model 5231 (TRMS, 6000-cts, V, AC/DC, Ohm, CT, NCV) DMM Model 5233 (TRMS, 6000-cts, V, A, AC/DC, Cap, Ohm, T, NCV) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 51 DIGITAL MULTIMETERS 3000 SERIES MODELS MTX 3290 & MTX 3291 A compact, rugged, comfortable to grip, waterproof (to IP67 standard) meter WA YEAR 3 RRAN TY Model MTX 3290 Model MTX 3291 SAFETY R ATIN G * IP 67 Original SPECIFICATIONS Model MTX 3290 only MODELS ELECTRICAL DC, AC & AC+DC Voltages DC Accuracy AC & AC+DC Bandwidth DC, AC & AC+DC Current DC Accuracy Frequency Resistance Audible Continuity Diode Test MTX 3290 MTX 3291 60mV to 1000V ±0.3% ±0.05% 20kHz 100kHz 600µA to 10A / 20A (30s max) (MTX 3291) ±0.08% 60Hz to 600kHz 600 to 60M 600 signal < 30 ±5 < 5V 3V with 1mV resolution Capacitance Temperature Pt100/1000 Temperature K/J TC OTHER FUNCTIONS MIN/MAX/PEAK Relative Mode (Rel) PWM Filter V-Output Clamp Function for Direct Reading Secondary Functions or Measurements SPEC Mode GRAPH Center Zero Memory GENERAL Display Communication Power Source Environment Dimensions / Weight 6nF to 60mF -328° to 1472°F (-200° to 800°C) Time/date-stamped MAX/MIN/AVG or PEAK ±, on all the functions Relative value + measured reference value on secondary display (MTX 3291) 4th-order 300Hz low-pass filter for measuring variable speed drives with asynchronous motors Integration of the ratio: 1/1, 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000mV/A dBm and VA resistive power, +/duty cycle, and pulse width (MTX 3291) Selectable or automatic (MTX 3291) bargraph for VDC and ADC LCD with backlighting (MTX 3291) and digits 14mm high; Dual-line 60,000 (MTX 3291) or 6000-count display USB optical connector & SX-DMM software (included) 4 x AA batteries or NiMH batteries (included) Storage: -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C) Operation: 32° to 104°F (0° to 40°C) 7.72 x 3.54 x 1.85" (196 x 90 x 47.1mm) / 20.1oz (570g) FEATURES MODEL MTX 3290 & MODEL MTX 3291 · Easy-to-read 2.75 x 2.04" (70 x 52mm) backlit LCD screen · On screen connection indicator · Current: auto-ranging up to 10A · Secondary measurements in addition to the main measurement to facilitate analysis · MIN/MAX and AVG data with relative time/date-stamping and voltage and current peaks · SX-DMM software for real-time processing of the data on a PC (MTX 3291) · Powered by 4 standard AA batteries or 4 NiMH batteries rechargeable available with optional external charging module PRODUCT INCLUDES MTX 3290 & MTX 3291 Set of 2, Color-coded safety leads (Red/Black), Set of 2, Color-coded (Red/Black) test probes, quick start guide, 4-1.5V alkaline batteries (installed) and user manual on USB drive. Model MTX 3291 includes a soft carrying case, USB cable, and USB drive with SX-DMM software. CATALOG NO. 2154.01 2154.02 DESCRIPTION DMM Model MTX 3290 (ASYC IV, TRMS, 6000-cts, Digital LCD) DMM Model MTX 3291 (ASYC IV, TRMS, 60,000-cts, USB, Backlit, Digital LCD) 52 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Model MTX 3292 Model MTX 3293 WA DIGITAL MULTIMETERS 3000 SERIES YEAR TY 3 RRAN MODELS MTX 3292 & MTX 3293 Portable multimeter measuring resistance, capacitance, temperature, duty cycle, pulse counts, and frequency SAFETY * IP R ATIN G 67 Original FEATURES MODEL MTX 3292 & MODEL MTX 3293 · Easy-to-read 320 x 240 pixel color matrix graphical screen with black background · Trace, cursors and zoom on recordings · Programmable storage rate · Stores up to 6500 measurements (MTX 3293) · On screen connection indicator (MTX 3293) · USB or Bluetooth Class II communication available as an option · NiMH AA rechargeable battery · No downtime: instrument operates while charging PRODUCT INCLUDES MTX 3292, MTX 3292-BT, MTX 3293 & MTX 3293-BT Soft carrying case, Set of 2, Color-coded safety leads (Red/Black), Set of 2, Color-coded (Red/Black) test probes, quick start guide, 4 NiMH 2400mAH 1.5V rechargeable batteries (installed), optical USB cable, power supply with US plug adapter, quick start guide, and USB drive with SX-DMM software. SPECIFICATIONS MODELS MTX 3292 MTX 3293 ELECTRICAL DC, AC & AC+DC Voltages 100mV to 1000V DC Accuracy ±0.03% ±0.02% AC & AC+DC Bandwidth 100kHz 200kHz DC, AC & AC+DC Current 1000µA to 10A / 10 to 20A (30s max) DC Accuracy ±0.01% Frequency 10Hz to 5MHz Resistance 100 to 100M Audible Continuity 1000 signal < 20 < 3.5V Diode Test Diode 0 to 2.6V < 1mA + Zener Diode or LED 0 to 20V < 11mA Capacitance 1nF to 10mF Temperature Pt100/1000 -328° to 1472°F (-200° to 800°C) Temperature K/J TC -40° to 2192°F (-40° to 1200°C) OTHER FUNCTIONS MIN/MAX/PEAK SURV time/date-stamped MAX/MIN/AVG or PEAK ±, on all the functions Relative Mode (Rel) PWM Filter Relative value REF-delta unit or on 3 displays + main measurement 4th-order 300Hz low-pass filter for measuring variable speed drives with asynchronous motors V-Output Clamp Function for Direct Reading Programmable ratio Secondary Functions or Measurements 3 measurements + main measurement SPEC Mode GRAPH Center Zero Display of measurement tolerance: Smin, Smax Trends of main measurements < 60s + Zoom + Cursor Automatic trend bargraph Memory GENERAL Display Communication Power Source Environment Dimensions / Weight 1000 6500 Color graphical display (70 x 52) with backlighting on four-line 100,000-count display USB optical connector or Bluetooth Class II (optional) & SX-DMM software (included) Charger or 4 x AA batteries or NiMH batteries (included) Storage: -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C) Operation: 32° to 104°F (0° to 40°C) 7.72 x 3.54 x 1.85" (196 x 90 x 47.1mm) / 20.1oz (570g) *Bluetooth Communication for Models 3292-BT & 3293-BT only CATALOG NO. 2154.03 2154.04 2154.05 2154.06 DESCRIPTION DMM Model MTX 3292 (ASYC IV, TRMS, 100,000-cts, USB, Color Graphical Display) DMM Model MTX 3293 (ASYC IV, TRMS, 100,000-cts, USB, Color Graphical Display) DMM Model MTX 3292-BT (ASYC IV, TRMS, 100,000-cts, Bluetooth, USB, Color Graphical Display) DMM Model MTX 3293-BT (ASYC IV, TRMS, 100,000-cts, Bluetooth, USB, Color Graphical Display) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 53 DIGITAL MULTIMETERS 3000 SERIES The TRMS measurements of AC voltages and currents are also accurate on non-linear signals Functional Displays MODELS MTX 3292 & MTX 3293 COLOR MATRIX GRAPHICAL SCREENS SETUP MENU Configuration of measurements MEASUREMENT Configuration of the measurement parameters MEM Storing of the measurements, recording mode HOLD Management and hold of the display MODELS MTX 3290 & MTX 3291 BACKLIT LCD SCREENS MAX/MIN AVG Displays maximum, minimum and average values PEAK MODE Example of screen showing Peak+ value REL MODE Displays relative values with respect to referenced measured value 54 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ELECTRICAL TEST TOOLS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: 55 ELECTRICAL TEST TOOLS PHASE AND MOTOR ROTATION METERS MODELS 6608, 6609 & 6610 Ideal for installing rotating machinery or motors, and for checking generator output phase direction SPECIFICATIONS MODELS 6608 6609 6610 ELECTRICAL Operating Voltage Frequency Range 40 to 850Vac With leads connected: between phases 40 to 600Vac between phases 15 to 400Hz Static induction 45 to 65Hz Power Supply Self-powered via the 9V Alkaline battery One 9V Alkaline battery measurement inputs (included) (included) MECHANICAL Dimensions 5.1 x 2.7 x 1.3" (130 x 69 x 32mm) 5.0 x 2.8 x 1.8" (128 x 72 x 44mm) Weight 4.5oz (130g) 6oz (170g) 13.4oz (380g) battery included ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature SAFETY 32° to 104°F (0° to 40°C) -4° to 122°F (-20° to 50°C); < 80% RH 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C); max. 80% RH -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C); max. 80% RH Safety Ratings IEC 61010-1, DIN VDE 0411; IEC 61557-7, DIN VDE 0413-7; Tightness: IP40 EN 61010-1, EN 61326-1 Electrical Safety 600V CAT III 1000V CAT III; 600V CAT IV PRODUCT INCLUDES 6608 & 6609 Carrying case, three test leads (4ft), three alligator clips and a user manual. 6610 Soft carrying case, meter with attached test leads (black, red & blue) with alligator clips, 9V battery and user manual. SAFETY R ATIN G IP 40 (Model 6610 Only) FEATURES · Voltage sensing detector clips no metal contact points to promote greater safety (Model 6610) · Indication of live phase presence or phase absence · Designed for checking a wider range of 3-phase power source from 75V to 1000VAC (Model 6610) · Determination of a motor's rotation direction (Model 6609) · Automatic testing as soon as the instrument is connected · Terminals and cables identified by colorcoding to simplify connection (test leads are attached to Model 6610) · Phase rotation indicators (Model 6608) · Phase and motor rotation indicators (Models 6609 & 6610) · Color-coded leads (red, black, blue) and alligator clips (black) · Color-coded jacks for common U.S. phase colors · Line supplied - no battery needed (Model 6608) · Protected internally by high impedance circuit to limit the current to user safe limits CATALOG NO. 2121.10 2121.11 2121.12 DESCRIPTION Phase Rotation Meter Model 6608 Phase & Motor Rotation Meter Model 6609 Phase Rotation Meter Model 6610 (Non-contact) 56 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ELECTRICAL TEST TOOLS TESTER, SPLITTER AND DETECTOR AC LINE SPLITTER MODEL ALS-1 For use with clamp-on meters & multimeters using current probes FEATURES · Avoids splitting lines - makes reading current easy · Increases sensitivity of clamp-on current probes and clamp-on meters ten times in X10 mode · Direct reading X1 mode · Voltmeter input jacks · Integral ground conductor · Facilitates reading current draw of device plugged into it · Facilitates reading current draw through extension cords · 120V, 15A capacity NON-CONTACT AC VOLTAGE DETECTOR MODEL NC-1 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL Voltage Sensitivity Frequency Detection Distance Over Voltage Battery Safety NC-1 120 to 240VAC 50/60Hz <5mm 600V CAT III 2 x 1.5V AAA Alkaline (included) For indoor use and in accordance with over voltage 600V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2 CATALOG NO. 2121.05 2121.09 DESCRIPTION AC Line Splitter Model ALS-1 Non-Contact AC Voltage Detector Model NC-1 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 57 ELECTRICAL TEST TOOLS NON-CONTACT HIGH VOLTAGE DETECTOR MODEL 275HVD Warns the operator of live conductors with the use of its detection sensor SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Detection Frequency Ranges Detection Power Source MECHANICAL Self Test Indicators ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity 275HVD 45 to 70Hz 240V, 2kV, 6kV, 11kV, 22kV, 33kV, 132kV, 275kV Selection range is detected at approximately 10" (25cm) from the voltage. Greater detection distances can be obtained at lower voltage positions Three 1.5V C cell batteries (included) User selectable Bright red LED and audible buzzer 5° to 130°F (-15° to 55°C) -4° to 150°F (-20° to 65°C) 0 to 93% RH @ 104°F (40°C) FEATURES · Non-contact high voltage detector · Wide range of detection; 80V to 275kV; one instrument fits all applications · Eight switch-selectable voltage sensitivity ranges · Lightweight, minimizes sway at the end of long hot sticks · Audible and visual (LED) indication of live voltage · Self-test ensures that all system functions and indicators are working properly by energizing the complete system · Designed for use with hot sticks incorporating a shotgun adapter Note: Not designed to work on shielded cable or enclosure. PRODUCT INCLUDES Hard carrying case, 3 C cell batteries, shotgun adapter and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2131.12 DESCRIPTION Non-Contact High Voltage Detector Model 275HVD (240V to 275kV) Manual self-test 58 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ELECTRICAL TEST TOOLS VOLTAGE ABSENCE TESTERS (VATs) MODEL C.A 771 & C.A 773 An essential tool for electricians to ensure no voltage is present before working on any electrical installation connected to the network IP 65 FEATURES · Full autotest · Voltage detection, LED display: 12Vac U 1000Vac 12Vdc U 1400Vdc · Frequency: DC, 16.67 to 800Hz · Detection of stray voltages · Unipolar phase detection (a single contact) · Two-pole phase-sequence testing with 2-wire method = a third hand is not required · Continuity test with audible and visual indication (R <100) · Extended continuity test with visual indication for R <2k, 60k and 300k (Model C.A 771) R <0.5 to 2.999k (Model C.A 773) · RCD trip test · Complies with EN 61243-3 & IEC 61010 1000V CAT IV · Climatic conditions: -25.6° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C) (Class S) (Model C.A 771) and 5° to 113°F (-15° to 45°C) (Class N) (Model C.A 773) · Battery life > 5000 x 10s (Model C.A 771) 2500 x 10s (Model C.A 773) measurements · Removable lead and test probe · Delivered complete and ready to use SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Display Voltage Absence Testing (VAT) Voltage Frequency Impedance Max. Peak Current Polarity Indication Redundant Hazardous Voltage Indication Stray Voltage Detection GFI Tripping Phase/Neutral Identification CONTINUITY & RESISTANCE Buzzer Trigger Threshold Extended Continuity Test (Resistance) Test Current/ Open-circuit Voltage Phase Rotation Ph/Ph Voltage Buzzer Standards & Electrical Safety Operating Temperatures Power Source Environment Dimensions/Weight C.A 771 C.A 773 LEDs LEDs + backlit digital display 12Vac U 1000Vac; 12Vdc U 1400Vdc 12 to 1000Vac 12 to 1400Vdc DC, 16.67 to 800Hz > 500k 3.5mA RMS Yes The ELV (Extra-Low Voltage) LED indicates that the voltage is higher than the SELV (Safety Extra-Low Voltage) with the rate at which it flashes proportional to the voltage level Yes (by low-impedance load switching) up to 30mA Above 50V (45 to 65Hz); Above 150V (16.67 to 45Hz) 100 typical (150 max.) 2k, 60k, 300k 0.5 to 2999k 1mA / 3.3V 2-wire method with microprocessor 50V U 1000Vac (45 to 400Hz) Intermittent beep for Voltage Detection Continuous beep for continuity IEC 61243-3, EN 61243-3, IEC 61010 1000V CAT IV -25.6° to 140°F (-30° to 60°C) (Class S) 5° to 113°F (-15° to 45°C) (Class N) 2 x AA batteries (included) or NiMH batteries Storage: -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) 7.72 x 3.54 x 1.85" (196 x 90 x 47.1mm) / 570g PRODUCT INCLUDES 2 x 1.5V LR06/AA batteries, velcro strap, set of removable test probes Ø 2mm with crystal safety cover, probe-tip protection, and user manual in 5 languages. CATALOG NO. 2121.14 2121.15 DESCRIPTION Voltage Tester Model C.A 771 Voltage Tester Model C.A 773 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 59 ELECTRICAL TEST TOOLS TACHOMETERS C.A 1725 & C.A 1727 Simple to use and offers numerous measurement capabilities with or without contact SPECIFICATIONS MODELS C.A 1725 & C.A 1727 MEASUREMENTS Rotational Speed Function Linear Speed Function Frequency Function Period Function Range: 6 to 100,000rpm Resolution: 0.0006 to 6rpm depending on range Accuracy: ±1x10-4 of Reading ±6 counts Range: 0.1 to 10,000m/min or ft/min Resolution: 0.0006 to 6m/min depending on range Accuracy: ±1x10-4 of Reading ±1 increment Range: 0.1 to 10,000Hz Resolution: 0.0004 to 0.4Hz depending on range Accuracy: ±4x10-5 of Reading ±4 counts Range: 0.1 to 10,000ms Resolution: 0.0003 to 0.3ms depending on range Accuracy: ±1x10-4 of Reading ±5 counts Duty Cycle Function Range: 10 to 10,000% Resolution: 0.1 to 1% depending on range Accuracy: ±0.1% of scale from 0.2 to 50Hz ±0.2% of scale from 50 to 125Hz / ±1% of scale otherwise Count function GENERAL Power Source Battery life Range: 0 to 99,999 events; Accuracy: ±1 event (Model C.A 1727) 9V battery Alkaline (included) 250 x 5 min measurements with optical sensor; 600 x 5 min measurements with external sensor Data Storage 4000 measurements (Model C.A 1727) Dimensions 8.5 x 2.83 x 1.85" (216 x 72 x 47mm) Weight 8.8oz (250g) Weatherproofing Environment IP51 Storage: -4 to +158°F (-20 to +70°C) 95% RH; Operation: 32 to 131°F (0 to 55°C) 90% RH SENSOR Optical Reflective area: 10 to 90% of the target area. Measurement distance: 0.4 x 19.7" (1 to 50cm). The maximum distance is given for a reflective adhesive strip with a minimum area of 10cm2. Measurement angle: ±15° in relation to the perpendicular of the reflective surface. Mechanical Mechanical adapter: End-fittings: elastomer with a durometer hardness of 80 Pressure on moving part: between 2 and 40N; maximum speed: 10,000rpm Service life: approx. 1000 hours at 3000rpm with a pressure of 20N Conical end-fitting accessory: Minimum diameter of measurement shaft: 0.2" (5mm) Cylindrical end-fitting accessory: Speed measurements on shafts with a diameter greater than 0.2" (5mm) or flat-ended shafts End-fitting accessory with wheel; Wheel diameter: 1.19" (30.183mm); Wheel development: 3.94" ±0.004" (10cm ±0.1mm) IP 51 FEATURES · Measurements up to 100,000 RPM · Multiple functions and automatic routines for data acquisition and storage: measurement of rotational speed, linear speed, count, frequency and period · Extensive programming possibilities · Digital display with analog bargraph · USB interface for processing results on a PC (Model C.A 1727) · Includes TachoGraph software on CD-ROM (Model C.A 1727) download memory only · Stores up to 4000 measurements results (Model C.A 1727) ACCESSORIES MECHANICAL ACCESSORIES KIT Catalog #1749.02 Mechanical adapter, calibrated wheel, conical end fitting and cylindrical end fitting PRODUCT INCLUDES Hard case, FRB F connector, 9V battery, set of fifteen reflective strips, quick start guide and user manual. The Model C.A 1727 also includes a USB cable and TachoGraph software. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 1748.10 Tachometer Model C.A 1725 1748.30 Tachometer Model C.A 1727 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 1749.02 Mechanical accessories kit 60 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-13G91 AND AVAILABILITY: 61 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS LIGHTMETER MODELS CA811 & CA813 Features optical sensors that are designed to match the response of the human eye SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Range Display Resolution Sensor Spectral Response Accuracy 2856K Light Source Common Light Source Sample Rate GENERAL Display Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Polarity Power Source Low Battery Indication Dimensions Weight CA811 CA813* 20fc, 200fc, 2000fc, 20kfc 20fc, 200fc, 2000fc, 20kfc 20lux, 200lux, 20lux, 200lux, 2000lux, 20klux 2000lux, 20klux, 200klux 0.01fc or 0.01lux Silicon photodiode CIE Photoptic Curve ±5% of Reading ±10cts ±18% of Reading ±2cts 2.5 times per second, nominal ±5% of Reading ±10cts ±11% of Reading ±2cts 2.5 times per second, nominal 3½ digit liquid crystal display (LCD), 2000-count 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C), <80% RH -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C), 0 to 80% RH without battery Automatic One 9V Alkaline battery (included) is displayed when battery voltage is low 6.81 x 2.38 x 1.5" (173 x 60.5 x 38mm) Approx. 7.55oz (214g) including battery Approx. 7.9oz (224g) including battery *Note: Model CA813 offers higher sensitivity (200klux) and has a better spectral response to common light sources. Model CA811 is used to measure incandescent lighting. PRODUCT INCLUDES · Shockproof holster · 9V battery · User manual CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2121.20 2121.21 Lightmeter Model CA811 Lightmeter Model CA813 62 FEATURES · Easy one-hand operation · Designed to measure a wide range of lighting types · Removable sensor for remote reading · Measures in footcandles (fc) or lux · Measures incandescent lighting · Cosine corrected · Hold function · Max function (Model CA811) · Peak function (Model CA813) · CIE photoptic (human eye) response · 2000-count backlit LCD · Lightweight and compact · Removable protective sensor cover · Includes rugged, shockproof, protective and dirt resistant gray cover APPLICATIONS · Testing for OSHA compliance in workplace, cleanroom and industrial settings · Ambient testing for light-sensitive displays and archives in museums and art galleries Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS SOUND LEVEL METER MODEL CA832 Designed to assess sound ambiences or nuisances in accordance with international safety and quality standards IP 44 FEATURES · Easy one-hand operation · Measures sound according to the sensitivity of the human ear · Max function · Three measurement ranges from 37 to 130dB · Accuracy ±1.5dB (ref. 94dB@1kHz) · Two time weighting curves: S (slow) - 550ms and F (fast) 55ms · Two frequency weighting curves: A and C · Auxiliary output for recording · Tripod mountable · 2000-count backlit LCD · Lightweight and compact · Includes rugged, shockproof, protective and dirt resistant gray cover APPLICATIONS · Factories · Schools and Libraries · Airports · Office environments and Studios · Auditoriums · Hospitals · Art Galleries CATALOG NO. 2121.23 DESCRIPTION Sound Level Meter Model CA832 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL MEASUREMENTS Measurement Range Measurement Rate Dynamic Range Frequency Range Accuracy Resolution Precision Display Sensor Type Applicable Standard Auxiliary Output Frequency Weighting Time Weighting GENERAL Display Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Power Source Low Battery Indication Dimensions Weight CA832 37 to 80dB 50 to 100dB 80 to 130dB 2.5 times per second 50db 31.5 to 8000Hz ±1.5dB (ref. 94dB@1kHz) 0.1dB ±2.0dB 2000-count 0.5" (13mm) electric (prepolarized) condenser microphone True RMS measurement with independent frequency weighting IEC 651 type 2/ANSI S 1.4 type 2/JIS C 1502 DC output: 10mV/dB 50 AC output: 1.0Vrms 600 Curves A and C S (slow) - 550ms and F (fast) - 55ms 3½ digit liquid crystal display (LCD), 2000-count 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C), 80% RH without condensation -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C), 0 to 80% RH without battery One 9V Alkaline battery (included) is displayed when battery voltage is low 9.33 x 2.38 x 1.5" (237 x 60.5 x 38mm) 8.11oz (230g) including battery PRODUCT INCLUDES Shockproof holster, protective foam microphone cap, screwdriver, male jack connector, assembly screw for camera type tripod, 9V battery and user manual. Tripod mounting screw allows for mounting on a standard tripod stand. (Tripod not included) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 63 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS THERMO-HYGROMETER MODEL CA846 Provides excellent response time to changes in temperature, good repeatability and accurate readings SPECIFICATIONS MODEL CA846 MEASUREMENTS -- TEMPERATURE Measurement Range -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C) Display Resolution Sensor Accuracy 0.1°F (0.1°C) NTC Temperature Sensor -4° to 32°F: ±2°F (-20° to 0°C: ±1°C) 32° to 140°F: ±1°F (0° to 60°C: ±0.5°C) MEASUREMENTS -- RELATIVE HUMIDITY Measurement Range 0 to 100% RH Display Resolution 0.1% RH Sensor Accuracy Capacitive Humidity Sensor ±5.0%, 25°C, 10% to 90% RH ±10.0%, 25°C, 0% to 10% RH, 90% to 100% RH GENERAL Display 3½ digit liquid crystal display (LCD), 2000-count Operating Temperature 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C), 80% RH Storage Temperature -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C), 0 to 80% RH without battery Polarity Automatic Power Source One 9V Alkaline battery (included) Low Battery Indication is displayed when battery voltage is low Dimensions 6.81 x 2.38 x 1.5" (173 x 60.5 x 38mm) Weight Approx. 