Seagull Lighting

Electronics Device Database


Device Name Model Type Certification Date
7514503EN-962 7514503EN-962 Energy Star 2023-02-16
6645301EN3-115 6645301EN3-115 Energy Star 2022-11-17
7831101EN7-12 7831101EN7-12 Energy Star 2022-10-10
7505401EN3-136 7505401EN3-136 Energy Star 2022-09-30
8338751EN3-12 8338751EN3-12 Energy Star 2022-08-29
7848402EN3-12 7848402EN3-12 Energy Star 2022-08-29
6208901EN7-12 6208901EN7-12 Energy Star 2022-08-29
60531EN3-12 60531EN3-12 Energy Star 2022-08-29
8560702PMEN3-71 8560702PMEN3-71 Energy Star 2022-08-10
4487905EN-848 4487905EN-848 Energy Star 2022-07-27
7543503EN3-962 7543503EN3-962 Energy Star 2022-07-25
7518EN3-04 7518EN3-04 Energy Star 2022-07-21
5367PCEN3-15 5367PCEN3-15 Energy Star 2022-07-21
61170EN7-962 61170EN7-962 Energy Star 2022-05-31
7541502EN7-112 7541502EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3124303EN-05 3124303EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6614504EN7-710 6614504EN7-710 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6690305EN-05 6690305EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6634507EN-710 6634507EN-710 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3109305EN-112 3109305EN-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
31172EN7-112 31172EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5115008EN-05 5115008EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3124904EN-846 3124904EN-846 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7724503EN3-710 7724503EN3-710 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3114503EN7-112 3114503EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7716504EN3-112 7716504EN3-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6102801EN3-112 6102801EN3-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6634506EN-710 6634506EN-710 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6528503EN7-12 6528503EN7-12 Energy Star 2022-05-27
4430806EN-05 4430806EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5241504EN7-112 5241504EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7724305EN-05 7724305EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
41172EN7-05 41172EN7-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
41171EN7-05 41171EN7-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3109309EN-112 3109309EN-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3100506EN7-112 3100506EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
41173EN7-05 41173EN7-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
6039EN-02 6039EN-02 Energy Star 2022-05-27
4430804EN-05 4430804EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5134503EN-872 5134503EN-872 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7724903EN-846 7724903EN-846 Energy Star 2022-05-27
41170EN7-05 41170EN7-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
4464203EN-05 4464203EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5115004EN-05 5115004EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7715202EN3-05 7715202EN3-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5334105EN-848 5334105EN-848 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5102506EN-112 5102506EN-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7713202EN3-715 7713202EN3-715 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7526304EN-872 7526304EN-872 Energy Star 2022-05-27
4126302EN-872 4126302EN-872 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3124906EN-846 3124906EN-846 Energy Star 2022-05-27
4430802EN-05 4430802EN-05 Energy Star 2022-05-27
5106712EN-112 5106712EN-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
3114505EN7-112 3114505EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-27
7700503EN7-112 7700503EN7-112 Energy Star 2022-05-25
41161EN3-05 41161EN3-05 Energy Star 2022-05-02
6613304EN3-846 6613304EN3-846 Energy Star 2022-04-29
66160EN3-05 66160EN3-05 Energy Star 2022-04-29
6613705EN3-962 6613705EN3-962 Energy Star 2022-04-29
65061EN3-715 65061EN3-715 Energy Star 2022-04-29
5224503EN3-710 5224503EN3-710 Energy Star 2022-04-29
65262EN3-710 65262EN3-710 Energy Star 2022-04-29
41162EN3-05 41162EN3-05 Energy Star 2022-04-29
3121612EN3-112 3121612EN3-112 Energy Star 2022-04-28
2530404EN3-962 2530404EN3-962 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3124515EN3-710 3124515EN3-710 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3102803EN3-112 3102803EN3-112 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3113704EN3-962 3113704EN3-962 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3102805EN3-112 3102805EN3-112 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3113708EN3-962 3113708EN3-962 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3102809EN3-112 3102809EN3-112 Energy Star 2022-04-28
3139106EN3-710 3139106EN3-710 Energy Star 2022-04-28
HC-1573 Herrington 1-Light 10-in Black Outdoor Wall Light HC-1573 Herrington 1-Light 10-in Black Outdoor Wall Light, HC-1573, Herrington 1-Light 10-in Black Outdoor Wall Light, 1-Light 10-in Black Outdoor Wall Light, Outdoor Wall Light Instruction Manual 2022-04-04
HC-231 Jamestowne Wall Light HC-231 Jamestowne Wall Light, HC-231, HC-231 Wall Light, Jamestowne Wall Light, Wall Light, Jamestowne Light, Light Instructions 2022-04-01
Downlight Surface mount 14580S-15 Energy Star 2018-03-12
Downlight Surface mount 14570S-15 Energy Star 2018-03-12
Downlight Surface mount 14520S-15 Energy Star 2018-03-09
Downlight Surface mount 14510S-15 Energy Star 2018-03-09
Downlight Surface mount 14520S-15 Energy Star 2018-02-12

brands included: Seagull-lighting, Seagull Lighting, Visual Comfort.

