Shelly Europe Ltd.

Electronics Device Database


Device Name Model Type Certification Date
Shelly BLU Wall Switch 4 Shelly BLU Wall Switch 4, BLU Wall Switch 4, Wall Switch 4, Switch 4 User Guide 2024-12-10
Shelly BLU Gateway Gen3 BLUGTW-GEN3 FCC ID 2024-12-09
Mini WiFi Operated Smart Switch Mini, Gen3, Mini WiFi Operated Smart Switch, Mini, WiFi Operated Smart Switch, Operated Smart Switch, Smart Switch Instructions 2024-11-28
Wi-Fi/Bluetooth-operated RGBW controller PLUSRGBWPM FCC ID 2024-11-25
smart self-regulating thermostatic radiator valve head with Bluetooth connectivity SHELLYBLUTRV FCC ID 2024-11-20
Z-Wave Smart sensor with angle and illumination measurement WAVEDW FCC ID 2024-11-15
DIN-mountable Z-Wave two-channel smart dimmer with power measurement WAVEPRODIMMER FCC ID 2024-10-15
Shelly DALI Dimmer - built in extension unit S3DM-0A1WW ERAC 2024-10-01
Shelly DALI Dimmer - built in extension unit Shelly DALI Dimmer Gen3 ERAC 2024-10-01
Z-Wave smart power meter (Built-in module) Wave PM Mini ERAC 2024-07-24
2.4G Wi-Fi&BLE; module SHELLYXMOD1H8 FCC ID 2024-07-09
3-circuit DIN-mountable Z-Wave smart switch QPSW-0A3X16AU ERAC 2024-07-05
3-circuit DIN-mountable Z-Wave smart switch Wave Pro 3 ERAC 2024-07-05
Z-Wave smart switch Wave 1 Mini ERAC 2024-07-03
Z-Wave smart switch Wave 1PM Mini ERAC 2024-07-03
Z-Wave smart switch Wave Pro 1 ERAC 2024-07-03
Z-Wave smart switch Wave Pro 1PM ERAC 2024-07-03
Z-Wave smart switch Wave Pro 2 ERAC 2024-07-03
Z-Wave smart switch Wave Pro 2PM ERAC 2024-07-03
Z-Wave smart switch Wave Pro Shutter ERAC 2024-07-03
4 digital inputs controller WAVEI4 FCC ID 2024-06-18
4 digital inputs controller WAVEI4DC FCC ID 2024-06-18
3-circuit DIN-mountable Z-Wave smart switch WAVEPRO3 FCC ID 2024-06-18
DIN-rail mountable smart Dimmer Shelly Pro Dimmer 1PM ERAC 2024-06-11
DIN-rail mountable smart Dimmer Shelly Pro Dimmer 2PM ERAC 2024-06-11
4 digital inputs controller Wave i4 ERAC 2024-05-25
Z-Wave smart switch WAVEPRO2 FCC ID 2024-05-23
Z-Wave smart switch with power measurement WAVEPRO2PM FCC ID 2024-05-23
Smart Energy Measurement Instrument (Din-Rail mounted, Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth) Shelly Pro EM-50 ERAC 2024-05-21
Shelly LAN Switch Shelly LAN Switch ERAC 2024-05-18
Z-Wave smart switch WAVE1MINI FCC ID 2024-05-17
Z-Wave smart switch with power meter WAVE1PMMINI FCC ID 2024-05-17
Z-Wave smart power meter WAVEPMMINI FCC ID 2024-05-17
Smart switch 4PM FCC ID 2024-04-24
Smart switch 1PMMINI FCC ID 2024-04-18
Wi-Fi smart power meter PMMINI FCC ID 2024-04-18
Wi-Fi Smart Power Meter (Built-in module) Shelly Plus PM Mini ERAC 2024-04-10
Wi-Fi Smart Power Meter (Built-in module) Shelly PM Mini Gen3 ERAC 2024-04-10
Smart switch 1MINI FCC ID 2024-03-18
Smart Wi-Fi button SHELLYBUT1 FCC ID 2024-03-15
Z-wave switch WAVE1 FCC ID 2024-03-01
Z-wave switch WAVE1PM FCC ID 2024-03-01