7oz (197g) including battery PRODUCT INCLUDES · Shockproof holster · 9V battery · User manual CATALOG NO. 2121.24 DESCRIPTION Thermo-Hygrometer Model CA846 (NTC) 64 FEATURES · Easy one-hand operation · Measures temperature in °F and °C · Accurate NTC sensor · Quick response RH sensor · Max and Hold functions · 2000-count backlit LCD · Lightweight and compact · Removable protective sensor cover · Includes rugged, shockproof, protective and dirt resistant gray cover APPLICATIONS · Greenhouses · HVAC installation and maintenance · Office environments · Labs · Environmental studies · Weather monitoring · Food distribution and storage · Blood banks Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS INFRARED THERMOMETER MODEL CA879 Provides precision measurement with its laser target feature FEATURES · Easy one-hand operation · Non-contact infrared sensor · Laser guide for precise aim · 12:1 Field of Vision Ratio · Measures temperature in °F and °C · Fixed 0.95 emissivity · Auto-HOLD function · 2000-count backlit LCD APPLICATIONS · Electrical troubleshooting · Food safety and processing · Automotive repair and maintenance · Marine maintenance and repairs · Test faulty motor winding insulation · Test overheated high voltage transformers · Test terminals on circuit breaker panels · Perform HVAC energy audits · For Continental US only FIELD OF VISION RATIO SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Measuring Range Resolution Polarity Accuracy Emissivity Spectral Response Response Time Laser Target Power Source MECHANICAL Dimensions Weight ENVIRONMENTAL Operating: Temperature Humidity Storage: Temperature Humidity SAFETY Electromagnetic Compatibility CA879 -58° to 1022°F (-50° to 550°C) 0.1°F from -58° to 200°F, 1°F beyond this range 0.1°C from -50° to 200°C, 1°C beyond this range Automatic (minus only) ±1.5% of Reading ±4°F from -4° to +1022°F / ±9°F of -58° to -4°F ±1.5% of Reading ±2°C from -20° to +550°C / ±5°C of -50° to -20°C Preset at 0.95 6 to 14µm 400ms 1mW (670nm type) One 9V Alkaline battery included (6LR61 or 6LF22) 9.05 x 3.93 x 2.20" (230 x 100 x 56mm) 10.23oz (290g) 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C) 10 to 90% RH -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C) without battery < 80% RH EN 50081-1: EN 55022 EN 50082-1: EN 55024 PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, 9V battery and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2121.37 DESCRIPTION Infrared Thermometer Model CA879 (-58° to 1022°F) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 65 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS TEMPERATURE MODEL 1821/1822/1823 Versatility & high performance temperature measurement PRODUCT INCLUDES · 3 x 1.5V AA alkaline batteries · 6ft USB cable, type A to type B USB · Quick start guide · Soft carrying case · K Thermocouple flexible sensor (Model 1821 only) · (2) K Thermocouple flexible sensor (Model 1822 only) · (1) 3 pin RTD connector (Model 1823 only) · User manual and DataView® application software included on USB Drive IP 54 FEATURES · Selectable Thermocouple type, J, K, T, N, E, R, S (Models 1821 & 1822) · Single and dual channel (Models 1821 & 1822) · Dual line display (Model 1822) · RTD temperature measurement (Model 1823) · Works with 100 or 1000 Ohm platinum sensor (Model 1823) · User selectable temperature units, °F, °C · Min and Max measurements stored · HOLD function freezes the display · Spot or continuous recording up to 1 million measurements · Blue luminescent backlit display · Programmable store on alarm function · Magnetic mount · Programmable alarms through software · DataView® graphing and analysis software included · Battery or USB powered · Free app for AndroidTM from the Google® Play Store CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2121.74 Thermocouple Thermometer Data Logger Model 1821 2121.75 Thermocouple Thermometer Data Logger Model 1822 2121.76 RTD Thermometer Data Logger Model 1823 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2138.66 Cable - 6ft USB Type A - Type B Micro 5000.82 3-Prong Mini Flat Pin Connector (RTD) (for Model 1823) 5000.44 MultiFix Universal Mounting System 2154.71 Carrying Pouch 2153.78 Adapter - US Wall Plug to USB 2122.31 Shock Proof Housing 66 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS INFRARED THERMOMETER TEMPERATURE DATA LOGGERS MODELS 1821, 1822, 1823 1821 THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER 1822 THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER Measurement range Resolution J, K, T, N, E, R, S 1 Channel J, K, T, N, E, R, S 2 Channel J 210 to + 1,200 °C / -346 to + 2,192 °F K 200 to + 1,372 °C / -328 to + 2,501 °F T 250 to + 400 °C / -418 to + 752 °F N 200 to + 1,300 °C / -328 to + 2,372 °F E 150 to + 950 °C / -238 to + 1,742 °F R, S 0 to + 1,767 °C / 32 to + 3,212 °F Display in °C: ø < 1,000 °C : 0.1 °C and ø 1,000°C : 1 °C Display in °F: ø < 1,000 °F : 0.1 °F and ø 1,000°F : 1 °F Accuracy (°C) FUNCTIONS Recording Alarms Data storage J, K, T, N, E ø - 100°C ± (0.2% Reading + 0.6°C) - 100°C < ø + 100°C ± (0.15% R + 0.6°C) + 100°C < ø ± (0.1% R + 0.6°C) R, S ø + 100°C ± (0.15% R + 1.0°C) + 100°C < ø ± (0.1% R + 1.0°C) Manual start/stop Short press on MEM: spot recording / Long press on REC: recording at the user selectable rate Programmed recording rates from 1 minute to 2 hours Start date and end date can be customized with the PC software Alarm thresholds set using the software. Visual alert on the product in the event of an overrun Recording can be triggered on alarm thresholds More than 1 million measurements Min-Max Real-time display of Min and Max readings available at the press of a button Hold Freezes the measurement value on the display Differential measurement Model 1822 only Units °C or °F Backlighting Blue luminescent Automatic power off POWER SUPPLY Type User selectable choice of 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or off through DataView® software 3 x 1.5V AA / LR6 alkaline batteries Connection to line power using supplied micro-USB cable. Wall adapter sold separately Battery life PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS Interfaces Model 1821 & 1822: 1,000 hrs (portable mode) Model 1823 : 800 hrs (portable mode) 3 years for recording (15-minute measurement interval) 2 communication modes: Bluetooth and USB 1823 RTD THERMOMETER PT100, PT1000 1 Channel - 100 to + 400°C -148 to + 752°F Display in °C : 0.1°C Display in °F : 0.1°F ± (0.4% R + 0.3°C) Mounting Connections Dimensions/Weight Protection Operating Range Standards GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS DataView® Software Functions Warranty Case equipped with a magnet, a wall mount system and a slot for suspension of the product. Compatible with the Multifix accessory (Cat. 5000.44). Shock proof housing available as an accesory Compensated miniature female connectors 3-point flat connector 5.9 x 2.84 x 1.28" (150 x 72 x 32mm) / 9.2oz (260g) with batteries IP54 Temperature from 14 to 140 °F (-10 to +60 °C) / Humidity from 10 to 90 %RH IEC61010-1 / IEC 61326-1 Real-time mode; Automatic report generation in Microsoft Word format Graph or value-table presentation; Data export in graph or Microsoft Excel table format 2 years Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 67 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS LIGHTMETER MODEL 1110 Features optical sensors that are designed to match the response of the human eye SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Measurement Range Accuracy Accuracy with compensation .01 lx to 200,000lx 1110 0.01 fc to 18,580 fc ±3% of R on incandescent sources ±6% of R on LEDs (3,000K to 6,000K) ±9% of R on flourescent sources LED mode: ±4% of R (at 4,000K) Flou mode: ±4% of R (type F11, 4,000K) Display Resolution 0.1 lx (0.1 lx to 999.9 lx) 1 lx (1,000 lx to 9,999 lx) 10 lx (10,000 lx to 99.99 klx) 100 lx beyond 0.01 fc (0.01 fc to 99.99 fc) 0.1 fc (100.0 fc to 999.9 fc) 1 fc (1,000 fc to 9,999 fc) 10 fc beyond Recording Other Functions Sampling Rate MAP mode Memory Communication Power Source Battery Life Dimensions Weight (with battery) Case Operating temperature Storage temperature Relative Humidity Ingress Protection (IP) EMC Safety Compliance Warranty Manual start/stop on the product Short press for MEM: spot recording/long press for REC at the defined default rate Programed recording: start date, recording interval, and end date defined using DataView® software MIN-AVG-MAX-HOLD Programmable from 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 2min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, and 1hr The MAP mode can be used to map the lighting on the surface of a room. In this case the measurements are saved in the same file 1,000,000 measurements on each channel (4MB). Recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if battery is low or removed. USB 2.0 and Bluetooth 3x1.5V AA (LR6) alkaline batteries or USB port (micro-USB adaptor offered as an accessory) 500hrs, 3yrs with 15min intervals Case: 5.9 x 2.84 x 1.28" (150 x 72 x 32mm) Sensor: 2.64 x 2.52 x 1.38" (67 x 64 x 35mm) 12.2 oz (345g) with batteries Polycarbonate 14° to 140°F (-10° to 60°C) -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C) Up to 90% IP50 with USB connector closed and protective cap on sensor EN 61326-1 IEC 61010-1 2 years CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION IP 50 FEATURES · User selectable light source, natural, LED or fluorescent · Spectral error compensation for LED and fluorescent lighting · Removable light sensor with expandable cable up to 48" · Map mode profiles the illuminance map of the area or room by storing multiple measurements · Min, Max, and Average measurements stored · Free app for AndroidTM from the Google® Play Store · Spot or continuous recording of up to 1,000,000 measurements stored in 8MB flash memory · Blue luminescent backlit display · User selectable Foot Candle or Lux units · USB and Bluetooth communication · Magnetic mount · Battery or USB powered · DataView® graphing and analysis software included Measure and record multiple measurements to create an illuminance map of the room or area of interest 2121.71 Lightmeter Data Logger Model 1110 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2118.65 Soft Carrying Case 2138.66 Cable - 6 ft USB Type A - Type B Micro 2118.09 General Purpose Carrying Case 2122.31 Shock Proof Housing 2153.78 Adapter - US Wall Plug to USB 5000.44 Multifix Universal Mounting System 68 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS THERMO-ANEMOMETER MODEL 1227 Easily measure and record wind speed, air flow, and temperature SPECIFICATIONS IP 54 FEATURES · Measures temperature and air measurements · Free app for AndroidTM from the Google® Play Store · User selectable wind speed or air flow measurement · User selectable measurement units m/s, fpm, km/h, mph or m3s, m3h, R/s, cfm · Map mode profiles the illuminance map of the area or room by storing multiple measurements · Removable anemometer with expandable cord up to 48" · Min, Max and Average measurements stored · Hold function freezes the display · Spot or continuous recording up to 1 million measurements stored in 8MB flash memory · Blue luminescent backlit display · USB and Bluetooth communication · Magnetic mount · Battery or USB powered · DataView® graphing and analysis software included 2122.32 Set of Air Flow Measurement Cones MODELS Measurement Range 1227 Air Speed 0.52m/s to 27.0m/s (98.0 to 5,315fpm) Air Flow 0.00 to 2,999m3/h Accuracy ±3% of R ± 0.1m/s 8% of R Resolution Recording TEMPERATURE Sensor Accuracy Resolution GENERAL Other Functions Sampling Rate MAP mode Memory Communication Power Source Battery Life Dimensions Weight (with battery) Case Operating temperature Storage temperature Relative Humidity Ingress Protection (IP) EMC Safety Compliance Warranty 0.01m/s from 0.5 to 98.0m/s .1fpm from 98.4 to 99.9fpm 0.1m/s from 3.0 to 27.0m/s 1fpm from 100 to 5,315fpm 00.10.m11mm3/33h//hhfrfofrrmoomm10030..00t0otot2o.99299..9f9m9mm33/3/hh/h Manual start/stop on the product Short press for MEM: spot recording/long press for REC at the defined default rate Programed recording: start date, recording interval, and end date defined using DataView® software CTN 32° to 122°F: ±1.4°F -4° to 32°F: ±2.3°F 0.1°F 0° to 50°C: ±0.8°C -20° to 0°C: ±1.6°C 0.1°C MIN-AVG-MAX-HOLD Programmable from 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 2min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, and 1hr The MAP mode can be used to map the air speeds on the surface of a room. In this case the measurements are saved in the same file 1,000,000 measurements on each channel (4MB). Recorded data is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even if battery is low or removed. USB 2.0 and Bluetooth 4.0 BLE range 1m typical 3x1.5V AA (LR6) alkaline batteries or USB port (micro-USB adaptor offered as an accessory) 200 hrs., / 8 days when recording with 15 minutes intervals Case: 5.9 x 2.84 x 1.28" (150 x 72 x 32mm) Sensor: 6.3 x 3.15 x 1.5" (160 x 80 x 38mm) 14.1oz (400g) with batteries Polycarbonate 14° to 140°F (-10° to 60°C) -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C) Up to 90% IP40 EN 61326-1 IEC 61010-1 2 years CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2121.72 Thermo-Anemometer Data Logger Model 1227 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2118.65 Case - Soft Carrying Case 2122.33 Replacement Air Flow Sensor 2138.66 Cable - 6ft USB Type A - Type B Micro 2118.09 General Purpose Carrying Case 2122.31 Shock Proof Housing 2122.32 Set of Air Flow Measurement Cones 2153.78 Adapter - US Wall Plug to USB 5000.44 Multifix Universal Mounting System Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 69 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS THERMO-HYGROMETER MODEL 1246 Measure humidity & temperature in all conditions FEATURES · Measures temperature, humidity and dew point · Dual line display toggles between any two of the measurements · User selectable temperature units, °F, °C · Built in sensor with removable protective cap · Min, and Max measurements stored · Hold function freezes the display · Spot or continuous recording up to 1 million measurements · Blue luminescent backlit display · Programmable alarms for temperature and humidity through included software · USB and Bluetooth communication · Magnetic mount · Battery or USB powered · DataView® graphing and analysis software included IP 54 PRODUCT INCLUDES · Soft carrying case · 3 x 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries · 6ft USB cable, type A to type B USB · Quick start guide · User manual and DataView® application software included on USB Drive CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2121.73 Thermo-Hygrometer Data Logger Model 1246 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2138.66 Cable - 6ft USB Type A - Type B Micro 2154.71 Carrying Pouch 2118.09 General Purpose Carrying Case 2122.31 Shock Proof Housing 2153.78 Adapter - US Wall Plug to USB 5000.44 Multifix Universal Mounting System 70 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ENVIRONMENTAL TESTERS AIR QUALITY MODEL 1510 Monitor CO2, temperature, and humidity for a healthy environment SPECIFICATIONS IP 40 FEATURES · CO2, temperature, and humidity logger · Free app for AndroidTM from the Google® Play Store · Compact and stand-alone: for mounting or portable use · User-friendly: comfort indicators based on the CO2, temperature and humidity levels · Accurate: complies with the latest standards concerning air quality monitoring · Quick, simple data download using supplied DataView® software · On-site calibration test module with adapter, tube and software for adjusting the zero and thresholds PRODUCT INCLUDES · Meter in carrying pouch · Adapter - US wall to USB · 6ft USB cable · 2 AA batteries · Quick start guide · User manual and DataView® application software included on USB Drive CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION Measuring Principle Type of Sensor Measurement Range Accuracy (CO2) Response Time, 63% Resolution Type of Sensor Units Measurement Range Accuracy Resolution Type of Sensor Measurement Range Accuracy Resolution Recording Interval Storage Alarm Backlighting Display, Hold, Min & Max Auto Power OFF Dimensions/Weight Protection Compliance Power Supply CO2 Measurement Non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) technology Double-beam infrared cell sensor 0 to 5000 ppm ±50 ppm ±3% of value measured < 200 seconds 1 ppm Temperature Measurement CMOS °C or °F 14° to 140°F (-10° to 60°C) ±0.1°F (±0.5°C) 0.1°F (0.1°C) Humidity Measurement Capacitive 5 to 95% RH ±2% RH 0.1% RH General Programmable from 1 minute to 2 hours > 1 million measurements Yes Yes Yes (in portable mode only) 4.92 x 2.58 x 1.26" (125 x 65.5 x 32mm)/ 6.7oz (190g) with batteries IP40 IEC 61010-1, 50V CAT II IEC 61326-1 Alkaline batteries: 2 AA or rechargeable battery connection to 120V 60Hz line/USB to wall adapter 2138.08 Air Quality Logger Model 1510 (Gray) 2138.09 Air Quality Logger Model 1510 (White) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2138.61 Wall Mount Holster (Gray) 2138.62 Desktop Stand (White) 2153.78 Adapter - US Wall Plug to USB 2138.67 Wall Mount Holster (White) Communication Mounting DataView® Software Bluetooth (Class I) wireless communication/USB link; the product is then recognized as a USB drive for easy file transfer Optional padlockable wall mount (padlock is not included), optional desktop stand and tear drop wall hook Graphic representation or as table of values, data export, real-time mode calculation of the confinement index with selection of presence periods & report generation Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 71 DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SOFTWARE USE DATAVIEW® TO CONFIGURE ALL USER SELECTABLE FUNCTIONS ON MODELS 1110, 1227, 1246, 1821, 1822, 1823 & 1510 You can view measurements in real-time, download & analyze stored data, and create customizable reports all with DataView®. Other screens allow for the selection of measurement units, alarm set points, and other user selectable parameters. Typical status screen shows current state of the instrument The recording configuration screen provides the ability to assign a name & location to the recording session, set the retrieval rate, and schedule when recordings will start and stop. It also displays memory usage. Typical graphic of recorded data displays recorded measurements vs. time as well as min, max, and average measurements for the recording. A movable cursor lets you see values at the cursor location A typical report will include a plot of the data as well as a listing of the measurements. A report cover sheet provides information about the operator and the test site as well as a comment section for the operator to type in the test results and recomendations 72 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS CHECK PAGE REF > SEE WEBSITTecEhnicFalOAssRistaPnceR(8I0C0)I3N43-G1391AND AVAILABILITY: 73 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS DIGITAL TESTER MODELS 4620 & 4630 Both models will perform over 2000 measurements for the 15 second tests between recharging or battery replacement IP IP 65 53 cover closed cover open FEATURES · Ground Integrity® Measurement · Measures soil resistivity (4-Point) · Measures ground resistance (2- and 3-Point) Fall-of-Potential method · Step voltage tests and touch potential measurements · Auto-Ranging: automatically selects the optimum resistance range and test current · Designed to reject high levels of noise and interference · Extremely simple to operate: connect - press hold - read · LED on faceplate informs operator of high input noise, high auxiliary rod resistance and fault connections · Large easy-to-read backlit display · Battery powered (Model 4620) · AC powered with rechargeable NiMH battery pack (Model 4630) · Rugged dustproof and watertight field case · Color-coded terminals CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Range Measurement Range Resolution Open Voltage Resistance Measurement Frequency Test Current Accuracy Auxiliary Electrode Influence Max Res. in Current Circuit Max Res. in Voltage Circuit Response Time Withstanding Voltage Power Source Battery Life Fuse Protection 4620 4630 20 0.00 to 19.99 10m 42V peak 128Hz square wave 10mA ±2% of Reading ±1ct 200 20.0 to 199.9 100m 42V peak 128Hz square wave 1mA ±2% of Reading ±1ct 2000 200 to 1999 1 42V peak 128Hz square wave 0.1mA ±5% of Reading ±3cts 3k 30k 50k 50k 50k 50k Approximately four to eight seconds for a stabilized measurement 250Vac or 100Vdc Eight C cell batteries (included); 120/230V 50/60Hz Alkaline recommended Rechargeable 9.6V, 3.5 Ah NiMH battery pack (included) >2000 15-second measurements; LO BAT indication on LCD 0.1A, >250V, 0.25 x 1.25"; 30kA Interrupt Capacity PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, batteries (4620 is C-cell & 4630 is rechargeable) and user manual Model 4630 Kit - 500 ft. shown PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 81 FOR TEST KIT DESCRIPTIONS 2130.43 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4620 (Digital, 4-Point, Battery Powered) 2130.44 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4630 (Digital, 4-Point, Rechargeable Battery) 2135.19 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4620 Kit 150ft (Model 4620 and Catalog #2135.35) 2135.20 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4620 Kit 300ft (Model 4620 and Catalog #2135.36) 2135.21 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4620 Kit 500ft (Model 4620 and Catalog #2135.37) 2135.22 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4630 Kit 150ft (Model 4630 and Catalog #2135.35) 2135.23 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4630 Kit 300ft (Model 4630 and Catalog #2135.36) 2135.24 Ground Resistance Tester Model 4630 Kit 500ft (Model 4630 and Catalog #2135.37) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2130.60 Tape Measure (100 ft) 2135.35 Test Kit for 3-Point Testing 150ft (see page 70 for descriptions) 2135.36 Test Kit for 4-Point Testing 300ft (see page 70 for descriptions) 2135.37 Test Kit for 4-Point Testing 500ft (see page 70 for descriptions) 2135.38 Ground Test Kit for 3-Point Testing (Supplemental for 4-Point testing includes two 100ft color-coded leads, one 30ft lead (green), two 14.5" T-shaped auxiliary ground electrodes and soft carrying bag) 2130.59 Calibration Checker 25 for Models 3640, 4500, 4610, 4620 and 4630 74 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS CLAMP-ON MODELS 6416 & 6417 Provides high safety level with new ground voltage indication feature SPECIFICATIONS MODELS ELECTRICAL Ground Resistance Auto-Ranging 0.01 to 1499 Current Measurement Auto-Ranging 1mA to 40A 6416 & 6417 Measurement Range 0.010 to 0.099 0.10 to 0.99 1.0 to 49.9 50.0 to 99.5 100 to 199 200 to 395 400 to 590 600 to 1150 1200 to 1500 0.200 to 0.999mA 1.000 to 2.990mA 3.00 to 9.99mA 10.00 to 29.90mA 30.0 to 99.9mA 100.0 to 299.0mA 0.300 to 0.990A 1.000 to 2.990A 3.00 to 39.99A Resolution 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.5 1 5 10 50 50 1µA 10µA 100µA 1mA 10mA Accuracy (% of Reading) ±1.5% ±0.01 ±1.5% ±0.02 ±1.5% ±0.1 ±2% ±0.5 ±3% ±1 ±5% ±5 ±10% ±10 20% approx 25% approx ±2% ±50µA ±2% ±50µA ±2% ±100µA ±2% ±1mA ±2% ±10mA Selectable Measurement Frequency 50, 60, 128 or 2083Hz Current Measurement Frequency Inductance Measurement Current Overload Communication Power Source 47 to 800Hz 10 to 100µH; 100 to 500µH OL displayed above 39.99Arms Bluetooth connection (Model 6417 only) 4x1.5V LR6 (AA) Alkaline batteries or 4 NiMH batteries; Battery life: 12 hours, or 1440 30-second measurements approx. PRODUCT INCLUDES MODEL 6416 includes a hard carrying case, calibration loop, four 1.5V AA batteries and user manual. MODEL 6417 also includes a Bluetooth USB adapter, quick start guide, and a USB drive with DataView® software, ground workbook and user manual. IP * ** 40 *Model 6417 only FEATURES · Ground Integrity® Measurement · Ground voltage indication (warns of possible unsafe conditions) · Large multi-function bright yellow organic LED display (OLED) · Selectable test frequency (improves accuracy in inductive environments) · Clamping diameter of 1.37" (35mm) with large jaw design · Storage of measurements ( and/or A, with time-stamping) · Model 6416: up to 300 measurements stored · Model 6417: up to 2000 measurements stored · View stored measurements on the OLED display or via Bluetooth (Class 2 communicates up to 30ft) to a PC or the AndroidTM based mobile application (Model 6417) · Auto Power OFF function · Alarm function with adjustable set point and