Documents - seagull-lighting,seagull lighting,visual comfort – seagull lighting,Seagull Lighting
[pdf] Installation Guide Instructions
Slope Ceiling adapter Osy Installation Instructions 1630 965 K E Electric Supply Corporation SEGULLINST00053 images tradeservice INSTALLATIONSHEETS DIR100001 |||
Page-1 HC-425 SLOPE CEILING ADAPTER INSTALLATION TOOLS REQUIRED Phillips Screwdriver Step Ladder Can ... 9 Install third and fourth screws with lockwashers into mating holes and tighten. Copyright 2000 Seagull Lighting. 11/1/2000 REV. 0 Page-2 HC-425 SLOPE CEILING ADAPTER INSTALLATION Safety Tips ...
lang:en score:46 filesize: 64.5 K page_count: 2 document date: 2003-04-04
[pdf] Installation Guide Instructions Label
HC 662 Installation Instructions 9830 12 K E Electric Supply Corporation VisualComfort Co GenerationLighting SeaGullLighting 00500 INST images tradeservice INSTALLATIONSHEETS DIR100021 |||
lang:en score:46 filesize: 249.89 K page_count: 1 document date: 2022-04-11
[pdf] Instructions
Boomerang Instructions 1 9 13 Kyle Larrabee * Protective safety glass eyewear should be worn at all times when throwing and or catching boomerangs BOOMERANG THROWERS AND SPECTATORS ARE IN EXTREME DANGER  FSFW65HI1PH1LZH content instructables ORIG FSF W65H I1PH1LZH |||
booms New Products from Colorado Boomerangs HIGH QUALITY HOW TO THROW BOOMERANGS Throwing Boomerangs is a skill. Take a few minutes to learn how and you will benefit from it Also, we have lots of videos and additional info on our website at The Wildfire Boomerang ...
lang:en score:42 filesize: 9.47 M page_count: 14 document date: 2013-11-20
Lighting Line Card Connexion CX 2022 cxconnect ASSETS DOCUMENTS CMS EN Cards |||
Lighting Products Line Card A-Z Listing Listed below, are our offering of major electrical manufact ... ols RSA Lighting Chloride Greenlee Lighting Linear Lighting S Color Kinetics H Litecontrol Seagull Lighting Columbia Lighting Hadco LiteTouch Security Lighting Systems Contech Hapco Li...
lang:en score:37 filesize: 138.45 K page_count: 2 document date: 2022-06-27
Lighting Products Line Card Connexion Leider Lane Bualo rove IL wwwcconnectcom A Z Listing E Illuminating Experiences Metal Optics Sterner Light Eaton Control Infinity MP Strand Cx cxconnect ASSETS DOCUMENTS CMS EN Cards |||
Lighting Products Line Card A-Z Listing Listed below, are our offering of major electrical manufact ... Sciences RSA Lighting C Gardco Lightolier S Celestial Lighting Gotham Lightolier Controls Seagull Lighting Chloride Greenlee Lighting Linear Lighting Security Lighting Systems Color Kin...
lang:de score:37 filesize: 328.06 K page_count: 2 document date: 2021-01-08
[pdf] Warranty
new comparison tables 083121g george winthurst Comparison table spikes 101121gaw nixalite SiteContent Documents |||
NIXALITE Bird Spike Comparison Tables Bird Spike Category Works for Infestaon Purpose Points/ Made of Spike W H Lengths Hardware Cost Origin Warranty Equivalent LEEDs Credit Nixalite Premium Model S All Birds All Levels All Surfaces 120 Points/ All Stainless Steel 4 wide x 4 high 2 4 Strips Inc...
