FCC-MPE - Test report
MPE report
Shenzhen Xiangdangwen Technology Co.,Ltd. 2E582 2AW73-2E582 2AW732E582 2e582
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Document DEVICE REPORTGetApplicationAttachment.html?id=7389600FCC RF Exposure EUT Description: SELFIE STICK PHONE TRIPOD WITH REMOTE Model No.: 2E582 FCC ID: 2AW73-2E582 1. Limits According to KDB 447498 D04 General RF Exposure Guidance v01 The 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances 50 mm are determined by: [(max power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)]·[f(GHz)]3.0 for 1-g SAR and 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR, Where: Result=P/D*F F= the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz P=Maximum turn-up power in mw D=Min. test separation distance in mm 2. Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation Output Tune Up Max Tune power Power Up power (dBm) (dBm) dBm/mW Min test separati on distance mm Result Limit 2480 -1.28 -2±1(-1) 0.794 5 0.250 3.0 Note: PK Output power= conducted power. Conducted power see the test report DL-240604007ER, antenna gain=0dBi SAR Test Exclusion Pass Per KDB 447498 D04, when the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to determine SAR test exclusion. The test exclusion threshold is 0.250 which is<3.0, SAR testing is not required. Note: Exclusion Thresholds Results=[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)] ·[f(GHz)] f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz Distance=5mm
Related FCC IDs:
- 2AW73-2E582 - Shenzhen Xiangdangwen Technology Co.,Ltd. SELFIE STICK PHONE TRIPOD WITH REMOTE [-2E582] Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows)