TR Part 15.407 UNII 3
Ubiquiti Inc. U6MESHP SWX-U6MESHP SWXU6MESHP u6meshp
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Document DEVICE REPORTGetApplicationAttachment.html?id=7315291427 West 12800 South Draper, UT 84020 Test Report Certification FCC ID ISED ID Equipment Under Test Test Report Serial Number Date of Test(s) Report Issue Date SWX-U6MESHP 6545A-U6MESHP U6-Mesh-Pro TR8701_01 5, 11, 14, 21 and 28 December 2023 3 January 2024 Test Specification 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart E Applicant Ubiquiti Inc. 685 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 U.S.A. NVLAP LAB CODE 600241-0 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Certification of Engineering Report This report has been prepared by Unified Compliance Laboratory (UCL) to document compliance of the device described below with the requirement of Federal Communication Commissions (FCC) Part 15, Subpart E. This report may be reproduced in full. Partial reproduction of this report may only be made with the written consent of the laboratory. The results in this report apply only to the sample tested. Applicant Ubiquiti Inc. Manufacturer Ubiquiti Inc. Brand Name UBIQUITI Model Number U6-Mesh-Pro FCC ID SWX-U6MESHP ISED ID 6545A-U6MESHP On this 3rd day of January 2024, I individually and for Unified Compliance Laboratory certify that the statements made in this engineering report are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith. Although NVLAP has accredited the Unified Compliance Laboratory testing facilities, this report must not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the U.S. federal government. Unified Compliance Laboratory Written By: Joseph W. Jackson Reviewed By: Richard L. Winter TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 2 of 25 Revision 01 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Revision History Description Original Report Release Date 3 January 2024 TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 3 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Table of Contents 1 Client Information................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Applicant....................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Manufacturer................................................................................................................................. 5 2 Equipment Under Test (EUT)............................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Identification of EUT .................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Description of EUT ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 EUT and Support Equipment ........................................................................................................ 6 2.4 Interface Ports on EUT ................................................................................................................. 7 2.5 Operating Environment................................................................................................................. 7 2.6 Operating Modes........................................................................................................................... 7 2.7 EUT Exercise Software................................................................................................................. 7 2.8 Block Diagram of Test Configuration .......................................................................................... 8 2.9 Modification Incorporated/Special Accessories on EUT.............................................................. 8 2.10 Deviation, Opinions Additional Information or Interpretations from Test Standard.................... 8 3 Test Specification, Method and Procedures.......................................................................................... 9 3.1 Test Specification.......................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Methods & Procedures.................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 FCC Part 15, Subpart E................................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Results........................................................................................................................................... 