lang:en score:37 filesize: 57.23 K page_count: 1 document date: 2021-10-11
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 5L CHAND BLACSMITH Ferguson 3791464 6921355 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
31661-839: Five Light Chandelier Collection: Winnetka Five Light Chandelier in Blacksmith Finish with Satin Etched Glass Shades UPC #:785652316012 Finish: Blacksmith 839 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: 25 21 1/4 Weight: 11.16 lbs. Overall Height: 143 1/2 Wire: 144 color/Black Chain: 1...
lang:en score:34 filesize: 225.21 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Installation Guide Instructions Label
HC 662 files 1800lighting s3 amazonaws installation generation lighting |||
lang:en score:34 filesize: 251.76 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-03-11
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 60W 2 Light Bath in Blacksmith Seagull Lighting Ferguson 7485680 6918727 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
4427802-839: Two Light Wall / Bath Collection: Morill UPC #:785652001802 Finish: Blacksmith 839 Dimensions: Width: Height: 13 1/4 8 1/4 Weight: 5 lbs. Extends: 7 3/4 Wire: 6 1/2 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 2 - Medium ST19 60w Max. 12...
lang:en score:33 filesize: 267.63 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-09
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 5 Light Bath in Polished Chrome Ferguson 3972165 6495667 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44854-05: Five Light Wall / Bath Dimensions: Width: Height: 41 1/4 9 Weight: 11.6 lbs. Extends: 8 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wall / Bath Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 5 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps ...
lang:en score:33 filesize: 133.49 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-06-01
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 4 Light Chandelier in Autumn Bronze Ferguson 4800843 6926032 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
3110404-715: Four Light Chandelier Collection: Sfera UPC #:785652240225 Finish: Autumn Bronze 715 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: 18 1/2 24 1/2 Weight: 15.24 lbs. Overall Height: 164 1/4 Wire: 168 color/Brown Chain: 144 Mounting Proc.: Screw Collar - Chain Connection: Mounted To Box...
lang:en score:33 filesize: 275.79 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting *NLA *CVR* 3L CHAND BLACSMITH Ferguson 3791282 6921374 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
31660-839: Three Light Chandelier Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 8.9 lbs. 21 20 1/4 Overall Height: 142 1/2 Wire: 144 color/Black Chain: 120 Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 3 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: A decorative ca...
lang:en score:33 filesize: 210.58 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 3 Light Bath Wall in Blacksmith Ferguson 3791256 6921959 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44662-839: Three Light Wall / Bath Collection: Winnetka Three Light Bath Bar in Blacksmith Finish with Satin Etched Glass Shades UPC #:785652416644 Finish: Blacksmith 839 Dimensions: Width: Height: 23 9 1/4 Weight: 9.3 lbs. Extends: 8 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wall / Bath Connec...
lang:en score:33 filesize: 147.06 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-09
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 1 Light Pendant in Oil Rubbed Bronze Seagull Lighting Ferguson 2836075 6925460 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
OL4011ORB: One Light Outdoor Pendant Lantern Collection: Terrace UPC #:014817289084 Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze ORB Dimensions: Width: Height: 8 16 3/4 Weight: 5.94 lbs. Wire: 8 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A21 150w Max. 120v -...
lang:en score:33 filesize: 320.81 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100W 4 Light Chandelier in Autumn Bronze Ferguson 4801217 6920782 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
3190404-715: Four Light Chandelier Collection: Sfera UPC #:785652242700 Finish: Autumn Bronze 715 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: 18 1/2 24 1/2 Weight: 15.24 lbs. Overall Height: 164 1/4 Wire: 168 color/Brown Chain: 144 Mounting Proc.: Screw Collar - Chain Connection: Mounted To Box...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 255.07 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 1 Light Wall Sconce in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 3610901 6921844 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44850-782: One Light Wall / Bath Sconce Collection: Gladstone One Light Bath Sconce in Heirloom Bronze Finish with Smokey Amber Glass Shade UPC #:785652445804 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Width: Height: 6 1/2 9 Weight: 2.2 lbs. Extends: 8 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wal...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 257.19 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-04
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 150W 1 Light Pendant in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 4088120 6925417 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
65940-782: One Light Pendant Collection: Windgate One Light Pendant in Heirloom Bronze Finish with Alabaster Glass Shade UPC #:785652020261 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 4.5 lbs. 13 1/4 9 Overall Height: 47 1/4 Wire: 72 color/Brown Chain: 36 Moun...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 149.18 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 150W 1 Light Pendant in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 4088119 6925274 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
