Galaxy Tab A9+

SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.

Multi-band GSM/WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN - Original Equipment

Production: 19 Chapin Road, Building D Pine Brook United States

Contact Email: 📧 [email protected]

Model/Supplier Specific Specifications

EnergyStar Provided Specifications
Description Value
Product Program CategoryComputers
CB Model IdentifierES 1023593 SM-X218U 11072023132452I52 7349927
Meets ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022No
EnergyStar Provided Specifications
Description Value
Touch ScreenYes
Notebooks, Desktops, Integrated Computers, Slate/Tablets, Two-in-one Notebooks, and Portable All-in-ones Category for TEC (Typical Energy Consumption) Criteria2
Category 0: Default Low-power ModeNone
Category 0: Long Idle Power Used for Sleep ModeNo
Category 1: Processor BrandOther
Category 1: Default Low-power ModeNone
Category 1: Long Idle Power Used for Sleep ModeNo
Category 2: Processor BrandOther
Category 2: Processor NameSM6375
Category 2: Operating System NameAndroid
Category 2: Base Processor Speed Per Core (GHz)2.2
Category 2: Physical CPU Cores (count)8
Category 2: System Memory (GB)4
Category 2: Default Low-power ModeSleep Mode
Category 2: Long Idle Power Used for Sleep ModeYes
Category 2: Off Mode (watts)0.3
Category 2: Sleep Mode (watts)0.5
Category 2: Long Idle (watts)0.5
Category 2: Short Idle (watts)1.8
Category 2: Base TEC Allowance (kWh)14
Category 2: Functional Adder Allowances (kWh)9.9
Category 2: TEC of Model (kWh)7.7
Ethernet CapabilityNo
Sleep Mode Default Time Upon Shipment (min.)1
Display Sleep Mode Default Time Upon Shipment (min.)1
WOL (Wake on LAN) From SleepShipped Disabled
Will the Speed of Any Active 1 GB/s or Higher Ethernet Network Links be Reduced to Less Than 1 GB/s When Transitioning to Sleep or Off Mode?No
Date Available On Market12/07/2023
Date Certified11/04/2023
MarketsUnited States, Switzerland, Taiwan, Japan, Canada
CB Model IdentifierES 1023593 SM-X218U 11072023132452I52 7349927

Certifications & Resources

Device Name Model Certification Type Certification Date
Multi-band GSM/WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN SMX218U FCC ID 2023-11-09
FCC Application Details
EquipmentMulti-band GSM/WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN
Grantee CodeZCA
Product CodeSMX218U
Applicant BusinessSAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
Business Address19 Chapin Road, Building D , Pine Brook, New Jersey United States 07058
TCB ScopeB1: Commercial mobile radio services equipment in the following 47 CFR Parts 20, 22 (cellular), 24,25 (below 3 GHz) & 27
TCB Email[email protected]
ApplicantJenni Chun – Senior Engineer
Applicant Phone
Applicant Fax9738086361
Applicant Email[email protected]
Applicant MailStop
Test FirmTelecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT
Test Firm ContactJiyang Zhu
Test Firm Phone
Test Firm Fax
Test Firm Email[email protected]
Certified ByQu Yan – Project Manager
Galaxy Tab A9+ SM-X218U Samsung Mobile Device BT 2023-11-28
Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G SM-X218U Wi-Fi 2024-01-17
Wi-Fi Certification Details
Frequency Band2.4 GHz; 5 GHz
Operating SystemAndroid 14; Android 14
Wi-Fi HardwareWSI 2.0/IQ; WSI 2.0/IQ
SM-X218U Tab A9+ 5G Tablet SM-X218U Tab A9 5G Tablet, SM-X218U, Tab A9 5G Tablet, A9 5G Tablet, 5G Tablet, Tablet User Guide 2023-11-09
SM-X218U SM-X218U Energy Star 2023-11-04
Energy Star Certification Details
Certification Description
 A list of all UPC codes and corresponding model numbers provided by partners for ENERGY STAR certified products. The brand, model name and model number continue to serve as the identifiers used to establish certification. The UPC code data below is intended to aid in identification of ENERGY STAR models. UPC code data is not provided for all certified models.