buzzer for quick field checks for volts, amps and ohms · Rugged Lexan® head and body construction resists breakage · Alarm settings and stored memory information saved during shutdown · Includes DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis, report generation and system configuration (Model 6417) · Noise icon and buzzer alert user to presence of dangerous voltage and current levels · Designed to EN 61010-1, 600V CAT IV safety standards CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2141.01 2141.02 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6416 (Clamp-On, Alarm, Memory) Ground Resistance Tester Model 6417 (Clamp-On, Bluetooth, Alarm, Memory) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 75 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS CLAMP-ON MODEL 6418 Designed for measuring ground impedance on ground rods and bus bars SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Ground Resistance Auto Ranging 6418 Measurement Range 0.010 to 0.099 0.10 to 0.99 1.0 to 49.9 50.0 to 149 150 to 245 250 to 440 450 to 640 650 to 1200 Resolution Accuracy (% of Reading) 0.001 ±1.5% ±0.01 0.01 ±1.5% ±0.02 0.1 ±1.5% ±0.1 1 ±2.5% ±2 5 ±5% ±10 10 ±10% ±20 10 ±15% ±20 50 ±20% Reading +100 Measurement Frequency 2083Hz Current Measurement Auto Ranging 1mA to 40A 0.50 to 9.950mA 10.00 to 99.90mA 100.0 to 299.0mA 0.300 to 2.990A 3.000 to 20.00A 50µA 100µA 1mA 10mA 100mA ±2% +200µA ±2% +100µA ±2% ±1mA ±2% ±10mA ±2% ±100mA Current Measurement Frequency 47 to 800Hz Current Overload OL displayed above 19.99Arms Power Source 4x1.5V LR6 (AA) Alkaline batteries or 4 NiMH batteries; Battery life: 12 hours, or 1440 30-second measurements approx. PRODUCT INCLUDES MODEL 6418 Includes a hard carrying case, calibration loop, four 1.5V AA batteries and user manual. SAFETY IP R ATIN G 40 30 20 Ø32 40 55 CLAMPING CHARACTERISTICS FEATURES · Ground Integrity® Measurement · Large multi-function bright yellow organic LED display (OLED) 48 x 39mm · Clamping diameter accommodates both cable and bus bar · Storage of measurements ( and/or A, with time-stamping) · Up to 300 measurements stored · View stored measurements on the OLED display · Auto Power OFF function · Auto Hold · Alarm function with adjustable set point and buzzer for quick field checks for amps and ohms · Rugged Lexan® head and body construction resists breakage · Alarm settings and stored memory information saved during shutdown · Noise icon and buzzer alert user to presence of dangerous current levels · Designed to EN 61010-1, 100V CAT IV 150V CATIII safety standards · Automatic calibration of the jaw gap at power-up CATALOG NO. 2141.03 DESCRIPTION Ground Resistance Tester Model 6418 (Clamp-On, Alarm, Memory, Oblong Jaws) 76 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Disturbance indicator (current) in the loop HOLD Function active Buzzer is displayed when active Measurement date/time display Advanced Mode selection Indicates when the inductive component is negligible in Advanced Mode Main measurement display Measurement unit display Data Storage Mode Memory Recall Mode Memory index number display Bluetooth connection indicator (6417 only) MEASUREMENT RESULTS GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS CLAMP-ON Functional Displays Incorrect jaw closing indicator Auto Power OFF active Battery charge indicator 4000-count upper measurement display Upper display measurement unit Note: Display shown larger than real size. MEMORY RECALL MODE Main display measurement unit Hazardous voltage indicator (not available on model 6418) Alarm measurement display unit Alarm threshold display Alarm active indicator ALARM Displays the leakage current and loop impedance at the test frequency LOOP DETECTION Measurement storage date-time screen GROUND VOLTAGE Indicates voltage/current alarm threshold along with the direction of impedance IMPEDANCE OVER RANGE Detects and displays possible false readings associated with metal loops Indicates voltage potential at the point of measurement Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Indicates that the impedance is greater than 1500 77 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS MULTI-FUNCTION MODEL 6471 Test ground resistance without the need of auxiliary rods or with the 3- and 4- Point methods SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 6471 ELECTRICAL 2 Clamp Measurement Range 0.10 to 500 Resolution 0.01 to 1 Measurement Frequency Auto: 1611Hz Manual: 128Hz-1367Hz-1611Hz-1758Hz 3-Point Measurement Range (Auto-Ranging) 0.09 to 99.9k Resolution 0.01 to 100 Test Voltage Nominal 16 or 32Vrms user selectable Resistance Measurement Frequency 41 to 513Hz automatic or user selectable Test Current Up to 250mA Accuracy ±2% of Reading + 1ct @ 128Hz Soil Resistivity 4-Point Measurement Test Method Wenner or Schlumberger selectable with automatic calculation in -meters Range (Auto-Ranging) 0.01 to 99.99k; max: 999km Resolution 0.001 to 10 Test Voltage 16 or 32V user selectable Frequency From 41 to 128Hz selectable External Voltage Measurement Range (Auto-Ranging) 0.1 to 65.0Vac/dc DC to 440Hz Accuracy ±2% of Reading + 1ct Resistance Measurement (Bond Testing) Measurement Type 2-Pole (with lead resistance compensation) or 4-Pole (Kelvin sensing) user selectable Range (Auto-Ranging) 2-Pole 0.02 to 99.99k; 4-Pole 0.02 to 99.99k Accuracy ±2% of Reading + 2cts Test Voltage 16Vdc (+, - or auto polarity) Test Current Up to 250mA max Data Storage Memory Capacity 512 test results (64KB) Communication Optically Isolated USB Power Source 9.6V rechargeable battery pack (included) Recharging Source 110/220V, 50/60Hz external charger with 18Vdc, 1.9A output PRODUCT INCLUDES IP 53 cover closed The Model 6471 provides a fast and easy way to measure the value of the earth/ground using the 2 Clamp method (no auxiliary rods needed). KIT SHOWN 300FT KIT: CATALOG #2135.50 Includes meter, carrying bag for meter, carrying bag for kit, two 300ft colorcoded leads on spools (red/blue), two 5ft color-coded leads (red/blue), two 100ft color-coded leads (hand-tied, green/black), two SR182 current probes, rechargeable NiMH batteries, optical USB cable, power adapter 110/240V with power cord 115V US, four T-shaped auxiliary ground electrodes, set of five spaded lugs, one 100ft tape measure, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software, ground tester workbook and user manual. ACCESSORIES 2135.48 Meter, carrying bag , 110/240V power adapter with US power cord, optical USB cable, rechargeable NiMH battery, DataView® software, ground tester workbook and user manual. 2135.49 Meter, carrying bag , set of two SR182 current probes, 110/240V power adapter with US power cord, optical USB cable, rechargeable NiMH battery, DataView® software, ground tester workbook and user manual. MN82 CURRENT PROBE (2mA to 10Arms) Catalog #2135.71 (optional) SR182 CURRENT PROBE (0.5MA TO 40ARMS) Catalog #2135.72 (optional) REEL CADDY Catalog #2135.85 (optional) Set of two, for use with ground kit spools 78 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS MULTI-FUNCTION MODEL 6472 Used under difficult conditions such as the presence of high stray currents that normally affect accuracy IP 53 cover closed The Model 6472 provides an automated way to measure the value of the earth/ground using the Fall-of-Potential method and storing measurements. TEST KITS 6472 METER 300ft Kit: Catalog #2135.53 500ft Kit: Catalog #2135.54 (shown) Refer to page 40 for Model 6472 Kit descriptions Catalog #2135.35, #2135.36 & #2135.37 ACCESSORIES MN82 CURRENT PROBE (2MA TO 10ARMS) Catalog #2135.71 (optional) SR182 CURRENT PROBE (0.5MA TO 40ARMS) Catalog #2135.72 (optional) REEL CADDY Catalog #2135.85 (optional) Set of two, for use with ground kit spools PRODUCT INCLUDES Meter, carrying bag, 110/240V power adapter with US power cord, optical USB cable, rechargeable NiMH battery pack, DataView® software, ground tester workbook and user manual. SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 6472 ELECTRICAL 3-Point Measurement Range (Auto-Ranging) 0.09 to 99.9k Resolution 0.01 to 100 Test Voltage Nominal 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms user selectable Resistance Measurement Frequency 41 to 5078Hz automatic or user selectable Test Current Up to 250mA Accuracy ±2% of Reading + 1ct @ 128Hz 2 Clamp Measurement Range 0.1 to 500 Resolution 0.01 to 1 Measurement Frequency Auto: 1611Hz Manual: 128Hz-1367Hz-1611Hz-1758Hz Soil Resistivity 4-Point Measurement Test Method Range (Auto-Ranging) Wenner or Schlumberger selectable with automatic calculation of test results in -meters 0.01 to 99.99k; max: 999km Resolution 0.01 to 100 Test Voltage 16 or 32V user selectable Frequency From 41 to 128Hz selectable External Voltage Measurement Range (Auto-Ranging) 0.1 to 65.0Vac/dc DC to 440Hz Accuracy ±2% of Reading + 1ct Resistance Measurement (Bond Testing) Measurement Type 2-Pole (with lead resistance compensation) or 4-Pole (Kelvin sensing) user selectable Range (Auto-Ranging) 2-Pole 0.02 to 99.99k; 4-Pole 0.02 to 99.99k Accuracy ±2% of Reading + 2cts Test Voltage 16Vdc (+, - or auto polarity) Test Current Up to 250mA max Data Storage Memory Capacity 512 test results (64KB) Power Source 9.6V rechargeable battery pack (included) Recharging Source 110/220V, 50/60Hz external charger with 18Vdc, 1.9A output Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 79 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS MULTI-FUNCTION Large Functional Displays FEATURES Ground Integrity® Measurement Ground Resistance testing using the 2 clamp method (no auxiliary rods needed) 2- and 4-Point Bond Resistance/Continuity measurement (DC Resistance) with automatic polarity reversal 3-Point Fall-of-Potential measurement with manual or automatic frequency selection 4-Point Soil Resistivity measurement with automatic calculation of Rho (r) and user selection of the Wenner or Schlumberger test method 3-Point Earth Coupling measurement Manual and Automatic frequency scan from 41 to 5078 Hz for optimum test accuracy in electrically noisy environments Selectable test voltage of 16 or 32V up to 250mA of test current Auto Power OFF feature Automatic recognition of all electrode connections and their resistance value Stores up to 512 complete test results in internal memory Display with automatic backlight when entering a function Optically isolated USB communication cable included Rechargeable NiMH batteries from wall charger or vehicle power Rugged dustproof and water-resistant field case IP53 rated in closed position Grounding standards IEC 61557 parts 4 and 5 compliant Includes DataView® software for set up, data retrieval, real-time display, analysis, report generation and system configuration Can also be used for continuity tests on bonding 4-POINT BOND TEST The 4-Point Bond test shows lead connections, bond resistance test results, test voltage and current. SCHLUMBERGER TEST The Schlumberger test displays test lead connection, soil resistivity () test results and electrode spacing. DATA STORAGE Memory Recall displays test results stored at a specific memory location. 3-POINT FALL-OF-POTENTIAL TEST The 3-Point Fall-of-Potential test displays test lead connection, grounding rod resistance and test electrode resistances. TWO CLAMP TEST The 2 Clamp method displays clamp connection resistance, test current and frequency. WENNER TEST The Wenner test displays test lead connection, soil resistivity () test results, electrode spacing and resistance. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2135.48 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6471 (2-Point, 3-Point, 4-Point, Bond Test, Digital, Rechargeable Battery, DataView® software) SR182 probes not included 2135.49 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6471 (set of two SR182 current probes, 2-Point, 3-Point, 4-Point, Bond Test, Digital, Rechargeable Battery, DataView® software) 2135.50 2135.51 2135.53 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6471 Kit 300ft (Catalog #2135.49 and Catalog #2135.36) Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 (2-Point, 3-Point, 4-Point, Bond Test, Digital, Rechargeable Battery, DataView® software) Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 Kit 300ft (Model 6472 and Catalog #2135.36) 2135.54 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6472 Kit 500ft (Model 6472 and Catalog #2135.37) 2135.60 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6471 Kit 300ft (Catalog #2135.48 and Catalog #2135.36) w/o SR 2135.61 Ground Resistance Tester Model 6471 Kit 500ft (Catalog #2135.48 and Catalog #2135.37) w/o SR Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2135.71* AC Current Probe Model MN82 for use with Model 6471 and 6472 2135.72* AC Current Probe Model SR182 for use with Model 6471 and 6472 2135.85 Caddy Set of 2, Reel Caddy for use w/Ground Kit Spools *2 probes required for two clamp testing method. 80 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS MULTI-FUNCTION Typical DataView® Functional Displays 2 CLAMP METHOD SETUP GROUND TESTERS MODELS 6471 & 6472 FALL-OF-POTENTIAL, STEP-TOUCH POTENTIAL SELECTIVE 3-POINT TESTING OF MULTIPLE RODS 4-POINT BONDING FOR VERY LOW RESISTANCE BONDING SOIL RESISTIVITY OPTIONAL KITS 150FT KIT Catalog #2135.35 Test Kit for 3-Point testing includes carrying bag, two 150ft color-coded leads on spools (red/blue), two 5ft color-coded leads (red/blue), one 30ft lead (green), two 14.5" T-shaped auxiliary ground electrodes, one set of five spaded lugs and 100ft tape measure. 300FT KIT Catalog #2135.36 Test Kit for 4-Point testing includes carrying bag, two 300ft color-coded leads on spools (red/blue), two 5ft color-coded leads (red/ blue), two 100ft color-coded leads (green and black), four 14.5" T-shaped auxiliary ground electrodes, one set of five spaded lugs and 100ft tape measure. 500FT KIT Catalog #2135.37 Test Kit for 4-Point testing includes carrying bag, two 500ft color-coded leads on spools (red/blue), two 5ft color-coded leads (red/blue), two 100ft color-coded leads (green and black), one 30ft lead (green), four 14.5" T-shaped auxiliary ground electrodes, one set of five spaded lugs and 100ft tape measure. Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 81 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS MULTI-FUNCTION GROUNDFLEX® FIELD KIT Test active tower grounds safely without de-energizing or disconnecting any cables. Unique in the industry! SPECIFICATIONS IP 53 cover closed MODELS ELECTRICAL 3-POINT METHOD 4-POINT SELECTIVE METHOD GROUND MEASUREMENT WITH 2 CLAMPS 6472 & 6474 SOIL RESISTIVITY GROUND POTENTIAL MEASUREMENT DC RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT MEASUREMENTS WITH 6474 Range (Auto-Ranging) Resolution Accuracy No-Load Voltage Measurement Frequency 0.01W to 99.9kW 0.001 to 99.99W 0.01 to 500W 0.01W to 99.9kW 0.01mV to 65.00V 0.01 to 100W 0.001 to 10W 0.01 to 1W 0.01 to 100W 0.01 to 10mV ±(2% + 1 count) ±(2% + 1 count) ±(10% + 1 count) ±(2% + 1 count) ±(5% + 1 count) 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms 41 to 5078Hz 41 to 5078Hz Auto: 1611Hz Manual: 128Hz, 1367Hz, 1611Hz, 1758Hz 41 to 128Hz 41 to 128Hz 0.001W to 99.9kW 2 wires: 0.01 to 100W 4 wires: 0.001 to 10W ±(2% + 2 counts) ±16Vdc DC 0.001W to 99.99kW 0.001 to 10W ±(5% + 1 count) 10, 16, 32 or 60Vrms 41 to 5078Hz Coupling Measurement Auxiliary Rod Resistance Measurement Voltage Interference Soil Resistivity Type of Measurement Measurement Current MECHANICAL Memory/Communication Dimensions/Weight Protection Safety Electrical Safety Yes 0.1W to 100kW 3 wires 0.01W to 100kW 4 wires 0.01W to 100kW Maximum 60Vpeak Wenner and Schlumberger 4 wires 3 wires 2 wires or 4 wires > 200mA DC 512-record memory / optical link / USB 10.7 x 9.84 x 5.04" (272 x 250 x 128mm) / Model 6472: 7.05lbs (3.2kg) / Model 6474: 5.07lbs (2.3kg) IP53 (cover closed) 50V CAT IV, complies with IEC 61326-1 / IEC 61010 / IEC 61557-1-4-5 GROUNDFLEX® FIELD KIT MODEL 6474 Includes Groundflex® Adapter Model 6474, four Groundflex® sensors (5m) with twelve color-coded rings, connection lead, two extension leads on H reel (black/green) with color-coded alligator clips, one extra black and green alligator clip, six BNC extension leads, calibration loop, three C-clamps, carrying case with wheels and handle for meters, one inverter 12Vdc to 120VAC 200 watt (vehicle use) and user manual. Catalog #2136.03 (includes Cat. #2135.54) INCLUDED IN KIT: GROUND TESTER MODEL 6472 KIT-500FT Includes meter, rechargeable NiMH batteries, optical USB cable, power adapter 110/240V with power cord 115V US, two 500ft color-coded leads on spools (red/ blue), two 100ft color-coded leads (hand-tied, green/black), one 30ft lead (green), four T-shaped auxiliary ground electrodes, one 100ft AEMC® tape measure, DataView® software, ground tester workbook and user manual on USB drive, carrying bag for meter and carrying bag for kit. Catalog #2135.54 Shown: Model 6474 Kit 82 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS MULTI-FUNCTION AUTOMATIC RECOGNITION AND DISPLAY OF INPUT CONNECTIONS TO MATCH TEST The connections are displayed and flash if incorrect or absent for the test selected. FEATURES · Ground Integrity® Measurement · 3- and 4-Point Fall-of-Potential measurement with manual or automatic frequency selection · 4-Point soil resistivity measurement with automatic calculation of Rho (r) and user selection of the Wenner or Schlumberger test method · 2- and 4-Wire DC resistance measurement (Bond testing) with automatic polarity reversal · 3-Point Earth coupling measurement · Automatic frequency scan from 40 to 5078Hz for optimum test accuracy in electrically noisy environments · Selectable test voltage limit of 16 or 32V with up to 250mA of test current · Automatic recognition of all electrode connections and measurement of their resistance value · Determines bonding condition of overhead ground conductors · Auto Power OFF management · Optically isolated USB communication · Remote set up and operation of all measurements using DataView® software supplied · Automatic report generation · Rechargeable NiMH batteries from wall charger or vehicle power · Rugged dustproof and water-resistant field case -- IP53 rated in closed position · IEC 61557 parts 4 and 5 compliant · Includes DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis, report generation and system configuration GROUND RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT USING 2 CLAMPS For systems with parallel ground connections, the Model 6472 is capable of accurately measuring a ground resistance using clamps only. This method involves placing 2 clamps around the ground conductor to be tested and connecting them each to the instrument. One clamp injects a known signal (32V/1367Hz) while the other clamp measures the current circulating in the loop. This method saves considerable time when ground testing because it is no longer necessary to set up auxiliary rods or to disconnect the ground connector. H S ES RE E 6472 Overhead ground conductor High voltage line Current injection rod RH H S ES E 6472 Potential measurement rod 4 1 3 2 GROUND MEASUREMENT ON TOWERS WITH GROUND CABLE High-voltage lines are usually equipped with a ground cable to allow lightning to RS discharge to ground via the tower. As all the towers are all connected to this conductor, all the tower's resistances are in parallel. This means it is impossible to measure tower resistance using traditional 3-Point methods unless the ground cable is disconnected, which is a dangerous and time-consuming operation. 1 2 3 4 6474 4 AmpFlex® channels connected CATALOG NO. 2136.03 2136.05 DESCRIPTION Groundflex® Field Kit Model 6474 (Includes Cat. #2135.54) Groundflex® Adapter Model 6474 w/{1} 10m Groundflex® Sensor (Includes Cat. #2135.54) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 83 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS SELECTION CHART AEMC MODEL NUMBER AEMC CATALOG NUMBER RESISTANCE RANGE POWER SOURCE 2 POINT TEST 3 POINT TEST 4 POINT/ SELECTIVE SOIL RESISTIVITY TEST EARTH COUPLING 2 CLAMP BONDING DISPLAY VOLTAGE INDICATION INDUCTANCE SWEEP INDICATION FREQUENCY 6416 2141.01 0.01 to 1500 Battery Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester w/Alarm & Memory -- -- ** Voltage Displayed Digital (noise icon, buzzer) -- 6417 2141.02 0.01 to 1500 Battery Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester w/Alarm, Memory & Bluetooth communication -- -- ** Voltage Displayed Digital (noise icon, buzzer) -- Groundflex® Field Kit 2136.03 Model 6474 0.001 to 99.99k Rechargeable Battery -- -- Digital Value Displayed -- 6471 (SR182 probes 2135.48 not included) 6471 2135.49 0.01 to 99.99k Rechargeable Battery Digital Value Displayed -- -- 6471 Kit 300FT 2135.50 6472 2135.51 6472 Kit 300FT 2135.53 0.01 to 99.99k Rechargeable Battery Digital Value Displayed -- 6472 Kit 500FT 2135.54 4620 2130.43 0.0 to 1999 Battery -- -- -- -- Digital LED/Buzzer -- -- 4620 Kit 150FT 2135.19 * 4620 Kit 300FT 2135.20 0.0 to 2000 Battery -- -- -- -- Digital LED/Buzzer -- -- 4620 Kit 500FT 2135.21 0.0 to 1999 4630 2130.44 4630 Kit 150FT 2135.22 * 0.0 to 1999 Rechargeable Battery -- -- -- -- Digital LED/Buzzer -- -- 4630 Kit 300FT 2135.23 4630 Kit 500FT 2135.24 * Performing soil resistivity tests with this kit requires two additional auxiliary electrodes not supplied in the 150ft kit and one additional test lead. ** Clamp-on Ground Resistance Tester can measure system continuity inclusive of all bonding points. 84 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 LEAKAGE CURRENT METERS & PROBES SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-13G91 AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww.C.aeOmc.Mcom 85 LEAKAGE CURRENT METERS & PROBES TRMS CLAMP-ON LEAKAGE CURRENT METER MODEL 565 Designed to measure low AC currents, which are typically leakage currents in ground conductors SPECIFICATIONS MODEL mA AC Current (TRMS, Auto-Ranging) Resolution 60mA Accuracy 600mA 50 to 60Hz 50 to 500Hz 500Hz to 3kHz AC Current (TRMS, Auto-Ranging) Resolution 10A Accuracy 100A 50 to 60Hz 50 to 500Hz AC Voltage (TRMS) Accuracy 500Hz to 3kHz 50 to 60Hz 60 to 500Hz DC Voltage 500Hz to 3kHz Resolution Accuracy Resistance Accuracy Continuity Frequency (Auto-Ranging) Function Resolution 0 to 100Hz Sensitivity 100Hz to 1kHz Accuracy Filter In-Rush Power Source 565 TRMS 0 to 600mA 0.01mA (10A) 0.1mA (100A) ±1.2% of Reading ±5cts ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts ±3.5% of Reading ±10cts 0 to 100A 0.001A (1mA) 0.01A (10mA) ±1.2% of Reading ±5cts ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts ±3.5% of Reading ±10cts 0 to 600V ±1.0% of Reading ±5cts ±1.2% of Reading ±5cts ±2.5% of Reading ±5cts 0 to 600V 0.1V ±1.0% of Reading ±3cts 0 to 1k ±1.0% of Reading ±3cts Buzzer activates <35 (0 to 1k) A-Hz V-Hz 0.1Hz 0.1Hz 1Hz 1Hz 10mArms min 5Vrms min ±0.5% of Reading ±2cts On (50/60Hz only); Off (Full frequency range) Max 100mS sample time Two 1.5V AAA batteries (included) Original FEATURES · Check for leakage and locate insulation breakdowns on live circuits · Measures leakage current down to 0.1mA with up to 10µA resolution · Measures current up to 100Arms · Measures up to 600VAC/DC · Measures Hz on either V or A inputs · Measures resistance and continuity · Hold feature freezes value · Max feature keeps track of highest measured in-rush value · Zero button ideal for measuring relative values · Filter to isolate 50/60Hz fundamental from harmonics · Compatible with VDE 0404 · Backlight LCD display Jaw Opening: 1.10" (28mm) Conductor Size: 1" (26mm) LOAD PRODUCT INCLUDES Two color-coded 5ft test leads, carrying case, batteries and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2117.56 DESCRIPTION Clamp-On Leakage Current Meter Model 565 (TRMS, 60mA, 600mA, 10A, 100A, 600Vac/dc, Hz, Ohms, Continuity) 86 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 LEAKAGE CURRENT METERS & PROBES ARTIFICIAL NEUTRAL & LEAKAGE CURRENT PROBE MODEL AN-1 Generates a momentary grounded artificial neutral to allow the measurement of fault currents on ungrounded three-phase systems FEATURES · Designed for ungrounded networks - provides intermittent path to ground for leakage current measurements · Works from 30 to 600VAC · Red LED phase voltage indicators · Switch selectable ground fault cycling of 500mS or 2.3 seconds · Buzzer alerts each momentary fault · Battery operated · Double insulated, fire retardant case · Four color-coded 5ft 1000V rated leads supplied with alligator clips · Works with Model 2620 and other leakage current probes SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Working Voltage Frequency Resistance Per Phase Relay Duty Time Power Source Power Consumption Battery Life MECHANICAL Dimensions Weight Case ENVIRONMENTAL Reference Temperature Operating Temperature Storage Temperature AN-1 30 to 600V 45 to 65Hz 3.9k ±5% Slow position: 500mS / Fast position: 2.3 seconds 12VDC Eight 1.5V AA batteries (included) 180mA Approx. 