65942-782: One Light Pendant Collection: Windgate One Light Pendant in Heirloom Bronze Finish with Alabaster Glass UPC #:785652026874 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 5.5 lbs. 15 3/4 9 1/2 Overall Height: 59 1/2 Wire: 96 color/Brown Chain: 48 Mounti...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 148.97 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 4 Light Decor Bath in Brushed Nickel Ferguson 3660136 6923853 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44063-962: Four Light Wall / Bath Dimensions: Width: Height: 32 1/4 10 1/4 Weight: 10.7 lbs. Extends: 10 1/4 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 4 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with optional replacement la...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 142.19 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-09
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 6 Light Hall Foyer in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 2003162 6919270 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
5233-782: Six Light Hall / Foyer Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 19 lbs. 16 3/4 29 3/4 Overall Height: 119 3/4 Wire: 144 color/Brown Chain: 88 Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulb Appearance: Clear Bulbs: 6 - Candelabra B Torpedo 60w Max. 120v - Not i...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 336.97 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting *0721 *CVR*1 LIGH SCONCE BNE Ferguson 4284813 6920170 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
41260EN-962: One Light Wall / Bath Sconce Collection: Stirling One Light Wall Sconce in Brushed Nickel Finish with White Linen Shade. UPC #:785652030307 Finish: Brushed Nickel 962 Dimensions: Width: Height: 5 1/2 14 1/2 Weight: 2.4 lbs. Extends: 7 1/4 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wall ...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 218.48 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-08-20
[pdf] Warranty
Premium Nixalite 4 page broch george winthurst Stainless Steel Bird Spikes is the best bird spike in World Made by USA For more information go to nixalite whatisnixalite aspx 91A56K0FvLL images na ssl amazon I
Premium Nixalite Bird NP Spikes The Original All Stainless Steel, All American Made Pest Bird and Nuisance Animal Barrier Spikes Nixalite s Premium All Stainless Steel Bird Barrier Spikes protect all types of surfaces from all bird species in all bird infestation levels. The first and most suc...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 642.91 K page_count: 4 document date: 2014-09-30
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 1 Light 4 in Blacksmith Mini Pendant Ceiling Ferguson 4386518 6924050 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
61160-839: One Light Mini-Pendant Collection: Oslo UPC #:785652171604 Finish: Blacksmith 839 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 2.6 lbs. 4 5 3/4 Overall Height: 51 Wire: 144 color/Brown Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not ...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 143.85 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 1 Light 100W Outdoor Pendant in Statuary Bronze Seagull Lighting Ferguson 3791424 6924781 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
60880-51: One Light Outdoor Pendant Dimensions: Length: Width: Height: 11 11 14 3/4 Weight: 7.7 lbs. Overall Height: 89 1/4 Wire: 120 color/Brown Chain: 72 Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: A dec...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 331.59 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100W 4 Light Vanity Fixture in Brushed Steel Ferguson 3519051 6002659 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
VS12704EN3-BS: Four Light Wall / Bath Collection: Barrington UPC #:785652084058 Finish: Brushed Steel BS Dimensions: Width: Height: 37 8 1/2 Weight: 14.8 lbs. Extends: 6 1/2 Wire: 8 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 4 - LED Medium A19 9.3w...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 146.84 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100W 3 Light Island Chandelier in Brushed Steel Ferguson 4028670 6919796 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
F2402EN3/3BS: Three Light Island Chandelier Collection: Sunset Drive UPC #:785652084652 Finish: Brushed Steel BS Dimensions: Length: Width: Height: 40 8 12 1/4 Weight: 12.1 lbs. Wire: 180 color/Clear Silver Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 3 - LED Medium A1...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 152.42 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-07
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting Brushed Nickel 4 100 Watts Medium Bracket Ferguson 1704421 6923910 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44021-962: Four Light Wall / Bath Dimensions: Width: Height: 23 1/2 8 Weight: 5.7 lbs. Extends: 8 1/4 Wire: 6 1/2 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 4 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with opti...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 150.36 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100W 1 Light Vanity Fixture in Brushed Steel Ferguson 3518935 6005631 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
VS12701EN3-BS: One Light Wall / Bath Collection: Barrington UPC #:785652083976 Finish: Brushed Steel BS Dimensions: Width: 5 Height: 16 Weight: 8 lbs. Extends: 6 3/4 Wire: 8 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - LED Medium A19 9.3w...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 205.84 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-07
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 40W 2 Light Convertible Pendant in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 3349715 6919322 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
5232-782: Two Light Semi-Flush Convertible Pendant Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 4.1 lbs. 7 1/4 12 Height Flush: 11 1/4 Overall Height: 61 1/2 Wire: 144 color/Brown Chain: 48 Mounting Proc.: Dual Mount Connection: Mounted To Box Bulb Appearance: Clear Bulbs: 2 - Candelabra T...