Descriptor Details
Model NameSM-X218U
Updated On2024-11-25
Last Update2024-11-26
Product Program CategoryComputers
CB Model IdentifierES_1023593_SM-X218U_11072023132452I52_7349927
Meets ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2022No

Documents - samsung – sm x218u,sm-x218u,ZCASMX218U,SMX218U,SM-X218U,887276815886,887276815886;887276816272;887276824802
[pdf] Label
w2 FCC单卡Babel 镭雕 1026 SM X218U FCC Label 1013 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
lang: score:122 filesize: 741.32 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-10-12
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
eric boelts Cover Letter WiFi CH12 CH13 Declaration SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
Attestation Letter Date: Nov. 2nd, 2023 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluati ... or the following product. Product: Multi-band GSM/WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U If you should have any question s regarding this declaration, please do...
lang:tl score:107 filesize: 289.33 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
TempConfidential The Photos of SAR test 23T04Z70506 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
No. 23T04Z70506-01 For Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 FCC ID: ZCASMX218U Note: The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report....
lang:en score:106 filesize: 897.55 K page_count: 7 document date: 2023-11-07
[pdf] User Manual Decleration of Conformity
Letterhead Guo Grace Declaration of Frequency Stability 15407g SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
Declaration of Frequency Stability We Samsung Electronics. Co., Ltd. ensure that the product FCC ID: ZCASMX218U, Model: SM X218U meets e-CFR Title 47 section 15.407 g and KDB 789033 D02v02r01 frequency stability such that the emissions are maintained within the band of operation under all condition...
lang:tl score:103 filesize: 17.38 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Test Report
Max Sun 23T04Z70506 10 FCC Report DFS Rev0 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
FCC PART 15 TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-10 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-01 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to t...
lang:en score:97 filesize: 733.73 K page_count: 16 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Test Report
EMC2001239 Test Report of Base Station Controller ZTE wule 23T04Z70506 05 FCC Part15C EDR Rev0 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
FCC PART 15C TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-05 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-10-31 Note: The test results in this test report rel...
lang:en score:89 filesize: 5.46 M page_count: 47 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Test Report
EMC2001239 Test Report of Base Station Controller ZTE wule 23T04Z70506 06 FCC Part15C BLE Rev0 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
FCC PART 15C TEST REPORT BLUETOOTH LOW ENERGY BLE PART No. 23T04Z70506-06 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-10-31 Note: The test...
lang:en score:82 filesize: 2.84 M page_count: 45 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Specifications
Samsung SM X218U ENERGY STAR Certified Computers v8 0 certification information for Product ID 2778610 Specification Version 8 SamsungSMX218U 2024 10 17 energystar gov productfinder product certified computers details export |||
ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED Computers Samsung - SM X218U : SM X218U Specifications ENERGY STAR Unique ID: 2778610 Brand Name: Samsung Model Name: SM X218U Model Number: SM X218U Type: Slate/Tablet Category 1: Processor Brand: Other Category 1: Default Low-power Mode: None Category 1: Long...
lang:en score:81 filesize: 42.92 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-10-17
[pdf] Specifications
Samsung SM X218U ENERGY STAR Certified Computers v8 0 certification information for Product ID 2778610 Specification Version 8 SamsungSMX218U 2024 10 17 energystar gov productfinder product certified computers details export |||
ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED Computers Samsung - SM X218U : SM X218U Specifications ENERGY STAR Unique ID: 2778610 Brand Name: Samsung Model Name: SM X218U Model Number: SM X218U Type: Slate/Tablet Category 1: Processor Brand: Other Category 1: Default Low-power Mode: None Category 1: Long...