40 hours of use 8.7 x 5.4 x 5.9" (220 x 136 x 150mm) 2.9lbs (1.3kg) Fire resistant polycarbonate UL94 VO 73.4° ±5°F (23° ±3°C) 32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C); 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing) -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C); 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing) CATALOG NO. 1971.01 DESCRIPTION Artificial Neutral Model AN-1 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 87 LEAKAGE CURRENT METERS & PROBES AC CURRENT PROBES MODEL 2620 Check for leakage and locate insulation breakdowns on live circuits SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Current Range Output Signal Accuracy 500µA to 10mA 10 to 100mA 100mA to 4A 500mA to 10A 10 to 100A 10A to 400A Phase Shift 500µA to 10mA 10 to 100mA 100mA to 4A 500mA to 10A Load Impedance Frequency Range MECHANICAL Dimensions Weight 2620 4A Range 500µA to 4A 1mV/mA (4V max) 400A Range 500mA to 400A 1mV/A (400mV max) ±3% of Reading ±1mV ±0.5% of Reading ±0.5mV ±0.5% of Reading ±0.5mV ±0.5% of Reading ±0.5mV ±0.35% of Reading ±0.5mV ±0.35% of Reading ±1mV <15° <10° 1M min 48 to 1000Hz <1° <0.6° 1M min 48 to 1000Hz 11.22 x 6.89 x 1.77" (285 x 175 x 45mm) 2.87lbs (1.3kg) FEATURES · Very high sensitivity · Differential or leakage current from 500µA · Current up to 400A · Two switch-selectable measurement ranges: 4Aac/400AAC · Large inside jaw diameter allows use on large or multiple conductors · Works with single-, dual- and three-phase systems · Connect directly to DMMs on mV or VAC range Jaw Opening: 4.4" (112mm) Conductor Size: 4.4" (112mm) CATALOG NO. 2125.52 DESCRIPTION Leakage Current Probe Model 2620 (4A-1V/A, 400A-1mV/A output) 88 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MEGOHMMETERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(8I00C) 3I4N3-1G391AND AVAILABILITY: 89 MEGOHMMETERS 500V & 1000V HAND-CRANKED MODELS 6501 & 6503 Designed for acceptance testing and preventive maintenance of wiring, cables, switchgear and motors SPECIFICATIONS MODELS INSULATION TESTS Test Ranges* 250V 500V 1000V Short Circuit Current Voltage Measurement/ Safety Check Accuracy (M) Automatic Discharge Charge Time 250V 500V 1000V RESISTANCE TESTS Measurement Range Test Current Accuracy CONTINUITY TESTS Measurement Range Test Voltage Accuracy 6501 6503 0.5 to 200M 5mA (max) 1 to 500M 1 to 500M 10 to 5000M 0 to 600Vac ±2.5% of Full Scale Length 5s/µF 8s/µF 0.2s/µF 0.5s/µF 0.5s/µF 0.5s/µF 0 to 45k; 45 to 500k 1mAdc ±2.5% of Full Scale Length 0 to 9; 10 to 100 5mAdc (10V max) ±2.5% of Full Scale Length *DC test voltage generated 5.5 to 200M in full across the entire measurement range. PRODUCT INCLUDES MODEL 6501 Soft carrying case, two color-coded leads, two color-coded alligator clips (red/black) and user manual. MODEL 6503 Soft carrying case, three color-coded leads, three color-coded alligator clips (red/black/blue), black test probe and user manual. Shown: Model 6503 IP 54 FEATURES · True Megohmmeter ® · Test voltages of 250V, 500V and 1000V (model dependent) · Insulation measurements to 200M and 5000M (model dependent) · LED indicates constant voltage output and proper cranked speed controlled by voltage regulator · Automatic discharge when measurement is finished · Auto-Ranging dual scale operation for better sensitivity and easier readings · Compact self-contained package; folded crank · Voltage displayed prior to, during and at the end of test · Large direct reading scale · EN 61010-1, 600V CAT II, 300V CAT III CATALOG NO. 2126.51 2126.52 DESCRIPTION Megohmmeter Model 6501 (Hand-cranked, 500V, Resistance, Continuity) Megohmmeter Model 6503 (Hand-cranked, 250V, 500V, 1000V) 90 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MEGOHMMETERS 1000V DIGITAL MODEL 6527 Specially designed for testing installations and equipment including DMM functions IP 51 FEATURES · True Megohmmeter® · Insulation test voltage selections of 250V, 500V and 1000V · Measure insulation to 4000M (4G) · TEST LOCK feature for time sensitive measurements up to 15 minutes · Auto discharge after insulation test · AC/DC voltmeter to 600Vac/1000Vdc · Ohmmeter to 400k · Continuity meter up to 200mA test current · Test lead resistance compensation for accurate low resistance measurements · Auto HOLD function to "freeze" readings · Large and bright dual display with blue backlight · Auto Power OFF feature · Ergonomic over-molded case with back-stand · Complies with International Insulation Testing Standards including EN61557 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage 250V 500V 1000V Accuracy 4M/40M 400M 4000M (4G) VOLTMETER V AC/DC 6527 1k to 4000M (4G) 1k to 4000M (4G) 1k to 4000M (4G) ±2% of Reading ±10cts ±3% of Reading ±5cts ±4% of Reading ±5cts 600V/1000V Accuracy DC ±0.8% of Reading ±3cts AC ±1.2% of Reading ±10cts RESISTANCE TESTS - OHMMETER Range 0.0 to 400.0k Accuracy CONTINUITY TESTS Range ±1.2% of Reading ±3cts 0.00 to 400 Accuracy ±1.2% of Reading ±3cts Test Current >200mA (0.2/2) Test Lead Compensation Yes dedicated push-button Beeper ELECTRICAL Power Supply Yes <35 ±3 Six 1.5V AA batteries Alkaline recommended (included) PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, set of two 5ft colorcoded test leads with alligator clips, one black test probe and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2126.53 DESCRIPTION Megohmmeter Model 6527 (Digital, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Continuity, 400k, V) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 91 MEGOHMMETERS 1000V DIGITAL MODEL 1026 Provides a variety of functions: megohmmeter, DC voltmeter, AC voltmeter, ohmmeter and continuity testing SPECIFICATIONS MODEL INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage 250V 500V 1000V Accuracy <2000M 2000M RESISTANCE TESTS Measurement Range Resolution Accuracy CONTINUITY TESTS Measurement Range Active Protection VOLTAGE TESTS AC VOLTAGE Measurement Range Accuracy DC VOLTAGE Measurement Rang Accuracy ELECTRICAL Power Source 1026 1k to 4000M 1k to 4000M 1k to 4000M ±3% of Reading + 5cts ±5% of Reading + 5cts Auto ranging to 4000 0.1 to 1 ±1% of Reading + 5cts Displays and beeps below 40 40 600Vrms 0 to 600V ±1.5% of Reading + 5cts 0 to 600V ±1% of Reading + 3cts Eight 1.5V AA Alkaline batteries (included) PRODUCT INCLUDES Soft carrying case, set of 2 color-coded leads, alligator clips and test probes (Red/Black) FEATURES · Test voltage selections of 250V, 500V and 1000V · Insulation measurements to 4000M · Resistance measurements to 4000 · Continuity test · Continuity beeper · 600Vac/dc test voltage range · Large, easy-to-read digital display · Data hold switch · T est button may be "locked-on" for three minutes for hands-free operation · A utomatic discharge when test button is released · Low battery indicator · Includes test leads and soft carrying case · EN 61010-1, 1000V CAT II, 600V CAT III CATALOG NO. 2117.72 DESCRIPTION Megohmmeter Model 1026 (Digital, 250V, 500V, 1000V, 4000, V) 92 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MEGOHMMETERS DIGITAL/ANALOG & MULTI-FUNCTION HANDHELD MODELS 6522, 6524, 6526, 6532, 6534 & 6536 IP 54 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS INSULATION TESTS Test Voltages 6522 250V, 500V, 1000V Insulation Resistance PI/DAR Ratios Test Lock Timer Auto Discharge Automatic Test Inhibit DMM FUNCTIONS Voltage Resistance Continuity Test Current Capacitance Measurement Frequency GENERAL FUNCTIONS Alarm Rel Auto Power OFF Data Hold Test Lead Compensation Remote Probe Memory Bluetooth DataView® Software Display Type 40G (40,000M) 0 to 40min 10 Display Counts Backlight Safety Power Supply Protection Magnetic Mount Additional Features Applications Industrial Maintenance 6524 6526 6532 6534 6536 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V 200G (200,000M) Yes 0 to 40min 1000k 10, 100 15.3 to 800Hz 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V 200G (200,000M) Yes Yes 0 to 40min Yes >25V 50V, 100V 20G (20,000M) Yes 0 to 40min 700Vac/dc 1000k 1000k 10, 100 10, 100 200mA 0.1n to 10µF 0.1n to 10µF 15.3 to 800Hz 15.3 to 800Hz 10V, 25V, 100V, 250V, 500V 50G (50,000M) 0 to 40min Variable 10 to 100V (1V steps) 20G (20,000M) 0 to 40min 1000k 10, 100 1000k 10, 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 300 measurements Industrial Maintenance Yes (optional) 1300 measurements 1300 measurements 2.1 Class II 2.1 Class II Included Included Digital w/Analog Bargraph 4000 Yes 600V CAT IV 6 x AA Alkaline IP54/IK 04 Yes Green/Red Pass/Fail Indicator Cable length measurement (0 to 100km) Industrial Maintenance Telecom 1300 measurements 2.1 Class II Included Electronics, ESD Avionics, Space, Defense CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2155.51 2155.52 2155.53 2155.54 2155.55 2155.56 2155.57 Megohmmeter Model 6522 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Continuity, V) Megohmmeter Model 6524 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Ohm, Continuity, V, k, Memory) Megohmmeter Model 6526 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Ohm, Continuity, V, k, Capacitance, Memory, Bluetooth w/DataView® software) Megohmmeter Model 6532 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 50V, 100V, Ohm, Continuity, V, k, Cap, Memory, Bluetooth w/DataView® software) Megohmmeter Model 6534 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, 10V, 25V, 100V, 250V, 500V, Ohm, Continuity, V, k, Memory, Bluetooth w/DataView® software) Megohmmeter Model 6536 (Digital w/Analog Bargraph, Alarm, Variable 10 to 100V, Ohm, Continuity, V, k) Megohmmeter Model 6536 ESD Floor Kit (Meter, set of 2, 5lb weights and carrying case) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 93 MEGOHMMETERS DIGITAL/ANALOG & MULTI-FUNCTION HANDHELD MODELS 6522, 6524, 6526, 6532, 6534 & 6536 Front Panel & Functional Displays Analog with bargraph display of insulation resistance Access to the instrument information and setup for Test Lock, Timer, PI/DAR and Times Secondary display Main display Function indicators IP 54 FEATURES* · True Megohmmeter ® · Test voltage from 10 to 1000V · Insulation resistance up to 200G · Manual, Lock, Timer modes & PI/DAR Ratio calculations · Alarms with Green/Red Pass/Fail indicator light · 200mA/20mA continuity with active protection without fuses · Measurement of V (TRMS & DC), F, , k, Hz, C and cable length · Rel mode for comparison measurements · Configurable alarms · Data retrieval · Automatic discharge after test · Automatic test inhibit if device under test is energized >25V * Features are model dependent Bluetooth on selected models Navigation buttons: ·Display instrument information ·Turn buzzer on or off ·Turn power saver on or off ·Program test time ·Select displayed parameters ·Program alarm set points Memory recall/Bluetooth activation Alarm activation/deactivation with Pass/Fail indication (model dependent) Test lead resistance compensation Rel set and compare measurements to a reference value Test button Test function selection switch DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SOFTWARE CONFIGURE MEGOHMMETER MODELS 6526, 6532 & 6534 · Print reports of all test results · Run tests from your computer with a simple click and execute process · Capture and display data in real-time PRODUCT INCLUDES MODEL 6522 Catalog #2155.51 & MODEL 6524 Catalog #2155.52 Meter, soft carrying case, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/black) leads, two color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, one black test probe, 6 AA batteries and user manual. MODEL 6526 Catalog #2155.53 Meter, soft carrying case, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/black) leads, two color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, one black test probe, 6 AA batteries, quick start guide, USB stick with DataView® software and user manual. MODEL 6532 Catalog #2155.54 & MODEL 6534 Catalog #2155.55 Meter, soft carrying case, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/black) leads, two color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, one black test probe, two color-coded (red/black) grip probes, 6 AA batteries, quick start guide, USB stick with DataView® software and user manual. Shown: Model 6532 MODEL 6536 Catalog #2155.56 Meter, soft carrying case, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/black) leads, two color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, one black test probe, two colorcoded (red/black) grip probes, 6 AA batteries, and user manual. MODEL 6536 ESD Floor Kit Catalog #2155.57 Meter, field case, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/black) leads, two color-coded (red/black) alligator clips, one black test probe, two color-coded (red/black) grip probes, two 5 lb. weights with conductive rubber bottom pad, two 4mm non-insulated adapters, 6 AA batteries, and user manual. 94 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MEGOHMMETERS 1000V DIGITAL/ANALOG MODELS 1050 & 1060 Test insulation on cables, transformers, motors and wiring installations SPECIFICATIONS MODELS INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage 50V 100V 250V 500V 1000V Accuracy 2k to 40G 40G to 4T Voltage Test/Safety Check Voltage Warning Indicator Test Inhibition Smooth Function RESISTANCE TESTS Measurement Range Test Voltage Test Current Accuracy >4k CONTINUITY TESTS Measurement Range Test Current Accuracy COMMUNICATION Memory of Reading over Time R(t) Memory of Test Results in Files PC Software/Report Generation ELECTRICAL Power Source 1050 1060 2k to 200G 4k to 400G 10k to 1000G (1T) 20k to 2000G (2T) 40k to 4000G (4T) ±5% of Reading ±3cts ±15% of Reading ±10cts 0 to 1000Vac/dc >25V Yes >25V Yes 0.01 to 400k 12.4Vdc max <6mAdc ±3% of Reading ±3cts 0.01 to 39.99 200mA from 0.01 to 20.00 ±3% of Reading ±4cts Yes (20 Readings) No No Yes (128kB memory) 128kB memory with RS-232 to USB adapter (included) DataView® (included) Eight 1.5V C Cells (included) 9.6V NiMH Battery Pack (included) 85 to 256V (50/60Hz) PRODUCT INCLUDES MODEL 1050 Catalog #2130.01 Meter, detachable accessory pouch, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/blue) leads, one black shield lead, three color-coded (red/blue/ black) alligator clips, one black test probe, spare fuses, eight C cell batteries and USB stick with user manual. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION IP 54 Model 1060 only FEATURES · True Megohmmeter® · Test voltage selections of 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V and 1000V · Insulation measurements to 4000G (4T) · Direct measurement of DAR and PI values · Direct measurement of sample capacitance · Display of test voltage and run time · Programmable test run times and PI times · Smooth and Alarm functions · Automatic test inhibition (if live sample > 25V) · Automatic discharge and display of discharge voltage · Large dual display with time, voltage and measurement · Bright blue electroluminescent backlight · Battery powered (Model 1050) · Auto Power OFF when not in use · Remote operation with optional test probe · Rugged, dual wall, water-resistant field case with detachable lead/accessory pouch · EN 61010-1, 600V CAT III, EN 61557 MODEL 1060 Catalog #2130.03 Meter, detachable accessory pouch, two 5 ft. color-coded (red/blue) leads, one black shield lead, three color-coded (red/blue/black) alligator clips, one black test probe, RS-232 DB9 F/F 6 ft. null model cable, RS-232 to USB adapter, US 115V power cord, rechargeable NiMH battery, spare fuses, and USB stick with DataView® software and user manual. 2130.01 Megohmmeter Model 1050 (Digital, with Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Auto DAR/PI, Resistance, Continuity) 2130.03 Megohmmeter Model 1060 (Digital, with Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V, Auto DAR/PI, Resistance, Continuity, DataView® software, 128kB Memory) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2155.75 Megohmmeter Test Probe (600V CAT IV) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 95 MEGOHMMETERS 5000V DIGITAL/ANALOG MODEL 6505 Contributes to the safety of electrical installations and equipment SPECIFICATIONS MODEL INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage/Range 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V User Programmable Test Short Circuit Current Accuracy 10k to 40G 40G to 10T DAR (1 min/30 sec) PI (10 min/1 min & user programmable) Capacitance Measurement Leakage Current Measurement Programmable Run Time R(t) Discharge After Test Discharge Voltage Display Voltage Test/Safety Check Voltage Warning Indicator Test Inhibition Guard Terminal ELECTRICAL Power Source 6505 30k to 2000G (2T) 100k to 4000G (4T) 100k to 10,000G (10T) 300k to 10,000G (10T) 40 to 1000V: 10V increments 1000 to 5100V: 100V increments <1.6mA ±5% ±5% of Reading ±3cts ±15% of Reading ±10cts 0.02 to 50.00 0.02 to 50.00 0.005 to 49.99µF; Max resolution 1nF 0.00nA to 3mA; Max resolution 1pA 1 to 60 minutes Yes, automatic Yes 2500Vac/4000Vdc (16 to 420Hz); 1V Resolution Yes >25V >40% of test voltage Yes One 9.6V NiMH battery pack (included); Line power: 85 to 256Vac (50/60Hz) PRODUCT INCLUDES Extra large classic tool bag, three color-coded leads, one blue jumper lead for use with guard terminal, three alligator clips (600V CAT IV), US 115V power cord, rechargeable battery pack and USB drive with user manual. IP 53 FEATURES · True Megohmmeter® · Simple operation · Test voltage selections of 500V, 1000V, 2500V and 5000V · Insulation measurements from 30k to 10,000G (10T) · Adjustable and programmable test voltage (40 to 5100V) · Automatic calculation of DAR and PI values · Direct measurement and display of capacitance and leakage current · Display resistance, test voltage and run time · Programmable test run times and PI ratio times · Automatic test inhibition (if live sample >40% of test voltage) · Automatic discharge and display of discharge voltage · Large backlight LCD dual-display with time, voltage and measurements shown · Rugged, dual wall, water-resistant field case · Designed and built to IEC safety standards · EN 61010-1, 1000V CAT III CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2130.18 Megohmmeter Model 6505 (Digital, with Analog Bargraph, Backlight, 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, Auto DAR/PI) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2119.76 Lead Set of 3, Color-coded 10ft 5kV Safety w/3 Color-coded Alligator Clips (1000V CAT IV) [15A] for use with Megohmmeter Models 5050/5060/5070/6505 2119.77 Lead Replacement, Set of 3, Color-coded 6ft 5kV safety for Megohmmeter Model 6505 2119.85 Lead Set of 3, Color-coded 10ft 5kV Safety with Integral Hippo Clips, and jumper lead for use with Megohmmeter Model 6505 (replacement for 5050/5060/5070) 2119.86 Lead Set of 3, Color-coded 25ft 5kV Safety with Integral Hippo Clips for use with Megohmmeter Models 5050/5060/5070/6505 (Blue jumper lead not included) 2119.87 Lead Set of 3, Color-coded 45ft 5kV Safety with Integral Hippo Clips for use with Megohmmeter Models 5050/5060/5070/6505 (Blue jumper lead not included) 96 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MEGOHMMETERS 5000V DIGITAL/ANALOG MODELS 5050 & 5060 Designed with the highest level of safety features built in SAFETY IP R ATIN G 53 Model 5060 DATA ANALYSIS AND REPORTING SOFTWARE Print reports directly from your computer using DataView® software (Models 5060 & 5070) SEE PAGE 101 FOR DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS MODELS INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V User Selectable Test Voltage Accuracy 1k to 40G 40G to 10T Voltage Test/Safety Check Voltage Warning Indicator Test Inhibition 5050 5060 30k to 2000G (2T) 100k to 4000G (4T) 100k to 10,000G (10T) 300k to 10,000G (10T) Programmable: 40 to 1000V: 10V increments; 1000 to 5100V: 100V increments ±5% of Reading ±3cts ±15% of Reading ±10cts 2500Vac/4000Vdc Yes >25V Yes -- selectable at 3, 10 or 20% of test voltage Smooth Function (user selectable) COMMUNICATION Storage of Readings over Time R(t) Storage of Test Results Communication Port PC Software/Report Generation ELECTRICAL Power Source Digital filtering stabilizes display readings 4kB memory 20 readings No 128kB memory 1500 readings Serial and RS-232 to USB adapter (included) DataView® (included) One 9.6V NiMH battery pack (included) Line power: 85 to 256V (50/60Hz) PRODUCT INCLUDES 5050, 5060 & 5070 Extra large classic tool bag, set of three 10 ft. (5Kv) leads (red/black/blue) with integral 5000V rated hippo clips, one guard terminal jumper lead, US 115V power cord, rechargeable battery pack and user manual. Shown: Model 5050 PC RS-232 CABLE Catalog #2119.45 DB9 F/F 6ft null modem cable Catalog #5000.60 RS-232 to USB adapter (Models 5060 & 5070) USB DRIVE Supplied with DataView® software and user manual (Models 5060 & 5070) CATALOG NO. 2130.20 2130.21 DESCRIPTION Megohmmeter Model 5050 (Digital, with Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, Auto DAR/PI/DD) Megohmmeter Model 5060 (Digital, with Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V Auto DAR/PI/DD, RS-232 with DataView® software) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 97 MEGOHMMETERS 5000V GRAPHICAL MODEL 5070 Offers real-time graphic plot of measurements and digital presentation of test results SPECIFICATIONS MODEL INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V User Selectable Test Voltage 5070 30k to 2000G (2T) 100k to 4000G (4T) 100k to 10,000G (10T) 300k to 10,000G (10T) Programmable: 40 to 1000V: 10V increments; 1000 to 5100V: 100V increments Automatic Step Voltage Programmable step voltage and duration up to five steps. Three profiles can be stored. Accuracy 1k to 40G 40G to 10T ±5% of Reading ±3cts ±15% of Reading ±10cts Voltage Test/Safety Check Voltage Warning Indicator Test Inhibition Smooth Function (user selectable) COMMUNICATION 2500Vac/4000Vdc Yes >25V Yes -- selectable at 3, 10 or 20% of test voltage Digital filtering stabilizes display readings Storage of Readings over Time R(t) 128kB memory Storage of Test Results Communication Port Stores over 1500 test results Serial and RS-232 to USB adapter (included) PC Software/ Report Generation ELECTRICAL Power Source DataView® (included) One 9.6V NiMH battery pack (included) Line power: 85 to 256V (50/60Hz) SAFETY IP R ATIN G 53 FEATURES · True Megohmmeter® · Test voltage selections of 500V, 1000V, 2500V and 5000V · Insulation measurements from 30k to 10,000G (10T) · Selectable and programmable test voltage (40 to 5100V) · Automatic calculation of DAR, PI and DD ratios · Calculations of Step Voltage through front panel · Direct measurement and display of capacitance and leakage current · Display resistance, test voltage and run time · Programmable test run times and PI ratio times · Smooth and Alarm functions · Automatic test inhibition (if live sample >3%, 10%, or 20% of test voltage) · Automatic discharge and display of discharge voltage · Graphic and digital display of test voltage, resistance and more (Model 5070) · Bright blue electroluminescent backlight · Programmable temperature compensation (Model 5070) · Programmable test voltage lock-out · Programmable alarm setting · Auto Power OFF when not in use · AC or DC powered with rechargeable NiMH battery pack - run while charging · Rugged, water-resistant field case · Designed and built to IEC safety standards · Includes DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation (Models 5060 & 5070) · EN 61010-1, 1000V CAT III Insulation resistance measurement graphically displayed at the completion of the test at the push of a button. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2130.30 Megohmmeter Model 5070 (Graphical, Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, Step V, Auto DAR/PI/DD, RS-232 with DataView® software) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2119.45 Cable Replacement PC RS-232, DB9 F/F 6 ft Null Modem Cable 98 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MEGOHMMETERS 10,000V DIGITAL MODELS 6550 Expert tools for testing insulation safely and accurately; ideal for use on rotating machinery and cables operating at higher voltages IP 54 FEATURES · True Megohmmeter® · Fixed or programmable test voltage from 40V to 10kV · Wide measurement range from 10k to 25T · 5mA short circuit current · Step voltage testing · Ramp voltage testing · Automatic calculation of DAR / PI / DD /R (ppm/V) ratios · Large, backlit graphical LCD screen with digital display, bargraph and R(t)+V(t), I(t) and I(V) graphs · Multiple test modes: voltage ramp and step with "Burn-In", "Early-Break" and "I-Limit" modes · Three filter settings to optimize measurement stability · Calculation of R at a reference temperature · Storage of 80,000 measurements · Includes DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · Optically-isolated USB communication for transfer onto PC and report generation with DataView® software SPECIFICATIONS MODELS INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage Fixed Test Voltages Variable Voltages 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V Ramp Mode Ramp Configuration Range Step Mode Voltage Test/Safety Test Capacitance Measurement Leakage Current Measurement Discharge After Test Additional Test Stop Modes I-Limit Burn Mode Early-Break Timer Ratio Calculation Calculation of R at ref. T° Measurement Display Filter Graphs on Display Storage Communication PC Software Power Supply Battery Charging Dimensions / Weight EMC, Mechanical Protection, Altitude 6550 10k to 2000G (2T) 10k to 4000G (4T) 10k to 10,000G (10T) 10k to 15,000G (15T) 10k to 25,000G (25T) 500/1000/2500/5000/ 10,000V Variable: 40 to 10kV Three user programmable voltage schemes Programmable ramps: start voltage/end voltage/duration 40 to 1100V/500 to 10,000V Up to 10 steps (voltage and duration configurable for each step) 0 to 2500Vac; 0 to 4000Vdc 0.005 to 9.999µF/10.00 to 49.99µF 0 to 8mA Yes/Automatic Programmable: 0.2 to 5mA di/dt Up to 99 minutes 59 seconds Constant testing PI, DAR, DD Yes 3 filters with 3 possible time-constants R(t)+V(t); I(t); I(V) 256 registers, stores 80,000 points: R, V, I and date USB optically-isolated port DataView® NiMH rechargeable batteries, two 9.6V 4Ah battery packs charging by external voltage: 90 to 260V; 50/60Hz Battery charging allowed while performing insulation measurements 13.39 x 11.81 x 7.87" (340 x 300 x 200mm)/approx. 13.7lbs (6.2kg) EN 61326-1, IP54, 2000m Electrical Safety 1000V CAT IV; IEC61010-1 and IEC 61557 PRODUCT INCLUDES Small classic tool bag, set of color-coded (red/blue/ black) 9ft (15kV) integral leads and alligator clips (1000V CAT IV), one 15kV jumper lead (blue), set of two color-coded test probes (red/black-1000V CAT IV), optical USB cable, 115V US power cord, 9.6V rechargeable NiMH batteries. USB DRIVE USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2130.31 DESCRIPTION Megohmmeter Model 6550 (Graphical, Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, 10kV, Ramp, StepV, Variable, Auto DAR/PI/DD, DataView® software) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 99 MEGOHMMETERS 15,000V DIGITAL MODEL 6555 The only fully automated 15,000V graphical insulation tester, including the ability to test program up to three step voltage profiles IP 54 SPECIFICATIONS MODELS INSULATION TESTS Test Voltage Fixed Test Voltages Variable Voltages 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V 15,000V Ramp Mode Ramp Configuration Range Step Mode Voltage Test/Safety Test Capacitance Measurement Leakage Current Measurement Discharge After Test Additional Test Stop Modes I-Limit Early-Break Timer Burn Mode Ratio Calculation Calculation of R at ref. T° Measurement Display Filter Graphs on Display Storage Communication PC Software Power Supply Battery Charging Dimensions / Weight EMC, Mechanical Protection, Altitude 6555 10k to 2000G (2T) 10k to 4000G (4T) 10k to 10,000G (10T) 10k to 15,000G (15T) 10k to 25,000G (25T) 10k to 30,000G (30T) 500/1000/2500/5000/ 10,000/15,000V Variable: 40 to 15kV Three user programmable voltage schemes Programmable ramps: start voltage/end voltage/duration 40 to 1100V/500 to 15,000V Up to 10 steps (voltage and duration configurable for each step) 0 to 2500Vac; 0 to 4000Vdc 0.005 to 9.999µF/10.00 to 49.99µF 0 to 8mA Yes/Automatic Programmable: 0.2 to 5mA di/dt Up to 99 minutes 59 seconds Constant testing PI, DAR, DD Yes 3 filters with 3 possible time-constants R(t)+V(t); I(t); I(V) 256 registers, stores 80,000 points: R, V, I and date USB optically-isolated port DataView® NiMH rechargeable batteries, two 9.6V 4Ah battery packs charging by external voltage: 90 to 260V; 50/60Hz Battery charging allowed while performing insulation measurements 13.39 x 11.81 x 7.87" (340 x 300 x 200mm)/approx. 13.7lbs (6.2kg) EN 61326-1, IP54, 2000m Electrical Safety 1000V CAT IV; IEC61010-1 and IEC 61557 FEATURES · True Megohmmeter® · Fixed or programmable test voltage from 40V to 15kV · Wide measurement range from 10k to 30T · 5mA short circuit current · Step voltage testing · Ramp voltage testing · Automatic calculation of DAR / PI / DD /R (ppm/V) ratios · Large, backlit graphical LCD screen with digital display, bargraph and R(t)+V(t), I(t) and I(V) graphs · Multiple test modes: voltage ramp and step with "Burn-In", "Early-Break" and "I-Limit" modes · Three filter settings to optimize measurement stability · Calculation of R at a reference temperature · Storage of 80,000 measurements · Includes DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation · Optically-isolated USB communication for transfer onto PC and report generation with DataView® software CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2130.32 Megohmmeter Model 6555 (Graphical, Analog Bargraph, Backlight, Alarm, Timer, 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, 10kV, 15kV, Ramp, StepV, Variable, Auto DAR/PI/DD, DataView® software) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2151.18 Lead One Shielded Safety Lead (black) 25 ft w/Hippo Clips (15kV) 2151.19 Lead One Shielded Safety Lead (blue) 25 ft w/Hippo Clips (15kV) 2151.20 Lead One Shielded Safety Lead (red) 25 ft w/Hippo Clips (15kV) 2151.21 Lead One Shielded Safety Lead (black) 45 ft w/Hippo Clips (15kV) 2151.22 Lead One Shielded Safety Lead (blue) 45 ft w/Hippo Clips (15kV) 2151.23 Lead One Shielded Safety Lead (red) 45 ft w/Hippo Clips (15kV) 100 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 SOFTWARE FOR MEGOHMMETERS CONFIGURE ALL FUNCTIONS OF THE MEGOHMMETER MODELS 1060, 5060, 5070, 6526, 6532, 6534, 6550 & 6555 · Print reports of all test results · Select test voltage and run tests from your computer with a simple click and execute process · Capture and display data in real-time · Retrieve data from the instrument's memory for: · Over 1500 insulation resistance measurements · Over 4000 resistance measurements TYPICAL DATAVIEW® FUNCTIONAL DISPLAYS · Display DAR and PI ratios · Plot graphs of manual and timed tests · Include your analysis comments section with the report · Store a library of setups for different a pplications · Certification of results through report generation · Free updates are available on our website Four tabbed dialog boxes allow for clear and easy setup of all functions of the Model 5070, including setup for variable voltage and alarm set points, as well as step voltage tests and temperature compensation. DISPLAYS Variable Voltage selections from 40 to 5100V and can also be programmed along with alarm set points. Model 5070 includes Step Function which allows programming of three different ramp test profiles, each containing up to five voltage steps between 40 and 5100V and time per step of up to 10 hours. Test result status box displays complete test results in real-time All stored test results presented on screen. Run test and display text and graphical results from one dialog box. Model 5070 also displays step voltage. Step voltage during the test run Insulation resistance with temperature compensation Clear and straightforward set up of parameters. Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 101 MEGOHMMETERS SELECTION CHART AEMC MODEL NUMBER 6501 6503 AEMC CATALOG NUMBER 2126.51 2126.52 6527 2126.53 1026 2117.72 6522 2155.51 6524 2155.52 6526 2155.53 6532 2155.54 6534 2155.55 6536 6536 ESD Floor Kit 2155.56 2155.57 1050 2130.01 1060 2130.03 6505 2130.18 5050 2130.20 5060 2130.21 5070 2130.30 6550 2130.31 6555 2130.32 TEST VOLTAGE 500V 250V 500V 1000V 250V 500V 1000V 250V 500V 1000V 250V 500V 1000V 50V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 50V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 50V 100V 10V 25V 100V 250V 500V 10V 100V 50V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 50V 100V 250V 500V 1000V 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V 500V 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V 15,000V INSULATION RANGE 0.5 to 200M 1 to 500M 1 to 500M 10 to 5000M 1k to 4G 1k to 4G 1k to 4G 1k to 4G 50k to 40G 10k to 200G 10k to 200G 10k to 20G 2k to 50G 2k to 20G 2k to 200G 4k to 400G 10k to 1T 20k to 2T 40k to 4T 2k to 200G 4k to 400G 10k to 1T 20k to 2T 40k to 4T 30k to 2000G 100k to 4000G 100k to 10,000G 300k to 10,000G 30k to 2T 100k to 4T 100k to 10T 300k to 10T 30k to 2T 100k to 4T 100k to 10T 300k to 10T 30k to 2T 100k to 4T 100k to 10T 300k to 10T 10k to 2000G 10k to 4000G 10k to 10,000G 10k to 15,000G 10k to 25,000G 10k to 2000G 10k to 4000G 10k to 10,000G 10k to 15,000G 10k to 25,000G 10k to 30,000G RESISTANCE RANGE 0 to 500k -- CONTINUITY RANGE 0 to 100 -- 0.0 to 400.0k 0.00 to 400 4k 0 to 40 CAPACITANCE RANGE -- -- -- -- -- 10 -- 1000k 10, 100 -- 1000k 10, 100 1000k 10, 100 1000k 10, 100 1000k 10, 100 0.1n to 10µF 0.1n to 10µF -- -- 0.01 to 400k 0.01 to 39.99 0.005 to 4.999µF 0.01 to 400k 0.01 to 39.99 0.005 to 4.999µF -- -- 0.005 to 49.99µF -- -- 0 to 49.99µF -- -- 0 to 49.99µF -- -- 0 to 49.99µF -- -- 0.001 to 9.999µF 10.00 to 19.99µF -- -- 0.001 to 9.999µF 10.00 to 19.99µF VOLTAGE DETECTION 0 to 600Vac 0 to 600Vac 0 to 600Vac 0 to 1000Vdc 0 to 600Vac/dc 700Vac/dc 700Vac/dc 700Vac/dc 700Vac/dc 700Vac/dc 700Vac/dc 0 to 1000Vac/dc 0 to 1000Vac/dc 2500Vac 4000Vdc 2500Vac 4000Vdc 2500Vac 4000Vdc 2500Vac 4000Vdc 0 to 2500Vac 0 to 4000Vdc 0 to 2500Vac 0 to 4000Vdc POWER SOURCE Hand-cranked Hand-cranked DISPLAY Analog DATAVIEW® SOFTWARE No Analog No 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 8 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog Yes 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog Yes 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog Yes 6 x AA Alkaline Batteries Digital/ Analog No 8 x 1.5V C Cell Batteries Digital/ Analog No Rechargeable NiMH Battery Digital/ Analog Yes Rechargeable NiMH Battery Digital/ Analog No Rechargeable NiMH Battery Digital/ Analog No Rechargeable NiMH Battery Digital/ Analog Yes Rechargeable NiMH Battery Graphic/ Digital Yes Rechargeable NiMH Battery Digital/ Analog Yes Rechargeable NiMH Battery Digital/ Analog Yes 102 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MICRO-OHMMETERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww..CaemOc.cMom 103 MICRO-OHMMETERS 10A MODEL 6240 Auto calculates resistance from 5µ to 400 with resolutions down to 1µ SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 6240 Range 4000µ 40m 400m 4000m 40 400 Accuracy ±0.25% of Reading ±2cts Resolution Test Current 1µ 10µ 0.1m 1m 10m 100m 10A 1A 1A 100mA 10mA 10mA Max. Inductive Load 0 to 5 H Memory Stores up to 99 test results Power Source Rechargeable 6V, 8.5Ah NiMH battery pack (included) PRODUCT INCLUDES Extra large tool bag, set of two 10ft Kelvin clips (10A-Hippo), set of two 10ft Kelvin probes (1A - Spring Loaded), optical USB cable, US 115V power cord, two spare fuses (12.5A), NiMH rechargeable battery pack, and USB drive suppled with product user manual and DataView® software. ACCESSORIES KELVIN CLIPS, SET OF TWO Catalog #1017.84 (replacement) (10A Hippo) 10ft Catalog #2118.70 (optional) (10A Hippo) 20ft CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION KELVIN CLIPS, SET OF TWO Catalog #2118.79 (optional) (1-10A) 10ft Catalog #2118.80 (optional) (1-10A) 20ft 2129.80 Micro-Ohmmeter Model 6240 (10A) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 1017.84 Kelvin Clips 10ft (10A Hippo) 2118.70 2118.73 2118.74 Kelvin Clips 20ft (10A Hippo) Kelvin Probes 10ft (1A, Spring Loaded) Kelvin Probes 20ft (1A, Spring Loaded) 2118.75 Kelvin Probes Pistol Grip (10A Spring Loaded), 10ft 2118.76 Kelvin Probes Pistol Grip (10A Spring Loaded), 20ft 2118.77 Kelvin Probes (10A Spring Loaded), 10ft 2118.78 Kelvin Probes (10A Spring Loaded), 20ft 2118.79 Kelvin Clips 10ft (1-10A) Replacement for Cat #2118.71 2118.80 Kelvin Clips 20ft (1-10A) Replacement for Cat #2118.72 104 IP 54 cover closed FEATURES · Reliable low resistance measurements from 5µ to 400 · Four-terminal Kelvin resistance measurement eliminates test lead resistance · 10A test current up to 4000µ · ±0.25% basic accuracy · 1µ resolution · Direct reading, easy to operate · Six selectable resistance ranges · Reverse polarity switch · Overload and input fuse protection · Manufactured to international safety and environmental standards · Automatic decimal point and zeroing · Large terminals accept banana plugs and spaded lugs · Rechargeable NiMH battery with internal charger (110/220V) · Large multifunctional backlit display · Includes power cord and isolated USB cable · Includes FREE DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation KELVIN PROBES, SET OF TWO Catalog #2118.77 (optional) (10A spring loaded) 10ft Catalog #2118.78 (optional) (10A spring loaded) 20ft Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 MICRO-OHMMETERS 10A MODEL 6255 Accurate results within 0.05%. Provides extended test time at 10 Amps without overheating SPECIFICATIONS MODEL Range Accuracy IP IP 65 53 cover closed cover open FEATURES · Measure from 1µ (0.1µ resolution) to 2500.0 · Test current selection of 1mA, 10mA, 100mA, 1A and 10A · RTD temperature probe to check tested sample (optional) · Selectable metal types · Automatic and manual temperature correction · Two programmable alarm set points · Stores up to 1500 test results · Selectable inductive or resistive test modes · Automatic multiple test mode (multiple tests without pressing the test button) · Large multi-line electroluminescent display Resolution Test Current Measurement Mode Metal Type Alpha Alarms Memory Power Source Battery Life · Local or remote test setup and control · Internal rechargeable batteries conduct up to 5000 10A tests · Rugged, double insulated watertight case · Includes RS-232 to USB 2.0 cable and AC line cord · Includes FREE DataView® software for data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation 5.0000 m 25.000 m 250.00 m 6255 2500.0 m 25.000 250.00 2500.0 ±0.15% ±0.05% ±0.05% ±0.05% ±0.05% ±0.05% ±0.05% of Reading of Reading of Reading of Reading of Reading of Reading of Reading +1.0µ + 3µ + 30µ + 0.3m + 3m + 30m + 300m 0.1µ 1µ 10µ 0.1m 1m 10m 100m 10A 10A 10A 1A 100mA 10mA 1mA Selectable: Inductive (continuous test), Resistive (instantaneous test) or Auto (multiple tests) Selectable: copper, aluminum or other metal Programmable from 000.00 to 99.99 Two programmable set points from 0.0 to 2500.0 Stores up to 1500 test results; data in memory can be reviewed on the instrument display, on a PC or via direct printout Rechargeable 6V, 8.5Ah NiMH battery pack (included) Approximately 5000 10A tests PRODUCT INCLUDES Extra large tool bag, set of two 10ft Kelvin clips (10A-Hippo), set of two 10ft Kelvin probes (1A - Spring Loaded), one RS-232 DB9 F/F 6ft null modem cable, RS-232 to USB adapter, US 115V power cord, quick reference guide, NiMH rechargeable battery pack, and USB thumb drive supplied with user manual and DataView® software. KELVIN PROBES PISTOL GRIP, SET OF TWO (optional) Catalog #2118.75 (10A spring loaded) 10ft (optional) Catalog #2118.76 (10A spring loaded) 20ft CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION KELVIN PROBES, SET OF TWO Catalog #2118.77 (optional) (10A spring loaded) 10ft Catalog #2118.78 (optional) (10A spring loaded) 20ft KELVIN PROBES, SET OF TWO (replacement) Catalog #2118.73 (1A spring loaded) 10ft (optional) Catalog #2118.74 (1A spring loaded) 20ft 2129.84 Micro-ohmmeter Model 6255 (10A, Dataview®) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 1017.84 Kelvin Clips 10ft (10A Hippo) 2118.70 Kelvin Clips 20ft (10A Hippo) 2118.73 Kelvin Probes 10ft (1A, Spring Loaded) 2118.74 Kelvin Probes 20ft (1A, Spring Loaded) 2118.75 Kelvin Probes Pistol Grip (10A Spring Loaded), 10ft 2118.76 Kelvin Probes Pistol Grip (10A Spring Loaded), 20ft 2118.77 Kelvin Probes (10A Spring Loaded), 10ft 2118.78 Kelvin Probes (10A Spring Loaded), 20ft 2118.79 Kelvin Clips 10ft (1-10A) Replacement for Cat #2118.71 2118.80 Kelvin Clips 20ft (1-10A) Replacement for Cat #2118.72 2119.45 Cable, PC RS-232, DB9 F/F 6ft Null Modem Cable 2129.95 RTD Temperature Probe (plug into faceplate for ambient temperature) 2129.96 RTD Temperature Probe with 7ft extension cable Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 ACCESSORIES RTDTEMPERATURE PROBE (optional) Catalog #2129.95 RTD probe plugs into faceplate (optional) Catalog #2129.96 RTD probe w/7ft extension cable 105 MICRO-OHMMETERS 200A MODEL 6292 Programmable test currents and test duration with data storage and report generation using included application software. Includes both sides grounded test feature SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Test Current Range Resistance Range Accuracy Resolution 0.1µ to 2m 2 to 200m 200m to 1 Output Voltage Max. Load Resistance Measurement Method Adjustable Test Time Memory Power Supply 6292 Adjustable from 5 to 200A (True DC) 0.1µ to 2m 2 to 200m 200m to 1 ±1% of reading from 50µ to 1 0.1µ (5 to 200A) 10µ (25A @ 200m) 1m (5A @ 1) 100Vac: 4.2V @ 200A 220Vac: 8.6V @ 200A 100Vac: 20m @ 200A 220Vac: 42m @ 200A Four-terminal, Kelvin-type 5 to 120 seconds or unlimited Stores up to 8000 measurements 100 to 240Vac, 50/60Hz ACCESSORIES CURRENT PROBE MODEL MR6292 Catalog #2129.86 (optional) Case color may vary IP 54 cover closed FEATURES · Adjustable test currents from 5 to 200A · Programmable test duration from 5 to 120 sec · BSG Ground Test with optional current probe · Accurately measures low contact resistance with test currents up to 200A · Measures resistances from 0.1µ to 1 · Low resolution of 0.1µ · Cooling system to improve the number of sequential tests that can be performed · Backlit display · Measures objects with both sides grounded · Stores up to 8000 test results · Direct printout of measurement results using DataView® software and a PC · Rugged and water-resistant case PRODUCT INCLUDES Accessory bag supplied with a set of two 25 ft. Kelvin clips (200A - Hippo), ground lead (green) with clamp, 5 ft. USB cable, 110V US power cord, quick start guide and USB drive with user manual and DataView® software. Test results Test current Date & time It I s Ground current Elapsed and total test times CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2129.83 Micro-Ohmmeter Model 6292 (200A, 120/230V, DataView® software) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2129.72 Lead - Set of two 25ft Kelvin clips (200A - Hippo) 2129.73 Lead - Set of two 50ft Kelvin clips (200A - Hippo) 2129.86 AC/DC Current Probe Model MR6292 5000.40 110V US Power Cord 106 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 OSCILLOSCOPESREMOVE 5022 ADD KIT ADD CAT# LINE AT BOTTOM SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww.C.aemOc.Mcom 107 OSCILLOSCOPES HANDSCOPE MODEL OX 5042 One of the few oscilloscopes on the market with isolated channels that fit into one hand SPECIFICATIONS INTERFACE Display Commands Display Mode Display of Curves on Screen Integrated Interactive Help Function OSCILLOSCOPE MODE VERTICAL DEFLECTION Bandwidth Bandwidth Limiter Number of Channels Input Impedance Maximum Input Voltage Vertical Sensitivity HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION Sweep Speed Horizontal Zoom TRIGGERING Mode Type Coupling Sensitive DIGITAL MEMORY Maximum Sampling Rate Vertical Resolution Memory Depth User Storage Glitch Mode Display Modes Other Functions Math Functions Cursor Measurement Automatic Measurement MULTIMETER MODE General Specifications Operating Modes AC, DC & AC+DC Voltages Resistance Capacitance Other Measurements POWER Measurements HARMONIC ANALYZER MODE Multi-Channel Analysis Simultaneous Measurements GENERAL Screenshots PC Communication Power Supply Safety/EMC 108 IP 54 3.5" color TFT LCD screen; Resolution 320 x 240 LED backlighting Direct adjustments on front panel & on-screen menus via browser (principal & secondary without "hidden menus") 2500 real acquisition points on screen 2 curves + 2 references + memory trace or mathematical calculation 11 languages: French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Romanian, Russian, Finnish, Polish, Dutch 40MHz 1.5MHz, 5kHz 2 totally isolated channels 1M ±0.5%, approx. 17pF 600V Derating -20dB per decade from 100kHz 5mV to 200V/div 25ns/div to 200s/div Roll Mode from 100ms to 200s/div Zoom factor: x1, x2, x5 Automatic, triggered, one-shot & triggered Roll Edge, pulse width (20ns 20s) AC or DC (depending on the coupling of the triggering channel) HF, LF or noise rejection 1.2 divisions p-p up to 40MHz 2GS/s in ETS mode 50MS/s in one-shot mode on each channel 9 bits 2500 points per channel 2MB for storing files: trace (.trc), text (.txt), configuration (.cfg), image files (.bmp) Duration 20ns 1250 min/max pairs Envelope, Averaging (factors 2 to 64) and XY (vector) Channel inversion, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (adjustable scaling) 2 cursors: V, T, dV, dt simultaneously 4-digit display resolution 18 time or level measurements and phase measurement 2 channels, 8000-count display + min/max bargraph Graphic recording of 2700 measurements (5min to 1 month) Absolute or relative display (absolute, deviation, ref, ref%) Monitoring (instantaneous, min, max, Avg) Ranges from 600mV to 600Vrms, 800mV to 800Vdc accuracy for Vdc ±1% reading+20D 50kHz bandwidth Range from 80 to 32M - accuracy ±2% reading + 10D 10ms quick continuity test Ranges from 5nF to 5mF basic accuracy ±2% reading + 10D Frequency, rotation speed, 3.3V diode test, temperature measurement (with K-type thermocouple or infrared probe) Single-phase and balanced three-phase active power values (with or without neutral), simultaneous display of current 2 channels, 31 orders, fundamental frequency from 40 to 450Hz Total VRMS, THD and selected order (% fundamental, phase, frequency, Vrms) Up to 100 files in standard ".bmp" format, viewable on the instrument Isolated optical USB interface "SX-Metro" PC application software (included) 6 LR6 or 6AA NiMh batteries Battery life up to 8hrs 30min Universal line adapter isolated from the channels Quick charging in 2hrs 30min Safety according to IEC61010-1 Ed3 600V CAT III, EMC according to EN61000-3 & EN61326-1 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Functional Displays HIGH PERFORMANCE OSCILLOSCOPES HANDSCOPE HARMONIC ANALYZER FEATURES · Two isolated channels · Three instruments in one - 40MHz oscilloscope - Double 8000-count TRMS multimeter / Power analyzer - Harmonic analyzer · 3.5" color LCD screen LED backlighting technology · Integrated interactive multilingual help function · 2MB recording data · Store graphic recordings of 2700 measurements (5 min to 1 month) · Communication via isolated USB SCPI protocol Automatically displays measurements for both isolated channels from your choice of 19 measurement types. TWO INDEPENDENT 8000-COUNT TRMS DIGITAL MULTIMETERS Measures two channels of individual harmonic content up to the 31st harmonic. STORAGE COMMUNICATION & PC SOFTWARE View real-time measurements on your PC, configure the Handscope, export data to spreadsheet using the SX-Metro included software. Instantly displays measurements in multimeter mode at the press of a button. KITS INCLUDE Shown: Model 2150.22 and 2150.23 2150.21 Meter, small classic tool bag, US Wall plug, USB Cable, Set of 2, 10 ft. Color-coded Leads (red/black), Set of 2, Color-coded Alligator Clips (red/black), Set of 2, color-coded Probes (red/black), BNC Adapter, 2 Probe 10:1 600V BNC male, 1.2V NiMH rechargeable batteries, quick start guide, and USB drive with software and user manual. 