Sheep/Goat collar

Nofence AS

SG25 Sheep/Goat Collar - Original Equipment

Production: Evjevegen 8 Batnfjordsoera Norway

Contact Email: 📧 [email protected]

Certifications & Resources

Device Name Model Certification Type Certification Date
SG25 Sheep/Goat Collar SG25 FCC ID 2023-09-05
FCC Application Details
EquipmentSG25 Sheep/Goat Collar
Grantee Code2A3V8
Product CodeSG25
Applicant BusinessNofence AS
Business AddressEvjevegen 8 , Batnfjordsoera, N/A Norway 6631
TCB ScopeA4: UNII devices & low power transmitters using spread spectrum techniques
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantSteinar Fagerli –
Applicant Phone
Applicant Fax40470747
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test FirmNemko Scandinavia AS
Test Firm ContactHelena Vogl
Test Firm Phone
Test Firm Fax
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified BySteinar Fagerli – Production Manager
Sheep/Goat collar SG25 Virtual fencing device for grazing animal BT 2024-05-15
2A3V8C25 C25 Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8C25 C25 Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, 2A3V8C25, C25 Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, Sheep Goat Collar, Goat Collar, Collar User Guide 2023-06-29
2A3V8C25 C25 Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8C25 C25 Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, 2A3V8C25, C25 Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, Cattle Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, Collar SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, SG25 Sheep Goat Collar, Sheep Goat Collar, Goat Collar, Collar User Guide 2023-07-24

Documents - nofence – sg25,2A3V8SG25,SG25
[pdf] Guide Test Report
Part 15 247 Frode Sveinsen test report Nofence AS SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
Report No. REP002970C Product Name and address of the applicant Name and address of the manufacture ... /Goat Nofence Evjevegen 8, 6631 Batnfjordsra, Norway Nofence Evjevegen 8, 6631 Batnfjordsra, Norway SG25 3.6VDC, rechargeable battery Nofence See page 3 This test report covers Bluetooth Low Energy an...
lang:en score:117 filesize: 1.81 M page_count: 29 document date: 2023-06-05
[pdf] Guide
Russell Grant MPE BLE Nofence AS SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
DSSS DSSS FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 FCC 1.1310 General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency F MHz 2402 Power P dBm 5.40 Duty Cycle D dB 0.00 Antenna Gain G dBi 2.2 EIRP1 dBm 7.6 IC: 28021-SG25 CANADA RSS-102, Issue 5 General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency F MHz 2402 Po...
lang:de score:97 filesize: 117.16 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-06-06
[pdf] Product Photos
PICTURES OF TEST SET UP AND THE TESTED EQUIPMENT Frode Sveinsen test setup photos Nofence AS SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
SG25- Goat TEST SET-UP PHOTOS Project no.: prj0019249 FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 ISED ID: 28021-SG25 Page 1 1 Radiated Emissions 30 1000 MHz Radiated Emissions above 1GHz, XY plane Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz, XZ plane Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz, YZ plane Radiated Emissions above 1 GHz ...
lang:de score:95 filesize: 294.05 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-04-26
Microsoft Word FCC Justification statement SG25 yndestadha antenna justification Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
31 August 2023 Nemko North America, Inc. 303 River Road Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 1H2 ANTENNA FCC JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 The 2.4GHz Antenna is an embedded PCB strip. The fundamental emission was measured conducted and radiated where the gain of the antenna is inherently account...
lang:de score:88 filesize: 542.47 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-08-31
Total Exposure Ratio SG25 xlsx grantru MPE BLE LTE Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
Total Exposure Ratio TER FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 FCC ID: XPYUBX20VA01 47 CFR 1.1310 e 1 Maximum Permissible Exposure MPE - Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure BAND Mode eFDD 2 eFDD 4 eFDD 5 eFDD 13 eFDD 12 eFDD 66 eFDD 8 eFDD 85 850 850 1900 1900 eFDD 2 eFDD 4 eFDD 5 eFDD 13 eFDD...
lang:it score:88 filesize: 450.38 K page_count: 2 document date: 2023-07-05
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
Microsoft Word Request for Confidentiality FCC SG25 yndestadha confidential letter Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
16. March 2023 Nemko North America, Inc. 303 River Road Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 1H2 REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIALITY - FCC FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 Pursuant to Sections 0.457 d and 0.459 of the Commission s Rules and FCC Guidance document 726920, we hereby request permanent confidential treatment of exhi...
lang:en score:86 filesize: 747.85 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-05-04
Microsoft Word FCC U S Agent Designation Attestation SG25 yndestadha Section 2 911 d 7 filing Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
COMPANY LETTERHEAD U.S. Agent Designation for Service of Process Certification Attestation Letter June 26, 2023 Nemko North America, Inc. 303 River Road Ottawa K1V 1H2 Canada ATTN.: Reviewing Engineer FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 Per section 2.911 d 7 of the FCC rules, Nofence AS the applicant certif...
lang:en score:85 filesize: 330.27 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-06-26
Microsoft Word Exhibit 2 FCC Covered Equipment Certification Attestation Letter SG25 yndestadha Section 911 d 5 i ii filing Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
COMPANY LETTERHEAD Covered Equipment Certification Attestation Letter DATE May 9th 2023 Nemko North America, Inc. 303 River Road Ottawa K1V 1H2 Canada ATTN.: Reviewing Engineer FCC ID: 2A3V8SG25 Nofence AS certifies that the equipment for which authorization is sought is not covered equipment proh...
lang:en score:84 filesize: 232.9 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-06-26
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Specifications
Product sheet SG2 5 collar C25 Nofence AS SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
PRODUCT SHEET - SG25 COLLAR Nofence collar for sheep and goat Electrical Specification Input voltage: Peak power consumption: Audio warning level: Electric pulse level: Solar charging max peak power: 3,4V - 4,2V 1,5A 82dB 1m 0,1J 3kV Duration = 0,25sec 1385,3mW Communication interface BluetoothT...
lang:en score:72 filesize: 199.26 K page_count: 1 document date: 0000-00-00
[pdf] Product Photos
Microsoft Word SG25 External yndestadha external photos Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
lang:en score:44 filesize: 1.12 M page_count: 6 document date: 2023-03-07
[pdf] Product Photos Teardown
Microsoft Word SG25 Internal yndestadha internal photos Nofence AS Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
lang:en score:44 filesize: 514.14 K page_count: 2 document date: 2023-03-07
[pdf] Dimension Guide Label
523001 S Marking LAPTOP 1QO9E8T5 audun label and location Nofence AS SG25 Sheep Goat Collar 2A3V8SG25 sg25
1 A B C D 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B B DETAIL B Changed Date Changed By 2023-01-09 AS 2022-06-22 AS 2022-05-03 AS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS Approved Date 2023-01-09 2022-06-22 2022-05-03 FINISH: Ra 3.2 Approved By MG MG MG Description New front geometri moved text ...
lang:tl score:43 filesize: 178.03 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-02-14

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