lang:en score:32 filesize: 333.91 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting *NLA ORBR 1 100W MED LNTRN POST MNT Ferguson 4726736 6925267 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
OL8508ORB: One Light Outdoor Post Lantern Collection: Wright House UPC #:014817508307 Finish: Oil Rubbed Bronze ORB Dimensions: Width: Height: 9 16 3/16 Weight: 6.64 lbs. Wire: 8 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Post Mount Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 100w Max. 1...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 277.7 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-09
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 14 in 60W 2 Light Flushmount Ceiling Fixture Blacksmith Ferguson 3791241 6926936 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
75661-839: Two Light Ceiling Flush Mount Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 4.6 lbs. 14 5 1/4 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Key Slots Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 2 - Medium A19 60w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps Meets Title ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 146.59 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-06-03
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 1 Light Ceiling Flushmount in White with Alabaster Glass Shade Ferguson 4108371 6926934 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
75940-15: One Light Ceiling Flush Mount Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 2.4 lbs. 11 1/2 4 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Key Slots Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps Meets T...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 125.97 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-04-28
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 3 Light Ceiling Flushmount in White with Alabaster Glass Shade Ferguson 4108372 6926898 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
75943-15: Three Light Ceiling Flush Mount Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 4.2 lbs. 15 5 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Key Slots Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 3 - Medium A19 60w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps Meets Title...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 125.54 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-06-23
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 75 W 1 Light Pendant in Brushed Stainless Steel Seagull Lighting Ferguson 3988551 6925253 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
P1137BS: One Light Mini-Pendant Collection: Casual Luxury UPC #:014817393187 Finish: Brushed Steel BS Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 1.9 lbs. 8 6 1/8 Wire: 180 color/Clear Silver Mounting Proc.: Double Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Halogen G9 T4 75w Max. 120v - ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 282.39 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100W 1 Light Extra Large Pendant in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 4666568 6925690 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
65439-782: Extra Large One Light Pendant Collection: Academy UPC #:785652216930 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 9.6 lbs. 17 12 1/4 Overall Height: 63 1/4 Wire: 120 color/Brown Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 139.67 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-07-01
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 22 in 100W 3 Light Medium Chandelier Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 3972553 6921467 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
31625-782: Three Light Chandelier Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 10 lbs. 22 Overall Height: 142 18 Wire: 144 color/Brown Chain: 120 Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 3 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: A decorative canopy ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 209.8 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100 W 3 Light Medium Chandelier in Brushed Nickel Ferguson 3972388 6921340 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
31625-962: Three Light Chandelier Collection: Wheaton Three Light Chandelier in Brushed Nickel Finish with Satin Etched Glass Shades UPC #:785652316203 Finish: Brushed Nickel 962 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 10 lbs. 22 Overall Height: 142 18 Wire: 144 color/Clear Chain: 12...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 209.39 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-02
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 20 in 100W 3 Light Medium Chandelier Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 4353286 6920619 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
35949-782: Three Light Chandelier Collection: Windgate Three Light Downlight Chandelier in Heirloom Bronze Finish with Alabaster Glass Shades UPC #:785652156601 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 5.8 lbs. 20 Overall Height: 51 3/4 14 Wire: 72 color/Brow...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 196.03 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100 W 9 Light Medium Chandelier in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 3972534 6921354 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
31627-782: Nine Light Chandelier Collection: Wheaton Nine Light Chandelier in Heirloom Bronze Finish with Satin Etched Glass Shades UPC #:785652316142 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 29 lbs. 31 30 1/4 Overall Height: 153 Wire: 144 color/Brown Chain: ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 251.24 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100 W 2 Light Medium Bracket in Polished Chrome Ferguson 3791512 6920634 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