591548 Wi-Fi Humidity and Temperature Sensor 591548 Wi-Fi Humidity and Temperature Sensor, 591548, Wi-Fi Humidity and Temperature Sensor, Humidity and Temperature Sensor, Temperature Sensor User Guide 2024-01-29
QMSW-0A1X8EU Wave 1 Mini Smart Switch With Potential-Free QMSW-0A1X8EU Wave 1 Mini Smart Switch With Potential-Free, QMSW-0A1X8EU, Wave 1 Mini Smart Switch With Potential-Free, Smart Switch With Potential-Free, Switch With Potential-Free, Potential-Free User Manual 2024-01-26
i4DC 4 Digital Inputs Controller i4DC 4 Digital Inputs Controller, i4DC, 4 Digital Inputs Controller, Inputs Controller, Controller User Guide 2024-01-26
Z-wave Smart Plug WAVEPLUGUS FCC ID 2024-01-22
Z-wave switch WAVE2PMSHUT FCC ID 2024-01-16
Switch Shelly Pro 3EM Switch Add-on ERAC 2024-01-07
Z-wave switch Wave 1 ERAC 2024-01-03
Smart Wall Display Shelly Wall Display ERAC 2023-12-26
Smart Motion Sensor SHELLYBLUMOT FCC ID 2023-12-24
Smart energy measurement instrument SHELLYPRO3EMS FCC ID 2023-12-24
Z-wave switch Wave 1PM ERAC 2023-12-23
Smart switch Shelly Plus 1 Mini ERAC 2023-12-22
Smart switch Shelly Plus 1 PM Mini ERAC 2023-12-22
Z-wave switch Wave 2PM ERAC 2023-12-22
Z-wave switch Wave Shutter ERAC 2023-12-22
Smart door sensor SHELLYBLUDW FCC ID 2023-12-21
Smart energy measurement instrument SHELLYPROEM50 FCC ID 2023-12-21
WAVE2PMSHUT Wave Shutter WAVE2PMSHUT, 2BDC6-WAVE2PMSHUT, 2BDC6WAVE2PMSHUT, WAVE2PMSHUT Wave Shutter, WAVE2PMSHUT, Wave Shutter, Shutter User Guide 2023-11-24
Shelly H&T G 3800235261538 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly H&T G 3800235261545 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubino Wave 1 Mini US | Z-Wave Smart Switch Relay 3800235268537 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Wave 1PM Mini US | Z-Wave Smart Switch Relay 3800235268544 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubino Wave PM Mini US | Z-Wave Smart Power Meter 3800235268551 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Wave 3800235268643 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Wave 3800235268667 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubin 3800235269060 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubino Wave 1 US UL | Z-wave Smart Switch Relay 3800235269169 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubino Wave 1PM US UL | Z-Wave Smart Switch Relay 3800235269176 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubino Wave 2PM US UL | Z-Wave Smart Switch Relay 3800235269183 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubin 3800235269190 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubin 3800235269367 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Qubino Wave Pro 1 US | Z-Wave Smart Relay Switch with Dry 3800235269466 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Wave Pro 1PM US | Z-Wave Smart Relay Switch with Power Me 3800235269473 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Wave 3800235269480 Specs 0000-00-00
Shelly Wave 3800235269497 Specs 0000-00-00

brands included: Shelly-europe, Shelly Europe, Shelly.