lang:en score:81 filesize: 42.92 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-10-17
[pdf] Specifications
Samsung SM X218U ENERGY STAR Certified Computers v8 0 certification information for Product ID 2778610 Specification Version 8 SamsungSMX218U 2024 11 19 energystar gov productfinder product certified computers details export |||
ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED Computers Samsung - SM X218U : SM X218U Specifications ENERGY STAR Unique ID: 2778610 Brand Name: Samsung Model Name: SM X218U Model Number: SM X218U Type: Slate/Tablet Category 1: Processor Brand: Other Category 1: Default Low-power Mode: None Category 1: Long...
lang:en score:81 filesize: 42.92 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-11-19
[pdf] Test Report
Max Sun 23T04Z70506 09 FCC Report WLAN 5 8G Rev0 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth ZCASMX218U smx218u
FCC PART 15C TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-09 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-01 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to ...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 2.65 M page_count: 49 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Test Report
Max Sun 23T04Z70506 08 FCC Report WLAN 5 0G Rev0 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth ZCASMX218U smx218u
FCC PART 15 TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-08 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-01 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to t...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 5.45 M page_count: 62 document date: 2023-11-03
[pdf] Test Report
CTTL english report GSM test Xue Zhen 23T04Z70506 07 FCC Report WLAN 2 4G Rev0 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth ZCASMX218U smx218u
FCC PART 15C TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-07 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-02 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to ...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 3.53 M page_count: 66 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Test Report
EMC2001239 Test Report of Base Station Controller ZTE Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 02 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-02 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-06 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to t...
lang:en score:71 filesize: 1.92 M page_count: 51 document date: 2023-11-06
[pdf] Test Report
FCC 23T04Z70506 03 V1 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
TEST REPORT No.23T04Z70506-03 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-16 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to th...
lang:en score:70 filesize: 4.93 M page_count: 54 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
TEST REPORT No.23T04Z70506-04 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-16 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to th...
lang:en score:70 filesize: 4.89 M page_count: 37 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
未标题 1 TempConfidential QSG X218U FCC rev0 231109 ES Mark SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
QUICK START GUIDE SM X218U Printed in Korea 993ev.9.9 English 1.0/2023 Package contents Device Ejection pin USB cable Quick start guide The items supplied with the device and their images may vary by region. To turn on the device, press and hold the Side key for a few seconds. The charg...
lang:en score:66 filesize: 635.85 K page_count: 3 document date: 2023-11-09
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 Rev1 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
TEST REPORT No.23T04Z70506-04 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-09 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to th...
lang:en score:66 filesize: 4.88 M page_count: 37 document date: 2023-11-09
[pdf] Test Report
FCC 23T04Z70506 03 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
TEST REPORT No.23T04Z70506-03 for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U FCC ID: ZCASMX218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 Issued Date: 2023-11-06 Note: The test results in this test report relate only to th...
lang:en score:62 filesize: 5.57 M page_count: 59 document date: 2023-11-06
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Windows 用户 Declaration Letter for frequency band B40 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
Statement We, __ Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd _ declared that our device with FCC ID: ZCASMX218U, is a multi-band mobile phone which supports 2G : not support 3G : B1/ B2/ B4/ B5/ B8 LTE FDD : B1/ B2/ B3/ B4/ B5/ B7/ B12/ B13/ B14/B20/ B25/ B26/ B28/ B29/ B30/ B66/ B71 LTE TDD : B40/B41 NR SA: FDD: ...
lang:en score:62 filesize: 514.88 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-02
Mann Tzy Duh FCC 2 911 d 5 Attestation SL modification SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
47 CFR 2.903 and 2.911 d 5 Attestation Date: 02-11-2023 FCC ID: ZCASMX218U To: Federal Communications Commission 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA 1. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. the applicant certifies that the equipment for which authorization is sought is not covered eq...
lang:en score:61 filesize: 477.12 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Brighttong brighttong DFS Client Declaration Signed SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
DFS Client Declaration Letter Date: 2023-11-02 We have declared below featured for device, FCC ID: ZCASMX218U 1 DFS Device Master Client with Radar detection capability Client without radar detection capability 2 Active / Passive Scanning, ad hoc mode access point capability Frequency Scanni...