9 3.5 Test Location .............................................................................................................................. 10 4 Test Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports.......................................................................................... 11 4.2 Direct Connect at the Antenna Port Tests ................................................................................... 11 4.3 Radiated Emissions ..................................................................................................................... 12 4.4 Equipment Calibration ................................................................................................................ 13 4.5 Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 13 5 Test Results ......................................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 §15.203 Antenna Requirements .................................................................................................. 14 5.2 Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports Data ................................................................................. 14 5.3 §15.403(i) 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth ..................................................................................... 16 5.4 §15.407(a)(3) Maximum Average Output Power ....................................................................... 17 5.5 §15.407(b)(7) Spurious Emissions.............................................................................................. 18 5.6 §15.407(a) Maximum Power Spectral Density........................................................................... 24 TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 4 of 25 1 Client Information 1.1 Applicant Company Contact Name Title 1.2 Manufacturer Company Contact Name Title 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Ubiquiti Inc. 685 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 U.S.A. Alex Macon Compliance Ubiquiti Inc. 685 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017 U.S.A. Alex Macon Compliance TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 5 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 2 Equipment Under Test (EUT) 2.1 Identification of EUT Brand Name UBIQUITI Model Number U6-Mesh-Pro Serial Number 1FA1CC Dimensions (cm) 34.3 x 18.1 x 6.0 2.2 Description of EUT The U6-Mesh-Pro is a four-stream Wi-Fi 6 access point that delivers up to 2.4 Gbps aggregate radio rate with 2X2 5 GHz (DL/UL MU-MIMO) and 2.4 GHz (DL/UL MU-MIMO) radios. The table below show the channels used within the different modulation bandwidths. Band WiFi Modulation Modulation Mode Bandwidth Type Frequency (MHz) a 20 MHz OFDM 5745, 5775, 5825 ax UNII-3 ax 20 MHz 40 MHz HE 5745, 5775, 5825 HE 5755, 5775, 5795 ax 80 MHz HE 5775 This report covers the circuitry of the device subject to FCC Part 15, Subpart E. The circuitry of the device subject to FCC Part 15 Subpart B was found to be compliant and is covered under a separate Unified Compliance Laboratory test report. 2.3 EUT and Support Equipment The EUT and support equipment used during the test are listed below. Brand Name Model Number Serial Number Description BN: UBIQUITI MN: U6-Mesh-Pro (Note 1) SN: 1FA1CC WiFi Access Point BN: UBIQUITI MN: UPOE-at (Note 1) SN: N/A PoE Power Adapter BN: Dell MN: XPS 13 SN: N/A Laptop PC Notes: (1) EUT TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Name of Interface Ports / Interface Cables See Section 2.4 Shielded or Un-Shielded Cat 5e cable (Note 2) Shielded or Un-Shielded Cat 5e cable (Note 2) Page 6 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 (2) Interface port connected to EUT (See Section 2.4) The support equipment listed above was not modified in order to achieve compliance with this standard. 2.4 Interface Ports on EUT Name of Ports Data AC (PoE Injector) LAN (PoE Injector) No. of Ports Fitted to EUT 1 1 1 2.5 Operating Environment Cable Description/Length Shielded Cat 5e cable/8meters 3 conductor power cord/80cm Un-shielded Cat 5e cable/1 meter Power Supply AC Mains Frequency Temperature Humidity Barometric Pressure 120 Volts AC to 48 Volts PoE 60 Hz 21.5 23.4 °C 17.0 24.6 % 1009 mBar 2.6 Operating Modes The U6-Mesh-Pro was tested using test software in order to enable a constant transmission. The measurements within this report are corrected to reference a 100% duty cycle. All emission modes of 802.11 a/ax were investigated. All measurements are reported with the worst-case mode (802.11ax) unless otherwise stated. 