Documents - shelly-europe,shelly europe,shelly – shelly europe,Shelly Europe
[pdf] User Manual Guide
US FCC User and Safety Guide BLU Gateway Blu Gen3 Product Confluence Manual Shelly Europe Ltd BLUGTW GEN3 2BDC6 2BDC6BLUGTWGEN3 blugtw gen3
US FCC User and Safety Guide BLU Gateway EN 1 User and safety guide ES Manual de uso y seguridad ... orrecto, peligro para la salud y la vida, violacin de la ley y/o denegacin de guarantees if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in garantas legales y comerciales si l...
lang:es score:92 filesize: 373.72 K page_count: 7 document date: 2024-12-06
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd 1PMMINI Smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC61PMMINI 1pmmini
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE Wi-Fi smart switch with power measurement functionality Shelly Plus 1PM Min ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:89 filesize: 741.19 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-04-17
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd 1MINI Smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC61MINI 1mini
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE Wi-Fi smart switch with potential-free contacts Shelly Plus 1 Mini Read ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:88 filesize: 133.03 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-14
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide Decleration of Conformity
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYBLUMOT Smart Motion Sensor 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYBLUMOT shellyblumot
A B Fig.1/Abb.1 EN Legend A: Motion sensor lens light sensor and LED indicator behind the lens ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or imp...
lang:en score:87 filesize: 234.38 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-11-10
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide Decleration of Conformity
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYBLUDW Smart door sensor 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYBLUDW shellybludw
C B A D Fig.1/Abb.1 EN A: Light sensor B: Control button C: Magnet D: Sensor unit A C 10 mm / 0. ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:87 filesize: 384.67 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-14
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYPRO3EMS Smart energy measurement instrument 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYPRO3EMS shellypro3ems
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE SHELLY PRO 3EM-400 THREE-PHASE ENERGY METER Read before use This document c ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:86 filesize: 165.12 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-14
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYPROEM50 Smart energy measurement instrument 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYPROEM50 shellyproem50
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE SHELLY PRO EM-50 SINGLE-PHASE ENERGY METER Read before use This document co ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or imp...
lang:en score:86 filesize: 166.06 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-14
[pdf] User Manual Guide
US FCC User and Safety Guide BLU TRV Blu Product Confluence user manual Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYBLUTRV smart self regulating thermostatic radiator valve head with Bluetooth connectivity 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYBLUTRV shellyblutrv
US FCC User and Safety Guide BLU TRV ENGLISH 1 User and safety guide 2 Shelly BLU TRV 3 A smart the ... tees if any . funcionamiento incorrecto, peligro para la salud y la vida, violacin de la ley y/o Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect denegacin de gara...
lang:es score:86 filesize: 660.49 K page_count: 11 document date: 2024-11-18
[pdf] User Manual Guide Label
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1PM 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1PM wave1pm
Wave 1PM 110-240 V AC O SW L N AC 15A/240V DC 10A/30V Fig. 1 24-30 V DC GND O SW L N AC ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:84 filesize: 863.44 K page_count: 2 document date: 2023-09-27
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1PMMINI 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1PMMINI wave1pmmini
Wave 1PM Mini L 110 - 240 V AC N SW O LN Wave 1PM Mini 110-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz max. 8 A / 2000 W ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:83 filesize: 573.24 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-05-11
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRO2PM 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRO2PM wavepro2pm
Wave Pro 2PM WAVE PRO 2 PM S Fig.1/ EN LEGEND Device terminals: N: Neutral terminal L: Live termin ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:83 filesize: 542.5 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-05-20
[pdf] User Manual Guide Label
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE2PMSHUT 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE2PMSHUT wave2pmshut
Wave Shutter N O1 L O2 SW1 SW2 AC 120 V Fig. 1 N O1 L O2 SW1 SW2 AC 120 V Fig. 2 N O1 L O2 SW1 ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:83 filesize: 1.02 M page_count: 2 document date: 2023-11-24
[pdf] User Manual Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRO3 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRO3 wavepro3
Wave Pro 3 S Fig.1/ EN LEGEND Device terminals: N: Neutral terminal L: Live terminal 110-240 V A ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:83 filesize: 612.08 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-06