lang:en score:61 filesize: 232.91 K page_count: 2 document date: 2023-11-02
Mann Tzy Duh FCC Agent for service Attestation from Applicant SL modification SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
47 CFR 2.911 d 7 Agent Designation Attestation Date: 02-11-2023 FCC ID: ZCASMX218U To: Federal Communications Commission 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. the applicant as required by section 2.911 d 7 , designates the following agent, located i...
lang:en score:61 filesize: 430.82 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
媛 任 TempConfidential SM X218U Internal Pics SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
PCB01 PCB02 PCB03 PCB04 PCB05 PCB06 PCB07 PCB08 Battery1: ...
lang:en score:59 filesize: 1.61 M page_count: 5 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
媛 任 TempConfidential SM X218U External Pics SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
Sample01 Sample02 Sample03 Sample04 Sample05 Sample06 SimTray Data Cable EP-DN980BWE Data Cable 2CRESYN. EP-DN980BWE Data Cable 3Broad. EP-DN980BWE ...
lang:en score:59 filesize: 1.11 M page_count: 6 document date: 2023-11-02
[pdf] User Manual Quick Start Guide
Download file Tablet 11 Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 5G 2 20 GHz 4 GB 1079785672 content etilize User Manual |||
USER MANUAL SM-X210 SM X218U English CA . 12/2023. Rev.1.0 Table of Contents Getting started 5 Device layout and functions 8 Charging the battery 11 Nano-SIM card SM X218U 12 microSD card 14 Turning the device on and off 15 Initial setup 15 Samsung account 16 Transferring ...
lang:en score:53 filesize: 8.25 M page_count: 140 document date: 2023-12-08
[pdf] User Manual Quick Start Guide
Télécharger 足球押注官方官网 中国 有限公司 X210 X218U UG CA UU ENG D3 org center samsung file ContentsFile aspx CDSite UNI FR OriginYN N ModelType ModelName SM CttFileID 9514955 CDCttType UM VPath 202403 20240306182233063 |||
USER MANUAL SM-X210 SM X218U English CA . 03/2024 Rev.1.0 Table of Contents Getting started 6 Device layout and functions 9 Charging the battery 12 Nano-SIM card SM X218U 13 microSD card 16 Turning the device on and off 17 Initial setup Apps and features 18 Introduction 19...
lang:en score:45 filesize: 8.28 M page_count: 147 document date: 2024-03-05
[pdf] User Manual
Télécharger 足球押注官方官网 中国 有限公司 X210 X218 UG CA FR D3 org center samsung file ContentsFile aspx CDSite UNI OriginYN N ModelType ModelName SM CttFileID 9435986 CDCttType UM VPath 202312 20231222091549073 |||
MODE D EMPLOI SM-X210 SM X218U Franais CA . 12/2023. Rev.1.0 Table des matires Dmarrage 5 Prsentation de l appareil et de ses fonctions 8 Charger la pile 11 Cartes nano-SIM SM X218U 12 Carte microSD 14 Allumer et teindre l appareil 14 Configuration initiale 15 Compte Samsu...
lang:fr score:41 filesize: 7.22 M page_count: 137 document date: 2023-12-14
[pdf] Test Report SAR Rating
23T04Z70506 01 SAR Rev2 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
SAR TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-01 For SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 FCC ID: ZCASMX218U Issued Date: 2023-11-28 Note: The test results in this test report relate only ...
lang:en score:40 filesize: 2.91 M page_count: 219 document date: 2023-11-28
[pdf] User Manual
Télécharger 足球押注官方官网 中国 有限公司 X210 X218U UG CA UU FR D6 org center samsung file ContentsFile aspx CDSite UNI OriginYN N ModelType ModelName SM CttFileID 9514956 CDCttType UM VPath 202403 20240306182233063 |||
MODE D EMPLOI SM-X210 SM X218U Franais CA . 03/2024. Rev.1.0 Table des matires Dmarrage 6 Prsentation de l appareil et de ses fonctions 9 Charger la pile 12 Cartes nano-SIM et eSIM SM X218U 13 Carte microSD 15 Allumer et teindre l appareil 15 Configuration initiale Applica...