2150.22 Meter, field case, US Wall plug, USB Cable, Set of 2, 10 ft. Color-coded Leads (red/black), Set of 2, Color-coded Alligator Clips (red/black), Set of 2, Color-coded Probes (red/black), BNC adapter, 1- Probe 10:1 600V BNC male, AC Current Probe Model MN251T, MiniFlex® Sensor 3000-24-1-1, 1.2V NiMH rechargeable batteries, quick start guide, and USB drive with software and user manual. 2150.23 Meter, field case, US Wall plug, USB Cable, Set of 2, 10 ft. Color-coded Leads (red/black), Set of 2, Colorcoded Alligator Clips (red/black), Set of 2, Color-coded Probes (red/black), BNC adapter, 1- Probe 10:1 600V BNC male, AC Current Probe Model MN379T, MiniFlex® Sensor 3000-24-1-1, 1.2V NiMH rechargeable batteries, quick start guide, and USB drive with software and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2150.21 2150.22 2150.23 DESCRIPTION Handscope Portable Oscilloscope Model OX 5042 Handscope Model OX 5042 w/MN251T & MF 3000-24-1-1 {BNC Output} Handscope Model OX 5042 w/MN379T & MF3000-24-1-1 (BNC output; Low AC current measurement) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 109 OSCILLOSCOPES CURRENT PROBES MODEL MN251T & MN379T RANGE 0.05 TO 240A SPECIFICATIONS MODEL #MN251T ELECTRICAL Nominal Range Measurement Range Accuracy Phase Shift Overload Frequency Range MN251T MN379T 200A 5A / 100A 0.5 to 240A 0.005 to 6A; 0.1 to 120A 3% of Reading @ 5A; 1% of Reading @ 200A 1% of Reading @ 5A; 1% of Reading @ 100A 2.5° @ 20A / 2.5° @ 100A 4° @ 5A / 2.2 @ 100A 240A for 10 min ON, 30 min OFF 40 to 10kHz Limit Operating Conditions Working/Common Mode Voltage Output Termination Output Signal MECHANICAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Operating Relative Humidity Jaw Opening Maximum Conductor Size Dimensions Weight Polycarbonate Material SAFETY Electrical Double Insulation CE Mark 200A permanently to 1kHz; Derating above 3kHz: 200A x (1/0.333F), F in kHz 600Vrms 10ft (~3m) BNC Lead 1mV/AAC (200mV @ 200A) 200mV/A AC (1V @ 5A) & 10mV/A AC (1V @ 100A) 14° to 131°F (-10° to 55°C) -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F) 85% RH (without roll-off above 35°C (95°F) 0.83" (21mm) 0.78" (20mm) 5.47 x 2.00 x 1.18" (139 x 51 x 30mm) 6.5 oz (180g) Polycarbonate with fiberglass charge, UL94 V0 EN 61010-2-32 Yes Yes RANGE 0.005 TO 120A MODEL #MN379T FEATURES · Small, compact size · True RMS measurements · Large jaw opening accommodates conductor sizes up to 250MCM · 10 foot leads makes measurement in hard to reach areas possible · 40Hz to 10kHz response MINIFLEX® 3000-14-1-1 & 3000-24-1-1 SPECIFICATIONS 3000-14-1-1 3000-24-1-1 ELECTRICAL Range 3000A Signal Output 1mV/A Frequency Range 10Hz to 20kHz with current derating Influence Of Conductor Positioning 1.5% typical, 3% max Influence Of Conductor Positioning In Sensor Against Handle 4% typical, 6% max External Conductor Influence 35dB to 40dB on contact Power Source 9V Alkaline battery (included) MECHANICAL Sensor Diameter Ø 0.2 (5mm) Sensor Length 14" (~355mm) 24" (~609mm) Max Conductor Size 3.93" (~100mm) 7.6" (~190mm) Connection Cable Length 10ft (~3.04M) Drop Test Per IEC 68-2-32 Vibration Per IEC 68-2-6 Mechanical Shock Per IEC 68-2-27 Weatherproofing IP 50 ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Range 14° to 131°F (-10° to +55°C) Storage Temperature Range Altitude SAFETY -40° to 158°F (-40° to +70°C) Operating: 0 to 6560ft (2000m), working voltage derating above; Nonoperating: 0 to 39370ft (12,000m) Safety Rating EN 61010, 1000V CAT III; 600V CAT IV FEATURES RANGE 5 TO 3000A RANGE 5 TO 3000A · True RMS Measurements MODEL #3000-14-1-1 optional MODEL #3000-24-1-1 included in kit · 14" (~35cm) SAFETY sensor included, · 24" (~60cm) R ATIN G sensor optional · 10 foot (~3m) leads makes measurement in hard to reach areas possible · Measurement range of 0.5 to 3000Arms · Accuracy ±1% of Reading ±0.25A · No core saturation or damage if measured circuit is overloaded · 20kHz frequency response · Low phase shift for power measurements · Insensitive to DC: measures only the AC component on DC + AC signals · Excellent linearity · 9V Alkaline battery typically provides 150 hrs of continuous operation 110 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Oscilloscope NEW! OSCILLOSCOPES OX 9000 SERIES MODEL OX 9062, OX 9102, OX 9104 & OX 9304 Ergonomic, hand-held oscilloscope with 100MHz bandwidth and 4 models: oscilloscope, multimeter, analyzer and recorder IP 54 Original ETHERNET Harmonics 4 Simultaneous Channels FEATURES · wider bandwidth up to 300 MHz · new triggering and recording options · increased storage capacity, and more! · 12 bit resolution · 2.5 GS/sec PRODUCT INCLUDES Scope in carrying case with shoulder strap, set of two 5 ft color-coded leads, alligator clips and test probes, 10 ft USB cable, µSD memory card, 1-PROBIX Banana Plug Adapter, set of 5 stylus pens, LI-ION 5.8 Ah battery pack, PA40W-2 power adapter with 110V power cord. Additional accessories may be model dependent. ACCESSORIES & REPLACEMENTS Measurement between H and V cursors: T1, T2, Dt, 1/Dt, V1, V2, dV, Ph 2124.73 PROBIX PRHX1 10:1 Probe, 250MHz 600V CAT III 2124.77 PROBIX Current Probe, 20mA-20A 1MHz-3dB 5000.17 Set of 5 stylus pens CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2150.31 2150.32 2150.33 2150.34 Handscope Portable Oscilloscope Model OX 9062 Handscope Portable Oscilloscope Model OX 9102 Handscope Portable Oscilloscope Model OX 9104 Handscope Portable Oscilloscope Model OX 9304 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 111 OSCILLOSCOPES OX 9000 SERIES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE Type of display Different display mode Display of curves on screen Screen commands Choice of language OSCILLOSCOPE MODE Vertical deflection Bandwidth Number of channels Input impedance Maximum input voltage Vertical sensitivity Vertical zoom Probe factor (non-Probix) Horizontal deflection Sweep speed Horizontal zoom Triggering Mode Type Coupling Sensitivity Digital storage Maximum sampling rate Vertical resolution Memory depth User storage File management GLITCH mode Display modes Other functions AUTOSET FFT analyzer & MATH functions Cursors Automatic measurements MULTIMETER MODE General specifications AC, DC and AC + DC voltages Resistance Other measurements Single and three-phase power HARMONIC ANALYSER MODE Multi-channel analysis Simultaneous measurements LOGGER MODE Acquisition GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Configuration memories Printing PC communication software link Software Mains power supply Safety / EMC Mechanical specifications 112 OX 9062 OX 9102 OX 9104 OX 9304 7" WVGA color TFT LCD touch screen, 800x480 LED backlighting (adjustable standby mode) 2,500 real acquisition points on screen - Vectors with interpolation 4 curves + 4 references Split Screen & Full Screen modes Touch screen icons and graphical commands customizable channel colors 15 complete languages, menus & online help 60 MHz 100 MHz 100 MHz 300 MHz 15 MHz, 1.5 MHz or 5 kHz bandwidth limiter 2 isolated channels 4 isolated channels 1 M ± 0.5% , approx. 12 pF 600 V / CAT III (1,000V per Probix) from 50 to 400 Hz Probix safety connectors 16 ranges from 2.5 mV to 200 V/div and up to 156 µV/div in vertical zoom mode (12-bit converter) Accuracy ± 2% "One Click Winzoom" mode (12-bit converter and direct graphical zoom on screen) x 16 max. 1 / 10 / 100 / 1,000 or any scaling definition of measurement unit 35 ranges from 1 ns/div to 200 s/div., accuracy ± [50 ppm + 500 ps] Roll mode from 100 ms to 200 s/div "One Click Winzoom" system (direct graphical zoom on screen) x 1 to x 5 or x 100 storage 100 kpts/channel On all the channels: automatic, triggered, one-shot, auto level 50% Edge, pulse width (16 ns-20 s), delay (48 ns to 20 s), counting (3 to 16,384 events) Continuous adjustment of Trigger position AC, DC GND, HFR, LFR, noise Level and Hold-Off adjustable from 64 ns to 15 s 1.2 division p-p up to 300 MHz 2.5 GS/s in one-shot mode on each channel (100 GS/s max. in ETS mode) 12 bits (vertical resolution 0.025 %) 100 kpts per channel and file viewer in the manager Internal = 1 GB to store the files: trace, text, configuration, math functions, System memory: .pdf print files, .png image files + high-capacity removable µSD-Card: SD 2 GB, SDHC 4-32 GB and SDXC > 32 GB Duration 2 ns 500,000 Min/Max pairs Envelope, vector, accumulation-, averaging (factors 2 to 64) XY (vector) and Y(f)=FFT Complete in under 5 s, with recognition of the channels Frequency > 30 Hz 2,500-point FFT (Lin or Log) with measurement cursors Functions + , - , x , / and mathematical function editor 2 or 3 cursors: simultaneous V and T with AUTO measurement: T1, T2, Dt, 1/Dt, dBV, Ph Simultaneously with waveform, 20 automatic measurements per channel and on the 4 channels simultaneously with scroll 2 or 4 channels 8,000 cts min/max/frequency/relative TRMS Time/date-stamped graphical recording in logger mode 600 mV to 600 VRMS, 800 mV to 800 VDC VDC accuracy +/- (0.5 % + 25 D) 200 kHz bandwidth 80 to 32 M accuracy 0.5%R+ 25D Quick continuity test < 10 ms Temperature (HX0035 = KTC, HX0036 = Pt100) / Capacitance 5nF to 5mF / Frequency 200 kHz / Diode test 3.3 V Active, Reactive and Apparent power values plus Power Factor simultaneously with the U & I measurements 2 or 4 (depending on model), 63 orders, fundamental frequency 40 to 450 Hz in auto or manual mode Total Vrms, THD and selected order (% fundamental, phase, frequency, Vrms) Duration: 20,000 s Interval: 0.2 s Files: 100,000 measurements Not limited according to device - variable file sizes Network printing via Ethernet/Wifi in .png format Ethernet (100 baseT), WiFi-USB (device, 12 Mbs) "ScopeNet" application software for PC PC: Ethernet and USB, ScopeNet (remote control, data recovery, cursors and automatic measurements) Android tablet ScopeAdmin Fleet Administration utility Li-Ion rechargeable battery (6,900mAH-40 Wh) Battery life of up to 8 hrs Adjustable standby mode Adapter / 2-hour fast charger, universal 98-264 V / 50/60 Hz) Safety as per IEC 61010-2-30, 600V CAT III / 1000V CAT II EMC as per EN61326-1 292.5 x 210.6 x 66.2 mm 2.1 kg with batteries IP54 protection Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 POWERMQEUTAELRITSY&ALNOAGLGYZEERRSS, CHECK PAGE REF > SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww.C.aeOmc.Mcom 113 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS POWER QUALITY METER MODEL 8220 A measurement tool for electrical parameters and distribution network disturbances SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 8220 ELECTRICAL Voltage (TRMS) Current (TRMS) Frequency (Hz) Other Measurements Harmonics Sampling Frequency Data Storage Power Source Battery Life Phase-to-Phase: 660V; Phase-to-Neutral: 600V MN Clamp: 0.2 to 6A/120A or 2 to 240A MR Clamp: 10 to 1000Aac, 10 to 1400Adc SR Clamp: 3 to 1200A MiniFlex®: 10 to 1000A AmpFlex®: 10 to 6500A(1) 40 to 70Hz kW, kvar, PF, DPF, kVA, kWh, kvarh, VAh, Phase Rotation, Temperature, RPM, Resistance, Continuity, Diode Test 1st to 50th 256 samples / cycle Stores nine sets of readings totaling up to 99 snapshots for volts, amps, power and harmonics Six 1.5V AA Alkaline batteries (included) 8 hrs with display on 40 hrs with display off (recording mode) MECHANICAL Communication Port Optically isolated USB Display Three-line backlit color LCD digital display with custom icons and adjustable brightness & contrast Dimensions Weight Safety Rating 8.3 x 4.3 x 2.4" (211 x 108 x 60mm) 1.9lbs (0.88kg) EN 61010, 600V CAT III, IP54, Pollution Degree 2 (1)Crest factor at 6500 = 1 METERS INCLUDE 8220 Meter, 10ft. color-coded voltage leads and alligator clips (red/black), optical USB cable, six 1.5V batteries, two safety test probes, carrying bag, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. SEE PAGES 123 &124 FOR MORE OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES CATALOG NO. 2130.90 2130.93 2130.96 DESCRIPTION Power Quality Meter Model 8220 (no probes) Power Quality Meter Model 8220 193-24-BK (Sensor) Power Quality Meter Model 8220 w/MN193-BK (Probe) 114 IP 54 FEATURES · Measures up to 660Vrms or Vdc · Measures up to 6500Aac or 1400Adc (probe dependent) · Displays Min, Max and Average Volts and Amps, Crest Factor, Peak Value and K-Factor · Calculates and displays Watts, vars and VA, Power Factor and Displacement Power Factor for single-phase and balanced three-phase · Measures and records power systems (kW, kVA, kvar) · Energy metering (kAh, kvarh, kWh) · Displays total harmonic distortion (THD-F and THD-R) for voltage and current · Displays individual harmonic values and % for volts and amps through the 50th harmonic · The Max and Min RMS measurements are calculated every half-period · Captures and displays inrush current · Calculates and displays phase rotation and RPM · Displays temperature in both °F and °C · Displays resistance up to 2000 · Conducts continuity and diode tests · Stores up to 99 complete sets of readings for all volt, amp, power and harmonic measurements · Operates on batteries or optional power adapter · Download stored data snapshots to DataView® software via optical USB cable (included) · Includes FREE DataView® software for configuring data retrieval, real-time waveform display, analysis and report generation Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS POWER & ENERGY LOGGERS PEL 100 SERIES MODEL PEL 102 Monitor your energy usage & costs locally or from anywhere in the world! * TM IP 54 SAFETY R ATIN G ETHERNET ACCESSORIES *ADAPTER SOLD SEPARATELY Cat. # 2137.77 Phase Powered FEATURES · Simple-to-use, single-, dual- (split-phase) and three-phase (Y, ) power & energy loggers · Designed to work in 1000V CAT III and 600V CAT IV environments and fits in many distribution panels · Power measurements: kVA, kW and kvar · Energy measurements: kVAh, kWh (source, load) and kvarh (quadrant indication) · Updated features in DataView® software for configuring real-time communication with a PC and report generation with pre-defined or user defined templates · 8GB SD card supplied, can be upgraded up to 32GB · USB, LAN, Ethernet and Bluetooth (Class 1 wireless communication, up to 300ft away) · Satisfies the monitoring requirements of NEC Code 220.87 · Power adapter allows the PEL 102 to be powered from a phase measurement input · Provides all the necessary functions for power and energy data logging for 50Hz, 60Hz, 400Hz and DC distribution systems · Automatic recognition of the connected current sensors/probes · Magnetic case can be mounted inside power panel CAT #2137.51 INCLUDES PEL 102 KIT Small classic tool bag, three MiniFlex® MA193-10-BK sensors, 5ft USB cable, four black test leads and alligator clips, power cord, twelve colorcoded ID markers, safety data sheet, compliance sheet, SD-Card with USBSD-Card reader, quick start user guide, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. SEE PAGES 123 &124 FOR MORE OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ANDROIDTM APP AVAILABLE FOR PEL 102, 103 & 105! Configure Measurements and Recordings Display Data in Real-Time For Use on Devices with an Android Platform CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2137.51 Power & Energy Logger Model PEL 102 (no LCD w/3 MA193-10-BK Sensors) 2137.61 Power & Energy Logger Model PEL 102 (no LCD or Sensors) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from See pages 123 & 124 for more optional current probes 2137.77 AdapterPower Adapter for use with Models PEL 102 & PEL 103 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 115 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS POWER & ENERGY LOGGERS PEL 100 SERIES MODEL PEL 103 Large Functional Displays INFORMATION MODE MEASUREMENT MODE Hook up, voltage and current ratios and aggregation period can be configured from the front panel of the PEL 103. MAX MODE Real-time updates are displayed for voltage, current, power, frequency, power factor and tangent. HARMONIC MODE * TM IP 54 SAFETY R ATIN G ETHERNET CAT #2137.52 INCLUDES Max values for voltage, current (including neutral current), power and harmonics. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) can be displayed by phase or phase to phase. Neutral current THD can also be displayed. FEATURES · Simple-to-use, single-, dual- (split-phase) and three-phase (Y, ) power & energy loggers · Designed to work in 1000V CAT III and 600V CAT IV environments and fits in many distribution panels · Power measurements: kVA, kW and vkar · Energy measurements: kVAh, kWh (source, load) and kvarh (quadrant indication) · Updated features in DataView® software for configuring real-time communication with a PC and report generation with pre-defined or user defined templates · 8GB SD card supplied, can be upgraded up to 32GB · USB, LAN, Ethernet and Bluetooth (Class 1 wireless communication, up to 300ft away) · Satisfies the monitoring requirements of NEC Code 220.87 · PEL 103 can be configured from front panel, DataView® control panel or the FREE AndroidTM application · Provides all the necessary functions for power and energy data logging for 50Hz, 60Hz, 400Hz and DC distribution systems · Automatic recognition of the connected current sensors/probes · Magnetic case can be mounted inside power panel · Supports 17 network configurations PEL 103 KIT (W/ LCD) Small classic tool bag, three MiniFlex® MA193-10-BK sensors, 5ft USB cable, four black test leads and alligator clips, power cord, twelve color-coded ID markers, safety data sheet, compliance sheet, SD-Card with USB-SD-Card reader, quick start user guide, and USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. ACCESSORIES *ADAPTER SOLD SEPARATELY Cat. # 2137.77 Phase Powered CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2137.52 Power & Energy Logger Model PEL 103 (with LCD w/3 MA193-10-BK Sensors) 2137.62 Power & Energy Logger Model PEL 103 (with LCD, no Sensors) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from See pages 123 & 124 for more optional current probes 2137.77 AdapterPower Adapter for use with Models PEL 102 & PEL 103 116 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS POWER & ENERGY LOGGERS PEL 100 SERIES MODEL PEL 105 Three-Phase Power and Energy Logger Watertight...great for outdoor use! CAT #2137.59 INCLUDES PEL 105 Kit Extra-large tool bag, accessory pouch, 5ft USB cable, five 10ft black voltage leads (watertight cap) with alligator clips, power adapter 110/230V with US power cord, four water-tight AmpFlex® 196A-24-BK (not included with Cat. #2137.57), 9.6V NiMH battery, 8GB SD-card, USB SD-card reader, twelve color-coded input ID markers, quick start guide, and a USB drive supplied with DataView® software and user manual. ACCESSORIES POLE MOUNTING KIT Catalog #2137.82 (optional) Set of two, with hardware IP 67 ETHERNET Phase Powered TM cover closed FEATURES · Simple-to-use, single-, dual- (split-phase) and three-phase (Y, ) power & energy loggers · Designed to work in 1000V CAT III and 600V CAT IV environments · Supports 17 different network connections · Power measurements: kVA, kW and kvar · Energy measurements: kVAh, kWh (source, load) and kvarh (four quadrant indication) · Includes DataView® software for configuring, real-time display, analysis and report generation · 8GB SD card supplied, can be upgraded up to 32GB · USB, LAN, Ethernet, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth communication (Class 1 wireless communication, up to 300ft away) · Satisfies the monitoring requirements of NEC Code 220.87 · PEL 105 can be configured from front panel, DataView® control panel or the FREE AndroidTM application · Provides all the necessary functions for power and energy data logging for 50Hz, 60Hz, 400Hz and DC distribution systems · Automatic recognition of the connected current sensors/probes · Powers directly from phase input · Pole mountable CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2137.57 Power & Energy Logger Model PEL 105 w/o Sensors (Watertight IP67) 2137.59 Power & Energy Logger Model PEL 105 w/4 196A-24-BK (AmpFlex® Watertight IP67) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from See pages 123 & 124 for more optional current probes 2137.82 Pole Mounting Kit Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 117 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS POWER & ENERGY LOGGERS PEL 100 SERIES SPECIFICATIONS MODELS GENERAL Sampling Frequency Data Storage Rate Demand Period Storage Rate Recorded Parameters (Single- and Poly-Phase) Event Log Front Panel Indicator LEDs Storage Capacity INPUTS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT Single-Phase RMS Voltages Phase-to-Phase RMS Voltages Single-Phase RMS Voltages Phase-to-Phase RMS Voltages PT Ratios CURRENT MEASUREMENT Nominal range for current probes supplied with kit. See chart on Pages 26 and 27 for other probes Voltage Current 50/60Hz 400Hz DC PEL 102, PEL 103 & PEL 105 128 samples per cycle; 50/60Hz (16 samples/cycle 400Hz) 1 per second (200ms also available on PEL 105) User selectable (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 60 minutes) V, I, W, VA, var, PF, Tan, Wh, VAh, varh, THD (V and I), Individual harmonics (from 1 through 50 per phase); Crest Factor (CF), Cos f / DPF Tracks and records status changes and error messages along with recorded data Bluetooth active, recording in progress, phase connection reversal, overload, battery charging and SD Card status 8GB SD card included / SD cards up to 32GB formatted FAT32 are supported PEL 102/103 3 input channels; PEL 105 4 input channels via 4mm safety banana jacks PEL 102/103 - 3 input channels; PEL 105 4 input channels via custom 4 pin jacks that accept AEMC® probes and sensors RANGE 42.5 to 69Hz 10 to 1000Vrms 17 to 1700Vrms 340 to 460Hz 10 to 600Vrms 17 to 1200Vrms 100 to 1000V Programmable from 50V to 650,000V A193*** (PEL 102/103) 200mA to 10,000A RESOLUTION* 0.1V 0.1 to 1V 0.1V 0.1 to 1V 0.1V 196A*** (PEL 105) 200mA to 10,000A ACCURACY* ±0.1Hz ±0.2% Rdg ±0.2V ±0.2% Rdg ±0.4V ±1% Rdg ±1V ±1% Rdg ±1V ±1% Rdg ±3V (typical) 0.01 to 0.1V CT Ratios POWER MEASUREMENTS Active Power (P)* Reactive Power (Q)* Apparent Power (S)* Power Factor Tangent (active/reactive power ratio) ENERGY MEASUREMENTS Active Energy (EP) Reactive Energy (EQ) Apparent Energy (ES) THD Individual Harmonics External Supply Power From Phase Measurement Back-Up Power Source/Charge Time Battery Life MECHANICAL Communication Ports Dimension/Weight Case DISPLAY Display Type for Model PEL 103 / PEL 105 ENVIRONMENTAL / SAFETY Operating Temperature/Relative Humidity Storage Temperature Safety Rating/CE Rating Index of Protection Programmable from 1:1 to 25,000:1 (probe dependent) RANGE RESOLUTION* ACCURACY* -2 to 2GW 0.001W ±0.5% Rdg ±0.005% Pnom -2 to 2Gvar 0.001var ±1% Rdg ±0.01% Qnom 0 to 2GVA 0.001VA ±0.5% Rdg ±0.005% Snom -1 to 1 0.001 ±0.05 -3.2 to 3.2 0.001 ±0.02 RANGE 0 to 4 x 10" 0 to 4 x 10" 0 to 4 x 10" RESOLUTION* 1Wh 1varh 1Vah ACCURACY* ±0.5% Rdg ±2% Rdg ±0.5% Rdg ±655% 1 to 50 displayed in percentage; 1 to 7 at 400Hz 110V/250V (10%) @ 50/60Hz; 400Hz PEL 102/103 requires optional Power Adapter Cat #2137.77; PEL 105 Internal up to 1000Vac Rechargeable 8.4V NiMH battery pack / Approximately 5 hours 30 minutes minimum, 60 minutes typical USB 2.0, Ethernet (RJ45), Wireless Bluetooth Class 1 **/ Wi-Fi (PEL 105 only) 10.08 x 4.92 x 1.46" (256 x 125 x 37mm) / 2.20lbs (1kg) (PEL 102 & PEL 103); 9.8 x 7.8 x 2.6" (250 x 200 x 67mm) / 8.8lbs (4kg) (PEL 105) Double insulated, rubber over-molded, polycarbonate UL94 V1 rated 2.63 x 2.16" (67 x 55mm), four line, monochrome, backlit LCD with adjustable brightness and contrast 50° to 122°F (10° to 50°C) / up to 85%; 32° to 108.5°F (0° to 42.5°C) / up to 85% (PEL 103 & PEL 105) -4° to 122°F (-20° to 50°C) with batteries; -4° to 158°F (-20° to 70°C) without batteries Complies with IEC 61010-1, and IEC 61010-2-030 for 1000V CAT III / 600V CAT IV (PEL 102 & PEL 103) & 1000V CAT IV (PEL 105), Pollution Degree 2 / Yes IP54 non operating (PEL 102 & PEL 103) / IP67 with cover closed (PEL 105) * Maximum value is current probe dependent. ** Computers with Class II Bluetooth will restrict range to 40ft. Computers without Bluetooth will require a Class I or Class II Bluetooth radio adapter. *** Maximum current reduced by a factor of 2 for 400Hz fundamental frequency. 