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide Label
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPLUGUS 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPLUGUS waveplugus
Wave Plug US A C D LEGEND A: Plug B: S button C: Socket D: LED B EN Packaging contents: Device, ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:82 filesize: 318.62 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-01-22
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEI4DC 4 digital inputs controller 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEI4DC wavei4dc
Wave i4DC GND SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 DC 5-24 V Fig. 1 GND SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 DC 5-24 V Fig. 2 Fig ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:81 filesize: 853.54 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-06
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEI4 4 digital inputs controller 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEI4 wavei4
Wave i4 SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 L N SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 L N S EN LEGEND Device terminals: N: Neutral termi ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:81 filesize: 827.85 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-06
[pdf] User Manual Guide Label
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1 Z wave switch 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1 wave1
Wave 1 max. 240 V AC max. 30 V DC 110 - 240 V AC OI SW 12V L N AC 15A/240V DC 10A/30V DC 12V A ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:80 filesize: 938.52 K page_count: 2 document date: 2023-09-27
[pdf] User Manual Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1MINI Z Wave smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1MINI wave1mini
Wave 1 Mini max. 240 V AC max. 30 V DC L 110 - 240 V AC N SW O I L N Wave 1 Mini 110-240 V AC, 50 ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:80 filesize: 606.56 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-05-11
[pdf] User Manual Guide
User Manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRO2 Z Wave smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRO2 wavepro2
Wave Pro 2 S Fig.1/ EN LEGEND Device terminals: N: Neutral terminal L: Live terminal 110240 V AC ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:80 filesize: 542.9 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-05-20
[pdf] SAR Rating
Microsoft Word WTX23X12268740W RFExposure FCC Administrator RF Exposure Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1PM 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1PM wave1pm
1. RF Exposure Requirements 1.1 General Information Client Information Applicant: Address of applicant: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Manufacturer: Address of manufacturer: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria General Description of EU...
lang:en score:79 filesize: 135.6 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-02-28
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Bilyana Arabistanova Erweitertes Serviceprogramm  Extended Service Program Shelly Europe service program v 1729605104 cdn shopify s files 1 0871 9967 8813 |||
Extended service program GENERAL This document provides the terms and conditions of Extended servic ... onsumer s rights under the Extended service program as prescribed hereby are granted voluntarily by Shelly Europe Ltd., registered in the Commercial register and the registrar of non-profit legal enti...
lang:en score:79 filesize: 191.77 K page_count: 5 document date: 2024-07-10
[pdf] SAR Rating
Microsoft Word WTX23X12268728W RFExposure FCC Administrator RF Exposure Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1 Z wave switch 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1 wave1
1. RF Exposure Requirements 1.1 General Information Client Information Applicant: Address of applicant: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Manufacturer: Address of manufacturer: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria General Description of EU...
lang:en score:78 filesize: 135.6 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-02-28
POA letter Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRODIMMER 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRODIMMER waveprodimmer
Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd.; 1407 Sofia; Bulgaria --------------- ------------- Date: 2024-09-30 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION AND EVALUATION DIVISION 7435 OAKLAND MILLS ROAD COLUMBIA, MD 21046 SUBJECT: FCC Application for FCC ID:2BDC6-WAVEPRODIMMER POWER OF AT...
lang:en score:78 filesize: 58.55 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-10-11
US Agent 2 911 d 7 U V05 Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPLUGUS 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPLUGUS waveplugus
Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division Equipment Authorization Branch 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 U.S. Agent Designation 2024/01/18 Shelly Europe Ltd. acknowledges their consent for the f...
lang:en score:77 filesize: 42.02 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-01-22
POA Shelly Europe Ltd 1MINI Smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC61MINI 1mini
Shelly Europe Ltd. --1-0--3--C--h-e-r--n-i-V--r-a-h---B--lv--d-.-,--S-o--fi-a---1-4-0--7-,--B-u--lg-a-r-i-a----------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Date: 2023-11-01 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION AND EVALUATION DIVISION 7435 OAKLAND MILLS ROAD COLUM...