lang:fr score:40 filesize: 7.13 M page_count: 142 document date: 2024-03-04
[pdf] Test Report SAR Rating
23T04Z70506 01 SAR Rev1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
SAR TEST REPORT No. 23T04Z70506-01 For SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. Multi-band WCDMA/LTE/5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth, WLAN Model Name: SM X218U with Hardware Version: REV1.0 Software Version: X218U.001 FCC ID: ZCASMX218U Issued Date: 2023-11-9 Note: The test results in this test report relate only t...
lang:en score:36 filesize: 2.94 M page_count: 220 document date: 2023-11-09
FCC 23T04Z70506 03 V1 Part3 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
No.23T04Z70506-03 LTE band 7, 20MHz 99 Frequency MHz 2535.0 LTE band 7, 20MHz Bandwidth, QPSK 99 BW Ref 21 dBm 20 Offset 1 dB 10 1 PK MAXH 0 * Att 15 dB T1 * RBW 200 kHz * VBW 1 MHz SWT 5 ms 1 T2 -10 Occupied Bandwidth 99 kHz QPSK 16QAM 17980.77 17884.62 Marker 1 T1 12.56 ...
lang:en score:30 filesize: 4.94 M page_count: 98 document date: 2023-11-17
FCC 23T04Z70506 03 V1 Part2 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
No.23T04Z70506-03 LTE Band 26 814MHz-824MHz - ERP Limits: 50dBm 100W Mod. Bandwi Frequenc dth y PMea Pcl dBm dB MHz MHz 814.70 -23.20 2.13 1.4 819.00 -23.04 2.19 823.30 -22.23 2.24 815.50 -23.14 2.14 QPSK 3 819.00 -22.99 2.19 822.50 -21.99 2.23 816.50 -23.10 2.16 5 81...
lang:it score:30 filesize: 4.97 M page_count: 59 document date: 2023-11-17
FCC 23T04Z70506 03 V1 Part4 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
No.23T04Z70506-03 LTE band 41, 15MHz -26dBc Frequency MHz Emission Bandwidth -26dBc kHz 2593.0 QPSK 14639.42 16QAM 14783.65 LTE band 41, 15MHz Bandwidth, QPSK -26dBc BW Ref 21 dBm 20 Offset 1 dB 10 1 PK VIEW 0 -10 * Att 15 dB 1 T1 * RBW 200 kHz * VBW 1 MHz SWT 5 ms T2 Marker 1 ...
lang:en score:30 filesize: 4.5 M page_count: 105 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Confidentiality Request Letter
任媛 TempConfidential Part 15BC222427 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
Part 15B: CE Part 15B: RE Part 15C: CE Part 15C: RE Part 22/24/27: DFS: ...
lang:en score:30 filesize: 3.13 M page_count: 17 document date: 2023-11-07
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part4 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 5 n70 ...
lang:de score:28 filesize: 5.03 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part10 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n70 n70,5MHz 99 Frequency MHz 1702.5 No.23T04Z70506-04 Occupied Bandwidth 99 MHz DFT-s-pi/2 BPSK DFT-s-QPSK 4.502 4.524 n70,5MHz Bandwidth,DFT-s-pi/2 BPSK 99 BW n70,5MHz Bandwidth,DFT-s-QPSK 99 BW Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL. Page 277 of 433 n70 n70,10MHz 99 F...
lang:en score:28 filesize: 4.99 M page_count: 63 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part3 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n30 BAND n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 n30 BW MHz 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 SCS kHz 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15...
lang:en score:28 filesize: 4.94 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part5 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 n77L 60 ...
lang:da score:28 filesize: 5.01 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part2 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n25 BAND n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 n25 BW MHz 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 SCS kHz 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15...
lang:en score:28 filesize: 4.89 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part6 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 n78L 40 ...
lang:da score:28 filesize: 5.2 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part7 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15 1725 B5-n66 30 15...