118 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS THREE-PHASE POWER QUALITY ANALYZER POWERPAD® III MODEL 8333 & MODEL 8336 SD card for trend recordings and data storage, extensive memory for high snapshot quantity, captured transients/inrush and alarm events MODEL #8333 MODEL #8336 SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 8333 8336 Input Terminals 4 voltage / 3 current 5 voltage / 4 current Inputs 3 voltage / 3 current 4 voltage / 4 current Voltage (TRMS AC+DC) 2 to 1000V Voltage Ratio Current (TRMS AC+DC) up to 500kV MN93: 500mA to 200Aac; MN193: 0.005 to 100Aac SR193 Clamp: 1A to 1000Aac AmpFlex® or MA193 Clamps: 100mA to 10000Aac MR193 Clamp: 1A to 1300Aac/dc SL261 Clamp: 50mA to 100Aac/dc Current Ratio: up to 60kA Frequency (Hz) 40 to 69Hz Distribution Systems 1P 2W, 1P 3W, 2P 2W, 2P 3W, 2P 4W, 3P 1P 2W, 1P 3W, 2P 2W, 2P 3W, 2P 4W, 3P 3W, 3P 4W, 3W, 3P 4W and 3p 5W, 2 ½ Element Split-Phase 2W & 3W & Aron meters & Aron meters Power Values W, VA, var, VAD, PF, DPF, cos , tan Energy Values Harmonics Wh, varh, VAh, VADh 1st to 50th, Direction, Sequence; THD: 0 to 50, phase Transients up to 51 up to 210 Flicker (Pst) Yes Unbalance Yes Recording Yes Alarm Mode 10 types; 4000 recorded 40 types; 16,000 recorded Peak Yes Phasor Display Automatic Display Color ¼ VGA TFT screen (320 x 240) diagonal 5.82" (148mm) Snapshots 12 50 Electrical Safety IEC 61010, 1000V CAT III / 600V CAT IV Protection IP53 Languages Communication Interface Battery Life more than 27 USB >13 hrs, 25 hrs in Record Mode Power Supply 9.6V NiMH rechargeable battery pack (included) External AC supply: 110/230Vac ±10% (50/60Hz) Dimensions / Weight 9.8 x 7.8 x 2.6" (240 x 180 x 55mm) / 4.3lbs (1.95kg) ACCESSORIES SAFETY R ATIN G IP 53 Original METER INCLUDES MODEL 8333 Four black 10ft voltage leads, 5ft USB cable, four black alligator clips, twelve color-coded input ID markers, NiMH battery, 110/240V power adapter with US power cord, carrying bag, soft carrying pouch, and USB drive supplied with product user manual and DataView® software. MODEL 8336 Five black 10ft voltage leads, five black alligator clips, twelve colorcoded input ID markers, USB cable, NiMH battery, 110/240V power adapter with US power cord, large classic tool bag, soft carrying pouch, quick start user guide, and USB drive supplied with product user manual and DataView® software. KIT OPTION INCLUDES MODEL 8333 AS ABOVE, WITH AMPFLEX® 193 FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBE (10KA) Catalog #2136.11, 24" rated 600V CAT IV MODEL 8336 AS ABOVE, WITH AMPFLEX® 193 FLEXIBLE CURRENT PROBE (10KA) Catalog #2136.31, 24" rated 600V CAT IV PHASE POWER ADAPTER FOR MODELS 8333 & 8336 Catalog #2140.77 (optional) OR AS ABOVE, MN193 CURRENT PROBE (5A/100A) Catalog #2136.12, Rated 600V CAT III OR AS ABOVE, MN193 CURRENT PROBE (5A/100A) Catalog #2136.32, Rated 600V CAT III Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 119 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS THREE-PHASE POWER QUALITY ANALYZER WA * YEAR 3 RRAN TY Large Color Functional Displays * Registration must take place within 30 days of purchase FEATURES · True RMS single-, two- and three-phase measurements at 256 samples/cycle, plus DC · Real-time color waveforms · Easy-to-use on-screen setup · Automatic current probe recognition and scaling · True RMS voltage and current measurement · Measures DCvolts, amps and power · Displays and captures voltage, current and power harmonics to 50th order, including direction, in real-time · Captures transients down to 1/256th of a cycle · Stores comprehensive data base of logged data · Phasor diagram display · kVA, kvar and kW per phase and total · kVAh, kvarh and kWh per phase and total · Neutral current calculated and displayed for three-phase · Transformer K-Factor display (8220 and 8230) · Transformer Factor K display (8333, 8336, 8436) · Power Factor, displacement PF display · Captures up to 51 transients · Short term flicker display · Phase unbalance (current and voltage) · Harmonic Distortion (total and individual) from 1st to 50th · Alarms, surges and sags · Screen snapshot function captures waveforms or other information on the display · Includes FREE DataView® software for configuring data retrieval, real-time display, analysis and report generation CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION CONFIGURATION POWER AND ENERGY MODE RECORDING MODE TRANSIENT MODE PHASOR DIAGRAM HARMONICS MODE 2136.10 PowerPad® III Model 8333 (no probes) 2136.11 PowerPad® III Model 8333 w/3 193-24-BK AmpFlex® Sensors 2136.12 PowerPad® III Model 8333 w/3 MN193-BK Probes 2136.30 PowerPad® III Model 8336 (no probes) 2136.31 PowerPad® III Model 8336 w/4 193-24-BK Sensors 2136.32 PowerPad® III Model 8336 w/4 MN193-BK Probes Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from See page 119 for more optional current probes. 2133.73 Extra Large Classic Tool Bag 2140.28 AC/DC Current Probe Model MR193-BK 2140.32 AC Current Probe Model MN93-BK 2140.33 AC Current Probe Model SR193-BK 2140.34 AmpFlex® Sensor 24" Model 193-24-BK 2140.35 AmpFlex® Sensor 36" Model 193-36-BK 2140.36 AC Current Probe Model MN193-BK 2140.40 BNC Adapter for use with AC/DC Current Probe Model SL261 & Models 8220, 8333, 8335, 8336, 8435, 8436, & PEL Series 2140.44 Lead, 1 10ft (3m) black lead w/black alligator clip 2140.48 MiniFlex® Sensor 10" Model MA193-10-BK 2140.50 MiniFlex® Sensor 14" Model MA193-14-BK 2140.77 Adapter Phase Power Adapter for use with PowerPad Models 8333 & 8336 120 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS THREE-PHASE POWER QUALITY ANALYZER cover closed POWERPAD® III MODEL 8436 WA * YEAR 3 RRAN TY Supplied with an 8GB SD card for storing up to 2GB trend recordings * Registration must take place within 30 days of purchase SAFETY R ATIN G IP 67 cover closOeridginal Four current and five voltage input terminals FEATURES · Measurement of TRMS voltages up to 1000Vrms AC/DC for two-, three-, four- or five-wire systems · Measurement of TRMS currents up to 10,000Arms (sensor dependent) · 65µs sample rate · Direct measurement of neutral current & voltage · Record and display trend data as fast as once per second for one month for up to 25 variables · Transient detection on all V and I inputs (up to 210) · Selectable PT and CT ratios · Inrush current measurement · Calculation of Crest Factors for V and A · Calculation of Factor K for transformers · Calculation of short and long term flicker and three-phase voltage unbalance · Measures harmonics (referenced to the fundamental or RMS value) for voltage, current or power, up to 50th harmonic · Displays of harmonic sequencing and direction and calculation of overall harmonics · Real-time display of phasor diagrams including values and phase angles · Measurement of active, reactive and apparent power per phase and their respective sum total · Calculation of power factor, displacement power factor and tangent factor · Recording, time stamping and characterization of disturbance (swells, sags and interruptions, exceedence of power and harmonic thresholds) · 2GB Trend Recording memory; Alarm, Snapshot and Transient/Inrush memories are separate · Measurement of energy kVAh, kvarh & kWh · The Max and Min RMS measurements are calculated every half-period · Includes DataView® software for configuring, real-time display, analysis and report generation SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 8436 ELECTRICAL Sampling Frequency 256 samples/cycle Data Storage Voltage (TRMS) Current (TRMS) Frequency (Hz) SD card for trend recording; Additional separate 12.5MB partitioned memory for snapshots, transient/inrush & alarms Phase-to-Phase: 2000V Phase-to-Neutral: 1000V Voltage Ratio: up to 500kV MN Clamp: 0 to 6A/120A or 0 to 240A SR Clamp: 0 to 1200A MR Clamp: 0 to 1000Aac, 0 to 1400Adc MiniFlex®: 10 to 3000A AmpFlex®: 10 to 10kA(1) SL261 Clamp: 50mA to 100Aac/dc J93: 50 to 3500Aac/dc Current Ratio: 10mA to 50kA 40 to 69Hz Other Measurements kW, kvar, kVA, PF, DPF, kWh, kvarh, kVAh, Factor K, Flicker Harmonics 1st to 50th, Direction, Sequence Power Source Battery Life MECHANICAL 9.6V NiMH rechargeable battery pack (included) 110V to 1000V DC to 400Hz 8 hours with display on; 35 hours with display off (record mode) Communication Port Display Dimensions Optically isolated USB ¼ VGA (320 x 240) color LCD display with adjustable brightness & contrast 10.6 x 9.8 x 7.1" (270 x 250 x 180mm) Weight 8.2lbs (3.7kg) with batteries Safety Rating EN 61010, 600V CAT IV(2), 1000V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2 (1)Crest factor at 6500=1. (2)When used with SR193 or AmpFlex® probes. 600V CAT III with MN193 or MR193 probes. KIT OPTION INCLUDES 8436 KIT Cat. #2136.44 Extra large tool bag, accessory pouch, 5ft USB cable, five 10ft black voltage leads with alligator clips, 110V US power cord, line power adapter 110-1000V DC to 400Hz, four water-tight AmpFlex® 196A-24-BK , NiMH battery, SD card, twelve color-coded input ID markers, quick start guide, and a USB drive containing DataView® software and user manual. Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 121 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS THREE-PHASE POWER QUALITY ANALYZER INSTALLATION OF THE LEADS AND CURRENT SENSORS Color-coded ID markers are supplied with the PowerPad® III to identify the leads and input terminals. Configuration Large Color Functional Displays Transient Mode The voltage and current inputs, as well as the power cord connection are constructed with screw on, watertight connectors rated to IP67. Inrush Peak Cat. #2140.73 Lead & Alligator Clip Cat. #5000.63 Power Cord Cat. #2140.75 (For Cat. #2136.44 only) AmpFlex® Sensor Cat. #5000.89 Line Power Adapter Trend Analysis Phasor Diagram Harmonics Mode Cat. #2137.82 (Optional) Pole Mounting Kit CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2136.43 PowerPad® III Model 8436 (No Sensors - Waterproof IP67) 2136.44 PowerPad® III Model 8436 w/4 196A-24-BK (AmpFlex® - Waterproof IP67) Accessories and Replacement Parts (Optional) 2133.73 Extra Large Classic Tool Bag 2137.82 Pole Mounting Kit 2140.19 Replacement Battery 9.6V NiMH 2140.45 Replacement Set of 12, Color-coded Input ID Markers 2140.73 Lead One 10ft (3M) Black Lead (Waterproof cap) [Rated 1000V CATIV] & one Black Alligator Clip (Rated 1000V CAT IV, 15A,UL) 2140.75 AmpFlex® Sensor 24" (waterproof - IP67) Model 196A-24-BK 5000.43 Probe - Set of 2, Color-coded (Red/Black) Magnetized Voltage Probes [Rated 600V CATIV, 1000V CATIII] 5000.63 Power Cord 110V for use only with Models 8435 & 8436 5000.77 Cable Reeling Box 5000.89 Line Power Adapter 110-1000V DC to 400Hz (Replacement - for use only with Model 8436) 122 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES SENSOR TYPE MiniFlex® MA193-BK* CURRENT RANGE 100mA to 3000Aac MR193-BK 10" or 14" sensor SR193-BK Battery operated AmpFlex® 193-BK* 1 to 1000Aac 1 to 1300Adc 1 to 1200Aac 100mA to 12,000Aac 24" or 36" sensor AmpFlex® 196-24-BK* ACCURACY (TYPICAL) TYPICAL ERROR ON AT 50/60HZ MAX CONDUCTOR SIZE USED WITH MODEL LIMITED RANGE IF USED WITH MODEL CATALOG NUMBER 2140.48 (10" sensor) PEL 102 ±1% 0° 2.75" (70mm) PEL 103 PEL 105 8333 8220 8230 8336 2140.50 (13.93" sensor) ±2.5% ±0.3% -0.80° 0.2° 1.6" (41mm) 2.05" (52mm) 8220 8230 PEL 102 PEL 103 PEL 105 8333 8336 8220 8230 PEL 102 PEL 103 PEL 105 8333 8336 N/A 2140.28 N/A 2140.33 2140.34 (24" sensor) 7.64" PEL 102 ±1% 0° (190mm) or 11.46" PEL 103 PEL 105 8333 8220 8230 (290mm) 8336 2140.35 (36" sensor) 100mA to 12,000Aac ±2% 0° 5.73" (145mm) PEL 105 8436 N/A 2140.75 (24" sensor) Waterproof - 24" sensor IP67 *Maximum current reduced by a factor of 2 for 400Hz fundamental frequency. All current sensors can be used with Models PEL 105, 8435 and 8436. However, only the 196A-24-BK flexible sensors are waterproof. Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 123 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES SENSOR TYPE MN93-BK CURRENT RANGE 0.5 to 240Aac ACCURACY (TYPICAL) TYPICAL ERROR ON AT 50/60HZ MAX CONDUCTOR SIZE USED WITH MODEL LIMITED RANGE IF USED WITH MODEL CATALOG NUMBER PEL 102 ±1% 0.8° 0.78" (20mm) PEL 103 PEL 105 8333 8220 8230 2140.32 8336 MN193-BK 100A 200mA to 120Aac ±1% SL261 5A 5mA to 6Aac ±1% 100A 5 to 100Aac/dc ±4% 10A 50mA to 10Aac/dc ±3% All current sensors can be used with models PEL 105, 8435 and 8436. However, only the 196A-24-BK flexible sensors are waterproof. 8220 0.75° 8230 0.78" (20mm) PEL 102 PEL 103 PEL 105 1.7° 8333 8336 8220 ±0.5° 8230 0.46" (11.8mm) PEL 102 PEL 103 PEL 105 ±1° 8333 8336 N/A 2140.36 N/A 1201.51 CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 1201.51 AC/DC Current Probe Model SL261 (BNC) 2137.77 Adapter Power Adapter PEL 102 & PEL 103 only 2140.28 AC/DC Current Probe Model MR193-BK 2140.32 AC Current Probe Model MN93-BK 2140.33 AC Current Probe Model SR193-BK 2140.34 AmpFlex® Sensor 24" Model 193-24-BK 2140.35 AmpFlex® Sensor 36" Model 193-36-BK 2140.36 AC Current Probe Model MN193-BK 2140.37 Adapter US 110V Power Adapter (eliminates need for batteries) 8220 & 8230 only 2140.40 2140.48 2140.50 2140.75 AC/DC Current Probe BNC Adapter Model SL261 only MiniFlex® Sensor 10" Model MA193-10-BK MiniFlex® Sensor 14" Model MA193-14-BK AmpFlex® Sensor 24" (watertight - IP67) Model 196A-24-BK 2140.77 Adapter Phase Power Adapter for use with PowerPad Models 8333 & 8336 124 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 DATA ANALYSIS & REPORTING SOFTWARE SOFTWARE FOR POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS & ENERGY LOGGERS Configure all functions: · Display and analyze real-time data on your PC · C onfigure functions and parameters from your PC · Customize views, templates and reports to your exact needs · Create and store a complete library of configurations that can be uploaded as needed · Zoom in and out and pan through sections of the graph to analyze the data · Download, display and analyze recorded data · Display waveforms, trend graphs, harmonic spectrums, text summaries, transients, event logs and stored alarms · Print reports using standard or custom templates you design · Free updates are available on our website TYPICAL DATAVIEW® FUNCTIONAL, DIGITAL & GRAPHICAL DISPLAYS Clear and easy setup of all functions from one Display real-time waveforms by phase, tabbed dialog box. parameter or total. Display harmonics in a text table from harmonic 0 (DC) through the 50th. Display all harmonics from 1st to 50th in bar graph form for voltage, current and power. Display harmonics in a text table from harmonic 0 (DC) through the 50th. Display all harmonics from 1st to 50th in bargraph form for voltage, current and power. Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 125 POWER QUALITY ANALYZERS, METERS & LOGGERS SELECTION CHART AEMC MODEL NUMBER AEMC CATALOG NUMBER INPUT TERMINALS CHANNELS RMS VOLTAGE MAX PHASE-TONEUTRAL RMS VOLTAGE MAX PHASE-TO- PHASE PEAK VOLTAGE MAX PHASE-TONEUTRAL PEAK VOLTAGE MAX PHASE-TO- PHASE DC VOLTAGE MAX AC CURRENT MAX (PROBE DEPENDENT) DC CURRENT MAX (PROBE DEPENDENT) RATIOS RATIOS VOLT AMPERE 8220 2130.90 1V/1A 1V/1A 600Vrms 660Vrms 850Vpk 935Vpk 600Vdc 6500Aac 1400Adc Yes No 8333 2136.10 4V/3I 3V/4I 1000Vrms 2000Vrms 1414Vpk 2828Vpk 1200Vdc 10,000Aac 5000Adc Yes Yes 8336 2136.30 5V/4I 4V/4I 1000Vrms 2000Vrms 1414Vpk 2828Vpk 1200Vdc 10,000Aac 5000Adc Yes Yes PEL 102 2137.51 4V/3I 3V/3I 1000Vrms 1700Vrms 1414Vpk 2400Vpk 1000Vdc 10,000Aac 5000Adc Yes Yes PEL 103 2137.52 4V/3I 3V/3I 1000Vrms 1700Vrms 1414Vpk 2400Vpk 1000Vdc 10,000Aac 5000Adc Yes Yes PEL 105 2137.57 4V/3I 3V/3I 1000Vrms 1000Vrms 1414Vpk 2400Vpk 1000Vdc 10,000Aac 5000Adc Yes Yes AEMC AEMC MODEL CATALOG NUMBER NUMBER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS PHASE ROTATION WAVEFORM MODE TRANSIENT MODE TRUE INRUSH MODE/TYPE/ DURATION ALARM MODE SNAPSHOT MODE HARMONIC MODE Yes, 8220 2130.90 1P-2W 3P-3W DB Yes, 2-Wire Method Realtime DtahtraoVuiegwh ® (recordable No Yes (RMS) duration: unspecified No Yes (99) Yes to PC) 10 types/ 8333 2136.10 1P-2W, 2P-3W, 3P-3W, 3P-4W Yes Yes Yes up to 2 No active/ Yes (12) Yes 4662 recorded 1P-2W, 1P-3W, 8336 2136.30 2P-2W, 2P-3W, 2P-4W, 3P-3W, Yes Yes 3P-4W, 3P-5W 40 types/ Yes up to 7 Yes (RMS+PEAK & RMS) active/ Yes (50) up to 1 & 10 mins 16,362 recorded Yes TYPE POWER LCD SOURCE Backlit LCD 6 x AA batteries or external adapter TFT - 5.7" diagonal 320 x 240 resolution External adapter with internal NiMH battery pack TFT - 5.7" diagonal 320 x 240 resolution External adapter with internal NiMH battery pack PEL 102 2137.51 Yes No No No No No Yes None 1P-2W, 1P-3W, 3P-3W D2, 3P-3W O2, 3P-3W Y2, PEL 103 2137.52 3P-3W D3, 3P-3W Yes No No No No No Yes O3, 3P-3W Y, 3P- External adapter with internal NiMH battery pack 3W DB, 3P-4W Y, 3P-4W YB, 3P-4W Monochrome Y2 1/2, 3P-4W D, LCD Power phase input 3P-4WOD, DC-2W PEL 105 2137.57 DC-3W, DC-4W Yes No No No No No Yes or external adapter with internal NiMH battery pack 126 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 TEST(ALNADB)MINEASSTRUURMEMENENTST SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssisRtanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-13G91 AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww..CaemOc.cMom 127 TEST AND MEASUREMENT (LAB) INSTRUMENTS DC POWER SUPPLIES MODELS AX502 & AX503 Rugged and accurate power supplies can handle a direct short without causing damage SPECIFICATIONS MODELS Number of Outputs VOLTAGE Output 1 & 2 Output 3 (No display) Display Resolution Basic Accuracy Residual Ripple LINE REGULATION ±10% Line Voltage LOAD REGULATION 0 to 2.5A 0 to 5A CURRENT Output 1 & 2 Output 3 Resolution Basic Accuracy Limit Indicator Short-circuit Protection Overheating Protection OUTPUT COUPLING Tracking Series Mode Parallel Mode Power Source AX502 2 AX503 3 0 to 30VDC 100mV ±0.5% of Reading ±1ct ±1mVrms 0 to 30VDC 2.7 to 5.5VDC 100mV ±0.5% of Reading ±1ct ±1mVrms ±0.03% of Reading ±2mV ±0.02% of Reading ±5mV ±0.2% Reading ±10mV 0 to 2.5A 0 to 2.5A 5A max (no adjustment) 10mA 10mA ±0.5% of Reading ±1ct ±0.5% of Reading ±1ct LED, Outputs 1 and 2 LED, Outputs 1, 2 and 3 Electronic current limitation with voltage shutdown Thermal protection Output 1: Master/Output 2: Slave Proportional Slave Tracking (0 to 100% of Master) 0 to 60VDC/0 to 2.5A 0 to 30VDC/0 to 5A 110V, 50/60Hz (220V optional) FEATURES ·Dual 0 to 30Vdc/0 to 2.5A outputs · 5.5V/5A output (Model AX503) ·Series and parallel operation permit 0 to 60V or 0 to 5A output ·Low noise (<1mV ripple) and stable linear technology for clean output ·High efficiency toroidal transformers: no fan and low electromagnetic emissions ·Active protection against overloads, short circuits and overheating ·Unique variable tracking mode for master/ slave operation: slave or master track proportionally to the original setting ·S imultaneous display of voltage and current ·Highly visible green (V) and red (A) LED displays ACCESSORIES Optional lead set includestwo color-coded leads, one ground lead (stripped), two alligator clips and two grip probes. Catalog #2117.78 CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2130.06 DC Power Supply Model AX502 (110V, 60Hz, US Plug) 2130.07 DC Power Supply Model AX503 (110V, 60Hz, US Plug) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2117.78 Lead Set of 3, (2 Color-coded Safety Leads, 1 Ground Lead, 2 Color-coded Alligator Clips and 2 Color-coded Grip Probes) for Power Supply Models AX501-AX503 128 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 TEST AND MEASUREMENT (LAB) INSTRUMENTS DECADE BOXES MODELS BR07 & BC05 Bench top decade boxes that stand up to the task IP 50 SPECIFICATIONS TYPES 1 10 BR07 + + Accuracy 1% 1% ±10m ±10m Max current mADC 700mA 200mA Multiplying factor in 100 1k 10k + + + 1% 1% ±10m ±10m 1% ±10m 70mA 20mA 7mA 100k + 1% ±10m 1mA 1M + 1% ±10m 0.1mA TYPE Multiplying factor in nF 0.1 1 10 100 1k BC05 + + + + + Operating Temperature: Storage Temperature: Relative Humidity: Altitude: Dimensions - BC05: Weight - BC05: Dimensions - BR07: Weight - BR07: Watertightness (as per EN 60529 Ed. 92): Rated Voltage: 14° to 131°F (-10° to + 55°C) -40° to 158°F (-40° to + 70°C) 20% < RH < 96% 2000m 12 x 3.4 x 3" (310 x 86 x 76mm) 2.2 lbs (1kg) 16 x 3.4 x 3" (410 x 86 x 76mm) 3 lbs (1.4kg) Protection index IP 40 150V Installation Category II - Pollution level 2 FEATURES RESISTANCE DECADE BOX MODEL BR07 · Resistance box: 7 decades covering a range from 1 to 11.11111M · 11-position switches · Output on safety sockets Ø 4mm · Accuracy: 1% ± 10m on all ranges CAPACITANCE DECADE BOX MODEL BC05 · Capacitance box with 5 decades; 11 position switches · Total capacitance 11.111µF · Very high insulation · Output on safety sockets Ø 4mm · The residual capacitance is approximately 25 pF · Accuracy: 3% on all the ranges (residual capacitance deducted) CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2131.25 Resistance Decade Box Model BR07 (x1, x10, x100, x1k, x10k, x100k, x1M, 1%) 2131.26 Capacitance Decade Box Model BC05 (x0, 1nF, x1nF, x10nF, x100nF, x1knF, 3%) Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2131.35 Lead Replacement, 6ft Safety Lead, 4mm Female to Female for use with Decade Boxes Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 129 TEST AND MEASUREMENT (LAB) INSTRUMENTS MULTIFUNCTION INSTALLATION TESTERS MODELS C.A 6116N & C.A 6117 Safety for your electrical installations and high performance with these unique instruments SPECIFICATIONS MODELS C.A 6116N C.A 6117 CONTINUITY / RESISTANCE I Rated/Range/Resolution I > 200mA/39.99/0.01/±(1.5% of measurement + 2cts) 12mA/39.99 & 399.9/0.01 & 0.1/±(1.5% of measurement + 5cts) with beep Range/Resolution/Accuracy 4k/1/±(1.5% of measurement + 5cts) 40 to 400k/10 to 100/±(1.5% of measurement + 2cts) INSULATION Rated Voltage 50/100/250/500/1000Vdc Range/Resolution/Accuracy 0.01M to 2G/10k to 1M/±(5% of measurement + 3cts) Short-Circuit Current 3mA GROUND RESISTANCE 3-Point Range/Resolution/Accuracy 0.50 to 40/0.01/±(2% of measurement + 10cts) 40 to 15k/0.1 to 1/±(2% of measurement + 2cts) 15 to 40k/10/±(10% of measurement + 2cts) Ufk Complies with SEV 3569 1-Point Selective Range/Resolution/Accuracy 0.20 to 39.99 40 to 399.9/0.01 to 0.1/±(10% of measurement + 10cts) (ISel via clamp) LOOP IMPEDANCE (ZS (L-PE) & ZI (L-N OR L-L)) / 1-POINT LIVE GROUND Live Ground Installation Voltage/Frequency 90 to 500V/15.8 to 17.5Hz 45 to 65Hz HIGH-CURRENT MODE WITH TRIP ZS (L-PE) & ZI (L-N OR L-L) Range/Resolution/Accuracy Max. test current: 7.5 A (0.050) 0.100 to 0.5/0.001/±(10% of measurement + 20cts); 0.5 to 3.999/0.001/±(5% of measurement + 20cts) 3.999 to 39.99/0.01/±(5% of measurement + 2cts); 39.99 to 399.99/0.1/±(5% of measurement + 2cts) No TRIP Mode (Zs (L-PE) only) Test current: 6mA 9mA 12mA (as required) 0.20 to 0.99/0.01/±(15% of measurement + 10cts) 1.00 to 1.99/0.01/±(15% of measurement + 3cts) 2.00 to 39.99/0.01/±(10% of measurement + 3cts) 40.00 to 399.9/0.1/±(5% of measurement + 2cts) 400 to 3999/1 /±(5% of measurement + 2cts) Calculation of Ik Short-Circuit Current (PFC (Zs)), I Sc PSCC (Zi) Fault current and short-circuit current: 0.1A to 20kA Integrated Fuse Table Yes Voltage Drop V% (Zi) -40% to 40% Others Measurement of the resistive and inductive components of the Zs and Zi impedances AC & A-TYPE RCDS Installation Voltage/Frequency 90 to 500V/15.8 to 17.5Hz and 45 to 65Hz In 10/30/100/300/500/650/1000mA (90 to 280V) or variable 10/30/100/300/500mA (280 to 550V) or variable Ramp and pulse test No TRIP Test at ½ In Duration: 1000 or 2000ms Ramp Mode 0.2 to 0.5 x In (Uf)/0.3 x In to 1.06 x In in increments of 3.3% x In TRIP Time Measurement Range/Resolution/Accuracy 0.50 to 40/0.01/±(2% of measurement + 10cts) 40 to 15k/0.1 to 1/±(2% of measurement + 2cts) 15 to 40k/10/±(10% of measurement + 2cts) B-TYPE RCDS Installation Voltage/Frequency 90 to 275V/15.8 to 17.5Hz and 45 to 65Hz In: Ramp/Pulse 2 x In Pulse 4 x In 10/30/100/300/500mA and 10/30/100mA with pulse 4In Duration: 150ms with 4 x In or 300ms with 2 x In Test in Ramp Mode TRIP Test: 2 x In & 4 x In 0.2 x In to 2.2 x In IN 200mA: 2.2 x 2 x In IN > 200mA: 1.1 x 2 x In IN 100mA: 2.2 x 4 x In 130 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 TEST AND MEASUREMENT (LAB) INSTRUMENTS MULTIFUNCTION INSTALLATION TESTERS OTHER MEASUREMENTS Current by Clamps C177 Current by Clamp MN77 Voltage Frequency Phase Rotation Active Power Harmonics GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Display Storage/Communication Power Supply (rechargeable battery) Battery Life Dimensions/Weight Protection EMC Electrical Safety *If a voltage is connected to the instrument 5.0mA to 199.9A (1mA*) 5.0mA to 19.99A 0 to 550Vac/dc and 15.8 to 500Hz 10 to 500Hz 20 to 500Vac 0 to 110kW single-phase 0 to 330kW three-phase Simultaneous display of voltage and current waveforms Voltage and current/up to 50th order/THD-F/THD-R Large 5.7" backlit graphic color, LCD screen, 320 x 240 points via USB for data transfer and report creation Lithium-ion 10.8V rated 5.8 Ah up to 30 hours 11.02 x 7.48 x 5.04" (280 x 190 x 128mm)/ 4.85lbs (2.2kg) IP53/IK04 IEC 61326-1 IEC 61010 -1/600V CAT III & 300V CAT IV/IEC 61557 IP 53 FEATURES · Testing according to the international standards: IEC 60364-6, NF C 15-100, VDE 100, XP C 16-600, etc. · Simple, reliable connection thanks to the contextual help for each function, including all the connection diagrams · Suitable for all neutral systems (TT, TN, IT) · Type-B RCD testing available (Model C.A 6117) · Li-Ion battery for a longer battery life · Measurements: voltage, current via clamp, power, waveforms and harmonics. · Measurement of voltage drop for correct sizing of conductor diameters · Loop measurement with 1m resolution · 3-level storage · Includes FREE DataView® analysis software for programming, downloading, storing and report generation of test data · Integrated fuse table for quick reading of the results on the instrument PRODUCT INCLUDES C.A 6116N & C.A 6117 Carrying bag, US power cord and charger, Li-lon battery pack, USB A/B cable, set of three 3-prong safety voltage leads, set of three test probes & set of three alligator clips (red/blue/green), set of two color-coded safety leads (red/black) 4mm straight plug, 3-prong US measurement cord, remote test probe, wrist strap, hands-free strap, and a USB drive with DataView® software and user manual. CATALOG NO. 2138.06 2138.07 2138.10 2138.11 DESCRIPTION Multi-Function Installation Tester Model C.A 6116N (US) (Includes DataView® software) Multi-Function Installation Tester Model C.A 6117 (Includes DataView® software) Multi-Function Installation Tester Model C.A 6116N w/ CI77A Probe (US) (DataView® software) Multi-Function Installation Tester Model C.A 6117 w/ CI77A Probe (US) (DataView® software) Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 131 TEST AND MEASUREMENT (LAB) INSTRUMENTS FREQUENCY METER MODEL GX320 Cascade arrangement for simulating complex signals with 20MHz and integrated external frequency meter SPECIFICATIONS MODEL GX320 INTERFACE Display LCD 4.92 x 1.77" (125 x 45mm) Adjustable brightness Display of frequency on 5 digits 0.79" (20mm) high Commands 19 direct-access commands (9 backlit and adjustable) 1 Line Out On/Off key 1 digital encoder wheel Adjustment of Signal Parameters Continuous by the encoder, automatic frequency and level ranges, selection of the increment digit (F,P,N...) BNC Output Terminals TTL, Sweep, Clock and Synch outputs BNC Intput Terminals VCG, Gate, Clock and Synch inputs CONTINUOUS SIGNAL GENERATION Frequency 0.001Hz to 20.000MHz (11 ranges) Resolution/Accuracy 5-digit display resolution from 1mHz to 1kHz according to frequency range, ±20ppm for F > 10kHz, ±30ppm for F < 10kHz Amplitude 1mV to 20.0Vpp with open circuit in 3 automatic ranges 3-digit Vpp or Vrms display Flatness ±1dB up to 20MHz (specs. for level from 0.1Vpp to 20Vpp) Vdc Offset ±10Vdc with open circuit accuracy ±5% ±5mV Waveforms Sine/Triangle (max frequency 2MHz)/Square & "LOGIC"/TTL output FREQUENCY Modes LIN (linear) or LOG (logarithmic) "INT" internal sweep "Sawtooth" or "Triangle" mode Unlimited excursion between "F Start" & "F Stop" (256 steps) Sweep time adjustable from 10ms to 100s "EXT" internal sweep Sweep by signal < 15kHz, amplitude ±10V VCF IN input impedance 10k approx. MODULATIONS Internal AM Modulation by a sine signal with a frequency of 1kHz Modulation rate 20% or 80% External AM Modulation by a signal with a frequency < 15kHz Internal FM Modulation by a sine signal with a frequency of 1kHz External FM Modulation by a signal with a frequency < 15kHz FUNCTIONS Shift K FSK (Internal/External) = switching between F start & F stop PSK (Internal/External) = phase switching ±180° Burst Internal 1 to 65,535 impulsions pulse train period from 10ms to 100s External 1 to 65,535 impulsions Synch/Period by a TTL signal with a frequency <200 kHz (VCG IN input) Gate Validation of the AC component of "Line Out" by a TTL signal with a frequency <2MHz (GATE IN input) Synch Maximum frequency of signals generated 100kHz Adjustment of phase shift across ±180° (resolution 1°) EXTERNAL FREQUENCYMETER Measurement Range 5Hz to 100MHz Accuracy ±0.05% + 1 count Max Acceptable Voltage 300Vrms GENERAL Configuration Memories Storage/Recall of 15 complete instrument configurations Communication Interface "USB A/B" link for the programmable versions and Ethernet interface Power Supply 115V ±10% or 230V ±10%; 50/60Hz 20VA max. Internal selection Safety/EMC Safety as per IEC 61010-1 EMC as per EN 61326-1 FEATURES · Frequency range from 20MHz · DDS technology and frequency accuracy of ±20ppm · Frequency adjustment stable to the nearest digit · "LOGIC signal" function for direct adjustment of high and low levels · LIN or LOG sweep, triangle or sawtooth, with adjustable duration from 10ms to 100s · Internal and external AM & FM modulation, GATE, BURST, FSK and PSK functions · Adjustable phase synchronization of several generators in a cascade arrangement · 100MHz frequency meter · Storage of 15 complete instrument configurations · Versions programmable via USB link and Ethernet with standard SCPI protocol CATALOG NO. 2138.02 DESCRIPTION Function Generator Model GX320 (DDS, 20MHz, USB) 132 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERAS SEE WEBSITeTchEnicFal AOssRistanPceR(8I0C0) 3I4N3-1G391AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww.C.aemOc.Mcom 133 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERAS INFRARED CAMERA MODEL 1950 & 1954 Versatile tool for performing infrared thermography Indispensable means for ensuring safety in industrial application SPECIFICATIONS NEW! MODEL IR DETECTOR Type Spectral Range Resolution IMAGING PERFORMANCE NETD Frequency Field of View IFOV (spatial resolution) Minimal Focal Distance FOCUSING Adjustment VISUAL IMAGE Resolution Minimal Focal Distance PRESENTATION OF IMAGES Images Displayed 1950 1954 80 x 80 UFPA microbolometer 8 ~14m 120 x 160 80mK @ 86°F (30°C) 9Hz 20° x 20° 28° x 38° 4.4mrad 4.1mrad 1.3 ft (0.4m), fixed focus 0.98ft (0.3m), fixed focus Fixed 240 x 320 pixels 480 x 640 pixels 2" (0.05cm), fixed focus Infrared image, visual image with automatic parallax compensation. Merging of both images is possible with included PC software LCD Screen Display Colors FUNCTIONS Image Freezing 2.8" (7.1cm) Pseudo-colors, multiple palettes Animated or fixed image Data Storage 2GB Micro SD card included (approx. 4,000 images). Replaceable with up to 32 GB SD card MEASUREMENT Temperature Range Accuracy ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS -4°F to 482°F (-20°C to 250°C) ±3.6°F (±2°C) or ±2% of reading Measurement Tools Manual cursor, automatic detection, min/max/avg on adjustable area, temperature profile, and isotherm Adjustment Automatic or manual adjustment palette min-max Parameter Settings Emissivity, environmental temperature, distance, relative humidity Isotherm Display Color display of a temperature range adjustable by the user Voice Recordings via Bluetooth headset (included) ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Operating Temperature -4° to 122°F (-15° to 50°C); 95% RH Storage Temperature -40° to 158°F (-40° to 70°C) Humidity 10% to 95% Drop Resistance 6' (2m) on all sides Impact Resistance 25G Vibration Resistance 2G Ingress Protection IP54 LASER POINTER Type - Class 2 645-655nm power: 1mW GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Start Up Less than 3 seconds Less than 10 seconds Safety EN 61326-1: 2006, EN 61010-1 Ed.02 Power Supply 4 x AA NiMH rechargeable batteries with external charger included Laser - Class 2 Laser Output - < 1mW Laser Wavelength - 645-655nm Software CAmReport® software included, for data analysis and report generation Tripod Mounting 1/4" insert on camera (tripod not included) Battery Life 13.30 hrs typical (11 hours minimum) 9 hrs typical (7 hours minimum) Dimensions/Weight 8.86 x 4.92 x 3.27" (225 x 125 x 83mm) / 24.7oz (700g) with rechargeable batteries Bluetooth Product Communication 407, 607 clamps BT and and DMMs MTX3292MTX3293-BT 407, 607 clamps, DMMs MTX3292-BT and MTX3293-BT and logger models 1110, 1200 and 1800 Series MODEL 1954 MODEL 1950 Thermo Resolution Thermo Resolution 120 x 160 80 x 80 IP 54 FEATURES · Focus-free with 20° x 20° field of view (model 1950) and 28° x 38° field of view (model 1954) · Automatic brightness control · Exceptionally long battery life · Quick startup in 3 to 10 seconds (model dependent) · User configurable emissivity table · User configurable cursor and trigger functions · User selectable color palette · Captures thermal and real image simultaneously · Verbally record your comments directly to the image using included Bluetooth headset · Wirelessly connect to AEMC® Clamp-on Meters and Multimeters, and environmental meters (model dependent) and record their measurements simultaneously with your thermograms · Comprehensive CAmReport® software included that offers all the necessary functions for reliable analysis of the measurement results and report generation REPLACEMENT ACCESSORIES Carrying Case with Foam Insert Cat. #2121.60 Cable - USB (Type A to 5-pin Mini-B) Cat. #2126.49 134 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 STATUS BAR Battery Trigger status function Emissivity Date & time of Fixed image: current image Dynamic: Display & Menu Contents MENU F1 F2 F3 Selectable using navigation keys SD card presence CA Bluetooth logo active FUNCTION KEYS Linked to selected menu choice or camera image CONTEXTUAL HELP This display area updates based on the menu item selected A comprehensive set of easy access menus are available on screen. You can use the function and navigation keys to easily configure the camera for your specific needs. Trigger functions can be programmed, color palettes can be selected, cursor tools can be configured as well as environmental conditions including ambient temperature and humidity, distance and emissivity. SELECTABLE CURSOR TOOLS User programmable cursors provide a comprehensive set of options for evaluating thermal profiles NONE MIN/MAX POINT No cursor display, temperature evaluation is determined by color palette only. ISOTHERM Automatically displays the cold and hot spot values at the Min and Max cursor positions. PROFILE Displays the value at the cursor. Cursor is movable using the navigation keys. SQUARE Displays points that fall in the same temperature range in the same color. User picks green, red or brown as the display color and defines the range and tolerance. Displays the temperature profile of a horizontal line defined by the cursor. Cursor can be moved along the line to get an individual temperature. Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Displays the Min/Max and mean values within the box. Box size and location is user adjustable. 135 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERAS INFRARED CAMERA (CONTINUED) CAMREPORT® SOFTWARE FOR ANALYZING THERMOGRAMS This comprehensive software offers all the necessary functions for effective analysis of the measurement results and report generation Report creation is automatic, using one of three available templates. Reports can be exported in Word or PDF format. This makes it simple to print and/or archive them. FEATURES · Transfer measurements from your camera to the software by USB cable, or transportable SD card · Drag-and-drop measurement images from the storage directory to the analysis window in the software · Includes thermal and real images automatically · Superimpose thermal images over real images for better visual analytical results · Locate Min/Max and mean temperatures of the image or an area of the image · User selectable color palette from seven different types · Summary table automatically displays environmental parameters and statistical results of the measurement · Include dictated audio comments into the report with the Bluetooth headset · Includes multiple analytical tools for assessing thermal images · Manually enter measurement analysis findings, site characteristics and operator information to your report. · Add graphics such as logos to your reports · Correct the measurement results using built-in or user configured emissivity tables · Include multiple measurements in any report · Save reports as a Word or PDF document CATALOG NO. 2121.40 2121.41 Typical analysis tab screen DESCRIPTION Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1950 (Resolution 80 x 80) Thermal Imaging IR Camera Model 1954 (Resolution 120 x 160) 136 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 TRANSFORMER RATIOMETERS SEE WEBSTIeTchEnicaFl AOssiRstanPceR(80I0C) 3I4N3-1G391 AND AVAILABILITY: WWW.AEMwCww.C.aemOc.Mcom 137 TRANSFORMER RATIOMETERS QUICK TESTER MODEL 8505 Designed to check the basic integrity of power transformers and capacitors SPECIFICATIONS MODEL ELECTRICAL Short Open Transformer Capacitor Power Source Battery Life Low Battery Indicator MECHANICAL Dimensions Weight (with battery) Case Vibration Shock Drop ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Relative Humidity Altitude SAFETY Safety Rating 8505 <20 >20 >1mh 0.5µf to <1mf 4 x 1.5V AA (LR6) Alkaline batteries (included) More than 2500 ten second tests on a full charge Red LED blinks; approximately 100 tests can be conducted when LED starts to blink 7.2" x 3.65" x 1.26" (182.9 x 92.7 x 32mm) w/o leads 14.4oz (408g) UL94 IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-6 (1.5mm, 10 to 55Hz) IEC 68-2-32 (1m) 14° to 122°F (-10° to 50°C) -4° to 140°F (-20° to 60°C) 0 to 85% @ 95°F (35°C), non-condensing 2000m EN61010-1; 50V CAT IV Environmental IP30 Reference Conditions: 23°C ±3°C, 30-50% RH, battery voltage: 4.5V ±10%. IP 30 FEATURES · Checks coil continuity on single- and three-phase transformers · Detects open or shorted coils and capacitors · Detects switch open and closed positions · Automatically identifies device as a transformer or capacitor · Single button operation · Bright LED indicators and buzzer for T and C · Coiled captive test lead extends to 6ft each · Test probe with 5.75" (146mm) shaft ideal for insertion into protective shroud to reach test point · Multi-frequency source signals improves test reliability and accuracy · Microprocessor based design for control, stability and repeatability · Built-in self-test for inductance and capacitance · Fuse protected · Battery operated; more than 2500 tests on a full charge · Low battery indicator begins to blink when capacity of ~100 tests remain CATALOG NO. 2136.51 DESCRIPTION Quick Tester Model 8505 138 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 TRANSFORMER RATIOMETERS DTR® MODEL 8510 Designed for on-site testing of power, potential and current transformers IP 54 cover closed FEATURES · Measures power transformers, VT/PTs and current transformer CT turns ratios · Displays turn ratio, excitation current, winding polarity and % deviation from the nameplate values · Universal voltage (90-240V supply, 50-60Hz) via external smart/fast battery charger; complete charge in less than 4 hours · Two internal NiMH batteries provide up to 10 hours of continuous operation · Tests performed by exciting the primary and reading the secondary; provides safer conditions for the operator · Display warns of incorrect lead connection, reverse polarity, open and short circuits · Easy connection and test setup; no calibration or balancing required · Large dual display with adjustable contrast ensures clearer visibility in any lighting environment day or night · Low battery indicator · Includes 15 foot lead set and soft carrying bag · Stores up to 10,000 test results in internal memory · USB port facilitates configuring the instrument and downloading test results · Includes FREE DataView® analysis software for programming, downloading, storing and report generation of test data · N 61010-1; 50V CAT IV SPECIFICATIONS MODEL DTR® 8510 VT/PT Ratio Range Auto-Ranging 0.8000:1 to 8000:1 CT Ratio Range Accuracy* Excitation Signal Auto-Ranging 0.8000 to 1000.0 Ratio <10 to 1: ±0.2% of Reading Ratio 0 to 1000 to 1: ±0.1% of Reading Ratio >1000 to 1: ±0.2% of Reading Ratio 5000 to 8000.0: ±0.25% of Reading VT/PT Mode: 32Vrms maximum CT Mode: 0 to 1A, 0.1 to 4.5Vrms Excitation Current Display Range: 0 to 1000mA; Accuracy: ±2% of Reading ±2mA Excitation Frequency 70Hz Measurement Method In accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90TM-2006 Display Languages Supported LCD 16 character, 2 line, large format, LED backlight, day/night visible English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Portuguese Communication Optically isolated USB 2.0 Data Storage Stores up to 10,000 complete measurements Power Source Two rechargeable 12V NiMH batteries (included) External Charger Battery Life Charging Time 90/240V, 50/60Hz (smart charger) Up to 10 hours continuous operation; May not be used while recharging; Low battery LED/LCD indication <4 hours *23°C ±5°C, 50 to 70% RH, full battery charge, no external fields or noise. PRODUCT INCLUDES NiMH batteries (installed), 115V power cord, set of two 15ft leads, 2 red & 2 black alligator clips, 10ft USB cable, external battery charger (90-264Vac, 50/60Hz) and soft carrying case. USB DRIVE Supplied with DataView® software and user manual. CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION 2136.50 Digital Transformer Ratiometer DTR® Model 8510 Accessories/Replacement - available on website store from 2136.76 Lead-Set of 2, 30ft for use with DTR® Models 8500 & 8510 2136.77 Lead-Replacement set of 2, 15ft for use with DTR® Models 8500 & 8510 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 139 TRAINING SEMINARS AEMC® ONE-DAY TRAINING SEMINARS · Offered throughout the USA on Ground Resistance Testing · Insulation Resistance Testing and Power Quality · Public and private courses are available UNDERSTANDING GROUND RESISTANCE TESTING UNDERSTANDING INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTING UNDERSTANDING POWER QUALITY For field engineers, technicians, utility engineers, supervisors, electricians and inspectors interested in testing and certifying electrical power grounding systems. KEY TOPICS INCLUDE · Soil Resistivity · Ground Resistance · 3-Point Measurements · 4-Point Measurements · Clamp-On Measurements · Step and Touch Potential Measurements For field engineers, technicians, supervisors, electricians, plant maintenance personnel and inspectors interested in insulation resistance testing on motors, cables and transformers. KEY TOPICS INCLUDE · Motor Theory · Spot Testing · Timed Tests · Polarization Index · Dielectric Discharge Testing · Temperature correction of test results COMING SOON! For field engineers, technicians, supervisors, electricians, plant maintenance personnel and inspectors interested in monitoring, recording and analyzing power quality. KEY TOPICS INCLUDE · Why power quality is important to you · Symptoms and problems associated with poor power quality · Types of disturbances and how to tell them apart · Harmonic analysis - what, why and how to measure · THD - what is it and how much is too much · Power Factor - what is it, why know it and how to measure it FOR THE SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING TRAINING SEMINARS CONTACT [email protected], VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.AEMC.COM OR CALL (800) 343-1391 TECHNICAL SALES AND ASSISTANCE If you are experiencing technical problems, or require any assistance with the proper use or application of any AEMC® instrument, please call our technical hotline at (800) 343-1391 ext. 351. Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC® Instruments 200 Foxborough Blvd. · Foxborough, MA 02035 USA Tel: (800) 343-1391 · (508) 698-2115 · Fax: (508) 698-2118 [email protected] · REPAIR AND CALIBRATION To guarantee that your instrument complies with the factory specifications, we recommend that the product be submitted to our factory service center at one year intervals for recalibration, or as required by other standards. For instrument repairs and/or calibrations, please call our factory, toll-free, at (800) 945-2362. Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC® Instruments 15 Faraday Drive · Dover, NH 03820 USA Tel: (800) 945-2362 · (603) 749-6434 · Fax: (603) 749-6309 [email protected] · Costs for repair, normal recalibration, and calibration traceable to NIST are available. NIST calibration pricing is listed within each product ordering chart. All customers must call for an authorization number (CSA#) before returning any instrument. WARRANTY All AEMC® Instruments products carry a 2-year warranty (unless specified) against defects of material and workmanship which develop under normal and proper use within one to three years (product dependent) of original date of purchase when inspection proves the fault to be one of manufacturing. Detailed warranty coverage is located on our website. Products can be registered online at Specifications and prices are subject to change without notice. CORPORATE AND MANUFACTURING Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC® Instruments 15 Faraday Drive · Dover, NH 03820 USA Tel: (603) 749-6434 · Fax: (603) 742-2346 Order entry: Tel: (800) 442-2362 · Fax: (603) 749-9153 [email protected] · STOREFRONT The AEMC® online store offers the opportunity to purchase replacement parts such as fuses, test leads and other accessory items for your test instruments. The online store also offers refurbished and discontinued items at a reduced price. Product specials also offered. Visit the store at FIND MORE AT: WWW.AEMC.COM NEW PRODUCTS CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MINIFLEX® SERIES MODEL MA114 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES LM SERIES MODEL LM102 & LM103 CURRENT MEASUREMENT PROBES MH SERIES MODEL MH60 DATA LOGGERS SIMPLE LOGGER® MODEL SL01-SL50 GROUND RESISTANCE TESTERS CLAMP-ON MODEL 6418 OSCILLOSCOPES OX 9000 SERIES MODEL OX 9062-OX 9304 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERAS INFRARED CAMERA MODEL 1954 Your authorized AEMC® Instruments distributor is: PAGE 18 PAGE 26 PAGE 27 PAGE 46 PAGE 76 PAGE 111 PAGE 134 Chauvin Arnoux®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC® Instruments 200 Foxborough Blvd. · Foxborough, MA 02035-2872 · USA (508) 698-2115 · (800) 343-1391 · Fax (508) 698-2118 · [email protected] Export Department (603) 749-6434 ext. 520 · Fax (603) 742-2346 · [email protected] 950.CAT-MASTER-Vol19Adobe InDesign 14.0 (Windows) Adobe PDF Library 15.0