lang:en score:77 filesize: 55.65 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-03-07
[pdf] Instructions Guide
USER AND SAFETY GUIDE SHELLY PRO 3EM 18 hours ago — tion or improper operation of this device due to failure following the user and safety instructions in guide Product Introduction Shelly® is a line Shelly 120A EN cdn files innpro pl Pro3EM |||
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE SHELLY PRO 3EM THREE-PHASE ENERGY METER Read before use This document conta ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:76 filesize: 299.54 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-06
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
Igor Magajne User manual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEDW Z Wave Smart sensor with angle and illumination measurement 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEDW wavedw
Shelly Wave Door/Window i4 DC A: Light sensor B: Control button C: Magnet D: Sensor unit E: LED indi ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:76 filesize: 324.23 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-11-11
POA Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYPRO3EMS Smart energy measurement instrument 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYPRO3EMS shellypro3ems
Shelly Europe Ltd. _ _l_QJ_iJ1_ _1: 1Y - _ft-_ 1_Q 1_ g_a_i _a_ _ - - -- - - - ------ - - - ----- - - - - - - --- - -------- - - - - - ------- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - ---- Date: 2023-11-01 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION AND EVALUATION DIVISION 7435 OAKLAND MILLS ROAD COLUMBIA, ...
lang:en score:76 filesize: 68.46 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-15
POA Letter Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYBLUMOT Smart Motion Sensor 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYBLUMOT shellyblumot
Shelly Europe Ltd. ,--1-0--3--C--h-e-r-n--i-V--r-a--h--B--lv--d-.-,-S--o-f-i-a--1--4-0-7--,-B--u--lg-a-r-i-a------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 2023-11-01 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION AND EVALUATION DIVISION 7435 OAKLAND MILLS ROAD COLUMB...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 64.75 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-18
POA Letter Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYBLUDW Smart door sensor 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYBLUDW shellybludw
Shelly Europe Ltd. --1-0--3--C--h-e-r--n-i-V--r-a-h---B--lv--d-.-,--S-o-f-i-a--1-4--0--7-,-B--u--lg-a-r-i-a-----------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 2023-11-01 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION AUTHORIZATION AND EVALUATION DIVISION 7435 OAKLAND MILLS ROAD COLUMBIA,...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 56.98 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-18
[pdf] Instructions Guide
USER AND SAFETY GUIDE SHELLY PRO 3EM 14 oct 2023 — THREE PHASE ENERGY METER Read before use the user and safety instructions in this guide Product Introduction Shelly Pro Multilanguage v06 web inst v 7a0d8fa9 460d 44b0 997c 3f7aea4c5d17 kb shelly cloud attachments 67665921 |||
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE SHELLY PRO 3EM THREE-PHASE ENERGY METER Read before use This document conta ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 499.13 K page_count: 2 document date: 2023-10-11
[pdf] Instructions Guide
USER AND SAFETY GUIDE Wi Fi 19 ore fa — operation of this device due to failure following the user and safety instructions in guide Product Introduction Shelly® is a line innovative Shelly Plus 1 Mini multilingual printed inst v 38cdfd34 b5dd 4d0b 9d6c acadad82744c kb shelly cloud attachments 391315459 |||
EN USER AND SAFETY GUIDE Wi-Fi smart switch with potential-free contacts Shelly Plus 1 Mini Read ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 267.31 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-01-23
[pdf] SAR Rating
Lahm RF Exposure Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1PMMINI 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1PMMINI wave1pmmini
1. RF Exposure Requirements 1.1 General Information Client Information Applicant: Address of applicant: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Manufacturer: Address of manufacturer: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria General Description of EU...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 195.57 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-05-11
[pdf] SAR Rating
Lahm RF Exposure Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRO2PM 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRO2PM wavepro2pm
1. RF Exposure Requirements 1.1 General Information Client Information Applicant: Address of applicant: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Manufacturer: Address of manufacturer: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria General Description of EU...