2.7 EUT Exercise Software EUT firmware version 1.0 was used to operate the transmitter using a constant transmit mode. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 7 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 2.8 Block Diagram of Test Configuration Diagram 1: Test Configuration Block Diagram 2.9 Modification Incorporated/Special Accessories on EUT There were no modifications made to the EUT during testing to comply with the specification. 2.10 Deviation, Opinions Additional Information or Interpretations from Test Standard There were no deviations, opinions, additional information or interpretations from the test specification. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 8 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 3 Test Specification, Method and Procedures 3.1 Test Specification Title Purpose of Test 47 CFR FCC Part 15, Subpart E, Section 15.407 Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices The tests were performed to demonstrate initial compliance 3.2 Methods & Procedures 3.2.1 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Section 15.407 See test standard for details. 3.3 FCC Part 15, Subpart E 3.3.1 Summary of Tests FCC Section ISED Section Environmental Phenomena 15.407(a) N/A Antenna requirements 15.407(b) RSS-Gen Conducted Disturbance at Mains Port 15.407(c) RSS-247 §6.2.2, §6.2.3 Bandwidth Requirement Frequency Range (MHZ) Structural Requirement Result Compliant 0.15 to 30 Compliant 5725 to 5850 Compliant 15.407(e) RSS-247 §6.2.2, §6.2.3 Peak Output Power 5725 to 5850 Compliant 15.407(f) RSS-247 §6.2.2, §6.2.3 Antenna Conducted Spurious Emissions 0.009 to 40000 N/A 15.407(g) RSS-247 §6.2.2, §6.2.3 Radiated Spurious Emissions 0.009 to 40000 Compliant 15.407(h) RSS-247 §6.2.2, §6.2.3 Peak Power Spectral Density 5725 to 5850 Compliant The testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10-2013, KDB 789033 and 47 CFR Part 15. Where applicable, KDB 662911 was followed to sum required measurements. 3.4 Results In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the requirements of the specification. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 9 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 3.5 Test Location Testing was performed at the Unified Compliance Laboratory 3-Meter and 10-Meter chambers located at 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020. Unified Compliance Laboratory is accredited by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP); NVLAP Code 600241-0 which is effective until 30 June 2024. This site has also been registered with Innovations, Science and Economic Development (ISED) department as was accepted under Appendix B, Phase 1 procedures of the APEC Tel MRA for Canadian recognition. ISED No.: 25346, effective until 30 June 2024. Unified Compliance Laboratory has been assigned Designation Number US5037 by the FCC and Conformity Assessment Number US0223 by ISED. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 10 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 4 Test Equipment 4.1 Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports Type of Equipment EMI Receiver LISN ISN LISN AC Power Source Test Software Manufacturer AFJ AFJ Teseq Com-Power Laplace Instruments UCL Model Number FFT3010 LS16C/10 ISN T800 LIN-120C AC1000A Revision 1 Asset Number UCL-2500 UCL-2512 UCL-2974 UCL-2612 UCL-2857 UCL-3107 Date of Last Calibration 7/13/2023 5/26/2023 6/27/2022 1/24/2023 N/A N/A Due Date of Calibration 7/13/2024 5/26/2024 6/27/2024 1/24/2024 N/A N/A Table 1: List of equipment used for Conducted Emissions Testing at Mains Port Figure 1: Conducted Emissions Test 4.2 Direct Connect at the Antenna Port Tests Type of Equipment Spectrum Analyzer Signal Generator Vector Signal Generator Switch Extension Switch Extension Manufacturer R&S R&S R&S R&S R&S Model Number FSV40 SMB100A Asset Number UCL-2861 UCL-2864 Date of Last Calibration 11/27/2023 N/A SMBV100A UCL-2873 N/A OSPB157WX OSP-150W UCL-2867 UCL-2870 2/22/2023 2/22/2023 Due Date of Calibration 11/27/2024 N/A N/A 2/22/2024 2/22/2024 