lang:da score:28 filesize: 4.76 M page_count: 20 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part12 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
NR n77H OBW: 1RB-LOW_offset No.23T04Z70506-04 LOW BAND EDGE BLOCK-1RB-LOW_offset Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL. Page 410 of 433 LOW BAND EDGE BLOCK-1RB-LOW_offset No.23T04Z70506-04 OBW: 1RB-HIGH_offset Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL. Page 411 of 433 HIGH BAND EDGE BLOCK-...
lang:en score:28 filesize: 1.78 M page_count: 24 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part8 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
NR n66 ANT0 - EIRP Limits: 30dBm 1W Mod. Bandwitdth Frequency MHz 5MHz pi/2 BPSK 10MHz 15MHz 20MHz 5MHz QPSK 10MHz 15MHz 20MHz 5MHz 16QAM 10MHz 15MHz 20MHz 64QAM 256QAM 5MHz 10MHz 15MHz 20MHz 5MHz 10MHz 15MHz 20MHz 1712.50 1745.00 1777.50 1715.00 1745.00 1775.00 1717.50 1745.00...
lang:it score:28 filesize: 4.91 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part9 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
NR EN-DC B5_n30 ANT4 , 5MHz, Channel 461500 Frequency PMea Ppl dB AntennaGain Peak MHz dBm dBi EIRP dBm 2612.50 -51.82 4.71 6.30 -50.23 6490.00 -66.90 7.52 10.99 -63.43 7772.00 -65.25 8.33 12.42 -61.16 9053.50 -63.16 9.06 13.13 -59.09 10385.50 -60.29 9.78 13.05 -...
lang:en score:28 filesize: 4.94 M page_count: 57 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Test Report
EMC Test Report T Qin Kejia 23T04Z70506 04 V2 Part11 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U ZCASMX218U smx218u
n71 n71,5MHz -26dBc Frequency MHz 680.5 No.23T04Z70506-04 Emission Bandwidth -26dBc MHz DFT-s-pi/2 BPSK DFT-s-QPSK 4.975 4.945 n71,5MHz Bandwidth,DFT-s-pi/2 BPSK -26dBc BW n71,5MHz Bandwidth,DFT-s-QPSK -26dBc BW Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL. Page 340 of 433 n71 n71,1...
lang:en score:28 filesize: 4.99 M page_count: 70 document date: 2023-11-17
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity Agent Authorization
Microsoft Word Request for Dismissal ZCASMA015T1 doc 10 101001589 ACB Form FCC Application Letters X218U SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 19 Chapin Rd.,Building D Pine Brook, NJ 07058 Tel: 1-201-937-4203 Da ... 37-4203 Request for Confidentiality Date: _1102,2023__ Subject: Confidentiality Request for: ____ZCASMX218U____ Pursuant to FCC 47 CFR 0.457 d and 0.459 and IC RSP-100, Section 9.4, the applicant...
lang:en score:27 filesize: 1.9 M page_count: 3 document date: 2023-11-02
ANNEX 23T04Z70506 01 Part1 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
lang:en score:27 filesize: 5.47 M page_count: 36 document date: 2023-11-07
ANNEX 23T04Z70506 01 Part5 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
3900 MHz Dipole Calibration Certificate 4200 MHz Dipole Calibration Certificate 5 GHz Dipole Calibration Certificate ...
lang:en score:27 filesize: 5.3 M page_count: 27 document date: 2023-11-07
FCC 23T04Z70506 03 Part4 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd SMX218U Multi band GSM WCDMA LTE 5GNR Tablet with Bluetooth WLAN ZCASMX218U smx218u
LOW BAND EDGE BLOCK-10MHz-100 RB Ref 20.5 dBm 20 Offset 0.5 dB * Att 20 dB * RBW 30 kHz * VBW 100 kHz SWT 25 ms 10 1 RM * AVG 0 -10 -20 D1 -13 dBm Marker 1 T1 -36.63 dBm 698.983974359 MHz A SGL LVL TDF -30 SWP 100 of 100 1 -40 3DB -50 -60 -70 Center 699 MHz F2 F1 500 kHz/ Span 5 ...
lang:da score:27 filesize: 2.77 M page_count: 64 document date: 2023-11-06

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