40124-05: Two Light Wall / Bath Collection: Sagemore Two Light Bath Bar in Chrome Finish with Satin Etched Glass . Design #: D20079 UPC #:785652401244 Finish: Chrome 05 Dimensions: Width: Height: 13 1/4 10 1/2 Weight: 3.2 lbs. Extends: 8 1/4 Wire: 6 1/2 Connection: Mounted To Box Bul...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 236.4 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 60 W 6 Light Candelabra Pendant in Brushed Nickel Seagull Lighting Ferguson 2003034 6919271 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
5233-962: Six Light Hall / Foyer Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 19 lbs. 16 3/4 29 3/4 Overall Height: 119 3/4 Wire: 144 color/Clear Chain: 88 Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulb Appearance: Clear Bulbs: 6 - Candelabra B Torpedo 60w Max. 120v - Not i...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 316.8 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-08-10
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 100 W 2 Light Medium Pendant in Brushed Nickel Seagull Lighting Ferguson 4088125 8760822 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
65941-962: Two Light Pendant Collection: Windgate Two Light Pendant in Brushed Nickel Finish with Alabaster Glass Featured in the decorative Windgate collection 2 A19 Medium 100 watt light bulbs alabaster glass shade Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps Meets Title 24 energy effici...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 202.95 K page_count: 1 document date: 2021-08-13
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 100 W 5 Light Medium Chandelier in Brushed Nickel Ferguson 1704428 6925904 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
31061-962: Five Light Chandelier Dimensions: Diameter: Height: 24 15 1/2 Weight: 11.6 lbs. Overall Height: 144 Wire: 144 color/Clear Chain: 120 Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 5 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Adjustable arms ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 212.78 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-07-24
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting Medium E 26 Base LED Ceiling Light in Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 4702371 6926394 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
77437-782: Large One Light Semi-Flush Mount Collection: Academy UPC #:785652227752 Finish: Heirloom Bronze 782 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 4.9 lbs. 13 12 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Cap Nuts Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Fea...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 153.81 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-08-12
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 6 1 2 in 100 W Light Medium Lantern Black Seagull Lighting Ferguson 4088117 6922010 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
88940-12: One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern Collection: Bakersville One Light Outdoor Wall Lantern in Black Finish with Clear Beveled Glass UPC #:785652020612 Finish: Black 12 Dimensions: Width: Height: Weight: 2 lbs. 6 1/2 15 1/2 Extends: 7 3/4 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wall / Bath Con...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 221.28 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-08
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 100 W 3 Bulb Medium Strip Light in Brushed Nickel Seagull Lighting Ferguson 3972326 6921918 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44627-962: Three Light Wall / Bath Collection: Wheaton Three Light Bath Bar in Brushed Nickel Finish with Satin Etched Glass Shades UPC #:785652443206 Finish: Brushed Nickel 962 Dimensions: Width: Height: 23 3/4 7 3/4 Weight: 7.8 lbs. Extends: 8 1/4 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wall / ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 146.61 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-08-20
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION 12 in 100 W 2 Light Medium Bracket Brushed Nickel Seagull Lighting Ferguson 1704423 6923942 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44019-962: Two Light Wall / Bath Dimensions: Width: Height: 12 8 1/4 Weight: 3.24 lbs. Extends: 7 1/2 Wire: 6 1/2 color/Black/White Mounting Proc.: Center Lock-Up Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 2 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with opti...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 196.37 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 172 in 6 Light Medium E 26 Base Chandelier AutumnBronze Ferguson 4801695 6926125 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
3110406-715: Six Light Chandelier Collection: Sfera UPC #:785652240232 Finish: Autumn Bronze 715 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: 24 1/2 32 1/4 Weight: 25.5 lbs. Overall Height: 172 Wire: 168 color/Brown Chain: 144 Mounting Proc.: Screw Collar - Chain Connection: Mounted To Box Bulb...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 316.63 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 1 Light Medium E 26 Base Mini Pendant in AutumnBronze Ferguson 4801177 6924552 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
6110401-715: One Light Mini-Pendant Collection: Sfera UPC #:785652240287 Finish: Autumn Bronze 715 Dimensions: Diameter: Height: Weight: 3 lbs. 4 7 1/4 Overall Height: 53 1/2 Wire: 120 color/Brown Chain: 3 Mounting Proc.: Dual Mount Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 1 - Medium A19 ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 158.23 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-05
[pdf] Specifications Dimension Guide
SPECIFICATION Seagull Lighting 8 in 100 W 4 Light Medium Bracket Heirloom Bronze Ferguson 4088136 6921492 specification fergusonprod a bigcontent io v1 static |||
44942-782: Four Light Wall / Bath Dimensions: Width: Height: 30 1/4 8 1/4 Weight: 7.9 lbs. Extends: 8 Wire: 6 1/2 Mounting Proc.: Wall / Bath Connection: Mounted To Box Bulbs: 4 - Medium A19 100w Max. 120v - Not included Features: Easily converts to LED with optional replacement lamps ...
lang:en score:31 filesize: 151.41 K page_count: 1 document date: 2020-09-07

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