lang:en score:75 filesize: 193.05 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-05-20
Admin Attestation Statements part ii Shelly Europe Ltd 1MINI Smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC61MINI 1mini
Shelly Europe Ltd. __l_Q;,_q, 1ryj_y_1 1_ y = ,_,C _ -Q 1_1 g_1 _____________________________________________________________-- _--- Date: 2023-11-01 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21 046 USA Ref: Attestation Statements Pa...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 60.38 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-03-07
Attestation Section 2 911 d 5 ii Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRODIMMER 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRODIMMER waveprodimmer
Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd. 1407 Sofia Bulgaria ---------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------- Date: 2024-09-30 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA Ref: A...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 49.75 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-10-11
Attestation Section 2 911 d 5 i Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRODIMMER 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRODIMMER waveprodimmer
Shelly Europe Ltd. --1-0--3--C--h-e-r--n-i-V--r-a--h--B--lv--d-.--1-4-0--7--S-o--f-i-a-B--u--lg-a-r-i-a---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2024-09-30 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 57.24 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-10-11
Admin Attestation Statements part i Shelly Europe Ltd 1MINI Smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC61MINI 1mini
Shelly Europe Ltd. --I-0--3--C--b-e-r--n-i-V--r-a--b--B--l-v-d-.-,--S-o--fi-a---14--0-7--,-B--u--lg-a-r-i-a------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 2023-11-01 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbi...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 53.18 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-03-07
[pdf] Decleration of Conformity
Stuart Beck Modular Approval Letter Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYXMOD1H8 2 4G Wi Fi BLE module 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYXMOD1H8 shellyxmod1h8
Shelly Europe Ltd. Declaration of the Modular Approval Applicant / Grantee FCC ID: Model: Shelly Europe Ltd. 2BDC6-SHELLYXMOD1H8 Shelly-X-MOD1-H8 The single module transmitter has been evaluated then tested meeting the requirements under Part 15C Section 212 as below: Modular approval requireme...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 125.66 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-06-18
[pdf] Test Report
Test Report DXX Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPLUGUS 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPLUGUS waveplugus
Shenzhen CTA Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Room 106, Building 1, Yibaolai Industrial Park, Qiaotou Co ... .... : Fuhai Street, Bao an District, Shenzhen, China Applicant s name............................: Shelly Europe Ltd. Address ............................................: 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407...
lang:en score:74 filesize: 2.34 M page_count: 28 document date: 2024-01-22
Admin Attestation Statements part ii Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYPRO3EMS Smart energy measurement instrument 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYPRO3EMS shellypro3ems
Shelly Europe Ltd. I 03 Cherni Vrah Blvd., Sofia 1407, Bulgaria Date: 2023-11-01 Fedeal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA Ref: Attestation Statements Part 2.911 d 5 ii Filing SUBJECT: FCC Application fo FCC ID: 2BDC6...
lang:en score:73 filesize: 56.39 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-15
Admin Attestation Statements part i Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYPRO3EMS Smart energy measurement instrument 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYPRO3EMS shellypro3ems
Shelly Europe Ltd. --I-0--3--C--h-e-r--n-i-V--r-a--h--B--l-v-d-.-,--S-o--fi-a---1-4-0-7--,-B--u--lg-a-r-i-a------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: 2023-11-01 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbi...
lang:en score:73 filesize: 50.51 K page_count: 1 document date: 2023-12-15
[pdf] Agent Authorization
US Agent letter Shelly Europe Ltd PLUSRGBWPM Wi Fi Bluetooth operated RGBW controller 2BDC6 2BDC6PLUSRGBWPM plusrgbwpm
Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., Sofia 1407, Bulgaria Federal Communications Commission 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia MD 21046 RE: Attestation Statement Part 2.911 d 7 for FCC ID:2BDC6-PLUSRGBWPM To whom it may concern, Shelly Europe Ltd., 2BDC6 the applicant certifies that, as ...
lang:en score:73 filesize: 185.9 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-11-07
[pdf] Specifications
Antenna specification Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPLUGUS 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPLUGUS waveplugus
1. Antenna Description: Antenna type Model Frequency range Manufacturer Gain Internal Antenna Wave Plug US 908.40MHz Shelly Europe Ltd. 0.00 dBi 2. Antenna Photo: ...
lang:en score:73 filesize: 340.81 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-01-22
horova@pama it cz SHELLY BLU H and T Smart Bluetooth snímač vlhkosti a 25‏ 11‏ 2024 — Zařízení je dodáváno s firmwarem nainstalovaným z výroby Aby byl systém aktuální bezpečný poskytuje společnost Shelly Europe Ltd nejnovější aktualizace shelly blu h t mysmarthome user related files |||
SHELLY BLU H and T Smart Bluetooth snmac vlhkosti a teploty Informace o vrobku Bezpecn informace Tat ... n je dodvno s firmwarem nainstalovanm z vroby. Aby byl systm aktuln a bezpecn, poskytuje spolecnost Shelly Europe Ltd. nejnovjs aktualizace firmwaru zdarma. Zskejte pstup k aktualizacm prostednictvm m...
lang:it score:73 filesize: 224.74 K page_count: 7 document date: 2024-11-22
APPLICANT S LETTERHEAD Sid Sanders Attestation Statements Part 2 911 i ii Shelly Europe Ltd BLUGTW GEN3 BLU Gateway Gen3 2BDC6 2BDC6BLUGTWGEN3 blugtw gen3
Shelly Europe Ltd. Federal Communications Commission Authorization and Evaluation Division 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia, MD 21046 USA Date: 2024.11.27 Ref: Attestation Statements Part 2.911 d 5 i Filing FCC ID: 2BDC6-BLUGTW-GEN3 Shelly Europe Ltd. the applicant certifies that the equi...
lang:en score:72 filesize: 444.41 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-11-27
[pdf] SAR Rating
Lahm RF Exposure Shelly Europe Ltd WAVE1MINI Z Wave smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVE1MINI wave1mini
1. RF Exposure Requirements 1.1 General Information Client Information Applicant: Address of applicant: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Manufacturer: Address of manufacturer: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria General Description of EU...
lang:en score:72 filesize: 195.54 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-05-11
[pdf] SAR Rating
Lahm RF Exposure Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPRO2 Z Wave smart switch 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPRO2 wavepro2
1. RF Exposure Requirements 1.1 General Information Client Information Applicant: Address of applicant: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria Manufacturer: Address of manufacturer: Shelly Europe Ltd. 103 Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia, Bulgaria General Description of EU...
lang:en score:72 filesize: 192.96 K page_count: 3 document date: 2024-05-20
Microsoft Word FCC Attestation Letter COVERED EQUIPMENT R6DL Statements Shelly Europe Ltd SHELLYXMOD1H8 2 4G Wi Fi BLE module 2BDC6 2BDC6SHELLYXMOD1H8 shellyxmod1h8
Shelly Europe Ltd. To:Federal Communications Commission Date:2024/4/12 7435 Oakland Mills Road Columbia,MD 21046 USA t est ation Section 2.911 d 5 i and Section 2.911 d 5 ii KDB 986446 D01 Covered Equipment Section 2.911 d 5 i Shelly Europe Ltd. the applicant certifies that the equipment ...
lang:en score:72 filesize: 94.46 K page_count: 1 document date: 2024-07-03
[pdf] User Manual Instructions Guide
UserManual Shelly Europe Ltd WAVEPMMINI Z Wave smart power meter 2BDC6 2BDC6WAVEPMMINI wavepmmini
Wave PM Mini L 110 - 240 V AC N OO LN Wave PM Mini 110-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz max. 16 A / 3840 W 2 ... to your health and life, violation of law or refusal of legal and/or commercial guarantee if any . Shelly Europe Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage in case of incorrect installation or im...
lang:en score:72 filesize: 600.94 K page_count: 2 document date: 2024-05-11

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