Table 2: List of equipment used for Direct Connect at the Antenna Port TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 11 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Figure 2: Direct Connect at the Antenna Port Test Figure 3: Output Power Measurement 4.3 Radiated Emissions Type of Equipment EMI Receiver Pre-Amplifier 9 kHz 1 GHz Broadband Antenna Broadband Antenna Double Ridge Horn Antenna Log Periodic 15 - 40 GHz Horn Antenna 1 18 GHz Amplifier Test Software Manufacturer Keysight Sonoma Instruments Scwarzbeck Model Number N9038A 310N Asset Number UCL-2778 UCL-2889 VULB 9163 UCL-3062 Date of Last Calibration 1/27/2023 10/7/2021 2/22/2023 Scwarzbeck Scwarzbeck Scwarzbeck Scwarzbeck VULB 9163 UCL-3071 BBHA 9120D STLP 9129 UCL-3065 UCL-3068 BBHA 9170 UCL-2487 1/11/2023 9/22/2022 1/27/2023 6/09/2022 Com-Power PAM 118A UCL-3833 12/9/2022 UCL Revision 1 UCL-3108 N/A Table 3: List of equipment used for Radiated Emissions Due Date of Calibration 1/27/2024 10/7/2023 2/22/2025 1/11/2025 9/22/2024 1/27/2025 6/09/2024 12/9/2023 N/A TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 12 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Figure 4: Radiated Emissions Test 4.4 Equipment Calibration All applicable equipment is calibrated using either an independent calibration laboratory or Unified Compliance Laboratory personnel at intervals defined in ANSI C63.4:2014 following outlined calibration procedures. All measurement instrumentation is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Supporting documentation relative to traceability is on file and is available for examination upon request. 4.5 Measurement Uncertainty Test Conducted Emissions Radiated Emissions (9 kHz to 30 MHz) Radiated Emissions (30 MHz to 1 GHz) Radiated Emissions (1 GHz to 18 GHz) Radiated Emissions (18 GHz to 40 GHz) Direct Connect Tests Emissions Bandwidth Output Power Peak Power Spectral Density Band Edge Transmitter Spurious Emissions Uncertainty (+ dB) 1.44 2.50 4.38 4.37 3.93 K Factor 2 2 2 2 2 Confidence (%) 95 95 95 95 95 Value 2.0% 1.0 dB 1.3 dB 0.8 dB 1.8 dB TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 13 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 5 Test Results 5.1 §15.203 Antenna Requirements The EUT uses an integral folding antenna structure. Per the manufacturer, the maximum gain of the antenna per chain is 8 dBi. This is an 802.11 device and utilizes CDD as described in KDB 662911 D01. The antenna is not user replaceable. For power measurements on IEEE 802.11 devices, Array Gain = 0 dB for NANT 4; For PSD measurements when Nss=1: Array Gain = 10 log(NANT/NSS) dB = 3.01dB Results The EUT complied with the specification 5.2 Conducted Emissions at Mains Ports Data 5.2.1 Line TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 14 of 25 5.2.2 Neutral 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Result The EUT complied with the specification limit. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 15 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 5.3 §15.403(i) 26 dB Emissions Bandwidth All chains were measured under the guidance of KDB 789033 Section II.C. and KDB 66291 D01. Please see associated annex for details on instrument settings. Nominal BW (MHz) 20 Frequency (MHz) 5745 99% Bandwidth (MHz) 16.4 26 dB Bandwidth (MHz) 20.4 20 5775 21.6 33.5 20 5825 20.6 33.8 20 5745 19.3 20.7 20 5775 19.3 33.2 20 5825 19.5 32.6 40 5755 38.0 39.8 40 5775 38.0 44.0 40 5795 38.5 56.7 80 5775 78.0 81.5 Result All chains were tested and the highest bandwidth per chain is reported above. The 26 dB bandwidths are reported for information purposes. Please see Annex for all bandwidth measurements. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 16 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 5.4 §15.407(a)(3) Maximum Average Output Power All chains were measured and summed under the guidance of KDB 789033 Section II. E.2. and KDB 66291 D01. Please see associated annex for details on instrument settings. The maximum average RF conducted output power measured for this device was 27.81 dBm or 604 mW. The limit is 30 dBm, or 1 Watt when using antennas with 6 dBi or less gain. The antenna has a gain of 8 dBi however, the measured conducted output power is below an adjusted 28.0 dBm or 0.63 watts limit. Modulation Frequency (BW) (MHz) Data Rate OFDM 20 OFDM 20 OFDM 20 HE 20 HE 20 HE 20 HE 40 HE 40 HE 40 HE 80 5745 5775 5825 5745 5775 5825 5755 5775 5795 5775 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 TP Setting 50 52 52 50 52 52 50 52 52 48 Conducted Output Power * 26.44 27.81 27.80 26.04 27.71 27.71 26.49 27.60 27.56 25.42 Measured Measured EIRP PSD 34.44 35.81 35.80 34.04 35.71 35.71 34.49 35.60 35.56 33.42 10 16 11.03 9.21 10.65 10.30 6.92 7.77 7.87 3.31 Result In the configuration tested, the maximum summed average RF output power was less than 1 watt; therefore, the EUT compiled with the requirements of the specification (see spectrum analyzer plots in attached Annex). * Gated EIRP shown in the Annex is the conducted measurement TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 17 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 5.5 §15.407(b)(7) Spurious Emissions 5.5.1 Conducted Spurious Emissions The frequency ranges from the lowest frequency generated or used in the device to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency was investigated to measure any antenna-conducted emissions. The graphs show the measurement data from spurious emissions noted across the frequency range when transmitting at the lowest frequency, middle frequency and upper frequency. Shown within the annex are plots with the EUT turned to the upper and lower channels with the antenna gain of 8 dBi accounted for. These demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this section at the band edges. All emissions shall be limited to a level of -27 dBm/MHz at 75 MHz or more above or below the band edge increasing linearly to 10 dBm/MHz at 25 MHz above or below the band edge, and from 25 MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 15.6 dBm/MHz at 5 MHz above or below the band edge, and from 5 MHz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to a level of 27 dBm/MHz at the band edge. Result Conducted spurious emissions were attenuated below the limit; therefore, the EUT complies with the specification. 5.5.2 Radiated Spurious Emissions in the Restricted Bands of § 15.205 The EUT uses various power settings based on the channel in use. In order to reduce test time, the radiated spurious emissions at the lowest, middle, and highest channel were measured at the maximum power of TP55. Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Pre-Amplifier Gain, and is added to the Receiver reading. Result All emissions in the restricted bands of § 15.205 met the limits specified in § 15.209; therefore, the EUT complies with the specification. See Annex for Conducted Band edge plots. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 18 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 QuasiPeak Frequency 36.374 MHz 36.48 MHz 38.328 MHz Level (dBµV/m) 35.221 35.51 34.369 Limit (dBµV/m) 39 39 39 Margin -3.779 -3.49 -4.631 Azimuth (°) 71 63 8 Height 1.842 1.156 0.998 Table 4: Radiated Emissions 30 1000 MHz Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Correction (dB) -14.833 -14.823 -14.439 TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 19 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Peak Frequency 3.9471 GHz 11.482 GHz 14.857 GHz 8.6178 GHz 11.49 GHz 14.381 GHz Avg Frequency 3.9471 GHz 11.482 GHz 14.857 GHz 8.6178 GHz 11.49 GHz 14.381 GHz Level (dBµV/m) 46.25 60.133 56.604 53.917 56.014 57.633 Limit (dBµV/m) 74 74 74 74 74 74 Margin (dB) -27.75 -13.867 -17.396 -20.083 -17.986 -16.367 Azimuth (°) 189 182 77 300 135 301 Height (m) 3.802 3.311 2.816 1.838 1.638 1.643 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Correction (dB) -7.183 7.997 11.508 2.964 8.03 11.99 Level (dBµV/m) 30.892 44.851 43.268 44.298 42.719 44.199 Limit (dBµV/m) 54 54 54 54 54 54 Margin (dB) -23.108 -9.149 -10.732 -9.702 -11.281 -9.801 Azimuth (°) 189 182 77 300 135 301 Height (m) 3.802 3.311 2.816 1.838 1.638 1.643 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Table 5: Radiated Emissions 1 17 GHz on the Lowest Frequency Correction (dB) -7.183 7.997 11.508 2.964 8.03 11.99 TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 20 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Peak Frequency 3.9406 GHz 11.549 GHz 13.929 GHz 8.6623 GHz 11.552 GHz 14.804 GHz Avg Frequency 3.9406 GHz 11.549 GHz 13.929 GHz 8.6623 GHz 11.552 GHz 14.804 GHz Level (dBµV/m) 46.522 58.899 56.484 50.689 55.556 56.538 Limit (dBµV/m) 74 74 74 74 74 74 Margin (dB) -27.478 -15.101 -17.516 -23.311 -18.444 -17.462 Azimuth (°) 192 180 282 309 119 125 Height (m) 3.802 3.798 3.311 3.307 3.307 3.311 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Correction (dB) -7.18 8.108 11.001 3.191 8.105 11.677 Level (dBµV/m) 30.245 45.375 43.293 39.632 41.547 43.442 Limit (dBµV/m) 54 54 54 54 54 54 Margin (dB) -23.755 -8.625 -10.707 -14.368 -12.453 -10.558 Azimuth (°) 192 180 282 309 119 125 Height (m) 3.802 3.798 3.311 3.307 3.307 3.311 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Table 6: Radiated Emissions 1 17 GHz on the Middle Frequency Correction (dB) -7.18 8.108 11.001 3.191 8.105 11.677 TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 21 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Peak Frequency 3.9404 GHz 14.509 GHz 16.988 GHz 8.7372 GHz 14.56 GHz 16.991 GHz Avg Frequency 3.9404 GHz 14.509 GHz 16.988 GHz 8.7372 GHz 14.56 GHz 16.991 GHz Level (dBµV/m) 46.084 56.992 57.081 52.829 57.123 57.064 Limit (dBµV/m) 74 74 74 74 74 74 Margin (dB) -27.916 -17.008 -16.919 -21.171 -16.877 -16.936 Azimuth (°) 190 247 175 299 153 231 Height (m) 3.802 2.82 3.802 1.5 1.638 4 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Correction (dB) -7.18 11.703 13.522 3.497 11.778 13.514 Level (dBµV/m) 29.432 43.489 44.272 43.81 43.812 44.244 Limit (dBµV/m) 54 54 54 54 54 54 Margin (dB) -24.568 -10.511 -9.728 -10.19 -10.188 -9.756 Azimuth (°) 190 247 175 299 153 231 Height (m) 3.802 2.82 3.802 1.5 1.638 4 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Table 7: Radiated Emissions 1 17 GHz on the Highest Frequency Correction (dB) -7.18 11.703 13.522 3.497 11.778 13.514 TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 22 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 Peak Frequency 17.231 GHz 22.99 GHz 39.856 GHz 17.241 GHz 22.971 GHz 28.725 GHz Level (dBµV/m) 57.774 72.909 54.071 59.921 66.819 55.939 Limit (dBµV/m) 74 74 74 74 74 74 Margin (dB) -16.226 -1.091 -19.929 -14.079 -7.181 -18.061 Azimuth (°) 46 298 218 11 4 3 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Correction (dB) -0.102 0.465 3.258 -0.259 0.348 1.089 Avg Frequency 17.231 GHz 22.99 GHz 39.856 GHz 17.241 GHz 22.971 GHz 28.725 GHz Level (dBµV/m) 40.712 52.685 37.128 40.632 48.531 39.985 Limit (dBµV/m) 54 54 54 54 54 54 Margin (dB) -13.288 -1.315 -16.872 -13.368 -5.469 -14.015 Azimuth (°) 46 298 218 11 4 3 Pol. Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal Correction (dB) -0.102 0.465 3.258 -0.259 0.348 1.089 Table 8: Radiated Emissions 17 40 GHz on the Lowest Frequency (worse case) TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 23 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 5.6 §15.407(a) Maximum Power Spectral Density All chains were measured and summed under the guidance of KDB 789033 Section II. F. and KDB 66291 D01. Please see associated annex for details on instrument settings. The maximum average power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator of the antenna shall not be greater than 30 dBm in any 500 kHz band during any time interval of continuous transmission. Results of this testing are summarized. As per KDB 662911, When the EUT is using spatial-multiplexing in HE modes, there is not additional array gain to accommodate. When the EUT uses Nss=1 data rates, the antenna gain is 8 dBi + Array gain of 3.01 dB which is a total of 11.01 dBi Modulation Frequency (BW) (MHz) Data Rate OFDM 20 OFDM 20 OFDM 20 HE 20 HE 20 HE 20 HE 40 HE 40 HE 40 HE 80 5745 5775 5825 5745 5775 5825 5755 5775 5795 5775 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 Mcs0 TP Setting 50 52 52 50 52 52 50 52 52 48 Conducted Output Power 26.44 27.81 27.80 26.04 27.71 27.71 26.49 27.60 27.56 25.42 Measured Measured EIRP PSD 34.44 35.81 35.80 34.04 35.71 35.71 34.49 35.60 35.56 33.42 10 16 11.03 9.21 10.65 10.30 6.92 7.77 7.87 3.31 Result The maximum summed average power spectral density was less than the limit of 30 dBm; therefore, the EUT complies with the specification. TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 24 of 25 427 West 12800 South, Draper, UT 84020 -- End of Test Report -- TR8701_U6-Mesh-Pro_FCC_15.407_UNII-3_01 PROPRIETARY Page 25 of 25
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